// Load the TCP Library net = require('net'); // Keep track of the chat clients var clients = []; // Start a TCP Server net.createServer(function (socket) { // Identify this client socket.name = socket.remoteAddress + ":" + socket.remotePort // Put this new client in the list clients.push(socket); // Send a nice welcome message and announce socket.write("Welcome " + socket.name + "\n"); broadcast(socket.name + " joined the chat\n", socket); // Handle incoming messages from clients. socket.on('data', function (data) { broadcast(socket.name + "> " + data, socket); }); // Remove the client from the list when it leaves socket.on('end', function () { clients.splice(clients.indexOf(socket), 1); broadcast(socket.name + " left the chat.\n"); }); // Send a message to all clients function broadcast(message, sender) { clients.forEach(function (client) { // Don't want to send it to sender if (client === sender) return; client.write(message); }); // Log it to the server output too process.stdout.write(message) } }).listen(5000); // Put a friendly message on the terminal of the server. console.log("Chat server running at port 5000\n");