/* Sizes */ .live-tile, .list-tile, .copy-tile, .tile-strip .flip-list > li { height: 150px; margin: 5px; outline: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0px; width: 150px; } .live-tile.half-tile, .list-tile.half-tile, .copy-tile.half-tile, .tile-strip .flip-list > li.half-tile { height: 70px; width: 70px; } .live-tile.half-wide, .list-tile.half-wide, .copy-tile.half-wide, .tile-strip .flip-list > li.half-wide { width: 70px; } .live-tile.two-wide, .list-tile.two-wide, .copy-tile.two-wide, .tile-strip .flip-list > li.two-wide { width: 310px; } .live-tile.three-wide, .list-tile.three-wide, .copy-tile.three-wide, .tile-strip .flip-list > li.three-wide { width: 470px; } .live-tile.four-wide, .list-tile.four-wide, .copy-tile.four-wide, .tile-strip .flip-list > li.four-wide { width: 630px; } .live-tile.five-wide, .list-tile.five-wide, .copy-tile.five-wide, .tile-strip .flip-list > li.five-wide { width: 790px; } .live-tile.six-wide, .list-tile.six-wide, .copy-tile.six-wide, .tile-strip .flip-list > li.six-wide { width: 950px; } .live-tile.seven-wide, .list-tile.seven-wide, .copy-tile.seven-wide, .tile-strip .flip-list > li.seven-wide { width: 1110px; } .live-tile.eight-wide, .list-tile.eight-wide, .copy-tile.eight-wide, .tile-strip .flip-list > li.eight-wide { width: 1270px; } .live-tile.nine-wide, .list-tile.nine-wide, .copy-tile.nine-wide, .tile-strip .flip-list > li.nine-wide { width: 1430px; } .live-tile.ten-wide, .list-tile.ten-wide, .copy-tile.ten-wide, .tile-strip .flip-list > li.ten-wide { width: 1590px; } .live-tile.half-tall, .list-tile.half-tall, .copy-tile.half-tall, .tile-strip .flip-list > li.half-tall { height: 70px; } .live-tile.two-tall, .list-tile.two-tall, .copy-tile.two-tall, .tile-strip .flip-list > li.two-tall { height: 310px; } .live-tile.three-tall, .list-tile.three-tall, .copy-tile.three-tall, .tile-strip .flip-list > li.three-tall { height: 470px; } .live-tile.four-tall, .list-tile.four-tall, .copy-tile.four-tall, .tile-strip .flip-list > li.four-tall { height: 630px; } .live-tile.five-tall, .list-tile.five-tall, .copy-tile.five-tall, .tile-strip .flip-list > li.five-tall { height: 790px; } .live-tile.six-tall, .list-tile.six-tall, .copy-tile.six-tall, .tile-strip .flip-list > li.six-tall { height: 950px; } .live-tile.seven-tall, .list-tile.seven-tall, .copy-tile.seven-tall, .tile-strip .flip-list > li.seven-tall { height: 1110px; } .live-tile.eight-tall, .list-tile.eight-tall, .copy-tile.eight-tall, .tile-strip .flip-list > li.eight-tall { height: 1270px; } .live-tile.nine-tall, .list-tile.nine-tall, .copy-tile.nine-tall, .tile-strip .flip-list > li.nine-tall { height: 1430px; } .live-tile.ten-tall, .list-tile.ten-tall, .copy-tile.ten-tall, .tile-strip .flip-list > li.ten-tall { height: 1590px; } /* End Sizes */ /* flip-list tile grid sprite styles */ .live-tile > .flip-list, .list-tile > .flip-list { height: 100%; width: 100%; } .flip-list > li { height: 50px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; width: 50px; } .flip-list.fourTiles > li { border: none; padding: 0; margin: 0; height: 50%; width: 50%; } .flip-list.nineTiles > li { height: 33%; width: 33%; border: none; padding: 0; margin: 0; } .flip-list.fourTiles > li > div, .flip-list.fourTiles > li > div > a, .flip-list.fourTiles > li > div > img, .flip-list.nineTiles > li > div, .flip-list.nineTiles > li > div > a, .flip-list.nineTiles > li > div > img { border: none; height: 100%; width: 100%; padding: 0; margin: 0; } /* fourTile background positions */ .fourTiles .fourTiles1 img, .fourTiles img.fourTiles1, .fourTiles .fourTiles1 a, .fourTiles .tile-1 img, .fourTiles .tile-1 a { background-position: 0px 0px; } .fourTiles .fourTiles2 img, .fourTiles img.fourTiles2, .fourTiles .fourTiles2 a, .fourTiles .tile-2 img, .fourTiles .tile-2 a { background-position: -75px 0px; } .fourTiles .fourTiles3 img, .fourTiles img.fourTiles3, .fourTiles .fourTiles3 a, .fourTiles .tile-3 img, .fourTiles .tile-3 a { background-position: 0px -75px; } .fourTiles .fourTiles4 img, .fourTiles img.fourTiles4, .fourTiles .fourTiles4 a, .fourTiles .tile-4 img, .fourTiles .tile-4 a { background-position: -75px -75px; } /* nineTile background positions */ .nineTiles .nineTiles1 img, .nineTiles img.nineTiles1, .nineTiles .nineTiles1 a, .nineTiles .tile-1 img, .nineTiles .tile-1 a { background-position: 0px 0px; } .nineTiles .nineTiles2 img, .nineTiles img.nineTiles2, .nineTiles .nineTiles2 a, .nineTiles .tile-2 img, .nineTiles .tile-2 a { background-position: -50px 0px; } .nineTiles .nineTiles3 img, .nineTiles img.nineTiles3, .nineTiles .nineTiles3 a, .nineTiles .tile-3 img, .nineTiles .tile-3 a { background-position: -100px 0px; } .nineTiles .nineTiles4 img, .nineTiles img.nineTiles4, .nineTiles .nineTiles4 a, .nineTiles .tile-4 img, .nineTiles .tile-4 a { background-position: 0px -50px; } .nineTiles .nineTiles5 img, .nineTiles img.nineTiles5, .nineTiles .nineTiles5 a, .nineTiles .tile-5 img, .nineTiles .tile-5 a { background-position: -50px -50px; } .nineTiles .nineTiles6 img, .nineTiles img.nineTiles6, .nineTiles .nineTiles6 a, .nineTiles .tile-6 img, .nineTiles .tile-6 a { background-position: -100px -50px; } .nineTiles .nineTiles7 img, .nineTiles img.nineTiles7, .nineTiles .nineTiles7 a, .nineTiles .tile-7 img, .nineTiles .tile-7 a { background-position: 0px -100px; } .nineTiles .nineTiles8 img, .nineTiles img.nineTiles8, .nineTiles .nineTiles8 a, .nineTiles .tile-8 img, .nineTiles .tile-8 a { background-position: -50px -100px; } .nineTiles .nineTiles9 img, .nineTiles img.nineTiles9, .nineTiles .nineTiles9 a, .nineTiles .tile-9 img, .nineTiles .tile-9 a { background-position: -100px -100px; } .tile-group, .tile-strip { display: block; overflow: hidden; position: relative; z-index: 20; -webkit-perspective: 800px; -moz-perspective: 800px; -ms-perspective: 800px; perspective: 800px; } .tile-group.one-tile, .tile-strip.one-tile { height: 160px; width: 160px; } .tile-group.half-wide, .tile-strip.half-wide { width: 80px; } .tile-group.one-wide, .tile-strip.one-wide { width: 160px; } .tile-group.two-wide, .tile-strip.two-wide { width: 320px; } .tile-group.three-wide, .tile-strip.three-wide { width: 480px; } .tile-group.four-wide, .tile-strip.four-wide { width: 640px; } .tile-group.five-wide, .tile-strip.five-wide { width: 800px; } .tile-group.six-wide, .tile-strip.six-wide { width: 960px; } .tile-group.seven-wide, .tile-strip.seven-wide { width: 1120px; } .tile-group.eight-wide, .tile-strip.eight-wide { width: 1280px; } .tile-group.nine-wide, .tile-strip.nine-wide { width: 1440px; } .tile-group.ten-wide, .tile-strip.ten-wide { width: 1600px; } .tile-group.half-tall, .tile-strip.half-tall { height: 80px; } .tile-group.one-tall, .tile-strip.one-tall { height: 160px; } .tile-group.two-tall, .tile-strip.two-tall { height: 320px; } .tile-group.three-tall, .tile-strip.three-tall { height: 480px; } .tile-group.four-tall, .tile-strip.four-tall { height: 640px; } .tile-group.five-tall, .tile-strip.five-tall { height: 800px; } .tile-group.six-tall, .tile-strip.six-tall { height: 960px; } .tile-group.seven-tall, .tile-strip.seven-tall { height: 1120px; } .tile-group.eight-tall, .tile-strip.eight-tall { height: 1280px; } .tile-group.nine-tall, .tile-strip.nine-tall { height: 1440px; } .tile-group.ten-tall, .tile-strip.ten-tall { height: 1600px; } /* liveTile styles */ .tile-strip, .live-tile, .list-tile, .copy-tile, .slide { float: left; } .live-tile, .list-tile, .copy-tile { color: #fff; overflow: hidden; position: relative; z-index: 20; } .live-tile p, .list-tile p, .copy-tile p, .live-tile .face, .list-tile .face, .copy-tile .face { display: block; font-size: 1em; line-height: 1.2em; margin: 0; } .live-tile .face, .list-tile .face, .copy-tile .face { padding: 0px; } .live-tile p, .list-tile p, .copy-tile p { padding: 10px; } .live-tile.half-tile p, .list-tile.half-tile p, .copy-tile.half-tile p { padding: 5px; } .live-tile .face.full, .list-tile .face.full, .copy-tile .face.full { height: 100%; width: 100%; } .live-tile img, .list-tile img, .copy-tile img { border: none; } .live-tile .tile-title, .list-tile .tile-title, .copy-tile .tile-title { -moz-box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; position: absolute; bottom: 0px; font-size: 12px; left: 0px; text-decoration: none; width: 100%; z-index: 30; } .live-tile a, .list-tile a, .copy-tile a { color: #fff; } .live-tile a.tile-title:link, .list-tile a.tile-title:link, .copy-tile a.tile-title:link, .live-tile a.tile-title:visited, .list-tile a.tile-title:visited, .copy-tile a.tile-title:visited, .live-tile a.tile-title:hover, .list-tile a.tile-title:hover, .copy-tile a.tile-title:hover, .live-tile a.tile-title, .list-tile a.tile-title, .copy-tile a.tile-title { text-decoration: none; } .live-tile a:link, .list-tile a:link, .copy-tile a:link, .live-tile a:visited, .list-tile a:visited, .copy-tile a:visited { color: #fff; text-decoration: underline; } .live-tile a:hover, .list-tile a:hover, .copy-tile a:hover { color: #fff; text-decoration: none; } .light .copy-tile { color: #000; } .light .copy-tile.accent { color: #fff; } .light .copy-tile.accent a, .light .copy-tile.accent a:link, .light .copy-tile.accent a:visited, .light .copy-tile.accent a:hover { color: #fff; } .light .copy-tile a, .light .copy-tile a:link, .light .copy-tile a:visited, .light .copy-tile a:hover { color: #000; } .light .copy-tile .face, .light .copy-tile .accent { color: #fff; } .light .copy-tile .face a, .light .copy-tile .accent a, .light .copy-tile .face a:link, .light .copy-tile .accent a:link, .light .copy-tile .face a:visited, .light .copy-tile .accent a:visited, .light .copy-tile .face a:hover, .light .copy-tile .accent a:hover { color: #fff; } .copy-tile p { padding: 5px 5px 0px 5px; font-size: .95em; } .noselect > div, .noselect > .slide, .noselect > .slide-front, .noselect > .slide-back, .noselect > .fade-front, .noselect > .fade-back, .noselect > .flip-front, .noselect > .flip-back { -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; } .live-tile > div, .list-tile > div, .live-tile > .slide, .carousel > .slide, .live-tile > .slide-front, .live-tile > .slide-back, .live-tile > .fade-front, .live-tile > .fade-back, .live-tile > .flip-front, .live-tile > .flip-back { -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; top: 0px; left: 0px; margin: 0px; height: 100%; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; position: absolute; z-index: 20; } .list-tile > div { position: relative; background-color: transparent; } .live-tile .align-mid { display: inline-block; position: absolute; left: 50%; max-height: 100%; top: 50%; -moz-transform: translate(-50%, -50%); -ms-transform: translate(-50%, -50%); -o-transform: translate(-50%, -50%); -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%); transform: translate(-50%, -50%); } .live-tile .align-mid-x { display: inline-block; left: 50%; max-width: 100%; position: absolute; -moz-transform: translate(-50%, 0px); -ms-transform: translate(-50%, 0px); -o-transform: translate(-50%, 0px); -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, 0px); transform: translate(-50%, 0px); } .live-tile .align-mid-y { display: inline-block; max-height: 100%; position: absolute; top: 50%; -moz-transform: translate(0px, -50%); -ms-transform: translate(0px, -50%); -o-transform: translate(0px, -50%); -webkit-transform: translate(0px, -50%); transform: translate(0px, -50%); } img.full, a.full, .live-tile .full, .list-tile .full { display: block; margin: 0px; height: 100%; text-decoration: none; width: 100%; } img.full-w, a.full-w, .live-tile .full-w, .list-tile .full-w { display: block; margin: 0px; text-decoration: none; width: 100%; } img.full-h, a.full-h, .live-tile .full-h, .list-tile .full-h { display: block; margin: 0px; height: 100%; } .live-tile > .back, .live-tile > .slide-back, .live-tile > .fade-back, .live-tile > .flip-back, .flip-list .flip-back { position: absolute; z-index: 10; } /* ========== flip-list Styles ========== .flip-list ---li ------div.flip-front ------div.flip-back */ .flip-list { padding: 0px; margin: 0px; } .list-tile .flip-list { height: 100%; width: 100%; } .flip-list > li > a { border: none; outline: none; text-decoration: none; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; height: 100%; width: 100%; } .flip-list > li img { border: none; outline: none; height: 100%; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; width: 100%; } .flip-list > li { float: left; list-style-type: none; outline: none; position: relative; } .flip-list > li > div { border: none; background: white; height: 100%; left: 0px; margin: 0px; overflow: hidden; position: absolute; padding: 0px; top: 0px; width: 100%; z-index: 20; } .flip-list > li > div.flip-back { height: 0px; } /* ------ Hardware Accelerated Tiles --------*/ /* flip */ .live-tile.flip.ha, .flip-list.ha { position: relative; overflow: hidden; } .live-tile.flip .ha.flip-front, .flip-list .ha.flip-front, .live-tile.flip .ha.flip-back, .flip-list .ha.flip-back { position: absolute; z-index: 20; -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; -moz-backface-visibility: hidden; backface-visibility: hidden; } .flip-list > li > .ha.flip-back, .flip-list > li > .ha.flip-back img { /* override the values set for margin and ensure the back tile is visible */ margin: 0px !important; height: 100%; } .bounce { cursor: pointer; outline: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; -webkit-transition: all .2s ease; -moz-transition: all .2s ease; -o-transition: all .2s ease; transition: all .2s ease; -webkit-transform: scale(1); -ms-transform: scale(1); -moz-transform: scale(1); -o-transform: scale(1); transform: scale(1); -webkit-transform-origin: 50% 50%; -moz-transform-origin: 50% 50%; -ms-transform-origin: 50% 50%; -o-transform-origin: 50% 50%; transform-origin: 50% 50%; -webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d; -moz-transform-style: preserve-3d; -ms-transform-style: preserve-3d; transform-style: preserve-3d; -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; -moz-backface-visibility: hidden; backface-visibility: hidden; } .bounce.bounce-c { filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=0.95, M12=0, M21=0, M22=0.95); -webkit-transform: scale(0.95); -ms-transform: scale(0.95); -moz-transform: scale(0.95); -o-transform: scale(0.95); transform: scale(0.95); } .bounce.bounce-t { -webkit-transform: rotateX(20deg); -ms-transform: rotateX(20deg); -moz-transform: rotateX(20deg); -o-transform: rotateX(20deg); transform: rotateX(20deg); -webkit-transform-origin: 0% 100%; -moz-transform-origin: 0% 100%; -ms-transform-origin: 0% 100%; -o-transform-origin: 0% 100%; transform-origin: 0% 100%; } .bounce.bounce-b { -webkit-transform: rotateX(-20deg); -ms-transform: rotateX(-20deg); -moz-transform: rotateX(-20deg); -o-transform: rotateX(-20deg); transform: rotateX(-20deg); -webkit-transform-origin: 50% 0%; -moz-transform-origin: 50% 0%; -ms-transform-origin: 50% 0%; -o-transform-origin: 50% 0%; transform-origin: 50% 0%; } .bounce.bounce-r { -webkit-transform: rotateY(20deg); -ms-transform: rotateY(20deg); -moz-transform: rotateY(20deg); -o-transform: rotateY(20deg); transform: rotateY(20deg); -webkit-transform-origin: 0% 50%; -moz-transform-origin: 0% 50%; -ms-transform-origin: 0% 50%; -o-transform-origin: 0% 50%; transform-origin: 0% 50%; } .bounce.bounce-l { -webkit-transform: rotateY(-20deg); -ms-transform: rotateY(-20deg); -moz-transform: rotateY(-20deg); -o-transform: rotateY(-20deg); transform: rotateY(-20deg); -webkit-transform-origin: 100% 50%; -moz-transform-origin: 100% 50%; -ms-transform-origin: 100% 50%; -o-transform-origin: 100% 50%; transform-origin: 100% 50%; } .bounce.bounce-tl { -webkit-transform: rotateX(10deg) rotateY(-10deg); -ms-transform: rotateX(10deg) rotateY(-10deg); -moz-transform: rotateX(10deg) rotateY(-10deg); -o-transform: rotateX(10deg) rotateY(-10deg); transform: rotateX(10deg) rotateY(-10deg); } .bounce.bounce-tr { -webkit-transform: rotateX(10deg) rotateY(10deg); -ms-transform: rotateX(10deg) rotateY(10deg); -moz-transform: rotateX(10deg) rotateY(10deg); -o-transform: rotateX(10deg) rotateY(10deg); transform: rotateX(10deg) rotateY(10deg); } .bounce.bounce-bl { -webkit-transform: rotateX(-10deg) rotateY(-10deg); -ms-transform: rotateX(-10deg) rotateY(-10deg); -moz-transform: rotateX(-10deg) rotateY(-10deg); -o-transform: rotateX(-10deg) rotateY(-10deg); transform: rotateX(-10deg) rotateY(-10deg); } .bounce.bounce-br { -webkit-transform: rotateX(-10deg) rotateY(10deg); -ms-transform: rotateX(-10deg) rotateY(10deg); -moz-transform: rotateX(-10deg) rotateY(10deg); -o-transform: rotateX(-10deg) rotateY(10deg); transform: rotateX(-10deg) rotateY(10deg); } .metroBig, .metroExtraLarge, .face.metroBig, .face.metroExtraLarge, .live-tile .metroExtraLarge { font-size: 2em; line-height: 1.1em; } a.metroBig:link, a.metroExtraLarge:link, a.face.metroBig:link, a.face.metroExtraLarge:link, a.live-tile .metroExtraLarge:link { text-decoration: none; } .metroLarger, .face.metroLarger, .live-tile .metroLarger { font-size: 1.5em; line-height: 1.1em; } a.metroLarger:link, a.face.metroLarger:link, a.live-tile .metroLarger:link { text-decoration: none; } .metroLarge, .face.metroLarge, .live-tile .metroLarge { font-size: 1.2em; line-height: 1.1em; } a.metroLarge:link, a.face.metroLarge:link, a.live-tile .metroLarge:link { text-decoration: none; } .metroSmall, .face.metroSmall, .live-tile .metroSmall { font-size: .9em; line-height: 1em; } a.metroSmall:link, a.face.metroSmall:link, a.live-tile .metroSmall:link { text-decoration: none; } .metroSmaller, .face.metroSmaller, .live-tile .metroSmaller { font-size: .8em; line-height: 1em; } a.metroSmaller:link, a.face.metroSmaller:link, a.live-tile .metroSmaller:link { text-decoration: none; } .metroExtraSmall, .face.metroExtraSmall, .live-tile .metroExtraSmall { font-size: .7em; line-height: 1em; } a.metroExtraSmall:link, a.face.metroExtraSmall:link, a.live-tile .metroExtraSmall:link { text-decoration: none; } .live-tile .p-top { display: block; position: absolute; right: 0px; text-decoration: none; } .live-tile .p-right { display: block; position: absolute; right: 0px; text-decoration: none; } .live-tile .p-bottom { display: block; position: absolute; bottom: 0px; text-decoration: none; } .live-tile .p-left { display: block; position: absolute; left: 0px; text-decoration: none; } /***** Theme Definitions *****/ .light { background-color: #fff; color: #000; } .dark { background-color: #000; color: #fff; } .light.accent { background-color: #fff; } .dark.accent { background-color: #000; } .light .appbar { background-color: #dfdfdf; } .dark .appbar { background-color: #212021; } /*live tile accent colors */ .amber .accent, .amber .accentBg, .amber .accentBgHover:hover, .amber .accentBgHover a:hover, .amber .live-tile > div, .amber .copy-tile > div, .amber .live-tile > .face, .amber .copy-tile > .face, .amber .live-tile > .slide, .amber .live-tile > .flip-back, .amber .live-tile > .flip-front, .amber .live-tile > .slide-back, .amber .live-tile > .slide-front, .amber .list-tile > div, .amber .flip-list > li > div { background-color: #f1a30b; } .amber .accentColor, .amber .accentHover:hover, .amber .accentHover a:hover, .amber .accentLink a, .amber .accentLink a:hover, .amber .accentLink a:visited, .amber a.accentLink, .amber a.accentLink:hover, .amber a.accentLink:visited { color: #f1a30b; } .amber .accentBorder { border-color: #f1a30b; } .amber .accentBorderBottom { border-bottom-color: #f1a30b; } .amber .accentBorderLeft { border-left-color: #f1a30b; } .amber .accentBorderRight { border-right-color: #f1a30b; } .amber .accentBorderTop { border-top-color: #f1a30b; } .blue .accent, .blue .accentBg, .blue .accentBgHover:hover, .blue .accentBgHover a:hover, .blue .live-tile > div, .blue .copy-tile > div, .blue .live-tile > .face, .blue .copy-tile > .face, .blue .live-tile > .slide, .blue .live-tile > .flip-back, .blue .live-tile > .flip-front, .blue .live-tile > .slide-back, .blue .live-tile > .slide-front, .blue .list-tile > div, .blue .flip-list > li > div { background-color: #1ba1e2; } .blue .accentColor, .blue .accentHover:hover, .blue .accentHover a:hover, .blue .accentLink a, .blue .accentLink a:hover, .blue .accentLink a:visited, .blue a.accentLink, .blue a.accentLink:hover, .blue a.accentLink:visited { color: #1ba1e2; } .blue .accentBorder { border-color: #1ba1e2; } .blue .accentBorderBottom { border-bottom-color: #1ba1e2; } .blue .accentBorderLeft { border-left-color: #1ba1e2; } .blue .accentBorderRight { border-right-color: #1ba1e2; } .blue .accentBorderTop { border-top-color: #1ba1e2; } .brown .accent, .brown .accentBg, .brown .accentBgHover:hover, .brown .accentBgHover a:hover, .brown .live-tile > div, .brown .copy-tile > div, .brown .live-tile > .face, .brown .copy-tile > .face, .brown .live-tile > .slide, .brown .live-tile > .flip-back, .brown .live-tile > .flip-front, .brown .live-tile > .slide-back, .brown .live-tile > .slide-front, .brown .list-tile > div, .brown .flip-list > li > div { background-color: #a05000; } .brown .accentColor, .brown .accentHover:hover, .brown .accentHover a:hover, .brown .accentLink a, .brown .accentLink a:hover, .brown .accentLink a:visited, .brown a.accentLink, .brown a.accentLink:hover, .brown a.accentLink:visited { color: #a05000; } .brown .accentBorder { border-color: #a05000; } .brown .accentBorderBottom { border-bottom-color: #a05000; } .brown .accentBorderLeft { border-left-color: #a05000; } .brown .accentBorderRight { border-right-color: #a05000; } .brown .accentBorderTop { border-top-color: #a05000; } .cobalt .accent, .cobalt .accentBg, .cobalt .accentBgHover:hover, .cobalt .accentBgHover a:hover, .cobalt .live-tile > div, .cobalt .copy-tile > div, .cobalt .live-tile > .face, .cobalt .copy-tile > .face, .cobalt .live-tile > .slide, .cobalt .live-tile > .flip-back, .cobalt .live-tile > .flip-front, .cobalt .live-tile > .slide-back, .cobalt .live-tile > .slide-front, .cobalt .list-tile > div, .cobalt .flip-list > li > div { background-color: #0050ef; } .cobalt .accentColor, .cobalt .accentHover:hover, .cobalt .accentHover a:hover, .cobalt .accentLink a, .cobalt .accentLink a:hover, .cobalt .accentLink a:visited, .cobalt a.accentLink, .cobalt a.accentLink:hover, .cobalt a.accentLink:visited { color: #0050ef; } .cobalt .accentBorder { border-color: #0050ef; } .cobalt .accentBorderBottom { border-bottom-color: #0050ef; } .cobalt .accentBorderLeft { border-left-color: #0050ef; } .cobalt .accentBorderRight { border-right-color: #0050ef; } .cobalt .accentBorderTop { border-top-color: #0050ef; } .crimson .accent, .crimson .accentBg, .crimson .accentBgHover:hover, .crimson .accentBgHover a:hover, .crimson .live-tile > div, .crimson .copy-tile > div, .crimson .live-tile > .face, .crimson .copy-tile > .face, .crimson .live-tile > .slide, .crimson .live-tile > .flip-back, .crimson .live-tile > .flip-front, .crimson .live-tile > .slide-back, .crimson .live-tile > .slide-front, .crimson .list-tile > div, .crimson .flip-list > li > div { background-color: #a20025; } .crimson .accentColor, .crimson .accentHover:hover, .crimson .accentHover a:hover, .crimson .accentLink a, .crimson .accentLink a:hover, .crimson .accentLink a:visited, .crimson a.accentLink, .crimson a.accentLink:hover, .crimson a.accentLink:visited { color: #a20025; } .crimson .accentBorder { border-color: #a20025; } .crimson .accentBorderBottom { border-bottom-color: #a20025; } .crimson .accentBorderLeft { border-left-color: #a20025; } .crimson .accentBorderRight { border-right-color: #a20025; } .crimson .accentBorderTop { border-top-color: #a20025; } .cyan .accent, .cyan .accentBg, .cyan .accentBgHover:hover, .cyan .accentBgHover a:hover, .cyan .live-tile > div, .cyan .copy-tile > div, .cyan .live-tile > .face, .cyan .copy-tile > .face, .cyan .live-tile > .slide, .cyan .live-tile > .flip-back, .cyan .live-tile > .flip-front, .cyan .live-tile > .slide-back, .cyan .live-tile > .slide-front, .cyan .list-tile > div, .cyan .flip-list > li > div { background-color: #1ba0e1; } .cyan .accentColor, .cyan .accentHover:hover, .cyan .accentHover a:hover, .cyan .accentLink a, .cyan .accentLink a:hover, .cyan .accentLink a:visited, .cyan a.accentLink, .cyan a.accentLink:hover, .cyan a.accentLink:visited { color: #1ba0e1; } .cyan .accentBorder { border-color: #1ba0e1; } .cyan .accentBorderBottom { border-bottom-color: #1ba0e1; } .cyan .accentBorderLeft { border-left-color: #1ba0e1; } .cyan .accentBorderRight { border-right-color: #1ba0e1; } .cyan .accentBorderTop { border-top-color: #1ba0e1; } .emerald .accent, .emerald .accentBg, .emerald .accentBgHover:hover, .emerald .accentBgHover a:hover, .emerald .live-tile > div, .emerald .copy-tile > div, .emerald .live-tile > .face, .emerald .copy-tile > .face, .emerald .live-tile > .slide, .emerald .live-tile > .flip-back, .emerald .live-tile > .flip-front, .emerald .live-tile > .slide-back, .emerald .live-tile > .slide-front, .emerald .list-tile > div, .emerald .flip-list > li > div { background-color: #008a00; } .emerald .accentColor, .emerald .accentHover:hover, .emerald .accentHover a:hover, .emerald .accentLink a, .emerald .accentLink a:hover, .emerald .accentLink a:visited, .emerald a.accentLink, .emerald a.accentLink:hover, .emerald a.accentLink:visited { color: #008a00; } .emerald .accentBorder { border-color: #008a00; } .emerald .accentBorderBottom { border-bottom-color: #008a00; } .emerald .accentBorderLeft { border-left-color: #008a00; } .emerald .accentBorderRight { border-right-color: #008a00; } .emerald .accentBorderTop { border-top-color: #008a00; } .green .accent, .green .accentBg, .green .accentBgHover:hover, .green .accentBgHover a:hover, .green .live-tile > div, .green .copy-tile > div, .green .live-tile > .face, .green .copy-tile > .face, .green .live-tile > .slide, .green .live-tile > .flip-back, .green .live-tile > .flip-front, .green .live-tile > .slide-back, .green .live-tile > .slide-front, .green .list-tile > div, .green .flip-list > li > div { background-color: #339933; } .green .accentColor, .green .accentHover:hover, .green .accentHover a:hover, .green .accentLink a, .green .accentLink a:hover, .green .accentLink a:visited, .green a.accentLink, .green a.accentLink:hover, .green a.accentLink:visited { color: #339933; } .green .accentBorder { border-color: #339933; } .green .accentBorderBottom { border-bottom-color: #339933; } .green .accentBorderLeft { border-left-color: #339933; } .green .accentBorderRight { border-right-color: #339933; } .green .accentBorderTop { border-top-color: #339933; } .indigo .accent, .indigo .accentBg, .indigo .accentBgHover:hover, .indigo .accentBgHover a:hover, .indigo .live-tile > div, .indigo .copy-tile > div, .indigo .live-tile > .face, .indigo .copy-tile > .face, .indigo .live-tile > .slide, .indigo .live-tile > .flip-back, .indigo .live-tile > .flip-front, .indigo .live-tile > .slide-back, .indigo .live-tile > .slide-front, .indigo .list-tile > div, .indigo .flip-list > li > div { background-color: #6a00ff; } .indigo .accentColor, .indigo .accentHover:hover, .indigo .accentHover a:hover, .indigo .accentLink a, .indigo .accentLink a:hover, .indigo .accentLink a:visited, .indigo a.accentLink, .indigo a.accentLink:hover, .indigo a.accentLink:visited { color: #6a00ff; } .indigo .accentBorder { border-color: #6a00ff; } .indigo .accentBorderBottom { border-bottom-color: #6a00ff; } .indigo .accentBorderLeft { border-left-color: #6a00ff; } .indigo .accentBorderRight { border-right-color: #6a00ff; } .indigo .accentBorderTop { border-top-color: #6a00ff; } .lime .accent, .lime .accentBg, .lime .accentBgHover:hover, .lime .accentBgHover a:hover, .lime .live-tile > div, .lime .copy-tile > div, .lime .live-tile > .face, .lime .copy-tile > .face, .lime .live-tile > .slide, .lime .live-tile > .flip-back, .lime .live-tile > .flip-front, .lime .live-tile > .slide-back, .lime .live-tile > .slide-front, .lime .list-tile > div, .lime .flip-list > li > div { background-color: #a2c139; } .lime .accentColor, .lime .accentHover:hover, .lime .accentHover a:hover, .lime .accentLink a, .lime .accentLink a:hover, .lime .accentLink a:visited, .lime a.accentLink, .lime a.accentLink:hover, .lime a.accentLink:visited { color: #a2c139; } .lime .accentBorder { border-color: #a2c139; } .lime .accentBorderBottom { border-bottom-color: #a2c139; } .lime .accentBorderLeft { border-left-color: #a2c139; } .lime .accentBorderRight { border-right-color: #a2c139; } .lime .accentBorderTop { border-top-color: #a2c139; } .magenta .accent, .magenta .accentBg, .magenta .accentBgHover:hover, .magenta .accentBgHover a:hover, .magenta .live-tile > div, .magenta .copy-tile > div, .magenta .live-tile > .face, .magenta .copy-tile > .face, .magenta .live-tile > .slide, .magenta .live-tile > .flip-back, .magenta .live-tile > .flip-front, .magenta .live-tile > .slide-back, .magenta .live-tile > .slide-front, .magenta .list-tile > div, .magenta .flip-list > li > div { background-color: #d80073; } .magenta .accentColor, .magenta .accentHover:hover, .magenta .accentHover a:hover, .magenta .accentLink a, .magenta .accentLink a:hover, .magenta .accentLink a:visited, .magenta a.accentLink, .magenta a.accentLink:hover, .magenta a.accentLink:visited { color: #d80073; } .magenta .accentBorder { border-color: #d80073; } .magenta .accentBorderBottom { border-bottom-color: #d80073; } .magenta .accentBorderLeft { border-left-color: #d80073; } .magenta .accentBorderRight { border-right-color: #d80073; } .magenta .accentBorderTop { border-top-color: #d80073; } .mango .accent, .mango .accentBg, .mango .accentBgHover:hover, .mango .accentBgHover a:hover, .mango .live-tile > div, .mango .copy-tile > div, .mango .live-tile > .face, .mango .copy-tile > .face, .mango .live-tile > .slide, .mango .live-tile > .flip-back, .mango .live-tile > .flip-front, .mango .live-tile > .slide-back, .mango .live-tile > .slide-front, .mango .list-tile > div, .mango .flip-list > li > div { background-color: #f09609; } .mango .accentColor, .mango .accentHover:hover, .mango .accentHover a:hover, .mango .accentLink a, .mango .accentLink a:hover, .mango .accentLink a:visited, .mango a.accentLink, .mango a.accentLink:hover, .mango a.accentLink:visited { color: #f09609; } .mango .accentBorder { border-color: #f09609; } .mango .accentBorderBottom { border-bottom-color: #f09609; } .mango .accentBorderLeft { border-left-color: #f09609; } .mango .accentBorderRight { border-right-color: #f09609; } .mango .accentBorderTop { border-top-color: #f09609; } .mauve .accent, .mauve .accentBg, .mauve .accentBgHover:hover, .mauve .accentBgHover a:hover, .mauve .live-tile > div, .mauve .copy-tile > div, .mauve .live-tile > .face, .mauve .copy-tile > .face, .mauve .live-tile > .slide, .mauve .live-tile > .flip-back, .mauve .live-tile > .flip-front, .mauve .live-tile > .slide-back, .mauve .live-tile > .slide-front, .mauve .list-tile > div, .mauve .flip-list > li > div { background-color: #765f89; } .mauve .accentColor, .mauve .accentHover:hover, .mauve .accentHover a:hover, .mauve .accentLink a, .mauve .accentLink a:hover, .mauve .accentLink a:visited, .mauve a.accentLink, .mauve a.accentLink:hover, .mauve a.accentLink:visited { color: #765f89; } .mauve .accentBorder { border-color: #765f89; } .mauve .accentBorderBottom { border-bottom-color: #765f89; } .mauve .accentBorderLeft { border-left-color: #765f89; } .mauve .accentBorderRight { border-right-color: #765f89; } .mauve .accentBorderTop { border-top-color: #765f89; } .olive .accent, .olive .accentBg, .olive .accentBgHover:hover, .olive .accentBgHover a:hover, .olive .live-tile > div, .olive .copy-tile > div, .olive .live-tile > .face, .olive .copy-tile > .face, .olive .live-tile > .slide, .olive .live-tile > .flip-back, .olive .live-tile > .flip-front, .olive .live-tile > .slide-back, .olive .live-tile > .slide-front, .olive .list-tile > div, .olive .flip-list > li > div { background-color: #6d8764; } .olive .accentColor, .olive .accentHover:hover, .olive .accentHover a:hover, .olive .accentLink a, .olive .accentLink a:hover, .olive .accentLink a:visited, .olive a.accentLink, .olive a.accentLink:hover, .olive a.accentLink:visited { color: #6d8764; } .olive .accentBorder { border-color: #6d8764; } .olive .accentBorderBottom { border-bottom-color: #6d8764; } .olive .accentBorderLeft { border-left-color: #6d8764; } .olive .accentBorderRight { border-right-color: #6d8764; } .olive .accentBorderTop { border-top-color: #6d8764; } .orange .accent, .orange .accentBg, .orange .accentBgHover:hover, .orange .accentBgHover a:hover, .orange .live-tile > div, .orange .copy-tile > div, .orange .live-tile > .face, .orange .copy-tile > .face, .orange .live-tile > .slide, .orange .live-tile > .flip-back, .orange .live-tile > .flip-front, .orange .live-tile > .slide-back, .orange .live-tile > .slide-front, .orange .list-tile > div, .orange .flip-list > li > div { background-color: #fa6801; } .orange .accentColor, .orange .accentHover:hover, .orange .accentHover a:hover, .orange .accentLink a, .orange .accentLink a:hover, .orange .accentLink a:visited, .orange a.accentLink, .orange a.accentLink:hover, .orange a.accentLink:visited { color: #fa6801; } .orange .accentBorder { border-color: #fa6801; } .orange .accentBorderBottom { border-bottom-color: #fa6801; } .orange .accentBorderLeft { border-left-color: #fa6801; } .orange .accentBorderRight { border-right-color: #fa6801; } .orange .accentBorderTop { border-top-color: #fa6801; } .pink .accent, .pink .accentBg, .pink .accentBgHover:hover, .pink .accentBgHover a:hover, .pink .live-tile > div, .pink .copy-tile > div, .pink .live-tile > .face, .pink .copy-tile > .face, .pink .live-tile > .slide, .pink .live-tile > .flip-back, .pink .live-tile > .flip-front, .pink .live-tile > .slide-back, .pink .live-tile > .slide-front, .pink .list-tile > div, .pink .flip-list > li > div { background-color: #e671b8; } .pink .accentColor, .pink .accentHover:hover, .pink .accentHover a:hover, .pink .accentLink a, .pink .accentLink a:hover, .pink .accentLink a:visited, .pink a.accentLink, .pink a.accentLink:hover, .pink a.accentLink:visited { color: #e671b8; } .pink .accentBorder { border-color: #e671b8; } .pink .accentBorderBottom { border-bottom-color: #e671b8; } .pink .accentBorderLeft { border-left-color: #e671b8; } .pink .accentBorderRight { border-right-color: #e671b8; } .pink .accentBorderTop { border-top-color: #e671b8; } .purple .accent, .purple .accentBg, .purple .accentBgHover:hover, .purple .accentBgHover a:hover, .purple .live-tile > div, .purple .copy-tile > div, .purple .live-tile > .face, .purple .copy-tile > .face, .purple .live-tile > .slide, .purple .live-tile > .flip-back, .purple .live-tile > .flip-front, .purple .live-tile > .slide-back, .purple .live-tile > .slide-front, .purple .list-tile > div, .purple .flip-list > li > div { background-color: #a200ff; } .purple .accentColor, .purple .accentHover:hover, .purple .accentHover a:hover, .purple .accentLink a, .purple .accentLink a:hover, .purple .accentLink a:visited, .purple a.accentLink, .purple a.accentLink:hover, .purple a.accentLink:visited { color: #a200ff; } .purple .accentBorder { border-color: #a200ff; } .purple .accentBorderBottom { border-bottom-color: #a200ff; } .purple .accentBorderLeft { border-left-color: #a200ff; } .purple .accentBorderRight { border-right-color: #a200ff; } .purple .accentBorderTop { border-top-color: #a200ff; } .violet .accent, .violet .accentBg, .violet .accentBgHover:hover, .violet .accentBgHover a:hover, .violet .live-tile > div, .violet .copy-tile > div, .violet .live-tile > .face, .violet .copy-tile > .face, .violet .live-tile > .slide, .violet .live-tile > .flip-back, .violet .live-tile > .flip-front, .violet .live-tile > .slide-back, .violet .live-tile > .slide-front, .violet .list-tile > div, .violet .flip-list > li > div { background-color: #a200ff; } .violet .accentColor, .violet .accentHover:hover, .violet .accentHover a:hover, .violet .accentLink a, .violet .accentLink a:hover, .violet .accentLink a:visited, .violet a.accentLink, .violet a.accentLink:hover, .violet a.accentLink:visited { color: #a200ff; } .violet .accentBorder { border-color: #a200ff; } .violet .accentBorderBottom { border-bottom-color: #a200ff; } .violet .accentBorderLeft { border-left-color: #a200ff; } .violet .accentBorderRight { border-right-color: #a200ff; } .violet .accentBorderTop { border-top-color: #a200ff; } .red .accent, .red .accentBg, .red .accentBgHover:hover, .red .accentBgHover a:hover, .red .live-tile > div, .red .copy-tile > div, .red .live-tile > .face, .red .copy-tile > .face, .red .live-tile > .slide, .red .live-tile > .flip-back, .red .live-tile > .flip-front, .red .live-tile > .slide-back, .red .live-tile > .slide-front, .red .list-tile > div, .red .flip-list > li > div { background-color: #e51400; } .red .accentColor, .red .accentHover:hover, .red .accentHover a:hover, .red .accentLink a, .red .accentLink a:hover, .red .accentLink a:visited, .red a.accentLink, .red a.accentLink:hover, .red a.accentLink:visited { color: #e51400; } .red .accentBorder { border-color: #e51400; } .red .accentBorderBottom { border-bottom-color: #e51400; } .red .accentBorderLeft { border-left-color: #e51400; } .red .accentBorderRight { border-right-color: #e51400; } .red .accentBorderTop { border-top-color: #e51400; } .sienna .accent, .sienna .accentBg, .sienna .accentBgHover:hover, .sienna .accentBgHover a:hover, .sienna .live-tile > div, .sienna .copy-tile > div, .sienna .live-tile > .face, .sienna .copy-tile > .face, .sienna .live-tile > .slide, .sienna .live-tile > .flip-back, .sienna .live-tile > .flip-front, .sienna .live-tile > .slide-back, .sienna .live-tile > .slide-front, .sienna .list-tile > div, .sienna .flip-list > li > div { background-color: #7b3a3e; } .sienna .accentColor, .sienna .accentHover:hover, .sienna .accentHover a:hover, .sienna .accentLink a, .sienna .accentLink a:hover, .sienna .accentLink a:visited, .sienna a.accentLink, .sienna a.accentLink:hover, .sienna a.accentLink:visited { color: #7b3a3e; } .sienna .accentBorder { border-color: #7b3a3e; } .sienna .accentBorderBottom { border-bottom-color: #7b3a3e; } .sienna .accentBorderLeft { border-left-color: #7b3a3e; } .sienna .accentBorderRight { border-right-color: #7b3a3e; } .sienna .accentBorderTop { border-top-color: #7b3a3e; } .steel .accent, .steel .accentBg, .steel .accentBgHover:hover, .steel .accentBgHover a:hover, .steel .live-tile > div, .steel .copy-tile > div, .steel .live-tile > .face, .steel .copy-tile > .face, .steel .live-tile > .slide, .steel .live-tile > .flip-back, .steel .live-tile > .flip-front, .steel .live-tile > .slide-back, .steel .live-tile > .slide-front, .steel .list-tile > div, .steel .flip-list > li > div { background-color: #657688; } .steel .accentColor, .steel .accentHover:hover, .steel .accentHover a:hover, .steel .accentLink a, .steel .accentLink a:hover, .steel .accentLink a:visited, .steel a.accentLink, .steel a.accentLink:hover, .steel a.accentLink:visited { color: #657688; } .steel .accentBorder { border-color: #657688; } .steel .accentBorderBottom { border-bottom-color: #657688; } .steel .accentBorderLeft { border-left-color: #657688; } .steel .accentBorderRight { border-right-color: #657688; } .steel .accentBorderTop { border-top-color: #657688; } .teal .accent, .teal .accentBg, .teal .accentBgHover:hover, .teal .accentBgHover a:hover, .teal .live-tile > div, .teal .copy-tile > div, .teal .live-tile > .face, .teal .copy-tile > .face, .teal .live-tile > .slide, .teal .live-tile > .flip-back, .teal .live-tile > .flip-front, .teal .live-tile > .slide-back, .teal .live-tile > .slide-front, .teal .list-tile > div, .teal .flip-list > li > div { background-color: #00aba9; } .teal .accentColor, .teal .accentHover:hover, .teal .accentHover a:hover, .teal .accentLink a, .teal .accentLink a:hover, .teal .accentLink a:visited, .teal a.accentLink, .teal a.accentLink:hover, .teal a.accentLink:visited { color: #00aba9; } .teal .accentBorder { border-color: #00aba9; } .teal .accentBorderBottom { border-bottom-color: #00aba9; } .teal .accentBorderLeft { border-left-color: #00aba9; } .teal .accentBorderRight { border-right-color: #00aba9; } .teal .accentBorderTop { border-top-color: #00aba9; } .yellow .accent, .yellow .accentBg, .yellow .accentBgHover:hover, .yellow .accentBgHover a:hover, .yellow .live-tile > div, .yellow .copy-tile > div, .yellow .live-tile > .face, .yellow .copy-tile > .face, .yellow .live-tile > .slide, .yellow .live-tile > .flip-back, .yellow .live-tile > .flip-front, .yellow .live-tile > .slide-back, .yellow .live-tile > .slide-front, .yellow .list-tile > div, .yellow .flip-list > li > div { background-color: #d8c101; } .yellow .accentColor, .yellow .accentHover:hover, .yellow .accentHover a:hover, .yellow .accentLink a, .yellow .accentLink a:hover, .yellow .accentLink a:visited, .yellow a.accentLink, .yellow a.accentLink:hover, .yellow a.accentLink:visited { color: #d8c101; } .yellow .accentBorder { border-color: #d8c101; } .yellow .accentBorderBottom { border-bottom-color: #d8c101; } .yellow .accentBorderLeft { border-left-color: #d8c101; } .yellow .accentBorderRight { border-right-color: #d8c101; } .yellow .accentBorderTop { border-top-color: #d8c101; } .trans .accent, .trans .accentBg, .trans .accentBgHover:hover, .trans .accentBgHover a:hover, .trans .live-tile > div, .trans .copy-tile > div, .trans .live-tile > .face, .trans .copy-tile > .face, .trans .live-tile > .slide, .trans .live-tile > .flip-back, .trans .live-tile > .flip-front, .trans .live-tile > .slide-back, .trans .live-tile > .slide-front, .trans .list-tile > div, .trans .flip-list > li > div { background-color: transparent; } .trans .accentColor, .trans .accentHover:hover, .trans .accentHover a:hover, .trans .accentLink a, .trans .accentLink a:hover, .trans .accentLink a:visited, .trans a.accentLink, .trans a.accentLink:hover, .trans a.accentLink:visited { color: transparent; } .trans .accentBorder { border-color: transparent; } .trans .accentBorderBottom { border-bottom-color: transparent; } .trans .accentBorderLeft { border-left-color: transparent; } .trans .accentBorderRight { border-right-color: transparent; } .trans .accentBorderTop { border-top-color: transparent; } .white .accent, .white .accentBg, .white .accentBgHover:hover, .white .accentBgHover a:hover, .white .live-tile > div, .white .copy-tile > div, .white .live-tile > .face, .white .copy-tile > .face, .white .live-tile > .slide, .white .live-tile > .flip-back, .white .live-tile > .flip-front, .white .live-tile > .slide-back, .white .live-tile > .slide-front, .white .list-tile > div, .white .flip-list > li > div { background-color: #ffffff; } .white .accentColor, .white .accentHover:hover, .white .accentHover a:hover, .white .accentLink a, .white .accentLink a:hover, .white .accentLink a:visited, .white a.accentLink, .white a.accentLink:hover, .white a.accentLink:visited { color: #ffffff; } .white .accentBorder { border-color: #ffffff; } .white .accentBorderBottom { border-bottom-color: #ffffff; } .white .accentBorderLeft { border-left-color: #ffffff; } .white .accentBorderRight { border-right-color: #ffffff; } .white .accentBorderTop { border-top-color: #ffffff; } .black .accent, .black .accentBg, .black .accentBgHover:hover, .black .accentBgHover a:hover, .black .live-tile > div, .black .copy-tile > div, .black .live-tile > .face, .black .copy-tile > .face, .black .live-tile > .slide, .black .live-tile > .flip-back, .black .live-tile > .flip-front, .black .live-tile > .slide-back, .black .live-tile > .slide-front, .black .list-tile > div, .black .flip-list > li > div { background-color: #000000; } .black .accentColor, .black .accentHover:hover, .black .accentHover a:hover, .black .accentLink a, .black .accentLink a:hover, .black .accentLink a:visited, .black a.accentLink, .black a.accentLink:hover, .black a.accentLink:visited { color: #000000; } .black .accentBorder { border-color: #000000; } .black .accentBorderBottom { border-bottom-color: #000000; } .black .accentBorderLeft { border-left-color: #000000; } .black .accentBorderRight { border-right-color: #000000; } .black .accentBorderTop { border-top-color: #000000; } /* Local style overrides */ html body .amber.accent, html body .amber.live-tile > .accent, html body .amber.list-tile > .accent, html body .amber.copy-tile > .accent, html body .amber.live-tile > div, html body .amber.copy-tile > div, html body .amber.list-tile > div, html body .amber.live-tile > .face, html body .amber.list-tile > .face, html body .amber.copy-tile > .face, html body .amber.live-tile > .slide, html body .amber.live-tile > .flip-back, html body .amber.live-tile > .flip-front, html body .amber.live-tile > .slide-back, html body .amber.live-tile > .slide-front, html body .amber.flip-list > li > .accent, html body .amber.flip-list > li > .flip-back, html body .amber.flip-list > li > .flip-front, html body .amber.slide.accent, html body .amber.slide-front.accent, html body .amber.slide-back.accent, html body .amber.flip-front.accent, html body .amber.flip-back.accent { background-color: #f1a30b; } html body .amber.accentColor, html body .amber.accentHover:hover, html body .amber.accentHover a:hover, html body .amber.accentLink a, html body .amber.accentLink a:hover, html body .amber.accentLink a:visited, a.accentLinkhtml body .amber, a.accentLinkhtml body .amber:hover, a.accentLinkhtml body .amber:visited { color: #f1a30b; } html body .amber.accentBorder { border-color: #f1a30b; } html body .amber.accentBorderBottom { border-bottom-color: #f1a30b; } html body .amber.accentBorderLeft { border-left-color: #f1a30b; } html body .amber.accentBorderRight { border-right-color: #f1a30b; } html body .amber.accentBorderTop { border-top-color: #f1a30b; } html body .blue.accent, html body .blue.live-tile > .accent, html body .blue.list-tile > .accent, html body .blue.copy-tile > .accent, html body .blue.live-tile > div, html body .blue.copy-tile > div, html body .blue.list-tile > div, html body .blue.live-tile > .face, html body .blue.list-tile > .face, html body .blue.copy-tile > .face, html body .blue.live-tile > .slide, html body .blue.live-tile > .flip-back, html body .blue.live-tile > .flip-front, html body .blue.live-tile > .slide-back, html body .blue.live-tile > .slide-front, html body .blue.flip-list > li > .accent, html body .blue.flip-list > li > .flip-back, html body .blue.flip-list > li > .flip-front, html body .blue.slide.accent, html body .blue.slide-front.accent, html body .blue.slide-back.accent, html body .blue.flip-front.accent, html body .blue.flip-back.accent { background-color: #1ba1e2; } html body .blue.accentColor, html body .blue.accentHover:hover, html body .blue.accentHover a:hover, html body .blue.accentLink a, html body .blue.accentLink a:hover, html body .blue.accentLink a:visited, a.accentLinkhtml body .blue, a.accentLinkhtml body .blue:hover, a.accentLinkhtml body .blue:visited { color: #1ba1e2; } html body .blue.accentBorder { border-color: #1ba1e2; } html body .blue.accentBorderBottom { border-bottom-color: #1ba1e2; } html body .blue.accentBorderLeft { border-left-color: #1ba1e2; } html body .blue.accentBorderRight { border-right-color: #1ba1e2; } html body .blue.accentBorderTop { border-top-color: #1ba1e2; } html body .brown.accent, html body .brown.live-tile > .accent, html body .brown.list-tile > .accent, html body .brown.copy-tile > .accent, html body .brown.live-tile > div, html body .brown.copy-tile > div, html body .brown.list-tile > div, html body .brown.live-tile > .face, html body .brown.list-tile > .face, html body .brown.copy-tile > .face, html body .brown.live-tile > .slide, html body .brown.live-tile > .flip-back, html body .brown.live-tile > .flip-front, html body .brown.live-tile > .slide-back, html body .brown.live-tile > .slide-front, html body .brown.flip-list > li > .accent, html body .brown.flip-list > li > .flip-back, html body .brown.flip-list > li > .flip-front, html body .brown.slide.accent, html body .brown.slide-front.accent, html body .brown.slide-back.accent, html body .brown.flip-front.accent, html body .brown.flip-back.accent { background-color: #a05000; } html body .brown.accentColor, html body .brown.accentHover:hover, html body .brown.accentHover a:hover, html body .brown.accentLink a, html body .brown.accentLink a:hover, html body .brown.accentLink a:visited, a.accentLinkhtml body .brown, a.accentLinkhtml body .brown:hover, a.accentLinkhtml body .brown:visited { color: #a05000; } html body .brown.accentBorder { border-color: #a05000; } html body .brown.accentBorderBottom { border-bottom-color: #a05000; } html body .brown.accentBorderLeft { border-left-color: #a05000; } html body .brown.accentBorderRight { border-right-color: #a05000; } html body .brown.accentBorderTop { border-top-color: #a05000; } html body .cobalt.accent, html body .cobalt.live-tile > .accent, html body .cobalt.list-tile > .accent, html body .cobalt.copy-tile > .accent, html body .cobalt.live-tile > div, html body .cobalt.copy-tile > div, html body .cobalt.list-tile > div, html body .cobalt.live-tile > .face, html body .cobalt.list-tile > .face, html body .cobalt.copy-tile > .face, html body .cobalt.live-tile > .slide, html body .cobalt.live-tile > .flip-back, html body .cobalt.live-tile > .flip-front, html body .cobalt.live-tile > .slide-back, html body .cobalt.live-tile > .slide-front, html body .cobalt.flip-list > li > .accent, html body .cobalt.flip-list > li > .flip-back, html body .cobalt.flip-list > li > .flip-front, html body .cobalt.slide.accent, html body .cobalt.slide-front.accent, html body .cobalt.slide-back.accent, html body .cobalt.flip-front.accent, html body .cobalt.flip-back.accent { background-color: #0050ef; } html body .cobalt.accentColor, html body .cobalt.accentHover:hover, html body .cobalt.accentHover a:hover, html body .cobalt.accentLink a, html body .cobalt.accentLink a:hover, html body .cobalt.accentLink a:visited, a.accentLinkhtml body .cobalt, a.accentLinkhtml body .cobalt:hover, a.accentLinkhtml body .cobalt:visited { color: #0050ef; } html body .cobalt.accentBorder { border-color: #0050ef; } html body .cobalt.accentBorderBottom { border-bottom-color: #0050ef; } html body .cobalt.accentBorderLeft { border-left-color: #0050ef; } html body .cobalt.accentBorderRight { border-right-color: #0050ef; } html body .cobalt.accentBorderTop { border-top-color: #0050ef; } html body .crimson.accent, html body .crimson.live-tile > .accent, html body .crimson.list-tile > .accent, html body .crimson.copy-tile > .accent, html body .crimson.live-tile > div, html body .crimson.copy-tile > div, html body .crimson.list-tile > div, html body .crimson.live-tile > .face, html body .crimson.list-tile > .face, html body .crimson.copy-tile > .face, html body .crimson.live-tile > .slide, html body .crimson.live-tile > .flip-back, html body .crimson.live-tile > .flip-front, html body .crimson.live-tile > .slide-back, html body .crimson.live-tile > .slide-front, html body .crimson.flip-list > li > .accent, html body .crimson.flip-list > li > .flip-back, html body .crimson.flip-list > li > .flip-front, html body .crimson.slide.accent, html body .crimson.slide-front.accent, html body .crimson.slide-back.accent, html body .crimson.flip-front.accent, html body .crimson.flip-back.accent { background-color: #a20025; } html body .crimson.accentColor, html body .crimson.accentHover:hover, html body .crimson.accentHover a:hover, html body .crimson.accentLink a, html body .crimson.accentLink a:hover, html body .crimson.accentLink a:visited, a.accentLinkhtml body .crimson, a.accentLinkhtml body .crimson:hover, a.accentLinkhtml body .crimson:visited { color: #a20025; } html body .crimson.accentBorder { border-color: #a20025; } html body .crimson.accentBorderBottom { border-bottom-color: #a20025; } html body .crimson.accentBorderLeft { border-left-color: #a20025; } html body .crimson.accentBorderRight { border-right-color: #a20025; } html body .crimson.accentBorderTop { border-top-color: #a20025; } html body .cyan.accent, html body .cyan.live-tile > .accent, html body .cyan.list-tile > .accent, html body .cyan.copy-tile > .accent, html body .cyan.live-tile > div, html body .cyan.copy-tile > div, html body .cyan.list-tile > div, html body .cyan.live-tile > .face, html body .cyan.list-tile > .face, html body .cyan.copy-tile > .face, html body .cyan.live-tile > .slide, html body .cyan.live-tile > .flip-back, html body .cyan.live-tile > .flip-front, html body .cyan.live-tile > .slide-back, html body .cyan.live-tile > .slide-front, html body .cyan.flip-list > li > .accent, html body .cyan.flip-list > li > .flip-back, html body .cyan.flip-list > li > .flip-front, html body .cyan.slide.accent, html body .cyan.slide-front.accent, html body .cyan.slide-back.accent, html body .cyan.flip-front.accent, html body .cyan.flip-back.accent { background-color: #1ba0e1; } html body .cyan.accentColor, html body .cyan.accentHover:hover, html body .cyan.accentHover a:hover, html body .cyan.accentLink a, html body .cyan.accentLink a:hover, html body .cyan.accentLink a:visited, a.accentLinkhtml body .cyan, a.accentLinkhtml body .cyan:hover, a.accentLinkhtml body .cyan:visited { color: #1ba0e1; } html body .cyan.accentBorder { border-color: #1ba0e1; } html body .cyan.accentBorderBottom { border-bottom-color: #1ba0e1; } html body .cyan.accentBorderLeft { border-left-color: #1ba0e1; } html body .cyan.accentBorderRight { border-right-color: #1ba0e1; } html body .cyan.accentBorderTop { border-top-color: #1ba0e1; } html body .emerald.accent, html body .emerald.live-tile > .accent, html body .emerald.list-tile > .accent, html body .emerald.copy-tile > .accent, html body .emerald.live-tile > div, html body .emerald.copy-tile > div, html body .emerald.list-tile > div, html body .emerald.live-tile > .face, html body .emerald.list-tile > .face, html body .emerald.copy-tile > .face, html body .emerald.live-tile > .slide, html body .emerald.live-tile > .flip-back, html body .emerald.live-tile > .flip-front, html body .emerald.live-tile > .slide-back, html body .emerald.live-tile > .slide-front, html body .emerald.flip-list > li > .accent, html body .emerald.flip-list > li > .flip-back, html body .emerald.flip-list > li > .flip-front, html body .emerald.slide.accent, html body .emerald.slide-front.accent, html body .emerald.slide-back.accent, html body .emerald.flip-front.accent, html body .emerald.flip-back.accent { background-color: #008a00; } html body .emerald.accentColor, html body .emerald.accentHover:hover, html body .emerald.accentHover a:hover, html body .emerald.accentLink a, html body .emerald.accentLink a:hover, html body .emerald.accentLink a:visited, a.accentLinkhtml body .emerald, a.accentLinkhtml body .emerald:hover, a.accentLinkhtml body .emerald:visited { color: #008a00; } html body .emerald.accentBorder { border-color: #008a00; } html body .emerald.accentBorderBottom { border-bottom-color: #008a00; } html body .emerald.accentBorderLeft { border-left-color: #008a00; } html body .emerald.accentBorderRight { border-right-color: #008a00; } html body .emerald.accentBorderTop { border-top-color: #008a00; } html body .green.accent, html body .green.live-tile > .accent, html body .green.list-tile > .accent, html body .green.copy-tile > .accent, html body .green.live-tile > div, html body .green.copy-tile > div, html body .green.list-tile > div, html body .green.live-tile > .face, html body .green.list-tile > .face, html body .green.copy-tile > .face, html body .green.live-tile > .slide, html body .green.live-tile > .flip-back, html body .green.live-tile > .flip-front, html body .green.live-tile > .slide-back, html body .green.live-tile > .slide-front, html body .green.flip-list > li > .accent, html body .green.flip-list > li > .flip-back, html body .green.flip-list > li > .flip-front, html body .green.slide.accent, html body .green.slide-front.accent, html body .green.slide-back.accent, html body .green.flip-front.accent, html body .green.flip-back.accent { background-color: #339933; } html body .green.accentColor, html body .green.accentHover:hover, html body .green.accentHover a:hover, html body .green.accentLink a, html body .green.accentLink a:hover, html body .green.accentLink a:visited, a.accentLinkhtml body .green, a.accentLinkhtml body .green:hover, a.accentLinkhtml body .green:visited { color: #339933; } html body .green.accentBorder { border-color: #339933; } html body .green.accentBorderBottom { border-bottom-color: #339933; } html body .green.accentBorderLeft { border-left-color: #339933; } html body .green.accentBorderRight { border-right-color: #339933; } html body .green.accentBorderTop { border-top-color: #339933; } html body .indigo.accent, html body .indigo.live-tile > .accent, html body .indigo.list-tile > .accent, html body .indigo.copy-tile > .accent, html body .indigo.live-tile > div, html body .indigo.copy-tile > div, html body .indigo.list-tile > div, html body .indigo.live-tile > .face, html body .indigo.list-tile > .face, html body .indigo.copy-tile > .face, html body .indigo.live-tile > .slide, html body .indigo.live-tile > .flip-back, html body .indigo.live-tile > .flip-front, html body .indigo.live-tile > .slide-back, html body .indigo.live-tile > .slide-front, html body .indigo.flip-list > li > .accent, html body .indigo.flip-list > li > .flip-back, html body .indigo.flip-list > li > .flip-front, html body .indigo.slide.accent, html body .indigo.slide-front.accent, html body .indigo.slide-back.accent, html body .indigo.flip-front.accent, html body .indigo.flip-back.accent { background-color: #6a00ff; } html body .indigo.accentColor, html body .indigo.accentHover:hover, html body .indigo.accentHover a:hover, html body .indigo.accentLink a, html body .indigo.accentLink a:hover, html body .indigo.accentLink a:visited, a.accentLinkhtml body .indigo, a.accentLinkhtml body .indigo:hover, a.accentLinkhtml body .indigo:visited { color: #6a00ff; } html body .indigo.accentBorder { border-color: #6a00ff; } html body .indigo.accentBorderBottom { border-bottom-color: #6a00ff; } html body .indigo.accentBorderLeft { border-left-color: #6a00ff; } html body .indigo.accentBorderRight { border-right-color: #6a00ff; } html body .indigo.accentBorderTop { border-top-color: #6a00ff; } html body .lime.accent, html body .lime.live-tile > .accent, html body .lime.list-tile > .accent, html body .lime.copy-tile > .accent, html body .lime.live-tile > div, html body .lime.copy-tile > div, html body .lime.list-tile > div, html body .lime.live-tile > .face, html body .lime.list-tile > .face, html body .lime.copy-tile > .face, html body .lime.live-tile > .slide, html body .lime.live-tile > .flip-back, html body .lime.live-tile > .flip-front, html body .lime.live-tile > .slide-back, html body .lime.live-tile > .slide-front, html body .lime.flip-list > li > .accent, html body .lime.flip-list > li > .flip-back, html body .lime.flip-list > li > .flip-front, html body .lime.slide.accent, html body .lime.slide-front.accent, html body .lime.slide-back.accent, html body .lime.flip-front.accent, html body .lime.flip-back.accent { background-color: #a2c139; 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