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... | ... | @@ -0,0 +1,376 @@ |
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43 | +b,c){,{type:c,value:b.value,serialDataItem:b.serialDataItem,axis:this,target:b.label,chart:this.chart,event:a})},addGuide:function(a){for(var b=this.guides,c=!1,d=0;d<b.length;d++)b[d]==a&&(c=!0);c||b.push(a)},removeGuide:function(a){var b=this.guides,c;for(c=0;c<b.length;c++)b[c]==a&&b.splice(c,1)},handleGuideOver:function(a){clearTimeout(this.chart.hoverInt);var,c=b.x+b.width/2,b=b.y+b.height/2,d=a.fillColor;void 0===d&&(d=a.lineColor);this.chart.showBalloon(a.balloonText, | |
44 | +d,!0,c,b)},handleGuideOut:function(a){this.chart.hideBalloon()},addEventListeners:function(a,b){var c=this;a.mouseover(function(){c.handleGuideOver(b)});a.mouseout(function(){c.handleGuideOut(b)})},getBBox:function(){var a=this.labelsSet.getBBox();AmCharts.VML||(a={x:a.x+this.x,y:a.y+this.y,width:a.width,height:a.height});return a},destroy:function(){AmCharts.remove(this.set);AmCharts.remove(this.labelsSet);var a=this.axisLine;a&&AmCharts.remove(a.set);AmCharts.remove(this.grid0)}});AmCharts.ValueAxis=AmCharts.Class({inherits:AmCharts.AxisBase,construct:function(a){this.cname="ValueAxis";this.createEvents("axisChanged","logarithmicAxisFailed","axisSelfZoomed","axisZoomed");,a);this.dataChanged=!0;this.stackType="none";this.position="left";this.unitPosition="right";this.recalculateToPercents=this.includeHidden=this.includeGuidesInMinMax=this.integersOnly=!1;this.durationUnits={DD:"d. ",hh:":",mm:":",ss:""};this.scrollbar=!1;this.baseValue= | |
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46 | +this.synchronizeWith?(AmCharts.isString(this.synchronizeWith)&&(this.synchronizeWith=a.getValueAxisById(this.synchronizeWith)),this.synchronizeWith&&(this.synchronizeWithAxis(this.synchronizeWith),this.foundGraphs=!0)):(this.foundGraphs=!1,this.getMinMax())},draw:function(){;var a=this.chart,b=this.set;"duration"==this.type&&(this.duration="ss");!0===this.dataChanged&&(this.updateData(),this.dataChanged=!1);if(this.logarithmic&&(0>=this.getMin(0, | |
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48 | +r>this.logGridLimit&&(q=Math.ceil(Math.log(this.max)*Math.LOG10E)+1,p=Math.round(Math.log(this.minReal)*Math.LOG10E),q>this.gridCountR&&(n=Math.ceil(q/this.gridCountR)))):this.stepWidth=this.axisWidth/(this.max-this.min);var s=0;1>this.step&&-1<this.step&&(s=AmCharts.getDecimals(this.step));this.integersOnly&&(s=0);s>this.maxDecCount&&(s=this.maxDecCount);var v=this.precision;isNaN(v)||(s=v);this.max=AmCharts.roundTo(this.max,this.maxDecCount);this.min=AmCharts.roundTo(this.min,this.maxDecCount); | |
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50 | +z));isNaN(A-K)||(t=new this.guideFillRenderer(this,K,A,E),this.pushAxisItem(t,z),,,E.balloonText&&this.addEventListeners(t,E))}this.fillAlpha=c}u=!1;for(d=p;d<q;d+=n)y=AmCharts.roundTo(this.step*d+this.min,s),-1!=String(y).indexOf("e")&&(u=!0,String(y).split("e"));this.duration&&(this.maxInterval=AmCharts.getMaxInterval(this.max,this.duration));var s=this.step,I,y=this.minorGridAlpha;this.minorGridEnabled&&(I=this.getMinorGridStep(s,this.stepWidth*s));for(d=p;d<q;d+=n)if(p= | |
51 | +s*d+this.min,h&&this.max-this.min>5*this.min&&(p-=this.min),p=AmCharts.roundTo(p,this.maxDecCount+1),!this.integersOnly||Math.round(p)==p)if(isNaN(v)||Number(AmCharts.toFixed(p,v))==p){!0===h&&(0===p&&(p=this.minReal),r>this.logGridLimit&&(p=Math.pow(10,d)),u=-1!=String(p).indexOf("e")?!0:!1);this.useScientificNotation&&(u=!0);this.usePrefixes&&(u=!1);u?(t=-1==String(p).indexOf("e")?p.toExponential(15):String(p),c=t.split("e"),t=Number(c[0]),c=Number(c[1]),t=AmCharts.roundTo(t,14),10==t&&(t=1,c+= | |
52 | +1),t=t+"e"+c,0===p&&(t="0"),1==p&&(t="1")):(h&&(t=String(p).split("."),t[1]?(w.precision=t[1].length,0>d&&(w.precision=Math.abs(d))):w.precision=-1),t=this.usePrefixes?AmCharts.addPrefix(p,a.prefixesOfBigNumbers,a.prefixesOfSmallNumbers,w,!0):AmCharts.formatNumber(p,w,w.precision));this.duration&&(t=AmCharts.formatDuration(p,this.duration,"",this.durationUnits,this.maxInterval,w));this.recalculateToPercents?t+="%":(c=this.unit)&&(t="left"==this.unitPosition?c+t:t+c);Math.round(d/k)!=d/k&&(t=void 0); | |
53 | +if(0===d&&!l||d==q-1&&!m)t=" ";c=this.getCoordinate(p);this.labelFunction&&(t=this.labelFunction(p,t,this).toString());t=new this.axisItemRenderer(this,c,t,void 0,void 0,void 0,void 0,this.boldLabels);this.pushAxisItem(t);if(p==this.baseValue&&"radar"!=a.type){var F,H,z=this.viW,A=this.viH;t=this.viX;E=this.viY;"H"==this.orientation?0<=c&&c<=z+1&&(F=[c,c,c+e],H=[A,0,f]):0<=c&&c<=A+1&&(F=[0,z,z+e],H=[c,c,c+f]);F&&(c=AmCharts.fitToBounds(2*this.gridAlpha,0,1),c=AmCharts.line(a.container,F,H,this.gridColor, | |
54 | +c,1,this.dashLength),c.translate(t,E),this.grid0=c,a.axesSet.push(c),c.toBack())}if(!isNaN(I)&&0<y&&d<q-1){t=this.gridAlpha;this.gridAlpha=this.minorGridAlpha;for(c=1;c<s/I;c++)E=this.getCoordinate(p+I*c),E=new this.axisItemRenderer(this,E,"",!1,0,0,!1,!1,0,!0),this.pushAxisItem(E);this.gridAlpha=t}}d=this.baseValue;this.min>this.baseValue&&this.max>this.baseValue&&(d=this.min);this.min<this.baseValue&&this.max<this.baseValue&&(d=this.max);h&&d<this.minReal&&(d=this.minReal);this.baseCoord=this.getCoordinate(d); | |
55 | +d={type:"axisChanged",target:this,chart:a};d.min=h?this.minReal:this.min;d.max=this.max;"axisChanged",d);this.axisCreated=!0}h=this.axisLine.set;d=this.labelsSet;this.positionTitle();"radar"!=a.type?(a=this.viX,e=this.viY,b.translate(a,e),d.translate(a,e)):h.toFront();!this.visible||g?(b.hide(),h.hide(),d.hide()):(,,;this.axisY=this.y-this.viY;this.axisX=this.x-this.viX}},getMinorGridStep:function(a,b){var c=[5,4,2];60>b&&c.shift();for(var d=Math.floor(Math.log(Math.abs(a))* | |
56 | +Math.LOG10E),e=0;e<c.length;e++){var f=a/c[e],g=Math.floor(Math.log(Math.abs(f))*Math.LOG10E);if(!(0<Math.abs(d-g)))if(1>a){if(g=Math.pow(10,-g)*f,g==Math.round(g))return f}else if(f==Math.round(f))return f}},stackGraphs:function(a){var b=this.stackType;"stacked"==b&&(b="regular");"line"==b&&(b="none");"100% stacked"==b&&(b="100%");this.stackType=b;var c=[],d=[],e=[],f=[],g,h=this.chart.graphs,k,l,m,n,p=this.baseValue,q=!1;if("line"==a||"step"==a||"smoothedLine"==a)q=!0;if(q&&("regular"==b||"100%"== | |
57 | +b))for(n=0;n<h.length;n++)m=h[n],m.hidden||(l=m.type,m.chart==this.chart&&m.valueAxis==this&&a==l&&m.stackable&&(k&&(m.stackGraph=k),k=m));for(k=this.start;k<=this.end;k++){var r=0;for(n=0;n<h.length;n++)if(m=h[n],m.hidden)m.newStack&&(e[k]=NaN,d[k]=NaN);else if(l=m.type,m.chart==this.chart&&m.valueAxis==this&&a==l&&m.stackable&&([k].axes[].graphs[],g=l.values.value,!isNaN(g))){var s=AmCharts.getDecimals(g);r<s&&(r=s);isNaN(f[k])?f[k]=Math.abs(g):f[k]+=Math.abs(g);f[k]=AmCharts.roundTo(f[k], | |
58 | +r);s=m.fillToGraph;q&&s&&([k].axes[].graphs[])&&(;"regular"==b&&(q&&(isNaN(c[k])?(c[k]=g,l.values.close=g,[k]:l.values.close=g+c[k],[k],c[k]=l.values.close)),"column"!=a||isNaN(g)||(m.newStack&&(e[k]=NaN,d[k]=NaN),l.values.close=g,0>g?(l.values.close=g,isNaN(d[k])?[k],[k]),d[k]=l.values.close):(l.values.close=g,isNaN(e[k])? | |
59 | +p:(l.values.close+=e[k],[k]),e[k]=l.values.close)))}}for(k=this.start;k<=this.end;k++)for(n=0;n<h.length;n++)(m=h[n],m.hidden)?m.newStack&&(e[k]=NaN,d[k]=NaN):(l=m.type,m.chart==this.chart&&m.valueAxis==this&&a==l&&m.stackable&&([k].axes[].graphs[],g=l.values.value,isNaN(g)||(c=g/f[k]*100,l.values.percents=c,[k],m.newStack&&(e[k]=NaN,d[k]=NaN),"100%"==b&&(isNaN(d[k])&&(d[k]=0),isNaN(e[k])&&(e[k]=0),0>c?(l.values.close=AmCharts.fitToBounds(c+d[k], | |
60 | +-100,100),[k],d[k]=l.values.close):(l.values.close=AmCharts.fitToBounds(c+e[k],-100,100),[k],e[k]=l.values.close)))))},recalculate:function(){var a=this.chart,b=a.graphs,c;for(c=0;c<b.length;c++){var d=b[c];if(d.valueAxis==this){var e="value";if("candlestick"==d.type||"ohlc"==d.type)e="open";var f,g,h=this.end+2,h=AmCharts.fitToBounds(this.end+1,0,,k=this.start;0<k&&k--;var l;g=this.start;d.compareFromStart&&(g=0);if(!isNaN(a.startTime)&&(l=a.categoryAxis)){minDuration= | |
61 | +l.minDuration();var m=new Date(a.startTime+minDuration/2),n=AmCharts.resetDateToMin(new Date(a.startTime),l.minPeriod).getTime();AmCharts.resetDateToMin(new Date(m),l.minPeriod).getTime()>n&&g++}if(l=a.recalculateFromDate)a.dataDateFormat&&(l=AmCharts.stringToDate(l,a.dataDateFormat)),g=a.getClosestIndex(a.chartData,"time",l.getTime(),!0,0,a.chartData.length),h=a.chartData.length-1;for(l=g;l<=h&&([l].axes[].graphs[],f=g.values[e],isNaN(f));l++);this.recBaseValue=f;for(e=k;e<= | |
62 | +h;e++){[e].axes[].graphs[];g.percents={};var k=g.values,p;for(p in k)g.percents[p]="percents"!=p?k[p]/f*100-100:k[p]}}}},getMinMax:function(){var a=!1,b=this.chart,c=b.graphs,d;for(d=0;d<c.length;d++){var e=c[d].type;("line"==e||"step"==e||"smoothedLine"==e)&&this.expandMinMax&&(a=!0)}a&&(0<this.start&&this.start--,this.end<;"serial"==b.type&&(!0!==b.categoryAxis.parseDates||a||this.end<;a=this.minMaxMultiplier;this.min= | |
63 | +this.getMin(this.start,this.end);this.max=this.getMax();a=(this.max-this.min)*(a-1);this.min-=a;this.max+=a;a=this.guides.length;if(this.includeGuidesInMinMax&&0<a)for(b=0;b<a;b++)c=this.guides[b],c.toValue<this.min&&(this.min=c.toValue),c.value<this.min&&(this.min=c.value),c.toValue>this.max&&(this.max=c.toValue),c.value>this.max&&(this.max=c.value);isNaN(this.minimum)||(this.min=this.minimum);isNaN(this.maximum)||(this.max=this.maximum);this.min>this.max&&(a=this.max,this.max=this.min,this.min= | |
64 | +a);isNaN(this.minTemp)||(this.min=this.minTemp);isNaN(this.maxTemp)||(this.max=this.maxTemp);this.minReal=this.min;this.maxReal=this.max;0===this.min&&0===this.max&&(this.max=9);this.min>this.max&&(this.min=this.max-1);a=this.min;b=this.max;c=this.max-this.min;d=0===c?Math.pow(10,Math.floor(Math.log(Math.abs(this.max))*Math.LOG10E))/10:Math.pow(10,Math.floor(Math.log(Math.abs(c))*Math.LOG10E))/10;isNaN(this.maximum)&&isNaN(this.maxTemp)&&(this.max=Math.ceil(this.max/d)*d+d);isNaN(this.minimum)&&isNaN(this.minTemp)&& | |
65 | +(this.min=Math.floor(this.min/d)*d-d);0>this.min&&0<=a&&(this.min=0);0<this.max&&0>=b&&(this.max=0);"100%"==this.stackType&&(this.min=0>this.min?-100:0,this.max=0>this.max?0:100);c=this.max-this.min;d=Math.pow(10,Math.floor(Math.log(Math.abs(c))*Math.LOG10E))/10;this.step=Math.ceil(c/this.gridCountR/d)*d;c=Math.pow(10,Math.floor(Math.log(Math.abs(this.step))*Math.LOG10E));c=this.fixStepE(c);d=Math.ceil(this.step/c);5<d&&(d=10);5>=d&&2<d&&(d=5);this.step=Math.ceil(this.step/(c*d))*c*d;1>c?(this.maxDecCount= | |
66 | +Math.abs(Math.log(Math.abs(c))*Math.LOG10E),this.maxDecCount=Math.round(this.maxDecCount),this.step=AmCharts.roundTo(this.step,this.maxDecCount+1)):this.maxDecCount=0;this.min=this.step*Math.floor(this.min/this.step);this.max=this.step*Math.ceil(this.max/this.step);0>this.min&&0<=a&&(this.min=0);0<this.max&&0>=b&&(this.max=0);1<this.minReal&&1<this.max-this.minReal&&(this.minReal=Math.floor(this.minReal));c=Math.pow(10,Math.floor(Math.log(Math.abs(this.minReal))*Math.LOG10E));0===this.min&&(this.minReal= | |
67 | +c);0===this.min&&1<this.minReal&&(this.minReal=1);0<this.min&&0<this.minReal-this.step&&(this.minReal=this.min+this.step<this.minReal?this.min+this.step:this.min);c=Math.log(b)*Math.LOG10E-Math.log(a)*Math.LOG10E;this.logarithmic&&(2<c?(this.minReal=this.min=Math.pow(10,Math.floor(Math.log(Math.abs(a))*Math.LOG10E)),this.max=Math.pow(10,Math.ceil(Math.log(Math.abs(b))*Math.LOG10E))):(b=Math.pow(10,Math.floor(Math.log(Math.abs(this.min))*Math.LOG10E))/10,a=Math.pow(10,Math.floor(Math.log(Math.abs(a))* | |
68 | +Math.LOG10E))/10,b<a&&(this.minReal=this.min=10*a)))},fixStepE:function(a){a=a.toExponential(0).split("e");var b=Number(a[1]);9==Number(a[0])&&b++;return this.generateNumber(1,b)},generateNumber:function(a,b){var c="",d;d=0>b?Math.abs(b)-1:Math.abs(b);var e;for(e=0;e<d;e++)c+="0";return 0>b?Number("0."+c+String(a)):Number(String(a)+c)},getMin:function(a,b){var c,d;for(d=a;d<=b;d++){var[d].axes[].graphs,f;for(f in e)if(e.hasOwnProperty(f)){var g=this.chart.getGraphById(f);if(g.includeInMinMax&& | |
69 | +(!g.hidden||this.includeHidden)){isNaN(c)&&(c=Infinity);this.foundGraphs=!0;g=e[f].values;this.recalculateToPercents&&(g=e[f].percents);var h;if(this.minMaxField)h=g[this.minMaxField],h<c&&(c=h);else for(var k in g)g.hasOwnProperty(k)&&"percents"!=k&&"total"!=k&&(h=g[k],h<c&&(c=h))}}}return c},getMax:function(){var a,b;for(b=this.start;b<=this.end;b++){var[b].axes[].graphs,d;for(d in c)if(c.hasOwnProperty(d)){var e=this.chart.getGraphById(d);if(e.includeInMinMax&&(!e.hidden||this.includeHidden)){isNaN(a)&& | |
70 | +(a=-Infinity);this.foundGraphs=!0;e=c[d].values;this.recalculateToPercents&&(e=c[d].percents);var f;if(this.minMaxField)f=e[this.minMaxField],f>a&&(a=f);else for(var g in e)e.hasOwnProperty(g)&&"percents"!=g&&"total"!=g&&(f=e[g],f>a&&(a=f))}}}return a},dispatchZoomEvent:function(a,b){var c={type:"axisZoomed",startValue:a,endValue:b,target:this,chart:this.chart};,c)},zoomToValues:function(a,b){if(b<a){var c=b;b=a;a=c}a<this.min&&(a=this.min);b>this.max&&(b=this.max);c={type:"axisSelfZoomed"}; | |
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138 | +t,O,P),w=[],t=[],O=[],P=[])}break;case "step":if(!isNaN(U)){if(void 0==x.lineColor&&void 0==x.fillColors&&isNaN(x.dashLength)||(this.drawLineGraph(w,t,O,P),w=[],t=[],O=[],P=[],this.lineColorSwitched=x.lineColor,this.fillColorsSwitched=x.fillColors,this.dashLengthSwitched=x.dashLength),q?(isNaN(u)||(w.push(u),t.push(C-ma)),t.push(C-ma),w.push(D),t.push(C+za),w.push(D),!Ea||isNaN(M)||isNaN(N)||(O.push(E),P.push(M-ma),O.push(N),P.push(M-ma),O.push(N),P.push(M+za))):(isNaN(y)||(t.push(y),w.push(u),t.push(y), | |
139 | +w.push(D-ma)),w.push(D-ma),t.push(C),w.push(D+za),t.push(C),!Ea||isNaN(M)||isNaN(N)||(O.push(N-ma),P.push(A),O.push(N-ma),P.push(M),O.push(N+za),P.push(M))),u=D,y=C,E=N,A=M,aa=D,ia=C,ea=D,fa=C,Ua&&(this.drawLineGraph(w,t,O,P),w=[],t=[],O=[],P=[],l&&(Ma?(this.lineColorSwitched=oa,this.fillColorsSwitched=ob):(this.lineColorSwitched=wa,this.fillColorsSwitched=Da))),Gb||,this.drawLineGraph(w,t,O,P),w=[],t=[],O=[],P=[]}else if(!v){if(1>=this.periodSpan||1<this.periodSpan&&D-u>ma+za)u=y=NaN; | |
140 | +this.drawLineGraph(w,t,O,P);w=[];t=[];O=[];P=[]}break;case "column":pa=ua;void 0!=x.lineColor&&(pa=x.lineColor);if(!isNaN(U)){l||(x.isNegative=U<ta?!0:!1);x.isNegative&&(Da&&(Ca=Da),void 0!=wa&&(pa=wa));var Ib=f.min,Jb=f.max;if(!(U<Ib&&ka<Ib||U>Jb&&ka>Jb))if(q){"3d"==H?(T=C-(r/2-this.depthCount+1)*(h+B)+B/2+F*V,S=N+I*V):(T=Math.floor(C-(r/2-V)*(h+B)+B/2),S=N);Q=h;aa=D;ia=T+h/2;ea=D;fa=T+h/2;T+Q>n&&(Q=n-T);0>T&&(Q+=T,T=0);da=D-N;var Vb=S;S=AmCharts.fitToBounds(S,0,m);da+=Vb-S;da=AmCharts.fitToBounds(da, | |
141 | +-S,m-S+I*V);T<n&&0<Q&&(ra=new AmCharts.Cuboid(e,da,Q,I-a.d3x,F-a.d3y,Ca,Wa,X,pa,Z,G,s,q,R,Xa),"bottom"!=L&&"inside"!=L&&"middle"!=L&&(L=f.reversed?"left":"right",0>U&&(L=f.reversed?"right":"left")),"regular"==H||"100%"==H)&&(aa+=this.dx)}else{"3d"==H?(S=D-(r/2-this.depthCount+1)*(h+B)+B/2+I*V,T=M+F*V):(S=D-(r/2-V)*(h+B)+B/2,T=M);Q=h;aa=S+h/2;ia=C;ea=S+h/2;fa=C;S+Q>m+V*I&&(Q=m-S+V*I);0>S&&(Q+=S,S=0);da=C-M;var Wb=T;T=AmCharts.fitToBounds(T,this.dy,n);da+=Wb-T;da=AmCharts.fitToBounds(da,-T+F*V,n-T); | |
142 | +if(S<m+V*I&&0<Q)if(ra=new AmCharts.Cuboid(e,Q,da,I-a.d3x,F-a.d3y,Ca,Wa,X,pa,this.lineAlpha,G,s,q,R,Xa),0>U&&"middle"!=L&&"inside"!=L)L="bottom";else if(L=qa,"regular"==H||"100%"==H)ia+=this.dy}if(ra&&(sa=ra.set,x.columnGraphics=sa,sa.translate(S,T),this.columnsSet.push(sa),(x.url||this.showHandOnHover)&&sa.setAttr("cursor","pointer"),!$)){"none"==H&&(K=q?(this.end+1-J)*z-c:z*J+c);"3d"==H&&(q?(K=(this.end+1-J)*z-c-1E3*this.depthCount,aa+=I*this.columnIndex,ea+=I*this.columnIndex,x.y+=I*this.columnIndex): | |
143 | +(K=(z-c)*(J+1)+1E3*this.depthCount,aa+=3,ia+=F*this.columnIndex+7,fa+=F*this.columnIndex,x.y+=F*this.columnIndex));if("regular"==H||"100%"==H)"inside"!=L&&(L="middle"),K=q?0<va.value?(this.end+1-J)*z+c:(this.end+1-J)*z-c:0<va.value?z*J+c:z*J-c;this.columnsArray.push({column:ra,depth:K});x.x=q?T+Q/2:S+Q/2;this.ownColumns.push(ra);this.animateColumns(ra,J,D,N,C,M);this.addListeners(sa,x)}}break;case "candlestick":if(!isNaN(ka)&&!isNaN(U)){var ib,tb;pa=ua;void 0!=x.lineColor&&(pa=x.lineColor);if(q){if(T= | |
144 | +C-h/2,S=N,Q=h,T+Q>n&&(Q=n-T),0>T&&(Q+=T,T=0),T<n&&0<Q){var ub,vb;U>ka?(ub=[D,Ga],vb=[N,Fa]):(ub=[N,Ga],vb=[D,Fa]);!isNaN(Ga)&&!isNaN(Fa)&&C<n&&0<C&&(ib=AmCharts.line(e,ub,[C,C],pa,Z,X),tb=AmCharts.line(e,vb,[C,C],pa,Z,X));da=D-N;ra=new AmCharts.Cuboid(e,da,Q,I,F,Ca,Sa,X,pa,Z,G,s,q,R,Xa)}}else if(S=D-h/2,T=M+X/2,Q=h,S+Q>m&&(Q=m-S),0>S&&(Q+=S,S=0),da=C-M,S<m&&0<Q){var ra=new AmCharts.Cuboid(e,Q,da,I,F,Ca,Wa,X,pa,Z,G,s,q,R,Xa),wb,xb;U>ka?(wb=[C,ya],xb=[M,xa]):(wb=[M,ya],xb=[C,xa]);!isNaN(ya)&&!isNaN(xa)&& | |
145 | +D<m&&0<D&&(ib=AmCharts.line(e,[D,D],wb,pa,Z,X),tb=AmCharts.line(e,[D,D],xb,pa,Z,X))}ra&&(sa=ra.set,x.columnGraphics=sa,Y.push(sa),sa.translate(S,T-X/2),(x.url||this.showHandOnHover)&&sa.setAttr("cursor","pointer"),ib&&(Y.push(ib),Y.push(tb)),aa=D,ia=C,q?(fa=C,ea=D,"open"==k&&(ea=N),"high"==k&&(ea=Ga),"low"==k&&(ea=Fa)):(fa=C,"open"==k&&(fa=M),"high"==k&&(fa=ya),"low"==k&&(fa=xa),ea=D),$||(x.x=q?T+Q/2:S+Q/2,this.animateColumns(ra,J,D,N,C,M),this.addListeners(sa,x)))}break;case "ohlc":if(!(isNaN(ka)|| | |
146 | +isNaN(qb)||isNaN(rb)||isNaN(U))){U<ka&&(x.isNegative=!0,void 0!=wa&&(ua=wa));var yb,zb,Ab;if(q){var Bb=C-h/2,Bb=AmCharts.fitToBounds(Bb,0,n),Kb=AmCharts.fitToBounds(C,0,n),Cb=C+h/2,Cb=AmCharts.fitToBounds(Cb,0,n);zb=AmCharts.line(e,[N,N],[Bb,Kb],ua,Z,X,R);0<C&&C<n&&(yb=AmCharts.line(e,[Fa,Ga],[C,C],ua,Z,X,R));Ab=AmCharts.line(e,[D,D],[Kb,Cb],ua,Z,X,R);fa=C;ea=D;"open"==k&&(ea=N);"high"==k&&(ea=Ga);"low"==k&&(ea=Fa)}else{var Db=D-h/2,Db=AmCharts.fitToBounds(Db,0,m),Lb=AmCharts.fitToBounds(D,0,m),Eb= | |
147 | +D+h/2,Eb=AmCharts.fitToBounds(Eb,0,m);zb=AmCharts.line(e,[Db,Lb],[M,M],ua,Z,X,R);0<D&&D<m&&(yb=AmCharts.line(e,[D,D],[xa,ya],ua,Z,X,R));Ab=AmCharts.line(e,[Lb,Eb],[C,C],ua,Z,X,R);fa=C;"open"==k&&(fa=M);"high"==k&&(fa=ya);"low"==k&&(fa=xa);ea=D}Y.push(zb);Y.push(yb);Y.push(Ab);aa=D;ia=C}}if(!$&&!isNaN(U)){var Mb=this.hideBulletsCount;if(this.end-this.start<=Mb||0===Mb){var Ha=this.createBullet(x,ea,fa,J);Ha||(Ha=0);var Nb=this.labelText;if(Nb){var ga=this.createLabel(x,0,0,Nb),Ia=0,Ja=0,Ob=ga.getBBox(), | |
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150 | +Tb=Rb.height,Ya,Za,Ub=f.totals[J];Ub&&Ub.remove();var $a=0;"column"!=g&&($a=Ha);q?(Za=C,Ya=0>U?D-Sb/2-2-$a:D+Sb/2+3+$a):(Ya=D,Za=0>U?C+Tb/2+$a:C-Tb/2-3-$a);Qa.translate(Ya,Za);f.totals[J]=Qa;q?(0>Za||Za>n)&&Qa.remove():(0>Ya||Ya>m)&&Qa.remove()}}}}}}if("line"==g||"step"==g||"smoothedLine"==g)"smoothedLine"==g?this.drawSmoothedGraph(w,t,O,P):this.drawLineGraph(w,t,O,P),$||this.launchAnimation();this.bulletsHidden&&this.hideBullets()},animateColumns:function(a,b,c,d,e,f){var g=this;c=g.chart.startDuration; | |
151 | +0<c&&!g.animationPlayed&&(g.seqAn?(a.set.hide(),g.animationArray.push(a),a=setTimeout(function(){},c/(g.end-g.start+1)*(b-g.start)*1E3),g.timeOuts.push(a)):g.animate(a))},createLabel:function(a,b,c,d,e){var f=this.chart,g=a.labelColor;g||(g=this.color);g||(g=f.color);e&&(g=e);e=this.fontSize;void 0===e&&(this.fontSize=e=f.fontSize);var h=this.labelFunction;d=f.formatString(d,a);d=AmCharts.cleanFromEmpty(d);h&&(d=h(a,d));a=AmCharts.text(this.container,d,g,f.fontFamily,e); | |
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154 | +q,n,v,!1,!0),l.push(n));if(0<f||0<t)if(n=a.join(";").split(";"),q=b.join(";").split(";"),m=g.type,"serial"==m?0<c.length?(c.reverse(),d.reverse(),n=a.concat(c),q=b.concat(d)):e.rotate?(q.push(q[q.length-1]),n.push(u),q.push(q[0]),n.push(u),q.push(q[0]),n.push(n[0])):(n.push(n[n.length-1]),q.push(u),n.push(n[0]),q.push(u),n.push(a[0]),q.push(q[0])):"xy"==m&&(b=e.fillToAxis)&&(AmCharts.isString(b)&&(b=g.getValueAxisById(b)),"H"==b.orientation?(u="top"==b.position?0:b.viH,n.push(n[n.length-1]),q.push(u), | |
155 | +n.push(n[0]),q.push(u),n.push(a[0]),q.push(q[0])):(u="left"==b.position?0:b.viW,q.push(q[q.length-1]),n.push(u),q.push(q[0]),n.push(u),q.push(q[0]),n.push(n[0]))),a=e.gradientRotation,0<f&&(g=AmCharts.polygon(h,n,q,r,f,1,"#000",0,a),g.pattern(e.pattern),k.push(g)),w||void 0!==s)isNaN(t)&&(t=f),w||(w=s),h=AmCharts.polygon(h,n,q,w,t,1,"#000",0,a),h.pattern(e.pattern),l.push(h),{e.handleGraphEvent(a,"clickGraph")}).mouseover(function(a){e.handleGraphEvent(a,"rollOverGraph")}).mouseout(function(a){e.handleGraphEvent(a, | |
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157 | +w=this.lineColorSwitched;w&&(n=w);(w=this.fillColorsSwitched)&&(p=w);w=this.negativeLineAlpha;isNaN(w)&&(w=k);k=new AmCharts.Bezier(f,a,b,n,k,l,p,0,e);g.push(k.path);void 0!==q&&(l=new AmCharts.Bezier(f,a,b,q,w,l,p,0,e),h.push(l.path));0<m&&(k=a.join(";").split(";"),n=b.join(";").split(";"),l="",0<c.length?(c.push("M"),d.push("M"),c.reverse(),d.reverse(),k=a.concat(c),n=b.concat(d)):(this.rotate?(l+=" L"+v+","+b[b.length-1],l+=" L"+v+","+b[0]):(l+=" L"+a[a.length-1]+","+v,l+=" L"+a[0]+","+v),l+=" L"+ | |
158 | +a[0]+","+b[0]),c=new AmCharts.Bezier(f,k,n,NaN,0,0,p,m,e,l),c.path.pattern(this.pattern),g.push(c.path),r||void 0!==q)&&(s||(s=m),r||(r=q),a=new AmCharts.Bezier(f,a,b,NaN,0,0,r,s,e,l),a.path.pattern(this.pattern),h.push(a.path));this.applyMask(h,g)}},launchAnimation:function(){var a=this,b=a.chart.startDuration;if(0<b&&!a.animationPlayed){var c=a.set,d=a.bulletSet;AmCharts.VML||(c.attr({opacity:a.startAlpha}),d.attr({opacity:a.startAlpha}));c.hide();d.hide();a.seqAn?(b=setTimeout(function(){}, | |
159 | +a.index*b*1E3),a.timeOuts.push(b)):a.animateGraphs()}},animateGraphs:function(){var a=this.chart,b=this.set,c=this.bulletSet,d=this.x,e=this.y;;;var f=a.startDuration,a=a.startEffect;b&&(this.rotate?(b.translate(-1E3,e),c.translate(-1E3,e)):(b.translate(d,-1E3),c.translate(d,-1E3)),b.animate({opacity:1,translate:d+","+e},f,a),c.animate({opacity:1,translate:d+","+e},f,a))},animate:function(a){var b=this.chart,c=this.animationArray;!a&&0<c.length&&(a=c[0],c.shift());c=AmCharts[AmCharts.getEffect(b.startEffect)]; | |
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161 | +this.bulletSize;isNaN(a.bulletSize)||(f=a.bulletSize);var g=a.values.value,h=this.maxValue,k=this.minValue,l=this.maxBulletSize,m=this.minBulletSize;isNaN(h)||(isNaN(g)||(f=(g-k)/(h-k)*(l-m)+m),k==h&&(f=l));h=f;this.bulletAxis&&(f=a.values.error,isNaN(f)||(g=f),f=this.bulletAxis.stepWidth*g);f<this.minBulletSize&&(f=this.minBulletSize);this.rotate?b=a.isNegative?b-e:b+e:c=a.isNegative?c+e:c-e;var n,m=this.bulletColorR;a.lineColor&&(this.bulletColorSwitched=a.lineColor);this.bulletColorSwitched&&(m= | |
162 | +this.bulletColorSwitched);a.isNegative&&void 0!==this.bulletColorNegative&&(m=this.bulletColorNegative);void 0!==a.color&&(m=a.color);var p;"xy"==this.chart.type&&this.valueField&&(p=this.pattern,a.pattern&&(p=a.pattern));e=this.bullet;a.bullet&&(e=a.bullet);var g=this.bulletBorderThickness,k=this.bulletBorderColorR,l=this.bulletBorderAlpha,q=this.bulletAlpha;k||(k=m);this.useLineColorForBulletBorder&&(k=this.lineColorR);var r=a.alpha;isNaN(r)||(q=r);if("none"!=this.bullet||a.bullet)n=AmCharts.bullet(d, | |
163 | +e,f,m,q,g,k,l,h,0,p);if(this.customBullet||a.customBullet)p=this.customBullet,a.customBullet&&(p=a.customBullet),p&&(n&&n.remove(),"function"==typeof p?(n=new p,n.chart=this.chart,a.bulletConfig&&(n.availableSpace=c,n.graph=this,n.graphDataItem=a,n.bulletY=c,a.bulletConfig.minCoord=this.minCoord-c,n.bulletConfig=a.bulletConfig),n.write(d),n=n.set):(this.chart.path&&(p=this.chart.path+p),n=d.set(),d=d.image(p,0,0,f,f),n.push(d),this.centerCustomBullets&&d.translate(-f/2,-f/2)));n&&((a.url||this.showHandOnHover)&& | |
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167 | +g+c.marginTopReal)}}this.handleGraphEvent(b,"rollOverGraph")},handleRollOut:function(a,b){this.chart.hideBalloon();if(a){var c={type:"rollOutGraphItem",item:a,index:a.index,graph:this,target:this,chart:this.chart,event:b};"rollOutGraphItem",c);"rollOutGraphItem",c)}this.handleGraphEvent(b,"rollOutGraph")},handleClick:function(a,b){if(a){var c={type:"clickGraphItem",item:a,index:a.index,graph:this,target:this,chart:this.chart,event:b};"clickGraphItem",c);"clickGraphItem", | |
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174 | +b=AmCharts.line(this.container,h,k,this.cursorColor,b,1);(h=this.fullRectSet)?(h.push(b),h.translate(this.x,this.y)):this.set.push(b);a?(e&&(g.pointerWidth=0),"right"==d?e?g.setBounds(n,p+m,n+q+l,p+r+m):g.setBounds(n+q+l+f,p+m,n+q+1E3,p+r+m):e?g.setBounds(n,p,q+n,r+p):g.setBounds(-1E3,-1E3,n-s-f,p+r+15)):(g.maxWidth=q,c.parseDates&&(s=0,g.pointerWidth=0),"top"==d?e?g.setBounds(n+l,p+m,q+l+n,r+p):g.setBounds(n+l,-1E3,q+l+n,p+m-s-f):e?g.setBounds(n,p,q+n,r+p-s):g.setBounds(n,p+r+s+f-1,n+q,p+r+s+f)); | |
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179 | +c;a.sort(this.compareY);var e;for(e=0;e<a.length;e++){var f=a[e].balloon;f.setBounds(b,c,b+this.width,d);f.prevX=this.prevX[e];f.prevY=this.prevY[e];f.prevTX=this.prevTX[e];f.prevTY=this.prevTY[e];f.draw();d=f.yPos-3}this.arrangeBalloons2()},compareY:function(a,b){return a.yy<b.yy?1:-1},arrangeBalloons2:function(){var a=this.valueBalloons;a.reverse();var b,c=this.x,d,e,f=a.length;for(e=0;e<f;e++){var g=a[e].balloon;b=g.bottom;var h=g.bottom-g.yPos,k=f-e-1;0<e&&b-h<d+3&&(g.setBounds(c,d+3,c+this.width, | |
180 | +d+h+3),g.prevX=this.prevX[k],g.prevY=this.prevY[k],g.prevTX=this.prevTX[k],g.prevTY=this.prevTY[k],g.draw());g.set&&;this.prevX[k]=g.prevX;this.prevY[k]=g.prevY;this.prevTX[k]=g.prevTX;this.prevTY[k]=g.prevTY;d=g.bottom}},showBullets:function(){AmCharts.remove(this.allBullets);var a=this.container,b=a.set();this.set.push(b);;this.allBullets=b;var b=this.chart.graphs,c;for(c=0;c<b.length;c++){var d=b[c];if(!d.hidden&&d.balloonText){var[this.index].axes[].graphs[], | |
181 | +f=e.y;if(!isNaN(f)){var g,h;g=e.x;this.rotate?(h=f,f=g):h=g;,this.bulletSize/2,this.chart.getBalloonColor(d,e,!0),d.cursorBulletAlpha);d.translate(h,f);this.allBullets.push(d)}}}},destroy:function(){this.clear();AmCharts.remove(this.selection);this.selection=null;var a=this.categoryBalloon;a&&a.destroy();this.destroyValueBalloons();AmCharts.remove(this.set)},clear:function(){clearInterval(this.interval)},destroyValueBalloons:function(){var a=this.valueBalloons;if(a){var b;for(b= | |
182 | +0;b<a.length;b++)a[b].balloon.hide()}},zoom:function(a,b,c,d){var e=this.chart;this.destroyValueBalloons();this.zooming=!1;var f;this.rotate?this.selectionPosY=f=e.mouseY:this.selectionPosX=f=e.mouseX;this.start=a;this.end=b;this.startTime=c;this.endTime=d;this.zoomed=!0;d=e.categoryAxis;e=this.rotate;b=this.width;c=this.height;a=d.stepWidth;this.fullWidth&&(f=1,d.parseDates&&!d.equalSpacing&&(f=d.minDuration()),e?this.extraWidth=c=a*f:(this.extraWidth=b=a*f,this.categoryBalloon.minWidth=b),this.line&& | |
183 | +this.line.remove(),this.line=AmCharts.rect(this.container,b,c,this.cursorColor,this.cursorAlpha,0),this.fullRectSet&&this.fullRectSet.push(this.line));this.stepWidth=a;this.tempVal=this.valueBalloonsEnabled;this.valueBalloonsEnabled=!1;this.setPosition();this.valueBalloonsEnabled=this.tempVal;this.hideCursor()},hideObj:function(a){a&&a.hide()},hideCursor:function(a){void 0===a&&(a=!0);this.hideObj(this.set);this.hideObj(this.categoryBalloon);this.hideObj(this.line);this.hideObj(this.vLine);this.hideObj(this.hLine); | |
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185 | +this.oneBalloonOnly)&&!isNaN(a)&&("mouse"==this.cursorPosition&&(this.tempPosition=a),isNaN(c)&&(c=this.chart.categoryAxis.xToIndex(a)),c!=this.previousIndex||this.zoomed||"mouse"==this.cursorPosition||this.oneBalloonOnly)&&(this.updateCursor(c,b),this.zoomed=!1),this.previousMousePosition=a}else this.updateCrosshair()},normalizeBulletSize:function(){var a=this.resizedBullets;if(a)for(var b=0;b<a.length;b++){var c=a[b],d=c.bulletGraphics;d&&(d.translate(c.bx,,1),c=c.graph,isNaN(this.graphBulletAlpha)|| | |
186 | +(d.setAttr("fill-opacity",c.bulletAlpha),d.setAttr("stroke-opacity",c.bulletBorderAlpha)))}},updateCursor:function(a,b){var c=this.chart,d=this.fullWidth,e=c.mouseX-this.x,f=c.mouseY-this.y;this.drawingNow&&(AmCharts.remove(this.drawingLine),this.drawingLine=AmCharts.line(this.container,[this.x+this.drawStartX,this.x+e],[this.y+this.drawStartY,this.y+f],this.cursorColor,1,1));if(this.enabled){void 0===b&&(b=!0);this.index=a+=this.adjustment;var g=c.categoryAxis,h=c.dx,k=c.dy,l=this.x+1,m=this.y+1, | |
187 | +n=this.width,p=this.height,[a];this.fireMoved();if(q){var r=q.x[],s=c.rotate,v=g.inside,w=this.stepWidth,t=this.categoryBalloon,u=this.firstTime,y=this.lastTime,E=this.cursorPosition,A=g.position,z=this.zooming,K=this.panning,I=c.graphs,F=g.axisThickness;if(c.mouseIsOver||z||K||this.forceShow)if(this.forceShow=!1,K){var h=this.panClickPos,c=this.panClickEndTime,z=this.panClickStartTime,H=this.panClickEnd,l=this.panClickStart,e=(s?h-f:h-e)/w;if(!g.parseDates||g.equalSpacing)e=Math.round(e); | |
188 | +0!==e&&(h={type:"zoomed",target:this},h.chart=this.chart,g.parseDates&&!g.equalSpacing?(c+e>y&&(e=y-c),z+e<u&&(e=u-z),h.start=Math.round(z+e),h.end=Math.round(c+e),,h)):H+e>||0>l+e||(h.start=l+e,h.end=H+e,,h)))}else{"start"==E?r-=g.cellWidth/2:"mouse"==E&&(c.mouseIsOver?r=s?f-2:e-2:isNaN(this.tempPosition)||(r=this.tempPosition-2));if(s){if(0>r)if(z)r=0;else{this.hideCursor();return}if(r>p+1)if(z)r=p+1;else{this.hideCursor();return}}else{if(0>r)if(z)r= | |
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190 | +NaN));w=!0;z&&(w=!1);this.categoryBalloonEnabled&&w?(s?(v&&("right"==A?t.setBounds(l,m+k,l+n+h,m+r+k):t.setBounds(l,m+k,l+n+h,m+r)),"right"==A?v?t.setPosition(l+n+h,m+r+k):t.setPosition(l+n+h+F,m+r+k):v?t.setPosition(l,m+r):t.setPosition(l-F,m+r)):"top"==A?v?t.setPosition(l+r+h,m+k):t.setPosition(l+r+h,m+k-F+1):v?t.setPosition(l+r,m+p):t.setPosition(l+r,m+p+F-1),(u=this.categoryBalloonFunction)?t.showBalloon(u(q.category)):g.parseDates?(g=AmCharts.formatDate(q.category,this.categoryBalloonDateFormat), | |
191 | +-1!=g.indexOf("fff")&&(g=AmCharts.formatMilliseconds(g,q.category)),t.showBalloon(g)):t.showBalloon(AmCharts.fixNewLines(q.category))):t.hide();I&&this.bulletsEnabled&&this.showBullets();if(this.oneBalloonOnly){k=Infinity;for(g=0;g<I.length;g++)u=I[g],u.showBalloon&&!u.hidden&&u.balloonText&&(y=q.axes[].graphs[],t=y.y,isNaN(t)||(s?Math.abs(e-t)<k&&(k=Math.abs(e-t),H=u):Math.abs(f-t)<k&&(k=Math.abs(f-t),H=u)));this.mostCloseGraph&&(H=this.mostCloseGraph)}if(a!=this.previousIndex|| | |
192 | +H!=this.previousMostCloseGraph)if(this.normalizeBulletSize(),this.destroyValueBalloons(),this.resizedBullets=[],I&&this.valueBalloonsEnabled&&w&&c.balloon.enabled){this.valueBalloons=w=[];for(g=0;g<I.length;g++)if(u=I[g],t=NaN,(!this.oneBalloonOnly||u==H)&&u.showBalloon&&!u.hidden&&u.balloonText&&("step"==u.type&&"left"==u.stepDirection&&([a+1]),q)){if(y=q.axes[].graphs[])t=y.y;if(this.showNextAvailable&&isNaN(t)&&a+1<;k<;k++)if(r= | |
193 |[k])if(y=r.axes[].graphs[],t=y.y,!isNaN(t))break;if(!isNaN(t)){r=y.x;v=!0;if(s){if(k=t,0>r||r>p)v=!1}else if(k=r,r=t,0>k||k>n+h+1)v=!1;v&&(1!=this.graphBulletSize&&AmCharts.isModern&&(v=y.bulletGraphics)&&(v.getBBox(),v.translate(y.bx,,this.graphBulletSize),this.resizedBullets.push(y),A=this.graphBulletAlpha,isNaN(A)||(v.setAttr("fill-opacity",A),v.setAttr("stroke-opacity",A))),v=u.valueBalloon,A=c.getBalloonColor(u,y),v.setBounds(l,m,l+n,m+p),v.pointerOrientation="H", | |
194 | +F=this.balloonPointerOrientation,"vertical"==F&&(v.pointerOrientation="V"),"horizontal"==F&&(v.pointerOrientation="H"),v.changeColor(A),void 0!==u.balloonAlpha&&(v.fillAlpha=u.balloonAlpha),void 0!==u.balloonTextColor&&(v.color=u.balloonTextColor),v.setPosition(k+l,r+m),k=c.formatString(u.balloonText,y,!0),(r=u.balloonFunction)&&(k=r(y,u).toString()),""!==k&&(s?v.showBalloon(k):(v.text=k,!0),w.push({yy:t,balloon:v})),!s&&v.set&&(v.set.hide(),u=v.textDiv)&&("hidden"))}}this.avoidBalloonOverlapping&& | |
195 | +this.arrangeBalloons()}b?(h={type:"changed"},h.index=a,h.chart=this.chart,h.zooming=z,h.mostCloseGraph=H,h.position=s?f:e,,"changed",h),"changed",h),this.skipZoomDispatch=!1):(this.skipZoomDispatch=!0,c.updateLegendValues(a));this.previousIndex=a;this.previousMostCloseGraph=H}}}else this.hideCursor()},enableDrawing:function(a){this.enabled=!a;this.hideCursor();this.rolledOver=!1;this.drawing=a},isZooming:function(a){a&&a!=this.zooming&&this.handleMouseDown("fake");a|| | |
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239 | +this;(b.follow=a)?(b.pShowBullet=b.showBullet,b.showBullet=!1):void 0!==b.pShowBullet&&(b.showBullet=b.pShowBullet);clearInterval(b.interval);var c=b.chart.mouseX,d=b.chart.mouseY;!isNaN(c)&&a&&(b.pointToX=c-b.offsetX*b.deltaSignX,b.pointToY=d,b.followMouse(),b.interval=setInterval(function(){},40))},removeDiv:function(){if(this.textDiv){var a=this.textDiv.parentNode;a&&a.removeChild(this.textDiv)}},destroy:function(){clearInterval(this.interval);AmCharts.remove(this.set);this.removeDiv(); | |
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242 | +this.gridSet.toFront()},createValueAxes:function(){if(0===this.valueAxes.length){var a=new AmCharts.ValueAxis;this.addValueAxis(a)}},parseData:function(){this.processValueAxes();this.processGraphs()},parseSerialData:function(){var a=this.graphs,b,c={},d=this.seriesIdField;d||(d=this.categoryField);this.chartData=[];var e=this.dataProvider;if(e){var f=!1,g,h=this.categoryAxis,k,l;h&&(f=h.parseDates,k=h.forceShowField,l=h.labelColorField,g=h.categoryFunction);var m,n,p={},q;f&&(b=AmCharts.extractPeriod(h.minPeriod), | |
243 | +m=b.period,n=b.count,q=AmCharts.getPeriodDuration(m,n));var r={};this.lookupTable=r;var s,v=this.dataDateFormat,w={};for(s=0;s<e.length;s++){var t={},u=e[s];b=u[this.categoryField];t.dataContext=u;t.category=g?g(b,u,h):String(b);k&&(t.forceShow=u[k]);l&&(t.labelColor=u[l]);r[u[d]]=t;if(f&&(b=h.categoryFunction?h.categoryFunction(b,u,h):b instanceof Date?AmCharts.newDate(b,h.minPeriod):v?AmCharts.stringToDate(b,v):new Date(b),b=AmCharts.resetDateToMin(b,m,n,h.firstDayOfWeek),t.category=b,t.time=b.getTime(), | |
244 | +isNaN(t.time)))continue;var y=this.valueAxes;t.axes={};t.x={};var E;for(E=0;E<y.length;E++){var A=y[E].id;t.axes[A]={};t.axes[A].graphs={};var z;for(z=0;z<a.length;z++){b=a[z];var,I=b.periodValue;if({t.axes[A].graphs[K]={};var F={};F.index=s;var H=u;b.dataProvider&&(H=c);F.values=this.processValues(H,b,I);!b.connect&&w&&w[K]&&t.time-p[K]>1.1*q&&(w[K].gap=!0);this.processFields(b,F,H);F.category=t.category;F.serialDataItem=t;F.graph=b;t.axes[A].graphs[K]=F}p[K]=t.time;w[K]= | |
245 | +F}}this.chartData[s]=t}}for(c=0;c<a.length;c++)b=a[c],b.dataProvider&&this.parseGraphData(b)},processValues:function(a,b,c){var d={},e,f=!1;"candlestick"!=b.type&&"ohlc"!=b.type||""===c||(f=!0);e=Number(a[b.valueField+c]);isNaN(e)||(d.value=e);e=Number(a[b.errorField+c]);isNaN(e)||(d.error=e);f&&(c="Open");e=Number(a[b.openField+c]);isNaN(e)||(;f&&(c="Close");e=Number(a[b.closeField+c]);isNaN(e)||(d.close=e);f&&(c="Low");e=Number(a[b.lowField+c]);isNaN(e)||(d.low=e);f&&(c="High");e=Number(a[b.highField+ | |
246 | +c]);isNaN(e)||(d.high=e);return d},parseGraphData:function(a){var b=a.dataProvider,c=a.seriesIdField;c||(c=this.seriesIdField);c||(c=this.categoryField);var d;for(d=0;d<b.length;d++){var e=b[d],f=this.lookupTable[String(e[c])],;f&&(g=f.axes[g].graphs[],g.serialDataItem=f,g.values=this.processValues(e,a,a.periodValue),this.processFields(a,g,e))}},addValueAxis:function(a){a.chart=this;this.valueAxes.push(a);this.validateData()},removeValueAxesAndGraphs:function(){var a=this.valueAxes, | |
247 | +b;for(b=a.length-1;-1<b;b--)this.removeValueAxis(a[b])},removeValueAxis:function(a){var b=this.graphs,c;for(c=b.length-1;0<=c;c--){var d=b[c];d&&d.valueAxis==a&&this.removeGraph(d)}b=this.valueAxes;for(c=b.length-1;0<=c;c--)b[c]==a&&b.splice(c,1);this.validateData()},addGraph:function(a){this.graphs.push(a);this.chooseGraphColor(a,this.graphs.length-1);this.validateData()},removeGraph:function(a){var b=this.graphs,c;for(c=b.length-1;0<=c;c--)b[c]==a&&(b.splice(c,1),a.destroy());this.validateData()}, | |
248 | +processValueAxes:function(){var a=this.valueAxes,b;for(b=0;b<a.length;b++){var c=a[b],c=AmCharts.processObject(c,AmCharts.ValueAxis,this.theme);a[b]=c;c.chart=this;||("valueAxisAuto"+b+"_"+(new Date).getTime());void 0===c.usePrefixes&&(c.usePrefixes=this.usePrefixes)}},processGuides:function(){var a=this.guides,b=this.categoryAxis;if(a)for(var c=0;c<a.length;c++){var d=a[c];(void 0!==d.category||void 0!;var e=d.valueAxis;e?(AmCharts.isString(e)&&(e=this.getValueAxisById(e)), | |
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253 | +this.patterns)a.pattern=c[b]},handleLegendEvent:function(a){var b=a.type;a=a.dataItem;if(!{var c=a.hidden,d=a.showBalloon;switch(b){case "clickMarker":this.textClickEnabled&&(d?this.hideGraphsBalloon(a):this.showGraphsBalloon(a));break;case "clickLabel":d?this.hideGraphsBalloon(a):this.showGraphsBalloon(a);break;case "rollOverItem":c||this.highlightGraph(a);break;case "rollOutItem":c||this.unhighlightGraph();break;case "hideItem":this.hideGraph(a);break;case "showItem":this.showGraph(a)}}}, | |
254 | +highlightGraph:function(a){var b=this.graphs,c,d=.2;this.legend&&(d=this.legend.rollOverGraphAlpha);if(1!=d)for(c=0;c<b.length;c++){var e=b[c];e!=a&&e.changeOpacity(d)}},unhighlightGraph:function(){var a;this.legend&&(a=this.legend.rollOverGraphAlpha);if(1!=a){a=this.graphs;var b;for(b=0;b<a.length;b++)a[b].changeOpacity(1)}},showGraph:function(a){a.switchable&&(a.hidden=!1,this.dataChanged=!0,"xy"!=this.type&&(this.marginsUpdated=!1),this.chartCreated&&this.initChart())},hideGraph:function(a){a.switchable&& | |
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257 | +10;this.gradientRatio=[];this.maxLabelWidth=200;AmCharts.applyTheme(this,a,"AmSlicedChart")},initChart:function(){;this.dataChanged&&(this.parseData(),this.dispatchDataUpdated=!0,this.dataChanged=!1,this.setLegendData(this.chartData));this.drawChart()},handleLegendEvent:function(a){var b=a.type;a=a.dataItem;if(!{var c=a.hidden;switch(b){case "clickMarker":c||this.clickSlice(a);break;case "clickLabel":c||this.clickSlice(a);break;case "rollOverItem":c|| | |
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259 | +a)}).click(function(a){c.clickSlice(b,a)}).contextmenu(function(a){c.handleRightClick(b,a)})},formatString:function(a,b,c){a=AmCharts.formatValue(a,b,["value"],,"",this.usePrefixes,this.prefixesOfSmallNumbers,this.prefixesOfBigNumbers);a=AmCharts.formatValue(a,b,["percents"],;a=AmCharts.massReplace(a,{"[[title]]":b.title,"[[description]]":b.description});-1!=a.indexOf("[[")&&(a=AmCharts.formatDataContextValue(a,b.dataContext));a=c?AmCharts.fixNewLines(a):AmCharts.fixBrakes(a);return a= | |
260 | +AmCharts.cleanFromEmpty(a)},startSlices:function(){var a;for(a=0;a<this.chartData.length;a++)0<this.startDuration&&this.sequencedAnimation?this.setStartTO(a):this.startSlice(this.chartData[a])},setStartTO:function(a){var b=this;a=setTimeout(function(){},b.startDuration/b.chartData.length*500*a);b.timeOuts.push(a)},pullSlices:function(a){var b=this.chartData,c;for(c=0;c<b.length;c++){var d=b[c];d.pulled&&this.pullSlice(d,1,a)}},startSequenced:function(){var a=this.chartData, | |
261 | +b;for(b=0;b<a.length;b++)if(!a[b].started){this.startSlice(this.chartData[b]);break}},startSlice:function(a){a.started=!0;var b=a.wedge,c=this.startDuration;b&&0<c&&(0<a.alpha&&,b.translate(a.startX,a.startY),b.animate({opacity:1,translate:"0,0"},c,this.startEffect))},showLabels:function(){var a=this.chartData,b;for(b=0;b<a.length;b++){var c=a[b];if(0<c.alpha){var d=c.label;d&&;(c=c.tick)&&}}},showSlice:function(a){isNaN(a)?a.hidden=!1:this.chartData[a].hidden=!1;this.invalidateVisibility()}, | |
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263 | +-.15);this.showBalloon(f,g,b,d,e);a={type:"rollOverSlice",dataItem:a,chart:this,event:c};,a)}},rollOutSlice:function(a,b){isNaN(a)||(a=this.chartData[a]);a.wedge&&a.wedge.attr({opacity:1});this.hideBalloon();var c={type:"rollOutSlice",dataItem:a,chart:this,event:b};,c)},clickSlice:function(a,b){isNaN(a)||(a=this.chartData[a]);a.pulled?this.pullSlice(a,0):this.pullSlice(a,1);AmCharts.getURL(a.url,this.urlTarget);var c={type:"clickSlice",dataItem:a,chart:this,event:b}; | |
264 |,c)},handleRightClick:function(a,b){isNaN(a)||(a=this.chartData[a]);var c={type:"rightClickSlice",dataItem:a,chart:this,event:b};,c)},drawTicks:function(){var a=this.chartData,b;for(b=0;b<a.length;b++){var c=a[b];if(c.label){var d=c.ty,d=AmCharts.line(this.container,[c.tx0,c.tx,c.tx2],[c.ty0,d,d],this.labelTickColor,this.labelTickAlpha);c.tick=d;c.wedge.push(d)}}},initialStart:function(){var a=this,b=a.startDuration,c=setTimeout(function(){},1E3* | |
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287 | +this.chartCursor=null},zoomTrendLines:function(){var a=this.trendLines,b;for(b=0;b<a.length;b++){var c=a[b];c.valueAxis.recalculateToPercents?c.set&&c.set.hide():(c.x=this.marginLeftReal+this.horizontalPosition,c.y=this.marginTopReal+this.verticalPosition,c.draw())}},addTrendLine:function(a){this.trendLines.push(a)},removeTrendLine:function(a){var b=this.trendLines,c;for(c=b.length-1;0<=c;c--)b[c]==a&&b.splice(c,1)},adjustMargins:function(a,b){var c=a.scrollbarHeight+a.offset;"top"==a.position?b? | |
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289 | +h,a.x=this.marginLeftReal)}},showZB:function(a){var b=this.zbSet;b&&(a?,this.rollOutZB())},handleReleaseOutside:function(a){,a);(a=this.chartCursor)&&a.handleReleaseOutside()},handleMouseDown:function(a){,a);var b=this.chartCursor;b&&b.handleMouseDown(a)},handleCursorChange:function(a){}});AmCharts.TrendLine=AmCharts.Class({construct:function(a){this.cname="TrendLine";this.createEvents("click");this.isProtected=!1;this.dashLength=0;this.lineColor="#00CC00";this.lineThickness=this.lineAlpha=1;AmCharts.applyTheme(this,a,this.cname)},draw:function(){var a=this;a.destroy();var b=a.chart,c=b.container,d,e,f,g,h=a.categoryAxis,k=a.initialDate,l=a.initialCategory,m=a.finalDate,n=a.finalCategory,p=a.valueAxis,q=a.valueAxisX,r=a.initialXValue,s=a.finalXValue,v=a.initialValue,w=a.finalValue, | |
290 | +t=p.recalculateToPercents,u=b.dataDateFormat;h&&(k&&(k instanceof Date||(k=u?AmCharts.stringToDate(k,u):new Date(k)),a.initialDate=k,d=h.dateToCoordinate(k)),l&&(d=h.categoryToCoordinate(l)),m&&(m instanceof Date||(m=u?AmCharts.stringToDate(m,u):new Date(m)),a.finalDate=m,e=h.dateToCoordinate(m)),n&&(e=h.categoryToCoordinate(n)));q&&!t&&(isNaN(r)||(d=q.getCoordinate(r)),isNaN(s)||(e=q.getCoordinate(s)));p&&!t&&(isNaN(v)||(f=p.getCoordinate(v)),isNaN(w)||(g=p.getCoordinate(w)));isNaN(d)||isNaN(e)|| | |
291 | +isNaN(f)||isNaN(f)||(b.rotate?(h=[f,g],e=[d,e]):(h=[d,e],e=[f,g]),f=a.lineColor,d=AmCharts.line(c,h,e,f,a.lineAlpha,a.lineThickness,a.dashLength),g=h,k=e,n=h[1]-h[0],p=e[1]-e[0],0===n&&(n=.01),0===p&&(p=.01),l=n/Math.abs(n),m=p/Math.abs(p),p=n*p/Math.abs(n*p)*Math.sqrt(Math.pow(n,2)+Math.pow(p,2)),n=Math.asin(n/p),p=90*Math.PI/180-n,n=Math.abs(5*Math.cos(p)),p=Math.abs(5*Math.sin(p)),g.push(h[1]-l*p,h[0]-l*p),k.push(e[1]+m*n,e[0]+m*n),h=AmCharts.polygon(c,g,k,f,.005,0),c=c.set([h,d]),c.translate(b.marginLeftReal, | |
292 | +b.marginTopReal),b.trendLinesSet.push(c),a.line=d,a.set=c,h.mouseup(function(){a.handleLineClick()}).mouseover(function(){a.handleLineOver()}).mouseout(function(){a.handleLineOut()}),h.touchend&&h.touchend(function(){a.handleLineClick()}))},handleLineClick:function(){var a={type:"click",trendLine:this,chart:this.chart};,a)},handleLineOver:function(){var a=this.rollOverColor;void 0!==a&&this.line.attr({stroke:a})},handleLineOut:function(){this.line.attr({stroke:this.lineColor})},destroy:function(){AmCharts.remove(this.set)}});,b,c,d,e,f,g,h){if(void 0==e||0===e)e=.01;void 0===f&&(f="#000000");void 0===g&&(g=0);d={fill:c,stroke:f,"fill-opacity":d,"stroke-width":e,"stroke-opacity":g};,0,b).attr(d);h&&a.gradient("radialGradient",[c,AmCharts.adjustLuminosity(c,-.6)]);return a}; | |
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294 | +AmCharts.polygon=function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,k,l,m){isNaN(f)&&(f=.01);isNaN(h)&&(h=e);var n=d,p=!1;"object"==typeof n&&1<n.length&&(p=!0,n=n[0]);void 0===g&&(g=n);e={fill:n,stroke:g,"fill-opacity":e,"stroke-width":f,"stroke-opacity":h};void 0!==m&&0<m&&(e["stroke-dasharray"]=m);m=AmCharts.dx;f=AmCharts.dy;a.handDrawn&&(c=AmCharts.makeHD(b,c,a.handDrawScatter),b=c[0],c=c[1]);g=Math.round;l&&(g=AmCharts.doNothing);l="M"+(g(b[0])+m)+","+(g(c[0])+f);for(h=1;h<b.length;h++)l+=" L"+(g(b[h])+m)+","+(g(c[h])+ | |
295 | +f);a=a.path(l+" Z").attr(e);p&&a.gradient("linearGradient",d,k);return a}; | |
296 | +AmCharts.rect=function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,k,l,m){isNaN(f)&&(f=0);void 0===k&&(k=0);void 0===l&&(l=270);isNaN(e)&&(e=0);var n=d,p=!1;"object"==typeof n&&(n=n[0],p=!0);void 0===g&&(g=n);void 0===h&&(h=e);b=Math.round(b);c=Math.round(c);var q=0,r=0;0>b&&(b=Math.abs(b),q=-b);0>c&&(c=Math.abs(c),r=-c);q+=AmCharts.dx;r+=AmCharts.dy;e={fill:n,stroke:g,"fill-opacity":e,"stroke-opacity":h};void 0!==m&&0<m&&(e["stroke-dasharray"]=m);a=a.rect(q,r,b,c,k,f).attr(e);p&&a.gradient("linearGradient",d,l);return a}; | |
297 | +AmCharts.bullet=function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,k,l,m){var n;"circle"==b&&(b="round");switch(b){case "round",c/2,d,e,f,g,h);break;case "square":n=AmCharts.polygon(a,[-c/2,c/2,c/2,-c/2],[c/2,c/2,-c/2,-c/2],d,e,f,g,h,l-180);break;case "rectangle":n=AmCharts.polygon(a,[-c,c,c,-c],[c/2,c/2,-c/2,-c/2],d,e,f,g,h,l-180);break;case "diamond":n=AmCharts.polygon(a,[-c/2,0,c/2,0],[0,-c/2,0,c/2],d,e,f,g,h);break;case "triangleUp":n=AmCharts.triangle(a,c,0,d,e,f,g,h);break;case "triangleDown":n=AmCharts.triangle(a, | |
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299 | +2,c/2],[0,0],d,e,f)),n.push(AmCharts.line(a,[-c/2,-c/2],[-k,k],d,e,f)),n.push(AmCharts.line(a,[c/2,c/2],[-k,k],d,e,f))}n&&n.pattern(m);return n}; | |
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363 | +AmCharts.resetDateToMin=function(a,b,c,d){void 0===d&&(d=1);var e,f,g,h,k,l,m;AmCharts.useUTC?(e=a.getUTCFullYear(),f=a.getUTCMonth(),g=a.getUTCDate(),h=a.getUTCHours(),k=a.getUTCMinutes(),l=a.getUTCSeconds(),m=a.getUTCMilliseconds(),a=a.getUTCDay()):(e=a.getFullYear(),f=a.getMonth(),g=a.getDate(),h=a.getHours(),k=a.getMinutes(),l=a.getSeconds(),m=a.getMilliseconds(),a=a.getDay());switch(b){case "YYYY":e=Math.floor(e/c)*c;f=0;g=1;m=l=k=h=0;break;case "MM":f=Math.floor(f/c)*c;g=1;m=l=k=h=0;break;case "WW":0=== | |
364 | +a&&0<d&&(a=7);g=g-a+d;m=l=k=h=0;break;case "DD":m=l=k=h=0;break;case "hh":h=Math.floor(h/c)*c;m=l=k=0;break;case "mm":k=Math.floor(k/c)*c;m=l=0;break;case "ss":l=Math.floor(l/c)*c;m=0;break;case "fff":m=Math.floor(m/c)*c}AmCharts.useUTC?(a=new Date,a.setUTCFullYear(e,f,g),a.setUTCHours(h,k,l,m)):a=new Date(e,f,g,h,k,l,m);return a}; | |
365 | +AmCharts.getPeriodDuration=function(a,b){void 0===b&&(b=1);var c;switch(a){case "YYYY":c=316224E5;break;case "MM":c=26784E5;break;case "WW":c=6048E5;break;case "DD":c=864E5;break;case "hh":c=36E5;break;case "mm":c=6E4;break;case "ss":c=1E3;break;case "fff":c=1}return c*b};AmCharts.intervals={s:{nextInterval:"ss",contains:1E3},ss:{nextInterval:"mm",contains:60,count:0},mm:{nextInterval:"hh",contains:60,count:1},hh:{nextInterval:"DD",contains:24,count:2},DD:{nextInterval:"",contains:Infinity,count:3}}; | |
366 | +AmCharts.getMaxInterval=function(a,b){var c=AmCharts.intervals;return a>=c[b].contains?(a=Math.round(a/c[b].contains),b=c[b].nextInterval,AmCharts.getMaxInterval(a,b)):"ss"==b?c[b].nextInterval:b};AmCharts.dayNames="Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday".split(" ");AmCharts.shortDayNames="Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat".split(" ");AmCharts.monthNames="January February March April May June July August September October November December".split(" ");AmCharts.shortMonthNames="Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec".split(" "); | |
367 | +AmCharts.getWeekNumber=function(a){a=new Date(a);a.setHours(0,0,0);a.setDate(a.getDate()+4-(a.getDay()||7));var b=new Date(a.getFullYear(),0,1);return Math.ceil(((a-b)/864E5+1)/7)}; | |
368 | +AmCharts.stringToDate=function(a,b){var c={},d=[{pattern:"YYYY",period:"year"},{pattern:"YY",period:"year"},{pattern:"MM",period:"month"},{pattern:"M",period:"month"},{pattern:"DD",period:"date"},{pattern:"D",period:"date"},{pattern:"JJ",period:"hours"},{pattern:"J",period:"hours"},{pattern:"HH",period:"hours"},{pattern:"H",period:"hours"},{pattern:"KK",period:"hours"},{pattern:"K",period:"hours"},{pattern:"LL",period:"hours"},{pattern:"L",period:"hours"},{pattern:"NN",period:"minutes"},{pattern:"N", | |
369 | +period:"minutes"},{pattern:"SS",period:"seconds"},{pattern:"S",period:"seconds"},{pattern:"QQQ",period:"milliseconds"},{pattern:"QQ",period:"milliseconds"},{pattern:"Q",period:"milliseconds"}],e=!0,f=b.indexOf("AA");-1!=f&&(a.substr(f,2),"pm"==a.toLowerCase&&(e=!1));var f=b,g,h,k;for(k=0;k<d.length;k++)h=d[k].period,c[h]=0,"date"==h&&(c[h]=1);for(k=0;k<d.length;k++)if(g=d[k].pattern,h=d[k].period,-1!=b.indexOf(g)){var l=AmCharts.getFromDateString(g,a,f);b=b.replace(g,"");if("KK"==g||"K"==g||"LL"== | |
370 | +g||"L"==g)e||(l+=12);c[h]=l}return new Date(c.year,c.month,,c.hours,c.minutes,c.seconds,c.milliseconds)};AmCharts.getFromDateString=function(a,b,c){if(void 0!==b)return c=c.indexOf(a),b=b.substr(c,a.length),"0"==b.charAt(0)&&(b=b.substr(1,b.length-1)),b=Number(b),isNaN(b)&&(b=0),-1!=a.indexOf("M")&&b--,b}; | |
371 | +AmCharts.formatDate=function(a,b){var c,d,e,f,g,h,k,l,m=AmCharts.getWeekNumber(a);AmCharts.useUTC?(c=a.getUTCFullYear(),d=a.getUTCMonth(),e=a.getUTCDate(),f=a.getUTCDay(),g=a.getUTCHours(),h=a.getUTCMinutes(),k=a.getUTCSeconds(),l=a.getUTCMilliseconds()):(c=a.getFullYear(),d=a.getMonth(),e=a.getDate(),f=a.getDay(),g=a.getHours(),h=a.getMinutes(),k=a.getSeconds(),l=a.getMilliseconds());var n=String(c).substr(2,2),p=d+1;9>d&&(p="0"+p);var q="0"+f;b=b.replace(/W/g,m);m=g;24==m&&(m=0);var r=m;10>r&&(r= | |
372 | +"0"+r);b=b.replace(/JJ/g,r);b=b.replace(/J/g,m);r=g;0===r&&(r=24,-1!=b.indexOf("H")&&e--);m=e;10>e&&(m="0"+e);var s=r;10>s&&(s="0"+s);b=b.replace(/HH/g,s);b=b.replace(/H/g,r);r=g;11<r&&(r-=12);s=r;10>s&&(s="0"+s);b=b.replace(/KK/g,s);b=b.replace(/K/g,r);r=g;0===r&&(r=12);12<r&&(r-=12);s=r;10>s&&(s="0"+s);b=b.replace(/LL/g,s);b=b.replace(/L/g,r);r=h;10>r&&(r="0"+r);b=b.replace(/NN/g,r);b=b.replace(/N/g,h);h=k;10>h&&(h="0"+h);b=b.replace(/SS/g,h);b=b.replace(/S/g,k);k=l;10>k&&(k="00"+k);100>k&&(k="0"+ | |
373 | +k);h=l;10>h&&(h="00"+h);b=b.replace(/QQQ/g,k);b=b.replace(/QQ/g,h);b=b.replace(/Q/g,l);b=12>g?b.replace(/A/g,"am"):b.replace(/A/g,"pm");b=b.replace(/YYYY/g,"@IIII@");b=b.replace(/YY/g,"@II@");b=b.replace(/MMMM/g,"@XXXX@");b=b.replace(/MMM/g,"@XXX@");b=b.replace(/MM/g,"@XX@");b=b.replace(/M/g,"@X@");b=b.replace(/DD/g,"@RR@");b=b.replace(/D/g,"@R@");b=b.replace(/EEEE/g,"@PPPP@");b=b.replace(/EEE/g,"@PPP@");b=b.replace(/EE/g,"@PP@");b=b.replace(/E/g,"@P@");b=b.replace(/@IIII@/g,c);b=b.replace(/@II@/g, | |
374 | +n);b=b.replace(/@XXXX@/g,AmCharts.monthNames[d]);b=b.replace(/@XXX@/g,AmCharts.shortMonthNames[d]);b=b.replace(/@XX@/g,p);b=b.replace(/@X@/g,d+1);b=b.replace(/@RR@/g,m);b=b.replace(/@R@/g,e);b=b.replace(/@PPPP@/g,AmCharts.dayNames[f]);b=b.replace(/@PPP@/g,AmCharts.shortDayNames[f]);b=b.replace(/@PP@/g,q);return b=b.replace(/@P@/g,f)}; | |
375 | +AmCharts.changeDate=function(a,b,c,d,e){var f=-1;void 0===d&&(d=!0);void 0===e&&(e=!1);!0===d&&(f=1);switch(b){case "YYYY":a.setFullYear(a.getFullYear()+c*f);d||e||a.setDate(a.getDate()+1);break;case "MM":b=a.getMonth();a.setMonth(a.getMonth()+c*f);a.getMonth()>b+c*f&&a.setDate(a.getDate()-1);d||e||a.setDate(a.getDate()+1);break;case "DD":a.setDate(a.getDate()+c*f);break;case "WW":a.setDate(a.getDate()+c*f*7);break;case "hh":a.setHours(a.getHours()+c*f);break;case "mm":a.setMinutes(a.getMinutes()+ | |
376 | +c*f);break;case "ss":a.setSeconds(a.getSeconds()+c*f);break;case "fff":a.setMilliseconds(a.getMilliseconds()+c*f)}return a}; | |
0 | 377 | \ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -0,0 +1,793 @@ |
1 | +AmCharts.AmExport = AmCharts.Class({ | |
2 | + construct: function(chart, cfg, init ) { | |
3 | + var _this = this; | |
4 | + _this.DEBUG = false; | |
5 | + _this.chart = chart; | |
6 | + _this.canvas = null; | |
7 | + _this.svgs = []; | |
8 | + _this.userCFG = cfg; | |
9 | + | |
10 | + _this.buttonIcon = 'export.png'; | |
11 | + _this.exportPNG = true; | |
12 | + _this.exportPDF = false; | |
13 | + _this.exportJPG = false; | |
14 | + _this.exportSVG = false; | |
15 | + //_this.left; | |
16 | + _this.right = 0; | |
17 | + //_this.bottom; | |
18 | + = 0; | |
19 | + //_this.color; | |
20 | + _this.buttonRollOverColor = "#EFEFEF"; | |
21 | + //_this.buttonColor = "#FFFFFF"; | |
22 | + //_this.buttonRollOverAlpha = 0.5; | |
23 | + _this.textRollOverColor = "#CC0000"; | |
24 | + _this.buttonTitle = "Save chart as an image"; | |
25 | + _this.buttonAlpha = 0.75; | |
26 | + _this.imageFileName = "amChart"; | |
27 | + _this.imageBackgroundColor = "#FFFFFF"; | |
28 | + | |
29 | + if (init) { | |
30 | + _this.init(); | |
31 | + } | |
32 | + }, | |
33 | + | |
34 | + toCoordinate:function(value){ | |
35 | + if(value === undefined){ | |
36 | + return "auto"; | |
37 | + } | |
38 | + if(String(value).indexOf("%") != -1){ | |
39 | + return value; | |
40 | + } | |
41 | + else{ | |
42 | + return value + "px"; | |
43 | + } | |
44 | + }, | |
45 | + | |
46 | + init: function(){ | |
47 | + var _this = this; | |
48 | + | |
49 | + var formats = []; | |
50 | + if (_this.exportPNG) { | |
51 | + formats.push("png"); | |
52 | + } | |
53 | + if (_this.exportPDF) { | |
54 | + formats.push("pdf"); | |
55 | + } | |
56 | + if (_this.exportJPG) { | |
57 | + formats.push("jpg"); | |
58 | + } | |
59 | + if (_this.exportSVG) { | |
60 | + formats.push("svg"); | |
61 | + } | |
62 | + | |
63 | + var menuItems = []; | |
64 | + if(formats.length == 1){ | |
65 | + var format = formats[0]; | |
66 | + menuItems.push({format:format, iconTitle:_this.buttonTitle, icon:_this.chart.pathToImages + _this.buttonIcon}) | |
67 | + } | |
68 | + else if(formats.length > 1){ | |
69 | + var subItems = []; | |
70 | + for(var i = 0; i < formats.length; i++){ | |
71 | + subItems.push({format:formats[i], title:formats[i].toUpperCase()}); | |
72 | + } | |
73 | + menuItems.push({onclick: function() {}, icon:_this.chart.pathToImages + _this.buttonIcon, items:subItems}) | |
74 | + } | |
75 | + | |
76 | + | |
77 | + var color = _this.color; | |
78 | + if(color === undefined){ | |
79 | + color = _this.chart.color; | |
80 | + } | |
81 | + | |
82 | + var buttonColor = _this.buttonColor; | |
83 | + if(buttonColor === undefined){ | |
84 | + buttonColor = "transparent"; | |
85 | + } | |
86 | + | |
87 | + | |
88 | + _this.cfg = { | |
89 | + menuTop : _this.toCoordinate(, | |
90 | + menuLeft : _this.toCoordinate(_this.left), | |
91 | + menuRight : _this.toCoordinate(_this.right), | |
92 | + menuBottom : _this.toCoordinate(_this.bottom), | |
93 | + menuItems : menuItems, | |
94 | + menuItemStyle: { | |
95 | + backgroundColor : buttonColor, | |
96 | + opacity :_this.buttonAlpha, | |
97 | + rollOverBackgroundColor : _this.buttonRollOverColor, | |
98 | + color : color, | |
99 | + rollOverColor : _this.textRollOverColor, | |
100 | + paddingTop : '6px', | |
101 | + paddingRight : '6px', | |
102 | + paddingBottom : '6px', | |
103 | + paddingLeft : '6px', | |
104 | + marginTop : '0px', | |
105 | + marginRight : '0px', | |
106 | + marginBottom : '0px', | |
107 | + marginLeft : '0px', | |
108 | + textAlign : 'left', | |
109 | + textDecoration : 'none', | |
110 | + fontFamily : _this.chart.fontFamily, | |
111 | + fontSize : _this.chart.fontSize + 'px' | |
112 | + }, | |
113 | + menuItemOutput: { | |
114 | + backgroundColor : _this.imageBackgroundColor, | |
115 | + fileName : _this.imageFileName, | |
116 | + format : 'png', | |
117 | + output : 'dataurlnewwindow', | |
118 | + render : 'browser', | |
119 | + dpi : 90, | |
120 | + onclick : function(instance, config, event) { | |
121 | + event.preventDefault(); | |
122 | + if(_this.chart.prepareForExport){ | |
123 | + _this.chart.prepareForExport(); | |
124 | + } | |
125 | + instance.output(config); | |
126 | + } | |
127 | + }, | |
128 | + removeImagery: true | |
129 | + }; | |
130 | + | |
131 | + _this.processing = { | |
132 | + buffer: [], | |
133 | + drawn: 0, | |
134 | + timer: 0 | |
135 | + }; | |
136 | + | |
137 | + // Config dependency adaption | |
138 | + if (typeof(window.canvg) != 'undefined' && typeof(window.RGBColor) != 'undefined') { | |
139 | + _this.cfg.menuItemOutput.render = 'canvg'; | |
140 | + } | |
141 | + if (typeof(window.saveAs) != 'undefined') { | |
142 | + _this.cfg.menuItemOutput.output = 'save'; | |
143 | + } | |
144 | + if (AmCharts.isIE && AmCharts.IEversion < 10) { | |
145 | + _this.cfg.menuItemOutput.output = 'dataurlnewwindow'; | |
146 | + } | |
147 | + | |
148 | + // Merge given configs | |
149 | + var cfg = _this.userCFG; | |
150 | + if (cfg) { | |
151 | + cfg.menuItemOutput = AmCharts.extend(_this.cfg.menuItemOutput, cfg.menuItemOutput || {}); | |
152 | + cfg.menuItemStyle = AmCharts.extend(_this.cfg.menuItemStyle, cfg.menuItemStyle || {}); | |
153 | + _this.cfg = AmCharts.extend(_this.cfg, cfg); | |
154 | + } | |
155 | + | |
156 | + // Add reference to chart | |
157 | + _this.chart.AmExport = _this; | |
158 | + | |
159 | + // Listen to the drawer | |
160 | + _this.chart.addListener('rendered', function() { | |
161 | + _this.setup(); | |
162 | + }); | |
163 | + | |
164 | + // DEBUG; Public reference | |
165 | + if (_this.DEBUG) { | |
166 | + window.AmExport = _this; | |
167 | + } | |
168 | + }, | |
169 | + | |
170 | + | |
171 | + /* | |
172 | + Simple log function for internal purpose | |
173 | + @param **args | |
174 | + */ | |
175 | + log: function() { | |
176 | + console.log('AmExport: ', arguments); | |
177 | + }, | |
178 | + | |
179 | + /* PUBLIC | |
180 | + Prepares everything to get exported | |
181 | + @param none | |
182 | + */ | |
183 | + setup: function() { | |
184 | + var _this = this; | |
185 | + | |
186 | + if (_this.DEBUG == 10) { | |
187 | + _this.log('SETUP START'); | |
188 | + } // DEBUG | |
189 | + | |
190 | + | |
191 | + if (!AmCharts.isIE || (AmCharts.isIE && AmCharts.IEversion > 9)) { | |
192 | + // Build Buttons | |
193 | + _this.generateButtons(); | |
194 | + if (_this.DEBUG == 10) { | |
195 | + _this.log('SETUP END'); | |
196 | + } // DEBUG | |
197 | + } else { | |
198 | + if (_this.DEBUG == 10) { | |
199 | + _this.log('< IE10 NOT SUPPORTED'); | |
200 | + } // DEBUG | |
201 | + } | |
202 | + }, | |
203 | + | |
204 | + /* PUBLIC | |
205 | + Decodes base64 string to binary array | |
206 | + @param base64_string | |
207 | + @copyright Eli Grey, and Devin Samarin, | |
208 | + */ | |
209 | + generateBinaryArray: function(base64_string) { | |
210 | + var | |
211 | + len = base64_string.length, | |
212 | + buffer = new Uint8Array(len / 4 * 3 | 0), | |
213 | + i = 0, | |
214 | + outptr = 0, | |
215 | + last = [0, 0], | |
216 | + state = 0, | |
217 | + save = 0, | |
218 | + rank, code, undef, base64_ranks = new Uint8Array([ | |
219 | + 62, -1, -1, -1, 63, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, -1, -1, -1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51 | |
220 | + ]); | |
221 | + while (len--) { | |
222 | + code = base64_string.charCodeAt(i++); | |
223 | + rank = base64_ranks[code - 43]; | |
224 | + if (rank !== 255 && rank !== undef) { | |
225 | + last[1] = last[0]; | |
226 | + last[0] = code; | |
227 | + save = (save << 6) | rank; | |
228 | + state++; | |
229 | + if (state === 4) { | |
230 | + buffer[outptr++] = save >>> 16; | |
231 | + if (last[1] !== 61 /* padding character */ ) { | |
232 | + buffer[outptr++] = save >>> 8; | |
233 | + } | |
234 | + if (last[0] !== 61 /* padding character */ ) { | |
235 | + buffer[outptr++] = save; | |
236 | + } | |
237 | + state = 0; | |
238 | + } | |
239 | + } | |
240 | + } | |
241 | + // 2/3 chance there's going to be some null bytes at the end, but that | |
242 | + // doesn't really matter with most image formats. | |
243 | + // If it somehow matters for you, truncate the buffer up outptr. | |
244 | + return buffer; | |
245 | + }, | |
246 | + | |
247 | + /* | |
248 | + Creates blob object | |
249 | + @param base64_datastring string | |
250 | + @param type string | |
251 | + */ | |
252 | + generateBlob: function(datastring, type) { | |
253 | + var _this = this, | |
254 | + header_end = type!='image/svg+xml'?datastring.indexOf(',') + 1:0, | |
255 | + header = datastring.substring(0, header_end), | |
256 | + data = datastring, | |
257 | + blob = new Blob(); | |
258 | + | |
259 | + if (header.indexOf('base64') != -1) { | |
260 | + data = _this.generateBinaryArray(datastring.substring(header_end)); | |
261 | + } | |
262 | + | |
263 | + // Fake blob for IE | |
264 | + if (AmCharts.isIE && AmCharts.IEversion < 10) { | |
265 | + = data; | |
266 | + blob.size = data.length; | |
267 | + blob.type = type; | |
268 | + blob.encoding = 'base64'; | |
269 | + } else { | |
270 | + blob = new Blob([data], { | |
271 | + type: type | |
272 | + }); | |
273 | + } | |
274 | + return blob; | |
275 | + }, | |
276 | + | |
277 | + /* | |
278 | + Creates PDF object | |
279 | + @param config object | |
280 | + */ | |
281 | + generatePDF: function(cfg) { | |
282 | + var _this = this, | |
283 | + pdf = { | |
284 | + output: function() { | |
285 | + return ''; | |
286 | + } | |
287 | + }, | |
288 | + data = _this.canvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg'), // JSPDF ONLY SUPPORTS JPG | |
289 | + width = (_this.canvas.width * 25.4) / cfg.dpi, | |
290 | + height = (_this.canvas.height * 25.4) / cfg.dpi; | |
291 | + | |
292 | + // Check | |
293 | + if (window.jsPDF) { | |
294 | + pdf = new jsPDF(); | |
295 | + if (pdf.addImage) { | |
296 | + pdf.addImage(data, 'JPEG', 0, 0, width, height); | |
297 | + } else { | |
298 | + alert("Missing jsPDF plugin; Please add the 'addImage' plugin."); | |
299 | + } | |
300 | + } else { | |
301 | + alert("Missing jsPDF lib; Don't forget to add the addImage plugin."); | |
302 | + } | |
303 | + | |
304 | + return pdf; | |
305 | + }, | |
306 | + | |
307 | + /* | |
308 | + Creates the CANVAS to receive the image data | |
309 | + @param format void() | |
310 | + @param callback; given callback function which returns the blob or datastring of the configured ouput type | |
311 | + */ | |
312 | + output: function(cfg, externalCallback) { | |
313 | + var _this = this; | |
314 | + cfg = AmCharts.extend(AmCharts.extend({}, _this.cfg.menuItemOutput), cfg || {}); | |
315 | + | |
316 | + /* PRIVATE | |
317 | + Callback function which gets called after the drawing process is done | |
318 | + @param none | |
319 | + */ | |
320 | + function internalCallback() { | |
321 | + var data = null; | |
322 | + var blob; | |
323 | + if (_this.DEBUG == 10) { | |
324 | + _this.log('OUTPUT', cfg.format); | |
325 | + } // DEBUG | |
326 | + | |
327 | + // SVG | |
328 | + if (cfg.format == 'image/svg+xml' || cfg.format == 'svg') { | |
329 | + data = _this.generateSVG(); | |
330 | + blob = _this.generateBlob(data, 'image/svg+xml'); | |
331 | + | |
332 | + if (cfg.output == 'save') { | |
333 | + saveAs(blob, cfg.fileName + '.svg'); | |
334 | + } else if (cfg.output == 'datastring' || cfg.output == 'datauristring' || cfg.output == 'dataurlstring') { | |
335 | + blob = 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,' + btoa(data); | |
336 | + } else if (cfg.output == 'dataurlnewwindow') { | |
337 | +'data:image/svg+xml;base64,' + btoa(data)); | |
338 | + } else if (cfg.output == 'datauri' || cfg.output == 'dataurl') { | |
339 | + location.href = 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,' + btoa(data); | |
340 | + } else if (cfg.output == 'datastream') { | |
341 | + location.href = 'data:image/octet-stream;base64,' + data; | |
342 | + } | |
343 | + | |
344 | + if (externalCallback) | |
345 | + externalCallback.apply(_this, [blob]); | |
346 | + | |
347 | ||
348 | + } else if (cfg.format == 'application/pdf' || cfg.format == 'pdf') { | |
349 | + data = _this.generatePDF(cfg).output('dataurlstring'); | |
350 | + blob = _this.generateBlob(data, 'application/pdf'); | |
351 | + | |
352 | + if (cfg.output == 'save') { | |
353 | + saveAs(blob, cfg.fileName + '.pdf'); | |
354 | + } else if (cfg.output == 'datastring' || cfg.output == 'datauristring' || cfg.output == 'dataurlstring') { | |
355 | + blob = data; | |
356 | + } else if (cfg.output == 'dataurlnewwindow') { | |
357 | +; | |
358 | + } else if (cfg.output == 'datauri' || cfg.output == 'dataurl') { | |
359 | + location.href = data; | |
360 | + } else if (cfg.output == 'datastream') { | |
361 | + location.href = data.replace('application/pdf', 'application/octet-stream'); | |
362 | + } | |
363 | + | |
364 | + if (externalCallback) | |
365 | + externalCallback.apply(_this, [blob]); | |
366 | + | |
367 | + // PNG | |
368 | + } else if (cfg.format == 'image/png' || cfg.format == 'png') { | |
369 | + data = _this.canvas.toDataURL('image/png'); | |
370 | + blob = _this.generateBlob(data, 'image/png'); | |
371 | + | |
372 | + if (cfg.output == 'save') { | |
373 | + saveAs(blob, cfg.fileName + '.png'); | |
374 | + } else if (cfg.output == 'datastring' || cfg.output == 'datauristring' || cfg.output == 'dataurlstring') { | |
375 | + blob = data; | |
376 | + } else if (cfg.output == 'dataurlnewwindow') { | |
377 | +; | |
378 | + } else if (cfg.output == 'datauri' || cfg.output == 'dataurl') { | |
379 | + location.href = data; | |
380 | + } else if (cfg.output == 'datastream') { | |
381 | + location.href = data.replace('image/png', 'image/octet-stream'); | |
382 | + } | |
383 | + | |
384 | + if (externalCallback) | |
385 | + externalCallback.apply(_this, [blob]); | |
386 | + | |
387 | + // JPG | |
388 | + } else if (cfg.format == 'image/jpeg' || cfg.format == 'jpeg' || cfg.format == 'jpg') { | |
389 | + data = _this.canvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg'); | |
390 | + blob = _this.generateBlob(data, 'image/jpeg'); | |
391 | + | |
392 | + if (cfg.output == 'save') { | |
393 | + saveAs(blob, cfg.fileName + '.jpg'); | |
394 | + } else if (cfg.output == 'datastring' || cfg.output == 'datauristring' || cfg.output == 'dataurlstring') { | |
395 | + blob = data; | |
396 | + } else if (cfg.output == 'dataurlnewwindow') { | |
397 | +; | |
398 | + } else if (cfg.output == 'datauri' || cfg.output == 'dataurl') { | |
399 | + location.href = data; | |
400 | + } else if (cfg.output == 'datastream') { | |
401 | + location.href = data.replace('image/jpeg', 'image/octet-stream'); | |
402 | + } | |
403 | + | |
404 | + if (externalCallback) | |
405 | + externalCallback.apply(_this, [blob]); | |
406 | + } | |
407 | + | |
408 | + } | |
409 | + | |
410 | + return _this.generateOutput(cfg, internalCallback); | |
411 | + }, | |
412 | + | |
413 | + /* PUBLIC | |
414 | + Polifies missing attributes to the SVG and replaces images to embedded base64 images | |
415 | + @param none | |
416 | + */ | |
417 | + polifySVG: function(svg) { | |
418 | + var _this = this; | |
419 | + | |
420 | + // Recursive function to force the attributes | |
421 | + function recursiveChange(svg, tag) { | |
422 | + var items = svg.getElementsByTagName(tag); | |
423 | + var i = items.length; | |
424 | + | |
425 | + while(i--) { | |
426 | + if (_this.cfg.removeImagery) { | |
427 | + items[i].parentNode.removeChild(items[i]); | |
428 | + | |
429 | + } else { | |
430 | + var image = document.createElement('img'); | |
431 | + var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); | |
432 | + var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); | |
433 | + | |
434 | + canvas.width = items[i].getAttribute('width'); | |
435 | + canvas.height = items[i].getAttribute('height'); | |
436 | + image.src = items[i].getAttribute('xlink:href'); | |
437 | + image.width = items[i].getAttribute('width'); | |
438 | + image.height = items[i].getAttribute('height'); | |
439 | + | |
440 | + try { | |
441 | + ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0, image.width, image.height); | |
442 | + datastring = canvas.toDataURL(); // image.src; // canvas.toDataURL(); // | |
443 | + } catch (err) { | |
444 | + datastring = image.src; // image.src; // canvas.toDataURL(); // | |
445 | + | |
446 | + _this.log('Tainted canvas, reached browser CORS security; origin from imagery must be equal to the server!'); | |
447 | + throw new Error(err); | |
448 | + } | |
449 | + | |
450 | + items[i].setAttribute('xlink:href', datastring); | |
451 | + } | |
452 | + | |
453 | + if (_this.DEBUG == 10) { | |
454 | + _this.log('POLIFIED', items[i]); | |
455 | + } // DEBUG | |
456 | + } | |
457 | + } | |
458 | + | |
459 | + // Put some attrs to it; fixed 20/03/14 xmlns is required to produce a valid svg file | |
460 | + if (AmCharts.IEversion == 0) { | |
461 | + svg.setAttribute('xmlns', ''); | |
462 | + if ( !_this.cfg.removeImagery ) { | |
463 | + svg.setAttribute('xmlns:xlink',''); | |
464 | + } | |
465 | + } | |
466 | + | |
467 | + // DEBUG | |
468 | + if (_this.DEBUG == 10) { | |
469 | + _this.log('POLIFIED', svg); | |
470 | + } | |
471 | + | |
472 | + // Force link adaption | |
473 | + recursiveChange(svg, 'pattern'); | |
474 | + recursiveChange(svg, 'image'); | |
475 | + | |
476 | + _this.svgs.push(svg); | |
477 | + | |
478 | + return svg; | |
479 | + }, | |
480 | + | |
481 | + | |
482 | + /* PUBLIC | |
483 | + Stacks multiple SVGs into one | |
484 | + @param none | |
485 | + */ | |
486 | + generateSVG: function() { | |
487 | + var _this = this; | |
488 | + var context = document.createElement('svg'); | |
489 | + context.setAttribute('xmlns', ''); | |
490 | + context.setAttribute('xmlns:xlink',''); | |
491 | + | |
492 | + for (var i = 0; i < _this.processing.buffer.length; i++) { | |
493 | + var group = document.createElement('g'), | |
494 | + data = _this.processing.buffer[i]; | |
495 | + | |
496 | + data[0].setAttribute('xmlns', ''); | |
497 | + data[0].setAttribute('xmlns:xlink',''); | |
498 | + | |
499 | + group.setAttribute('transform', 'translate('+data[1].x+','+data[1].y+')'); | |
500 | + group.appendChild(data[0]); | |
501 | + context.appendChild(group); | |
502 | + } | |
503 | + | |
504 | + return new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(context); | |
505 | + }, | |
506 | + | |
507 | + /* PUBLIC | |
508 | + Generates the canvas with the given SVGs and configured renderer | |
509 | + @param callback; function(); gets called after drawing process on the canvas has been finished | |
510 | + */ | |
511 | + generateOutput: function(cfg, callback) { | |
512 | + var _this = this, | |
513 | + svgs = _this.chart.div.getElementsByTagName('svg'), | |
514 | + canvas = document.createElement('canvas'), | |
515 | + context = canvas.getContext('2d'), | |
516 | + offset = { | |
517 | + y: 0, | |
518 | + x: 0 | |
519 | + }, | |
520 | + tmp = {}; | |
521 | + | |
522 | + // Reset | |
523 | + _this.processing.buffer = []; | |
524 | + _this.processing.drawn = 0; | |
525 | + _this.canvas = canvas; | |
526 | + _this.svgs = []; | |
527 | + | |
528 | + // Walkthroug SVGs | |
529 | + if (_this.DEBUG == 10) { | |
530 | + _this.log('START EXPORT'); | |
531 | + } // DEBUG | |
532 | + if (_this.DEBUG == 10) { | |
533 | + _this.log('START BUFFERING'); | |
534 | + } // DEBUG | |
535 | + for (var i = 0; i < svgs.length; i++) { | |
536 | + var parent = svgs[i].parentNode, | |
537 | + svgX = Number(, -2)), | |
538 | + svgY = Number(, -2)), | |
539 | + svgClone = _this.polifySVG(svgs[i].cloneNode(true)), | |
540 | + tmp = AmCharts.extend({}, offset); | |
541 | + | |
542 | + // Overtake parent position if given; fixed 20/03/14 distinguish between relativ and others | |
543 | + if ( == 'relative') { | |
544 | + offset.x = svgX ? svgX : offset.x; | |
545 | + offset.y = svgY ? svgY : offset.y; | |
546 | + } else { | |
547 | + offset.x = svgX; | |
548 | + offset.y = svgY; | |
549 | + } | |
550 | + | |
551 | + _this.processing.buffer.push([svgClone, AmCharts.extend({}, offset)]); | |
552 | + | |
553 | + // Put back from "cache" | |
554 | + if (svgY && svgX) { | |
555 | + offset = tmp; | |
556 | + | |
557 | + // New offset for next one | |
558 | + } else { | |
559 | + offset.y += svgY ? 0 : parent.offsetHeight; | |
560 | + } | |
561 | + | |
562 | + if (_this.DEBUG == 10) { | |
563 | + _this.log('BUFFERED', svgs[i], offset); | |
564 | + } // DEBUG | |
565 | + } | |
566 | + if (_this.DEBUG == 10) { | |
567 | + _this.log('END BUFFERING'); | |
568 | + } // DEBUG | |
569 | + | |
570 | + // Apply background | |
571 | + if (_this.DEBUG == 10) { | |
572 | + _this.log('START DRAWING', cfg.render); | |
573 | + } // DEBUG | |
574 | + if (_this.DEBUG == 10) { | |
575 | + _this.log('FILL BACKGROUND'); | |
576 | + } // DEBUG | |
577 | + = AmCharts.getUniqueId(); | |
578 | + canvas.width = _this.chart.divRealWidth; | |
579 | + canvas.height = _this.chart.divRealHeight; | |
580 | + | |
581 | + | |
582 | + // Stockchart exception | |
583 | + var adapted = { | |
584 | + width: false, | |
585 | + height: false | |
586 | + }; | |
587 | + if ( _this.chart.periodSelector ) { | |
588 | + if ( ['left','right'].indexOf(_this.chart.periodSelector.position) != -1 ) { | |
589 | + canvas.width -= _this.chart.periodSelector.div.offsetWidth + 16; | |
590 | + adapted.width = true; | |
591 | + } else { | |
592 | + canvas.height -= _this.chart.periodSelector.div.offsetHeight; | |
593 | + adapted.height = true; | |
594 | + } | |
595 | + } | |
596 | + | |
597 | + if ( _this.chart.dataSetSelector ) { | |
598 | + if ( ['left','right'].indexOf(_this.chart.dataSetSelector.position) != -1 ) { | |
599 | + if ( !adapted.width ) { | |
600 | + canvas.width -= _this.chart.dataSetSelector.div.offsetWidth + 16; | |
601 | + } | |
602 | + } else { | |
603 | + canvas.height -= _this.chart.dataSetSelector.div.offsetHeight; | |
604 | + } | |
605 | + } | |
606 | + | |
607 | + // Set given background; jpeg default | |
608 | + if (cfg.backgroundColor || cfg.format == 'image/jpeg') { | |
609 | + context.fillStyle = cfg.backgroundColor || '#FFFFFF'; | |
610 | + context.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); | |
611 | + } | |
612 | + | |
613 | + /* PRIVATE | |
614 | + Recursive function to draw the images to the canvas; | |
615 | + @param none; | |
616 | + */ | |
617 | + function drawItWhenItsLoaded() { | |
618 | + var img, buffer, offset, source; | |
619 | + | |
621 | + if (_this.processing.buffer.length == _this.processing.drawn || cfg.format == 'svg' ) { | |
622 | + if (_this.DEBUG == 10) { | |
623 | + _this.log('END DRAWING'); | |
624 | + } // DEBUG | |
625 | + return callback(); | |
626 | + | |
627 | + // LOOPING LUI | |
628 | + } else { | |
629 | + if (_this.DEBUG == 10) { | |
630 | + _this.log('DRAW', _this.processing.drawn + 1, 'OF', _this.processing.buffer.length); | |
631 | + } // DEBUG | |
632 | + | |
633 | + buffer = _this.processing.buffer[_this.processing.drawn]; | |
634 | + source = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(buffer[0]); //source = 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,' + btoa(); | |
635 | + offset = buffer[1]; | |
636 | + | |
637 | + if (_this.DEBUG == 10) { | |
638 | + _this.log('SOURCE', source); | |
639 | + } // DEBUG | |
640 | + | |
641 | + // NATIVE | |
642 | + if (cfg.render == 'browser') { | |
643 | + img = new Image(); | |
644 | + = AmCharts.getUniqueId(); | |
645 | + source = 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,' + btoa(source); | |
646 | + | |
647 | + //img.crossOrigin = "Anonymous"; | |
648 | + img.onload = function() { | |
649 | + context.drawImage(this, buffer[1].x, buffer[1].y); | |
650 | + _this.processing.drawn++; | |
651 | + | |
652 | + if (_this.DEBUG == 10) { | |
653 | + _this.log('ONLOAD', this); | |
654 | + } // DEBUG | |
655 | + drawItWhenItsLoaded(); | |
656 | + }; | |
657 | + img.onerror = function() { | |
658 | + if (_this.DEBUG == 10) { | |
659 | + _this.log('ONERROR', this); | |
660 | + } // DEBUG | |
661 | + context.drawImage(this, buffer[1].x, buffer[1].y); | |
662 | + _this.processing.drawn++; | |
663 | + drawItWhenItsLoaded(); | |
664 | + }; | |
665 | + img.src = source; | |
666 | + | |
667 | + if (_this.DEBUG == 10) { | |
668 | + _this.log('ADD', img); | |
669 | + } // DEBUG | |
670 | + if (img.complete || typeof(img.complete) == 'undefined' || img.complete === undefined) { | |
671 | + if (_this.DEBUG == 10) { | |
672 | + _this.log('FORCE ONLOAD', img); | |
673 | + } // DEBUG | |
674 | + img.src = ""; | |
675 | + img.src = source; | |
676 | + } | |
677 | + | |
678 | + // CANVG | |
679 | + } else if (cfg.render == 'canvg') { | |
680 | + canvg(canvas, source, { | |
681 | + offsetX: offset.x, | |
682 | + offsetY: offset.y, | |
683 | + ignoreMouse: true, | |
684 | + ignoreAnimation: true, | |
685 | + ignoreDimensions: true, | |
686 | + ignoreClear: true, | |
687 | + renderCallback: function() { | |
688 | + _this.processing.drawn++; | |
689 | + drawItWhenItsLoaded(); | |
690 | + } | |
691 | + }); | |
692 | + } | |
693 | + } | |
694 | + } | |
695 | + return drawItWhenItsLoaded(); | |
696 | + }, | |
697 | + | |
698 | + /* | |
699 | + Generates the export menu to trigger the exportation | |
700 | + @param none; | |
701 | + */ | |
702 | + generateButtons: function() { | |
703 | + var _this = this, | |
704 | + div = document.createElement('div'), | |
705 | + lvl = 0; | |
706 | + | |
707 | + // Push sublings | |
708 | + function createList(items) { | |
709 | + var ul = document.createElement('ul'); | |
710 | + | |
711 | + ul.setAttribute('style', 'list-style: none; margin: 0; padding: 0;'); | |
712 | + | |
713 | + // Walkthrough items | |
714 | + for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { | |
715 | + var li = document.createElement('li'), | |
716 | + img = document.createElement('img'), | |
717 | + a = document.createElement('a'), | |
718 | + item = items[i], | |
719 | + children = null, | |
720 | + itemStyle = AmCharts.extend(AmCharts.extend({}, _this.cfg.menuItemStyle), items[i]); | |
721 | + | |
722 | + // MERGE CFG | |
723 | + item = AmCharts.extend(AmCharts.extend({}, _this.cfg.menuItemOutput), item); | |
724 | + | |
725 | + // ICON | |
726 | + if (item['icon']) { | |
727 | + img.alt = ''; | |
728 | + img.src = item['icon']; | |
729 | + img.setAttribute('style', 'margin: 0 auto;border: none;outline: none'); | |
730 | + if (item['iconTitle']) { | |
731 | + img.title = item['iconTitle']; | |
732 | + } | |
733 | + a.appendChild(img); | |
734 | + } | |
735 | + | |
736 | + // TITLE; STYLING | |
737 | + a.href = '#'; | |
738 | + if (item['title']) { | |
739 | + img.setAttribute('style', 'margin-right: 5px;'); | |
740 | + a.innerHTML += item.title; | |
741 | + } | |
742 | + a.setAttribute('style', 'display: block;'); | |
743 | + AmCharts.extend(, itemStyle); | |
744 | + | |
745 | + // ONCLICK | |
746 | + a.onclick = item.onclick.bind(a, _this, item); | |
747 | + li.appendChild(a); | |
748 | + | |
749 | + // APPEND SIBLINGS | |
750 | + if (item.items) { | |
751 | + children = createList(item.items); | |
752 | + li.appendChild(children); | |
753 | + | |
754 | + li.onmouseover = function() { | |
755 | + = 'block'; | |
756 | + }; | |
757 | + li.onmouseout = function() { | |
758 | + = 'none'; | |
759 | + }; | |
760 | + = 'none'; | |
761 | + } | |
762 | + | |
763 | + // Append to parent | |
764 | + ul.appendChild(li); | |
765 | + | |
766 | + // Apply hover | |
767 | + a.onmouseover = function() { | |
768 | + = itemStyle.rollOverBackgroundColor; | |
769 | + = itemStyle.rollOverColor; | |
770 | + = itemStyle.rollOverBorderColor; | |
771 | + }; | |
772 | + a.onmouseout = function() { | |
773 | + = itemStyle.backgroundColor; | |
774 | + = itemStyle.color; | |
775 | + = itemStyle.borderColor; | |
776 | + }; | |
777 | + } | |
778 | + lvl++; | |
779 | + | |
780 | + if (_this.DEBUG == 10) { | |
781 | + _this.log('MENU', ul); | |
782 | + } // DEBUG | |
783 | + | |
784 | + return ul; | |
785 | + } | |
786 | + | |
787 | + // Style wrapper; Push into chart div | |
788 | + div.setAttribute('style', 'width:39px; height:28px; position: absolute;top:' + _this.cfg.menuTop + ';right:' + _this.cfg.menuRight + ';bottom:' + _this.cfg.menuBottom + ';left:' + _this.cfg.menuLeft + ';box-shadow:0px 0px 1px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0);'); | |
789 | + div.setAttribute('class', 'amExportButton'); | |
790 | + div.appendChild(createList(_this.cfg.menuItems)); | |
791 | + _this.chart.containerDiv.appendChild(div); | |
792 | + } | |
793 | +}); | |
0 | 794 | \ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -0,0 +1,2842 @@ |
1 | +/* | |
2 | + * canvg.js - Javascript SVG parser and renderer on Canvas | |
3 | + * MIT Licensed | |
4 | + * Gabe Lerner ( | |
5 | + * | |
6 | + * | |
7 | + * Requires: rgbcolor.js - | |
8 | + */ | |
9 | +(function(){ | |
10 | + // canvg(target, s) | |
11 | + // empty parameters: replace all 'svg' elements on page with 'canvas' elements | |
12 | + // target: canvas element or the id of a canvas element | |
13 | + // s: svg string, url to svg file, or xml document | |
14 | + // opts: optional hash of options | |
15 | + // ignoreMouse: true => ignore mouse events | |
16 | + // ignoreAnimation: true => ignore animations | |
17 | + // ignoreDimensions: true => does not try to resize canvas | |
18 | + // ignoreClear: true => does not clear canvas | |
19 | + // offsetX: int => draws at a x offset | |
20 | + // offsetY: int => draws at a y offset | |
21 | + // scaleWidth: int => scales horizontally to width | |
22 | + // scaleHeight: int => scales vertically to height | |
23 | + // renderCallback: function => will call the function after the first render is completed | |
24 | + // forceRedraw: function => will call the function on every frame, if it returns true, will redraw | |
25 | + this.canvg = function (target, s, opts) { | |
26 | + // no parameters | |
27 | + if (target == null && s == null && opts == null) { | |
28 | + var svgTags = document.getElementsByTagName('svg'); | |
29 | + for (var i=0; i<svgTags.length; i++) { | |
30 | + var svgTag = svgTags[i]; | |
31 | + var c = document.createElement('canvas'); | |
32 | + c.width = svgTag.clientWidth; | |
33 | + c.height = svgTag.clientHeight; | |
34 | + svgTag.parentNode.insertBefore(c, svgTag); | |
35 | + svgTag.parentNode.removeChild(svgTag); | |
36 | + var div = document.createElement('div'); | |
37 | + div.appendChild(svgTag); | |
38 | + canvg(c, div.innerHTML); | |
39 | + } | |
40 | + return; | |
41 | + } | |
42 | + opts = opts || {}; | |
43 | + | |
44 | + if (typeof target == 'string') { | |
45 | + target = document.getElementById(target); | |
46 | + } | |
47 | + | |
48 | + // store class on canvas | |
49 | + if (target.svg != null) target.svg.stop(); | |
50 | + var svg = build(); | |
51 | + // on i.e. 8 for flash canvas, we can't assign the property so check for it | |
52 | + if (!(target.childNodes.length == 1 && target.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'OBJECT')) target.svg = svg; | |
53 | + svg.opts = opts; | |
54 | + | |
55 | + var ctx = target.getContext('2d'); | |
56 | + if (typeof(s.documentElement) != 'undefined') { | |
57 | + // load from xml doc | |
58 | + svg.loadXmlDoc(ctx, s); | |
59 | + } | |
60 | + else if (s.substr(0,1) == '<') { | |
61 | + // load from xml string | |
62 | + svg.loadXml(ctx, s); | |
63 | + } | |
64 | + else { | |
65 | + // load from url | |
66 | + svg.load(ctx, s); | |
67 | + } | |
68 | + } | |
69 | + | |
70 | + function build() { | |
71 | + var svg = { }; | |
72 | + | |
73 | + svg.FRAMERATE = 30; | |
74 | + svg.MAX_VIRTUAL_PIXELS = 30000; | |
75 | + | |
76 | + // globals | |
77 | + svg.init = function(ctx) { | |
78 | + var uniqueId = 0; | |
79 | + svg.UniqueId = function () { uniqueId++; return 'canvg' + uniqueId; }; | |
80 | + svg.Definitions = {}; | |
81 | + svg.Styles = {}; | |
82 | + svg.Animations = []; | |
83 | + svg.Images = []; | |
84 | + svg.ctx = ctx; | |
85 | + svg.ViewPort = new (function () { | |
86 | + this.viewPorts = []; | |
87 | + this.Clear = function() { this.viewPorts = []; } | |
88 | + this.SetCurrent = function(width, height) { this.viewPorts.push({ width: width, height: height }); } | |
89 | + this.RemoveCurrent = function() { this.viewPorts.pop(); } | |
90 | + this.Current = function() { return this.viewPorts[this.viewPorts.length - 1]; } | |
91 | + this.width = function() { return this.Current().width; } | |
92 | + this.height = function() { return this.Current().height; } | |
93 | + this.ComputeSize = function(d) { | |
94 | + if (d != null && typeof(d) == 'number') return d; | |
95 | + if (d == 'x') return this.width(); | |
96 | + if (d == 'y') return this.height(); | |
97 | + return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this.width(), 2) + Math.pow(this.height(), 2)) / Math.sqrt(2); | |
98 | + } | |
99 | + }); | |
100 | + } | |
101 | + svg.init(); | |
102 | + | |
103 | + // images loaded | |
104 | + svg.ImagesLoaded = function() { | |
105 | + for (var i=0; i<svg.Images.length; i++) { | |
106 | + if (!svg.Images[i].loaded) return false; | |
107 | + } | |
108 | + return true; | |
109 | + } | |
110 | + | |
111 | + // trim | |
112 | + svg.trim = function(s) { return s.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); } | |
113 | + | |
114 | + // compress spaces | |
115 | + svg.compressSpaces = function(s) { return s.replace(/[\s\r\t\n]+/gm,' '); } | |
116 | + | |
117 | + // ajax | |
118 | + svg.ajax = function(url) { | |
119 | + var AJAX; | |
120 | + if(window.XMLHttpRequest){AJAX=new XMLHttpRequest();} | |
121 | + else{AJAX=new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');} | |
122 | + if(AJAX){ | |
123 | +'GET',url,false); | |
124 | + AJAX.send(null); | |
125 | + return AJAX.responseText; | |
126 | + } | |
127 | + return null; | |
128 | + } | |
129 | + | |
130 | + // parse xml | |
131 | + | |
132 | + svg.parseXml = function(xml) { | |
133 | + if (window.DOMParser) | |
134 | + { | |
135 | + var parser = new DOMParser(); | |
136 | + return parser.parseFromString(xml, 'text/xml'); | |
137 | + } | |
138 | + else | |
139 | + { | |
140 | + xml = xml.replace(/<!DOCTYPE svg[^>]*>/, ''); | |
141 | + var xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM'); | |
142 | + xmlDoc.async = 'false'; | |
143 | + xmlDoc.loadXML(xml); | |
144 | + return xmlDoc; | |
145 | + } | |
146 | + } | |
147 | + | |
148 | + svg.Property = function(name, value) { | |
149 | + = name; | |
150 | + this.value = value; | |
151 | + } | |
152 | + svg.Property.prototype.getValue = function() { | |
153 | + return this.value; | |
154 | + } | |
155 | + | |
156 | + svg.Property.prototype.hasValue = function() { | |
157 | + return (this.value != null && this.value !== ''); | |
158 | + } | |
159 | + | |
160 | + // return the numerical value of the property | |
161 | + svg.Property.prototype.numValue = function() { | |
162 | + if (!this.hasValue()) return 0; | |
163 | + | |
164 | + var n = parseFloat(this.value); | |
165 | + if ((this.value + '').match(/%$/)) { | |
166 | + n = n / 100.0; | |
167 | + } | |
168 | + return n; | |
169 | + } | |
170 | + | |
171 | + svg.Property.prototype.valueOrDefault = function(def) { | |
172 | + if (this.hasValue()) return this.value; | |
173 | + return def; | |
174 | + } | |
175 | + | |
176 | + svg.Property.prototype.numValueOrDefault = function(def) { | |
177 | + if (this.hasValue()) return this.numValue(); | |
178 | + return def; | |
179 | + } | |
180 | + | |
181 | + // color extensions | |
182 | + // augment the current color value with the opacity | |
183 | + svg.Property.prototype.addOpacity = function(opacity) { | |
184 | + var newValue = this.value; | |
185 | + if (opacity != null && opacity != '' && typeof(this.value)=='string') { // can only add opacity to colors, not patterns | |
186 | + var color = new RGBColor(this.value); | |
187 | + if (color.ok) { | |
188 | + newValue = 'rgba(' + color.r + ', ' + color.g + ', ' + color.b + ', ' + opacity + ')'; | |
189 | + } | |
190 | + } | |
191 | + return new svg.Property(, newValue); | |
192 | + } | |
193 | + | |
194 | + // definition extensions | |
195 | + // get the definition from the definitions table | |
196 | + svg.Property.prototype.getDefinition = function() { | |
197 | + var name = this.value.match(/#([^\)'"]+)/); | |
198 | + if (name) { name = name[1]; } | |
199 | + if (!name) { name = this.value; } | |
200 | + return svg.Definitions[name]; | |
201 | + } | |
202 | + | |
203 | + svg.Property.prototype.isUrlDefinition = function() { | |
204 | + return this.value.indexOf('url(') == 0 | |
205 | + } | |
206 | + | |
207 | + svg.Property.prototype.getFillStyleDefinition = function(e, opacityProp) { | |
208 | + var def = this.getDefinition(); | |
209 | + | |
210 | + // gradient | |
211 | + if (def != null && def.createGradient) { | |
212 | + return def.createGradient(svg.ctx, e, opacityProp); | |
213 | + } | |
214 | + | |
215 | + // pattern | |
216 | + if (def != null && def.createPattern) { | |
217 | + if (def.getHrefAttribute().hasValue()) { | |
218 | + var pt = def.attribute('patternTransform'); | |
219 | + def = def.getHrefAttribute().getDefinition(); | |
220 | + if (pt.hasValue()) { def.attribute('patternTransform', true).value = pt.value; } | |
221 | + } | |
222 | + return def.createPattern(svg.ctx, e); | |
223 | + } | |
224 | + | |
225 | + return null; | |
226 | + } | |
227 | + | |
228 | + // length extensions | |
229 | + svg.Property.prototype.getDPI = function(viewPort) { | |
230 | + return 96.0; // TODO: compute? | |
231 | + } | |
232 | + | |
233 | + svg.Property.prototype.getEM = function(viewPort) { | |
234 | + var em = 12; | |
235 | + | |
236 | + var fontSize = new svg.Property('fontSize', svg.Font.Parse(svg.ctx.font).fontSize); | |
237 | + if (fontSize.hasValue()) em = fontSize.toPixels(viewPort); | |
238 | + | |
239 | + return em; | |
240 | + } | |
241 | + | |
242 | + svg.Property.prototype.getUnits = function() { | |
243 | + var s = this.value+''; | |
244 | + return s.replace(/[0-9\.\-]/g,''); | |
245 | + } | |
246 | + | |
247 | + // get the length as pixels | |
248 | + svg.Property.prototype.toPixels = function(viewPort, processPercent) { | |
249 | + if (!this.hasValue()) return 0; | |
250 | + var s = this.value+''; | |
251 | + if (s.match(/em$/)) return this.numValue() * this.getEM(viewPort); | |
252 | + if (s.match(/ex$/)) return this.numValue() * this.getEM(viewPort) / 2.0; | |
253 | + if (s.match(/px$/)) return this.numValue(); | |
254 | + if (s.match(/pt$/)) return this.numValue() * this.getDPI(viewPort) * (1.0 / 72.0); | |
255 | + if (s.match(/pc$/)) return this.numValue() * 15; | |
256 | + if (s.match(/cm$/)) return this.numValue() * this.getDPI(viewPort) / 2.54; | |
257 | + if (s.match(/mm$/)) return this.numValue() * this.getDPI(viewPort) / 25.4; | |
258 | + if (s.match(/in$/)) return this.numValue() * this.getDPI(viewPort); | |
259 | + if (s.match(/%$/)) return this.numValue() * svg.ViewPort.ComputeSize(viewPort); | |
260 | + var n = this.numValue(); | |
261 | + if (processPercent && n < 1.0) return n * svg.ViewPort.ComputeSize(viewPort); | |
262 | + return n; | |
263 | + } | |
264 | + | |
265 | + // time extensions | |
266 | + // get the time as milliseconds | |
267 | + svg.Property.prototype.toMilliseconds = function() { | |
268 | + if (!this.hasValue()) return 0; | |
269 | + var s = this.value+''; | |
270 | + if (s.match(/s$/)) return this.numValue() * 1000; | |
271 | + if (s.match(/ms$/)) return this.numValue(); | |
272 | + return this.numValue(); | |
273 | + } | |
274 | + | |
275 | + // angle extensions | |
276 | + // get the angle as radians | |
277 | + svg.Property.prototype.toRadians = function() { | |
278 | + if (!this.hasValue()) return 0; | |
279 | + var s = this.value+''; | |
280 | + if (s.match(/deg$/)) return this.numValue() * (Math.PI / 180.0); | |
281 | + if (s.match(/grad$/)) return this.numValue() * (Math.PI / 200.0); | |
282 | + if (s.match(/rad$/)) return this.numValue(); | |
283 | + return this.numValue() * (Math.PI / 180.0); | |
284 | + } | |
285 | + | |
286 | + // fonts | |
287 | + svg.Font = new (function() { | |
288 | + this.Styles = 'normal|italic|oblique|inherit'; | |
289 | + this.Variants = 'normal|small-caps|inherit'; | |
290 | + this.Weights = 'normal|bold|bolder|lighter|100|200|300|400|500|600|700|800|900|inherit'; | |
291 | + | |
292 | + this.CreateFont = function(fontStyle, fontVariant, fontWeight, fontSize, fontFamily, inherit) { | |
293 | + var f = inherit != null ? this.Parse(inherit) : this.CreateFont('', '', '', '', '', svg.ctx.font); | |
294 | + return { | |
295 | + fontFamily: fontFamily || f.fontFamily, | |
296 | + fontSize: fontSize || f.fontSize, | |
297 | + fontStyle: fontStyle || f.fontStyle, | |
298 | + fontWeight: fontWeight || f.fontWeight, | |
299 | + fontVariant: fontVariant || f.fontVariant, | |
300 | + toString: function () { return [this.fontStyle, this.fontVariant, this.fontWeight, this.fontSize, this.fontFamily].join(' ') } | |
301 | + } | |
302 | + } | |
303 | + | |
304 | + var that = this; | |
305 | + this.Parse = function(s) { | |
306 | + var f = {}; | |
307 | + var d = svg.trim(svg.compressSpaces(s || '')).split(' '); | |
308 | + var set = { fontSize: false, fontStyle: false, fontWeight: false, fontVariant: false } | |
309 | + var ff = ''; | |
310 | + for (var i=0; i<d.length; i++) { | |
311 | + if (!set.fontStyle && that.Styles.indexOf(d[i]) != -1) { if (d[i] != 'inherit') f.fontStyle = d[i]; set.fontStyle = true; } | |
312 | + else if (!set.fontVariant && that.Variants.indexOf(d[i]) != -1) { if (d[i] != 'inherit') f.fontVariant = d[i]; set.fontStyle = set.fontVariant = true; } | |
313 | + else if (!set.fontWeight && that.Weights.indexOf(d[i]) != -1) { if (d[i] != 'inherit') f.fontWeight = d[i]; set.fontStyle = set.fontVariant = set.fontWeight = true; } | |
314 | + else if (!set.fontSize) { if (d[i] != 'inherit') f.fontSize = d[i].split('/')[0]; set.fontStyle = set.fontVariant = set.fontWeight = set.fontSize = true; } | |
315 | + else { if (d[i] != 'inherit') ff += d[i]; } | |
316 | + } if (ff != '') f.fontFamily = ff; | |
317 | + return f; | |
318 | + } | |
319 | + }); | |
320 | + | |
321 | + // points and paths | |
322 | + svg.ToNumberArray = function(s) { | |
323 | + var a = svg.trim(svg.compressSpaces((s || '').replace(/,/g, ' '))).split(' '); | |
324 | + for (var i=0; i<a.length; i++) { | |
325 | + a[i] = parseFloat(a[i]); | |
326 | + } | |
327 | + return a; | |
328 | + } | |
329 | + svg.Point = function(x, y) { | |
330 | + this.x = x; | |
331 | + this.y = y; | |
332 | + } | |
333 | + svg.Point.prototype.angleTo = function(p) { | |
334 | + return Math.atan2(p.y - this.y, p.x - this.x); | |
335 | + } | |
336 | + | |
337 | + svg.Point.prototype.applyTransform = function(v) { | |
338 | + var xp = this.x * v[0] + this.y * v[2] + v[4]; | |
339 | + var yp = this.x * v[1] + this.y * v[3] + v[5]; | |
340 | + this.x = xp; | |
341 | + this.y = yp; | |
342 | + } | |
343 | + | |
344 | + svg.CreatePoint = function(s) { | |
345 | + var a = svg.ToNumberArray(s); | |
346 | + return new svg.Point(a[0], a[1]); | |
347 | + } | |
348 | + svg.CreatePath = function(s) { | |
349 | + var a = svg.ToNumberArray(s); | |
350 | + var path = []; | |
351 | + for (var i=0; i<a.length; i+=2) { | |
352 | + path.push(new svg.Point(a[i], a[i+1])); | |
353 | + } | |
354 | + return path; | |
355 | + } | |
356 | + | |
357 | + // bounding box | |
358 | + svg.BoundingBox = function(x1, y1, x2, y2) { // pass in initial points if you want | |
359 | + this.x1 = Number.NaN; | |
360 | + this.y1 = Number.NaN; | |
361 | + this.x2 = Number.NaN; | |
362 | + this.y2 = Number.NaN; | |
363 | + | |
364 | + this.x = function() { return this.x1; } | |
365 | + this.y = function() { return this.y1; } | |
366 | + this.width = function() { return this.x2 - this.x1; } | |
367 | + this.height = function() { return this.y2 - this.y1; } | |
368 | + | |
369 | + this.addPoint = function(x, y) { | |
370 | + if (x != null) { | |
371 | + if (isNaN(this.x1) || isNaN(this.x2)) { | |
372 | + this.x1 = x; | |
373 | + this.x2 = x; | |
374 | + } | |
375 | + if (x < this.x1) this.x1 = x; | |
376 | + if (x > this.x2) this.x2 = x; | |
377 | + } | |
378 | + | |
379 | + if (y != null) { | |
380 | + if (isNaN(this.y1) || isNaN(this.y2)) { | |
381 | + this.y1 = y; | |
382 | + this.y2 = y; | |
383 | + } | |
384 | + if (y < this.y1) this.y1 = y; | |
385 | + if (y > this.y2) this.y2 = y; | |
386 | + } | |
387 | + } | |
388 | + this.addX = function(x) { this.addPoint(x, null); } | |
389 | + this.addY = function(y) { this.addPoint(null, y); } | |
390 | + | |
391 | + this.addBoundingBox = function(bb) { | |
392 | + this.addPoint(bb.x1, bb.y1); | |
393 | + this.addPoint(bb.x2, bb.y2); | |
394 | + } | |
395 | + | |
396 | + this.addQuadraticCurve = function(p0x, p0y, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y) { | |
397 | + var cp1x = p0x + 2/3 * (p1x - p0x); // CP1 = QP0 + 2/3 *(QP1-QP0) | |
398 | + var cp1y = p0y + 2/3 * (p1y - p0y); // CP1 = QP0 + 2/3 *(QP1-QP0) | |
399 | + var cp2x = cp1x + 1/3 * (p2x - p0x); // CP2 = CP1 + 1/3 *(QP2-QP0) | |
400 | + var cp2y = cp1y + 1/3 * (p2y - p0y); // CP2 = CP1 + 1/3 *(QP2-QP0) | |
401 | + this.addBezierCurve(p0x, p0y, cp1x, cp2x, cp1y, cp2y, p2x, p2y); | |
402 | + } | |
403 | + | |
404 | + this.addBezierCurve = function(p0x, p0y, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, p3x, p3y) { | |
405 | + // from | |
406 | + var p0 = [p0x, p0y], p1 = [p1x, p1y], p2 = [p2x, p2y], p3 = [p3x, p3y]; | |
407 | + this.addPoint(p0[0], p0[1]); | |
408 | + this.addPoint(p3[0], p3[1]); | |
409 | + | |
410 | + for (i=0; i<=1; i++) { | |
411 | + var f = function(t) { | |
412 | + return Math.pow(1-t, 3) * p0[i] | |
413 | + + 3 * Math.pow(1-t, 2) * t * p1[i] | |
414 | + + 3 * (1-t) * Math.pow(t, 2) * p2[i] | |
415 | + + Math.pow(t, 3) * p3[i]; | |
416 | + } | |
417 | + | |
418 | + var b = 6 * p0[i] - 12 * p1[i] + 6 * p2[i]; | |
419 | + var a = -3 * p0[i] + 9 * p1[i] - 9 * p2[i] + 3 * p3[i]; | |
420 | + var c = 3 * p1[i] - 3 * p0[i]; | |
421 | + | |
422 | + if (a == 0) { | |
423 | + if (b == 0) continue; | |
424 | + var t = -c / b; | |
425 | + if (0 < t && t < 1) { | |
426 | + if (i == 0) this.addX(f(t)); | |
427 | + if (i == 1) this.addY(f(t)); | |
428 | + } | |
429 | + continue; | |
430 | + } | |
431 | + | |
432 | + var b2ac = Math.pow(b, 2) - 4 * c * a; | |
433 | + if (b2ac < 0) continue; | |
434 | + var t1 = (-b + Math.sqrt(b2ac)) / (2 * a); | |
435 | + if (0 < t1 && t1 < 1) { | |
436 | + if (i == 0) this.addX(f(t1)); | |
437 | + if (i == 1) this.addY(f(t1)); | |
438 | + } | |
439 | + var t2 = (-b - Math.sqrt(b2ac)) / (2 * a); | |
440 | + if (0 < t2 && t2 < 1) { | |
441 | + if (i == 0) this.addX(f(t2)); | |
442 | + if (i == 1) this.addY(f(t2)); | |
443 | + } | |
444 | + } | |
445 | + } | |
446 | + | |
447 | + this.isPointInBox = function(x, y) { | |
448 | + return (this.x1 <= x && x <= this.x2 && this.y1 <= y && y <= this.y2); | |
449 | + } | |
450 | + | |
451 | + this.addPoint(x1, y1); | |
452 | + this.addPoint(x2, y2); | |
453 | + } | |
454 | + | |
455 | + // transforms | |
456 | + svg.Transform = function(v) { | |
457 | + var that = this; | |
458 | + this.Type = {} | |
459 | + | |
460 | + // translate | |
461 | + this.Type.translate = function(s) { | |
462 | + this.p = svg.CreatePoint(s); | |
463 | + this.apply = function(ctx) { | |
464 | + ctx.translate(this.p.x || 0.0, this.p.y || 0.0); | |
465 | + } | |
466 | + this.unapply = function(ctx) { | |
467 | + ctx.translate(-1.0 * this.p.x || 0.0, -1.0 * this.p.y || 0.0); | |
468 | + } | |
469 | + this.applyToPoint = function(p) { | |
470 | + p.applyTransform([1, 0, 0, 1, this.p.x || 0.0, this.p.y || 0.0]); | |
471 | + } | |
472 | + } | |
473 | + | |
474 | + // rotate | |
475 | + this.Type.rotate = function(s) { | |
476 | + var a = svg.ToNumberArray(s); | |
477 | + this.angle = new svg.Property('angle', a[0]); | |
478 | + = a[1] || 0; | |
479 | + = a[2] || 0; | |
480 | + this.apply = function(ctx) { | |
481 | + ctx.translate(,; | |
482 | + ctx.rotate(this.angle.toRadians()); | |
483 | + ctx.translate(,; | |
484 | + } | |
485 | + this.unapply = function(ctx) { | |
486 | + ctx.translate(,; | |
487 | + ctx.rotate(-1.0 * this.angle.toRadians()); | |
488 | + ctx.translate(,; | |
489 | + } | |
490 | + this.applyToPoint = function(p) { | |
491 | + var a = this.angle.toRadians(); | |
492 | + p.applyTransform([1, 0, 0, 1, this.p.x || 0.0, this.p.y || 0.0]); | |
493 | + p.applyTransform([Math.cos(a), Math.sin(a), -Math.sin(a), Math.cos(a), 0, 0]); | |
494 | + p.applyTransform([1, 0, 0, 1, -this.p.x || 0.0, -this.p.y || 0.0]); | |
495 | + } | |
496 | + } | |
497 | + | |
498 | + this.Type.scale = function(s) { | |
499 | + this.p = svg.CreatePoint(s); | |
500 | + this.apply = function(ctx) { | |
501 | + ctx.scale(this.p.x || 1.0, this.p.y || this.p.x || 1.0); | |
502 | + } | |
503 | + this.unapply = function(ctx) { | |
504 | + ctx.scale(1.0 / this.p.x || 1.0, 1.0 / this.p.y || this.p.x || 1.0); | |
505 | + } | |
506 | + this.applyToPoint = function(p) { | |
507 | + p.applyTransform([this.p.x || 0.0, 0, 0, this.p.y || 0.0, 0, 0]); | |
508 | + } | |
509 | + } | |
510 | + | |
511 | + this.Type.matrix = function(s) { | |
512 | + this.m = svg.ToNumberArray(s); | |
513 | + this.apply = function(ctx) { | |
514 | + ctx.transform(this.m[0], this.m[1], this.m[2], this.m[3], this.m[4], this.m[5]); | |
515 | + } | |
516 | + this.applyToPoint = function(p) { | |
517 | + p.applyTransform(this.m); | |
518 | + } | |
519 | + } | |
520 | + | |
521 | + this.Type.SkewBase = function(s) { | |
522 | + this.base = that.Type.matrix; | |
523 | + this.base(s); | |
524 | + this.angle = new svg.Property('angle', s); | |
525 | + } | |
526 | + this.Type.SkewBase.prototype = new this.Type.matrix; | |
527 | + | |
528 | + this.Type.skewX = function(s) { | |
529 | + this.base = that.Type.SkewBase; | |
530 | + this.base(s); | |
531 | + this.m = [1, 0, Math.tan(this.angle.toRadians()), 1, 0, 0]; | |
532 | + } | |
533 | + this.Type.skewX.prototype = new this.Type.SkewBase; | |
534 | + | |
535 | + this.Type.skewY = function(s) { | |
536 | + this.base = that.Type.SkewBase; | |
537 | + this.base(s); | |
538 | + this.m = [1, Math.tan(this.angle.toRadians()), 0, 1, 0, 0]; | |
539 | + } | |
540 | + this.Type.skewY.prototype = new this.Type.SkewBase; | |
541 | + | |
542 | + this.transforms = []; | |
543 | + | |
544 | + this.apply = function(ctx) { | |
545 | + for (var i=0; i<this.transforms.length; i++) { | |
546 | + this.transforms[i].apply(ctx); | |
547 | + } | |
548 | + } | |
549 | + | |
550 | + this.unapply = function(ctx) { | |
551 | + for (var i=this.transforms.length-1; i>=0; i--) { | |
552 | + this.transforms[i].unapply(ctx); | |
553 | + } | |
554 | + } | |
555 | + | |
556 | + this.applyToPoint = function(p) { | |
557 | + for (var i=0; i<this.transforms.length; i++) { | |
558 | + this.transforms[i].applyToPoint(p); | |
559 | + } | |
560 | + } | |
561 | + | |
562 | + var data = svg.trim(svg.compressSpaces(v)).replace(/\)(\s?,\s?)/g,') ').split(/\s(?=[a-z])/); | |
563 | + for (var i=0; i<data.length; i++) { | |
564 | + var type = svg.trim(data[i].split('(')[0]); | |
565 | + var s = data[i].split('(')[1].replace(')',''); | |
566 | + var transform = new this.Type[type](s); | |
567 | + transform.type = type; | |
568 | + this.transforms.push(transform); | |
569 | + } | |
570 | + } | |
571 | + | |
572 | + // aspect ratio | |
573 | + svg.AspectRatio = function(ctx, aspectRatio, width, desiredWidth, height, desiredHeight, minX, minY, refX, refY) { | |
574 | + // aspect ratio - | |
575 | + aspectRatio = svg.compressSpaces(aspectRatio); | |
576 | + aspectRatio = aspectRatio.replace(/^defer\s/,''); // ignore defer | |
577 | + var align = aspectRatio.split(' ')[0] || 'xMidYMid'; | |
578 | + var meetOrSlice = aspectRatio.split(' ')[1] || 'meet'; | |
579 | + | |
580 | + // calculate scale | |
581 | + var scaleX = width / desiredWidth; | |
582 | + var scaleY = height / desiredHeight; | |
583 | + var scaleMin = Math.min(scaleX, scaleY); | |
584 | + var scaleMax = Math.max(scaleX, scaleY); | |
585 | + if (meetOrSlice == 'meet') { desiredWidth *= scaleMin; desiredHeight *= scaleMin; } | |
586 | + if (meetOrSlice == 'slice') { desiredWidth *= scaleMax; desiredHeight *= scaleMax; } | |
587 | + | |
588 | + refX = new svg.Property('refX', refX); | |
589 | + refY = new svg.Property('refY', refY); | |
590 | + if (refX.hasValue() && refY.hasValue()) { | |
591 | + ctx.translate(-scaleMin * refX.toPixels('x'), -scaleMin * refY.toPixels('y')); | |
592 | + } | |
593 | + else { | |
594 | + // align | |
595 | + if (align.match(/^xMid/) && ((meetOrSlice == 'meet' && scaleMin == scaleY) || (meetOrSlice == 'slice' && scaleMax == scaleY))) ctx.translate(width / 2.0 - desiredWidth / 2.0, 0); | |
596 | + if (align.match(/YMid$/) && ((meetOrSlice == 'meet' && scaleMin == scaleX) || (meetOrSlice == 'slice' && scaleMax == scaleX))) ctx.translate(0, height / 2.0 - desiredHeight / 2.0); | |
597 | + if (align.match(/^xMax/) && ((meetOrSlice == 'meet' && scaleMin == scaleY) || (meetOrSlice == 'slice' && scaleMax == scaleY))) ctx.translate(width - desiredWidth, 0); | |
598 | + if (align.match(/YMax$/) && ((meetOrSlice == 'meet' && scaleMin == scaleX) || (meetOrSlice == 'slice' && scaleMax == scaleX))) ctx.translate(0, height - desiredHeight); | |
599 | + } | |
600 | + | |
601 | + // scale | |
602 | + if (align == 'none') ctx.scale(scaleX, scaleY); | |
603 | + else if (meetOrSlice == 'meet') ctx.scale(scaleMin, scaleMin); | |
604 | + else if (meetOrSlice == 'slice') ctx.scale(scaleMax, scaleMax); | |
605 | + | |
606 | + // translate | |
607 | + ctx.translate(minX == null ? 0 : -minX, minY == null ? 0 : -minY); | |
608 | + } | |
609 | + | |
610 | + // elements | |
611 | + svg.Element = {} | |
612 | + | |
613 | + svg.EmptyProperty = new svg.Property('EMPTY', ''); | |
614 | + | |
615 | + svg.Element.ElementBase = function(node) { | |
616 | + this.attributes = {}; | |
617 | + this.styles = {}; | |
618 | + this.children = []; | |
619 | + | |
620 | + // get or create attribute | |
621 | + this.attribute = function(name, createIfNotExists) { | |
622 | + var a = this.attributes[name]; | |
623 | + if (a != null) return a; | |
624 | + | |
625 | + if (createIfNotExists == true) { a = new svg.Property(name, ''); this.attributes[name] = a; } | |
626 | + return a || svg.EmptyProperty; | |
627 | + } | |
628 | + | |
629 | + this.getHrefAttribute = function() { | |
630 | + for (var a in this.attributes) { | |
631 | + if (a.match(/:href$/)) { | |
632 | + return this.attributes[a]; | |
633 | + } | |
634 | + } | |
635 | + return svg.EmptyProperty; | |
636 | + } | |
637 | + | |
638 | + // get or create style, crawls up node tree | |
639 | + = function(name, createIfNotExists) { | |
640 | + var s = this.styles[name]; | |
641 | + if (s != null) return s; | |
642 | + | |
643 | + var a = this.attribute(name); | |
644 | + if (a != null && a.hasValue()) { | |
645 | + this.styles[name] = a; // move up to me to cache | |
646 | + return a; | |
647 | + } | |
648 | + | |
649 | + var p = this.parent; | |
650 | + if (p != null) { | |
651 | + var ps =; | |
652 | + if (ps != null && ps.hasValue()) { | |
653 | + return ps; | |
654 | + } | |
655 | + } | |
656 | + | |
657 | + if (createIfNotExists == true) { s = new svg.Property(name, ''); this.styles[name] = s; } | |
658 | + return s || svg.EmptyProperty; | |
659 | + } | |
660 | + | |
661 | + // base render | |
662 | + this.render = function(ctx) { | |
663 | + // don't render display=none | |
664 | + if ('display').value == 'none') return; | |
665 | + | |
666 | + // don't render visibility=hidden | |
667 | + if (this.attribute('visibility').value == 'hidden') return; | |
668 | + | |
669 | +; | |
670 | + if (this.attribute('mask').hasValue()) { // mask | |
671 | + var mask = this.attribute('mask').getDefinition(); | |
672 | + if (mask != null) mask.apply(ctx, this); | |
673 | + } | |
674 | + else if ('filter').hasValue()) { // filter | |
675 | + var filter ='filter').getDefinition(); | |
676 | + if (filter != null) filter.apply(ctx, this); | |
677 | + } | |
678 | + else { | |
679 | + this.setContext(ctx); | |
680 | + this.renderChildren(ctx); | |
681 | + this.clearContext(ctx); | |
682 | + } | |
683 | + ctx.restore(); | |
684 | + } | |
685 | + | |
686 | + // base set context | |
687 | + this.setContext = function(ctx) { | |
688 | + // OVERRIDE ME! | |
689 | + } | |
690 | + | |
691 | + // base clear context | |
692 | + this.clearContext = function(ctx) { | |
693 | + // OVERRIDE ME! | |
694 | + } | |
695 | + | |
696 | + // base render children | |
697 | + this.renderChildren = function(ctx) { | |
698 | + for (var i=0; i<this.children.length; i++) { | |
699 | + this.children[i].render(ctx); | |
700 | + } | |
701 | + } | |
702 | + | |
703 | + this.addChild = function(childNode, create) { | |
704 | + var child = childNode; | |
705 | + if (create) child = svg.CreateElement(childNode); | |
706 | + child.parent = this; | |
707 | + this.children.push(child); | |
708 | + } | |
709 | + | |
710 | + if (node != null && node.nodeType == 1) { //ELEMENT_NODE | |
711 | + // add children | |
712 | + for (var i=0; i<node.childNodes.length; i++) { | |
713 | + var childNode = node.childNodes[i]; | |
714 | + if (childNode.nodeType == 1) this.addChild(childNode, true); //ELEMENT_NODE | |
715 | + if (this.captureTextNodes && childNode.nodeType == 3) { | |
716 | + var text = childNode.nodeValue || childNode.text || ''; | |
717 | + if (svg.trim(svg.compressSpaces(text)) != '') { | |
718 | + this.addChild(new svg.Element.tspan(childNode), false); // TEXT_NODE | |
719 | + } | |
720 | + } | |
721 | + } | |
722 | + | |
723 | + // add attributes | |
724 | + for (var i=0; i<node.attributes.length; i++) { | |
725 | + var attribute = node.attributes[i]; | |
726 | + this.attributes[attribute.nodeName] = new svg.Property(attribute.nodeName, attribute.nodeValue); | |
727 | + } | |
728 | + | |
729 | + // add tag styles | |
730 | + var styles = svg.Styles[node.nodeName]; | |
731 | + if (styles != null) { | |
732 | + for (var name in styles) { | |
733 | + this.styles[name] = styles[name]; | |
734 | + } | |
735 | + } | |
736 | + | |
737 | + // add class styles | |
738 | + if (this.attribute('class').hasValue()) { | |
739 | + var classes = svg.compressSpaces(this.attribute('class').value).split(' '); | |
740 | + for (var j=0; j<classes.length; j++) { | |
741 | + styles = svg.Styles['.'+classes[j]]; | |
742 | + if (styles != null) { | |
743 | + for (var name in styles) { | |
744 | + this.styles[name] = styles[name]; | |
745 | + } | |
746 | + } | |
747 | + styles = svg.Styles[node.nodeName+'.'+classes[j]]; | |
748 | + if (styles != null) { | |
749 | + for (var name in styles) { | |
750 | + this.styles[name] = styles[name]; | |
751 | + } | |
752 | + } | |
753 | + } | |
754 | + } | |
755 | + | |
756 | + // add id styles | |
757 | + if (this.attribute('id').hasValue()) { | |
758 | + var styles = svg.Styles['#' + this.attribute('id').value]; | |
759 | + if (styles != null) { | |
760 | + for (var name in styles) { | |
761 | + this.styles[name] = styles[name]; | |
762 | + } | |
763 | + } | |
764 | + } | |
765 | + | |
766 | + // add inline styles | |
767 | + if (this.attribute('style').hasValue()) { | |
768 | + var styles = this.attribute('style').value.split(';'); | |
769 | + for (var i=0; i<styles.length; i++) { | |
770 | + if (svg.trim(styles[i]) != '') { | |
771 | + var style = styles[i].split(':'); | |
772 | + var name = svg.trim(style[0]); | |
773 | + var value = svg.trim(style[1]); | |
774 | + this.styles[name] = new svg.Property(name, value); | |
775 | + } | |
776 | + } | |
777 | + } | |
778 | + | |
779 | + // add id | |
780 | + if (this.attribute('id').hasValue()) { | |
781 | + if (svg.Definitions[this.attribute('id').value] == null) { | |
782 | + svg.Definitions[this.attribute('id').value] = this; | |
783 | + } | |
784 | + } | |
785 | + } | |
786 | + } | |
787 | + | |
788 | + svg.Element.RenderedElementBase = function(node) { | |
789 | + this.base = svg.Element.ElementBase; | |
790 | + this.base(node); | |
791 | + | |
792 | + this.setContext = function(ctx) { | |
793 | + // fill | |
794 | + if ('fill').isUrlDefinition()) { | |
795 | + var fs ='fill').getFillStyleDefinition(this,'fill-opacity')); | |
796 | + if (fs != null) ctx.fillStyle = fs; | |
797 | + } | |
798 | + else if ('fill').hasValue()) { | |
799 | + var fillStyle ='fill'); | |
800 | + if (fillStyle.value == 'currentColor') fillStyle.value ='color').value; | |
801 | + ctx.fillStyle = (fillStyle.value == 'none' ? 'rgba(0,0,0,0)' : fillStyle.value); | |
802 | + } | |
803 | + if ('fill-opacity').hasValue()) { | |
804 | + var fillStyle = new svg.Property('fill', ctx.fillStyle); | |
805 | + fillStyle = fillStyle.addOpacity('fill-opacity').value); | |
806 | + ctx.fillStyle = fillStyle.value; | |
807 | + } | |
808 | + | |
809 | + // stroke | |
810 | + if ('stroke').isUrlDefinition()) { | |
811 | + var fs ='stroke').getFillStyleDefinition(this,'stroke-opacity')); | |
812 | + if (fs != null) ctx.strokeStyle = fs; | |
813 | + } | |
814 | + else if ('stroke').hasValue()) { | |
815 | + var strokeStyle ='stroke'); | |
816 | + if (strokeStyle.value == 'currentColor') strokeStyle.value ='color').value; | |
817 | + ctx.strokeStyle = (strokeStyle.value == 'none' ? 'rgba(0,0,0,0)' : strokeStyle.value); | |
818 | + } | |
819 | + if ('stroke-opacity').hasValue()) { | |
820 | + var strokeStyle = new svg.Property('stroke', ctx.strokeStyle); | |
821 | + strokeStyle = strokeStyle.addOpacity('stroke-opacity').value); | |
822 | + ctx.strokeStyle = strokeStyle.value; | |
823 | + } | |
824 | + if ('stroke-width').hasValue()) { | |
825 | + var newLineWidth ='stroke-width').toPixels(); | |
826 | + ctx.lineWidth = newLineWidth == 0 ? 0.001 : newLineWidth; // browsers don't respect 0 | |
827 | + } | |
828 | + if ('stroke-linecap').hasValue()) ctx.lineCap ='stroke-linecap').value; | |
829 | + if ('stroke-linejoin').hasValue()) ctx.lineJoin ='stroke-linejoin').value; | |
830 | + if ('stroke-miterlimit').hasValue()) ctx.miterLimit ='stroke-miterlimit').value; | |
831 | + if ('stroke-dasharray').hasValue()) { | |
832 | + var gaps = svg.ToNumberArray('stroke-dasharray').value); | |
833 | + if (typeof(ctx.setLineDash) != 'undefined') { ctx.setLineDash(gaps); } | |
834 | + else if (typeof(ctx.webkitLineDash) != 'undefined') { ctx.webkitLineDash = gaps; } | |
835 | + else if (typeof(ctx.mozDash ) != 'undefined') { ctx.mozDash = gaps; } | |
836 | + | |
837 | + var offset ='stroke-dashoffset').numValueOrDefault(1); | |
838 | + if (typeof(ctx.lineDashOffset) != 'undefined') { ctx.lineDashOffset = offset; } | |
839 | + else if (typeof(ctx.webkitLineDashOffset) != 'undefined') { ctx.webkitLineDashOffset = offset; } | |
840 | + else if (typeof(ctx.mozDashOffset) != 'undefined') { ctx.mozDashOffset = offset; } | |
841 | + } | |
842 | + | |
843 | + // font | |
844 | + if (typeof(ctx.font) != 'undefined') { | |
845 | + ctx.font = svg.Font.CreateFont( | |
846 | +'font-style').value, | |
847 | +'font-variant').value, | |
848 | +'font-weight').value, | |
849 | +'font-size').hasValue() ?'font-size').toPixels() + 'px' : '', | |
850 | +'font-family').value).toString(); | |
851 | + } | |
852 | + | |
853 | + // transform | |
854 | + if (this.attribute('transform').hasValue()) { | |
855 | + var transform = new svg.Transform(this.attribute('transform').value); | |
856 | + transform.apply(ctx); | |
857 | + } | |
858 | + | |
859 | + // clip | |
860 | + if ('clip-path').hasValue()) { | |
861 | + var clip ='clip-path').getDefinition(); | |
862 | + if (clip != null) clip.apply(ctx); | |
863 | + } | |
864 | + | |
865 | + // opacity | |
866 | + if ('opacity').hasValue()) { | |
867 | + ctx.globalAlpha ='opacity').numValue(); | |
868 | + } | |
869 | + } | |
870 | + } | |
871 | + svg.Element.RenderedElementBase.prototype = new svg.Element.ElementBase; | |
872 | + | |
873 | + svg.Element.PathElementBase = function(node) { | |
874 | + this.base = svg.Element.RenderedElementBase; | |
875 | + this.base(node); | |
876 | + | |
877 | + this.path = function(ctx) { | |
878 | + if (ctx != null) ctx.beginPath(); | |
879 | + return new svg.BoundingBox(); | |
880 | + } | |
881 | + | |
882 | + this.renderChildren = function(ctx) { | |
883 | + this.path(ctx); | |
884 | + svg.Mouse.checkPath(this, ctx); | |
885 | + if (ctx.fillStyle != '') { | |
886 | + if (this.attribute('fill-rule').hasValue()) { ctx.fill(this.attribute('fill-rule').value); } | |
887 | + else { ctx.fill(); } | |
888 | + } | |
889 | + if (ctx.strokeStyle != '') ctx.stroke(); | |
890 | + | |
891 | + var markers = this.getMarkers(); | |
892 | + if (markers != null) { | |
893 | + if ('marker-start').isUrlDefinition()) { | |
894 | + var marker ='marker-start').getDefinition(); | |
895 | + marker.render(ctx, markers[0][0], markers[0][1]); | |
896 | + } | |
897 | + if ('marker-mid').isUrlDefinition()) { | |
898 | + var marker ='marker-mid').getDefinition(); | |
899 | + for (var i=1;i<markers.length-1;i++) { | |
900 | + marker.render(ctx, markers[i][0], markers[i][1]); | |
901 | + } | |
902 | + } | |
903 | + if ('marker-end').isUrlDefinition()) { | |
904 | + var marker ='marker-end').getDefinition(); | |
905 | + marker.render(ctx, markers[markers.length-1][0], markers[markers.length-1][1]); | |
906 | + } | |
907 | + } | |
908 | + } | |
909 | + | |
910 | + this.getBoundingBox = function() { | |
911 | + return this.path(); | |
912 | + } | |
913 | + | |
914 | + this.getMarkers = function() { | |
915 | + return null; | |
916 | + } | |
917 | + } | |
918 | + svg.Element.PathElementBase.prototype = new svg.Element.RenderedElementBase; | |
919 | + | |
920 | + // svg element | |
921 | + svg.Element.svg = function(node) { | |
922 | + this.base = svg.Element.RenderedElementBase; | |
923 | + this.base(node); | |
924 | + | |
925 | + this.baseClearContext = this.clearContext; | |
926 | + this.clearContext = function(ctx) { | |
927 | + this.baseClearContext(ctx); | |
928 | + svg.ViewPort.RemoveCurrent(); | |
929 | + } | |
930 | + | |
931 | + this.baseSetContext = this.setContext; | |
932 | + this.setContext = function(ctx) { | |
933 | + // initial values | |
934 | + ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'; | |
935 | + ctx.lineCap = 'butt'; | |
936 | + ctx.lineJoin = 'miter'; | |
937 | + ctx.miterLimit = 4; | |
938 | + | |
939 | + this.baseSetContext(ctx); | |
940 | + | |
941 | + // create new view port | |
942 | + if (!this.attribute('x').hasValue()) this.attribute('x', true).value = 0; | |
943 | + if (!this.attribute('y').hasValue()) this.attribute('y', true).value = 0; | |
944 | + ctx.translate(this.attribute('x').toPixels('x'), this.attribute('y').toPixels('y')); | |
945 | + | |
946 | + var width = svg.ViewPort.width(); | |
947 | + var height = svg.ViewPort.height(); | |
948 | + | |
949 | + if (!this.attribute('width').hasValue()) this.attribute('width', true).value = '100%'; | |
950 | + if (!this.attribute('height').hasValue()) this.attribute('height', true).value = '100%'; | |
951 | + if (typeof(this.root) == 'undefined') { | |
952 | + width = this.attribute('width').toPixels('x'); | |
953 | + height = this.attribute('height').toPixels('y'); | |
954 | + | |
955 | + var x = 0; | |
956 | + var y = 0; | |
957 | + if (this.attribute('refX').hasValue() && this.attribute('refY').hasValue()) { | |
958 | + x = -this.attribute('refX').toPixels('x'); | |
959 | + y = -this.attribute('refY').toPixels('y'); | |
960 | + } | |
961 | + | |
962 | + ctx.beginPath(); | |
963 | + ctx.moveTo(x, y); | |
964 | + ctx.lineTo(width, y); | |
965 | + ctx.lineTo(width, height); | |
966 | + ctx.lineTo(x, height); | |
967 | + ctx.closePath(); | |
968 | + ctx.clip(); | |
969 | + } | |
970 | + svg.ViewPort.SetCurrent(width, height); | |
971 | + | |
972 | + // viewbox | |
973 | + if (this.attribute('viewBox').hasValue()) { | |
974 | + var viewBox = svg.ToNumberArray(this.attribute('viewBox').value); | |
975 | + var minX = viewBox[0]; | |
976 | + var minY = viewBox[1]; | |
977 | + width = viewBox[2]; | |
978 | + height = viewBox[3]; | |
979 | + | |
980 | + svg.AspectRatio(ctx, | |
981 | + this.attribute('preserveAspectRatio').value, | |
982 | + svg.ViewPort.width(), | |
983 | + width, | |
984 | + svg.ViewPort.height(), | |
985 | + height, | |
986 | + minX, | |
987 | + minY, | |
988 | + this.attribute('refX').value, | |
989 | + this.attribute('refY').value); | |
990 | + | |
991 | + svg.ViewPort.RemoveCurrent(); | |
992 | + svg.ViewPort.SetCurrent(viewBox[2], viewBox[3]); | |
993 | + } | |
994 | + } | |
995 | + } | |
996 | + svg.Element.svg.prototype = new svg.Element.RenderedElementBase; | |
997 | + | |
998 | + // rect element | |
999 | + svg.Element.rect = function(node) { | |
1000 | + this.base = svg.Element.PathElementBase; | |
1001 | + this.base(node); | |
1002 | + | |
1003 | + this.path = function(ctx) { | |
1004 | + var x = this.attribute('x').toPixels('x'); | |
1005 | + var y = this.attribute('y').toPixels('y'); | |
1006 | + var width = this.attribute('width').toPixels('x'); | |
1007 | + var height = this.attribute('height').toPixels('y'); | |
1008 | + var rx = this.attribute('rx').toPixels('x'); | |
1009 | + var ry = this.attribute('ry').toPixels('y'); | |
1010 | + if (this.attribute('rx').hasValue() && !this.attribute('ry').hasValue()) ry = rx; | |
1011 | + if (this.attribute('ry').hasValue() && !this.attribute('rx').hasValue()) rx = ry; | |
1012 | + rx = Math.min(rx, width / 2.0); | |
1013 | + ry = Math.min(ry, height / 2.0); | |
1014 | + if (ctx != null) { | |
1015 | + ctx.beginPath(); | |
1016 | + ctx.moveTo(x + rx, y); | |
1017 | + ctx.lineTo(x + width - rx, y); | |
1018 | + ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + width, y, x + width, y + ry) | |
1019 | + ctx.lineTo(x + width, y + height - ry); | |
1020 | + ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + width, y + height, x + width - rx, y + height) | |
1021 | + ctx.lineTo(x + rx, y + height); | |
1022 | + ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y + height, x, y + height - ry) | |
1023 | + ctx.lineTo(x, y + ry); | |
1024 | + ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y, x + rx, y) | |
1025 | + ctx.closePath(); | |
1026 | + } | |
1027 | + | |
1028 | + return new svg.BoundingBox(x, y, x + width, y + height); | |
1029 | + } | |
1030 | + } | |
1031 | + svg.Element.rect.prototype = new svg.Element.PathElementBase; | |
1032 | + | |
1033 | + // circle element | |
1034 | + = function(node) { | |
1035 | + this.base = svg.Element.PathElementBase; | |
1036 | + this.base(node); | |
1037 | + | |
1038 | + this.path = function(ctx) { | |
1039 | + var cx = this.attribute('cx').toPixels('x'); | |
1040 | + var cy = this.attribute('cy').toPixels('y'); | |
1041 | + var r = this.attribute('r').toPixels(); | |
1042 | + | |
1043 | + if (ctx != null) { | |
1044 | + ctx.beginPath(); | |
1045 | + ctx.arc(cx, cy, r, 0, Math.PI * 2, true); | |
1046 | + ctx.closePath(); | |
1047 | + } | |
1048 | + | |
1049 | + return new svg.BoundingBox(cx - r, cy - r, cx + r, cy + r); | |
1050 | + } | |
1051 | + } | |
1052 | + = new svg.Element.PathElementBase; | |
1053 | + | |
1054 | + // ellipse element | |
1055 | + svg.Element.ellipse = function(node) { | |
1056 | + this.base = svg.Element.PathElementBase; | |
1057 | + this.base(node); | |
1058 | + | |
1059 | + this.path = function(ctx) { | |
1060 | + var KAPPA = 4 * ((Math.sqrt(2) - 1) / 3); | |
1061 | + var rx = this.attribute('rx').toPixels('x'); | |
1062 | + var ry = this.attribute('ry').toPixels('y'); | |
1063 | + var cx = this.attribute('cx').toPixels('x'); | |
1064 | + var cy = this.attribute('cy').toPixels('y'); | |
1065 | + | |
1066 | + if (ctx != null) { | |
1067 | + ctx.beginPath(); | |
1068 | + ctx.moveTo(cx, cy - ry); | |
1069 | + ctx.bezierCurveTo(cx + (KAPPA * rx), cy - ry, cx + rx, cy - (KAPPA * ry), cx + rx, cy); | |
1070 | + ctx.bezierCurveTo(cx + rx, cy + (KAPPA * ry), cx + (KAPPA * rx), cy + ry, cx, cy + ry); | |
1071 | + ctx.bezierCurveTo(cx - (KAPPA * rx), cy + ry, cx - rx, cy + (KAPPA * ry), cx - rx, cy); | |
1072 | + ctx.bezierCurveTo(cx - rx, cy - (KAPPA * ry), cx - (KAPPA * rx), cy - ry, cx, cy - ry); | |
1073 | + ctx.closePath(); | |
1074 | + } | |
1075 | + | |
1076 | + return new svg.BoundingBox(cx - rx, cy - ry, cx + rx, cy + ry); | |
1077 | + } | |
1078 | + } | |
1079 | + svg.Element.ellipse.prototype = new svg.Element.PathElementBase; | |
1080 | + | |
1081 | + // line element | |
1082 | + svg.Element.line = function(node) { | |
1083 | + this.base = svg.Element.PathElementBase; | |
1084 | + this.base(node); | |
1085 | + | |
1086 | + this.getPoints = function() { | |
1087 | + return [ | |
1088 | + new svg.Point(this.attribute('x1').toPixels('x'), this.attribute('y1').toPixels('y')), | |
1089 | + new svg.Point(this.attribute('x2').toPixels('x'), this.attribute('y2').toPixels('y'))]; | |
1090 | + } | |
1091 | + | |
1092 | + this.path = function(ctx) { | |
1093 | + var points = this.getPoints(); | |
1094 | + | |
1095 | + if (ctx != null) { | |
1096 | + ctx.beginPath(); | |
1097 | + ctx.moveTo(points[0].x, points[0].y); | |
1098 | + ctx.lineTo(points[1].x, points[1].y); | |
1099 | + } | |
1100 | + | |
1101 | + return new svg.BoundingBox(points[0].x, points[0].y, points[1].x, points[1].y); | |
1102 | + } | |
1103 | + | |
1104 | + this.getMarkers = function() { | |
1105 | + var points = this.getPoints(); | |
1106 | + var a = points[0].angleTo(points[1]); | |
1107 | + return [[points[0], a], [points[1], a]]; | |
1108 | + } | |
1109 | + } | |
1110 | + svg.Element.line.prototype = new svg.Element.PathElementBase; | |
1111 | + | |
1112 | + // polyline element | |
1113 | + svg.Element.polyline = function(node) { | |
1114 | + this.base = svg.Element.PathElementBase; | |
1115 | + this.base(node); | |
1116 | + | |
1117 | + this.points = svg.CreatePath(this.attribute('points').value); | |
1118 | + this.path = function(ctx) { | |
1119 | + var bb = new svg.BoundingBox(this.points[0].x, this.points[0].y); | |
1120 | + if (ctx != null) { | |
1121 | + ctx.beginPath(); | |
1122 | + ctx.moveTo(this.points[0].x, this.points[0].y); | |
1123 | + } | |
1124 | + for (var i=1; i<this.points.length; i++) { | |
1125 | + bb.addPoint(this.points[i].x, this.points[i].y); | |
1126 | + if (ctx != null) ctx.lineTo(this.points[i].x, this.points[i].y); | |
1127 | + } | |
1128 | + return bb; | |
1129 | + } | |
1130 | + | |
1131 | + this.getMarkers = function() { | |
1132 | + var markers = []; | |
1133 | + for (var i=0; i<this.points.length - 1; i++) { | |
1134 | + markers.push([this.points[i], this.points[i].angleTo(this.points[i+1])]); | |
1135 | + } | |
1136 | + markers.push([this.points[this.points.length-1], markers[markers.length-1][1]]); | |
1137 | + return markers; | |
1138 | + } | |
1139 | + } | |
1140 | + svg.Element.polyline.prototype = new svg.Element.PathElementBase; | |
1141 | + | |
1142 | + // polygon element | |
1143 | + svg.Element.polygon = function(node) { | |
1144 | + this.base = svg.Element.polyline; | |
1145 | + this.base(node); | |
1146 | + | |
1147 | + this.basePath = this.path; | |
1148 | + this.path = function(ctx) { | |
1149 | + var bb = this.basePath(ctx); | |
1150 | + if (ctx != null) { | |
1151 | + ctx.lineTo(this.points[0].x, this.points[0].y); | |
1152 | + ctx.closePath(); | |
1153 | + } | |
1154 | + return bb; | |
1155 | + } | |
1156 | + } | |
1157 | + svg.Element.polygon.prototype = new svg.Element.polyline; | |
1158 | + | |
1159 | + // path element | |
1160 | + svg.Element.path = function(node) { | |
1161 | + this.base = svg.Element.PathElementBase; | |
1162 | + this.base(node); | |
1163 | + | |
1164 | + var d = this.attribute('d').value; | |
1165 | + // TODO: convert to real lexer based on | |
1166 | + d = d.replace(/,/gm,' '); // get rid of all commas | |
1167 | + d = d.replace(/([MmZzLlHhVvCcSsQqTtAa])([MmZzLlHhVvCcSsQqTtAa])/gm,'$1 $2'); // separate commands from commands | |
1168 | + d = d.replace(/([MmZzLlHhVvCcSsQqTtAa])([MmZzLlHhVvCcSsQqTtAa])/gm,'$1 $2'); // separate commands from commands | |
1169 | + d = d.replace(/([MmZzLlHhVvCcSsQqTtAa])([^\s])/gm,'$1 $2'); // separate commands from points | |
1170 | + d = d.replace(/([^\s])([MmZzLlHhVvCcSsQqTtAa])/gm,'$1 $2'); // separate commands from points | |
1171 | + d = d.replace(/([0-9])([+\-])/gm,'$1 $2'); // separate digits when no comma | |
1172 | + d = d.replace(/(\.[0-9]*)(\.)/gm,'$1 $2'); // separate digits when no comma | |
1173 | + d = d.replace(/([Aa](\s+[0-9]+){3})\s+([01])\s*([01])/gm,'$1 $3 $4 '); // shorthand elliptical arc path syntax | |
1174 | + d = svg.compressSpaces(d); // compress multiple spaces | |
1175 | + d = svg.trim(d); | |
1176 | + this.PathParser = new (function(d) { | |
1177 | + this.tokens = d.split(' '); | |
1178 | + | |
1179 | + this.reset = function() { | |
1180 | + this.i = -1; | |
1181 | + this.command = ''; | |
1182 | + this.previousCommand = ''; | |
1183 | + this.start = new svg.Point(0, 0); | |
1184 | + this.control = new svg.Point(0, 0); | |
1185 | + this.current = new svg.Point(0, 0); | |
1186 | + this.points = []; | |
1187 | + this.angles = []; | |
1188 | + } | |
1189 | + | |
1190 | + this.isEnd = function() { | |
1191 | + return this.i >= this.tokens.length - 1; | |
1192 | + } | |
1193 | + | |
1194 | + this.isCommandOrEnd = function() { | |
1195 | + if (this.isEnd()) return true; | |
1196 | + return this.tokens[this.i + 1].match(/^[A-Za-z]$/) != null; | |
1197 | + } | |
1198 | + | |
1199 | + this.isRelativeCommand = function() { | |
1200 | + switch(this.command) | |
1201 | + { | |
1202 | + case 'm': | |
1203 | + case 'l': | |
1204 | + case 'h': | |
1205 | + case 'v': | |
1206 | + case 'c': | |
1207 | + case 's': | |
1208 | + case 'q': | |
1209 | + case 't': | |
1210 | + case 'a': | |
1211 | + case 'z': | |
1212 | + return true; | |
1213 | + break; | |
1214 | + } | |
1215 | + return false; | |
1216 | + } | |
1217 | + | |
1218 | + this.getToken = function() { | |
1219 | + this.i++; | |
1220 | + return this.tokens[this.i]; | |
1221 | + } | |
1222 | + | |
1223 | + this.getScalar = function() { | |
1224 | + return parseFloat(this.getToken()); | |
1225 | + } | |
1226 | + | |
1227 | + this.nextCommand = function() { | |
1228 | + this.previousCommand = this.command; | |
1229 | + this.command = this.getToken(); | |
1230 | + } | |
1231 | + | |
1232 | + this.getPoint = function() { | |
1233 | + var p = new svg.Point(this.getScalar(), this.getScalar()); | |
1234 | + return this.makeAbsolute(p); | |
1235 | + } | |
1236 | + | |
1237 | + this.getAsControlPoint = function() { | |
1238 | + var p = this.getPoint(); | |
1239 | + this.control = p; | |
1240 | + return p; | |
1241 | + } | |
1242 | + | |
1243 | + this.getAsCurrentPoint = function() { | |
1244 | + var p = this.getPoint(); | |
1245 | + this.current = p; | |
1246 | + return p; | |
1247 | + } | |
1248 | + | |
1249 | + this.getReflectedControlPoint = function() { | |
1250 | + if (this.previousCommand.toLowerCase() != 'c' && | |
1251 | + this.previousCommand.toLowerCase() != 's' && | |
1252 | + this.previousCommand.toLowerCase() != 'q' && | |
1253 | + this.previousCommand.toLowerCase() != 't' ){ | |
1254 | + return this.current; | |
1255 | + } | |
1256 | + | |
1257 | + // reflect point | |
1258 | + var p = new svg.Point(2 * this.current.x - this.control.x, 2 * this.current.y - this.control.y); | |
1259 | + return p; | |
1260 | + } | |
1261 | + | |
1262 | + this.makeAbsolute = function(p) { | |
1263 | + if (this.isRelativeCommand()) { | |
1264 | + p.x += this.current.x; | |
1265 | + p.y += this.current.y; | |
1266 | + } | |
1267 | + return p; | |
1268 | + } | |
1269 | + | |
1270 | + this.addMarker = function(p, from, priorTo) { | |
1271 | + // if the last angle isn't filled in because we didn't have this point yet ... | |
1272 | + if (priorTo != null && this.angles.length > 0 && this.angles[this.angles.length-1] == null) { | |
1273 | + this.angles[this.angles.length-1] = this.points[this.points.length-1].angleTo(priorTo); | |
1274 | + } | |
1275 | + this.addMarkerAngle(p, from == null ? null : from.angleTo(p)); | |
1276 | + } | |
1277 | + | |
1278 | + this.addMarkerAngle = function(p, a) { | |
1279 | + this.points.push(p); | |
1280 | + this.angles.push(a); | |
1281 | + } | |
1282 | + | |
1283 | + this.getMarkerPoints = function() { return this.points; } | |
1284 | + this.getMarkerAngles = function() { | |
1285 | + for (var i=0; i<this.angles.length; i++) { | |
1286 | + if (this.angles[i] == null) { | |
1287 | + for (var j=i+1; j<this.angles.length; j++) { | |
1288 | + if (this.angles[j] != null) { | |
1289 | + this.angles[i] = this.angles[j]; | |
1290 | + break; | |
1291 | + } | |
1292 | + } | |
1293 | + } | |
1294 | + } | |
1295 | + return this.angles; | |
1296 | + } | |
1297 | + })(d); | |
1298 | + | |
1299 | + this.path = function(ctx) { | |
1300 | + var pp = this.PathParser; | |
1301 | + pp.reset(); | |
1302 | + | |
1303 | + var bb = new svg.BoundingBox(); | |
1304 | + if (ctx != null) ctx.beginPath(); | |
1305 | + while (!pp.isEnd()) { | |
1306 | + pp.nextCommand(); | |
1307 | + switch (pp.command) { | |
1308 | + case 'M': | |
1309 | + case 'm': | |
1310 | + var p = pp.getAsCurrentPoint(); | |
1311 | + pp.addMarker(p); | |
1312 | + bb.addPoint(p.x, p.y); | |
1313 | + if (ctx != null) ctx.moveTo(p.x, p.y); | |
1314 | + pp.start = pp.current; | |
1315 | + while (!pp.isCommandOrEnd()) { | |
1316 | + var p = pp.getAsCurrentPoint(); | |
1317 | + pp.addMarker(p, pp.start); | |
1318 | + bb.addPoint(p.x, p.y); | |
1319 | + if (ctx != null) ctx.lineTo(p.x, p.y); | |
1320 | + } | |
1321 | + break; | |
1322 | + case 'L': | |
1323 | + case 'l': | |
1324 | + while (!pp.isCommandOrEnd()) { | |
1325 | + var c = pp.current; | |
1326 | + var p = pp.getAsCurrentPoint(); | |
1327 | + pp.addMarker(p, c); | |
1328 | + bb.addPoint(p.x, p.y); | |
1329 | + if (ctx != null) ctx.lineTo(p.x, p.y); | |
1330 | + } | |
1331 | + break; | |
1332 | + case 'H': | |
1333 | + case 'h': | |
1334 | + while (!pp.isCommandOrEnd()) { | |
1335 | + var newP = new svg.Point((pp.isRelativeCommand() ? pp.current.x : 0) + pp.getScalar(), pp.current.y); | |
1336 | + pp.addMarker(newP, pp.current); | |
1337 | + pp.current = newP; | |
1338 | + bb.addPoint(pp.current.x, pp.current.y); | |
1339 | + if (ctx != null) ctx.lineTo(pp.current.x, pp.current.y); | |
1340 | + } | |
1341 | + break; | |
1342 | + case 'V': | |
1343 | + case 'v': | |
1344 | + while (!pp.isCommandOrEnd()) { | |
1345 | + var newP = new svg.Point(pp.current.x, (pp.isRelativeCommand() ? pp.current.y : 0) + pp.getScalar()); | |
1346 | + pp.addMarker(newP, pp.current); | |
1347 | + pp.current = newP; | |
1348 | + bb.addPoint(pp.current.x, pp.current.y); | |
1349 | + if (ctx != null) ctx.lineTo(pp.current.x, pp.current.y); | |
1350 | + } | |
1351 | + break; | |
1352 | + case 'C': | |
1353 | + case 'c': | |
1354 | + while (!pp.isCommandOrEnd()) { | |
1355 | + var curr = pp.current; | |
1356 | + var p1 = pp.getPoint(); | |
1357 | + var cntrl = pp.getAsControlPoint(); | |
1358 | + var cp = pp.getAsCurrentPoint(); | |
1359 | + pp.addMarker(cp, cntrl, p1); | |
1360 | + bb.addBezierCurve(curr.x, curr.y, p1.x, p1.y, cntrl.x, cntrl.y, cp.x, cp.y); | |
1361 | + if (ctx != null) ctx.bezierCurveTo(p1.x, p1.y, cntrl.x, cntrl.y, cp.x, cp.y); | |
1362 | + } | |
1363 | + break; | |
1364 | + case 'S': | |
1365 | + case 's': | |
1366 | + while (!pp.isCommandOrEnd()) { | |
1367 | + var curr = pp.current; | |
1368 | + var p1 = pp.getReflectedControlPoint(); | |
1369 | + var cntrl = pp.getAsControlPoint(); | |
1370 | + var cp = pp.getAsCurrentPoint(); | |
1371 | + pp.addMarker(cp, cntrl, p1); | |
1372 | + bb.addBezierCurve(curr.x, curr.y, p1.x, p1.y, cntrl.x, cntrl.y, cp.x, cp.y); | |
1373 | + if (ctx != null) ctx.bezierCurveTo(p1.x, p1.y, cntrl.x, cntrl.y, cp.x, cp.y); | |
1374 | + } | |
1375 | + break; | |
1376 | + case 'Q': | |
1377 | + case 'q': | |
1378 | + while (!pp.isCommandOrEnd()) { | |
1379 | + var curr = pp.current; | |
1380 | + var cntrl = pp.getAsControlPoint(); | |
1381 | + var cp = pp.getAsCurrentPoint(); | |
1382 | + pp.addMarker(cp, cntrl, cntrl); | |
1383 | + bb.addQuadraticCurve(curr.x, curr.y, cntrl.x, cntrl.y, cp.x, cp.y); | |
1384 | + if (ctx != null) ctx.quadraticCurveTo(cntrl.x, cntrl.y, cp.x, cp.y); | |
1385 | + } | |
1386 | + break; | |
1387 | + case 'T': | |
1388 | + case 't': | |
1389 | + while (!pp.isCommandOrEnd()) { | |
1390 | + var curr = pp.current; | |
1391 | + var cntrl = pp.getReflectedControlPoint(); | |
1392 | + pp.control = cntrl; | |
1393 | + var cp = pp.getAsCurrentPoint(); | |
1394 | + pp.addMarker(cp, cntrl, cntrl); | |
1395 | + bb.addQuadraticCurve(curr.x, curr.y, cntrl.x, cntrl.y, cp.x, cp.y); | |
1396 | + if (ctx != null) ctx.quadraticCurveTo(cntrl.x, cntrl.y, cp.x, cp.y); | |
1397 | + } | |
1398 | + break; | |
1399 | + case 'A': | |
1400 | + case 'a': | |
1401 | + while (!pp.isCommandOrEnd()) { | |
1402 | + var curr = pp.current; | |
1403 | + var rx = pp.getScalar(); | |
1404 | + var ry = pp.getScalar(); | |
1405 | + var xAxisRotation = pp.getScalar() * (Math.PI / 180.0); | |
1406 | + var largeArcFlag = pp.getScalar(); | |
1407 | + var sweepFlag = pp.getScalar(); | |
1408 | + var cp = pp.getAsCurrentPoint(); | |
1409 | + | |
1410 | + // Conversion from endpoint to center parameterization | |
1411 | + // | |
1412 | + // x1', y1' | |
1413 | + var currp = new svg.Point( | |
1414 | + Math.cos(xAxisRotation) * (curr.x - cp.x) / 2.0 + Math.sin(xAxisRotation) * (curr.y - cp.y) / 2.0, | |
1415 | + -Math.sin(xAxisRotation) * (curr.x - cp.x) / 2.0 + Math.cos(xAxisRotation) * (curr.y - cp.y) / 2.0 | |
1416 | + ); | |
1417 | + // adjust radii | |
1418 | + var l = Math.pow(currp.x,2)/Math.pow(rx,2)+Math.pow(currp.y,2)/Math.pow(ry,2); | |
1419 | + if (l > 1) { | |
1420 | + rx *= Math.sqrt(l); | |
1421 | + ry *= Math.sqrt(l); | |
1422 | + } | |
1423 | + // cx', cy' | |
1424 | + var s = (largeArcFlag == sweepFlag ? -1 : 1) * Math.sqrt( | |
1425 | + ((Math.pow(rx,2)*Math.pow(ry,2))-(Math.pow(rx,2)*Math.pow(currp.y,2))-(Math.pow(ry,2)*Math.pow(currp.x,2))) / | |
1426 | + (Math.pow(rx,2)*Math.pow(currp.y,2)+Math.pow(ry,2)*Math.pow(currp.x,2)) | |
1427 | + ); | |
1428 | + if (isNaN(s)) s = 0; | |
1429 | + var cpp = new svg.Point(s * rx * currp.y / ry, s * -ry * currp.x / rx); | |
1430 | + // cx, cy | |
1431 | + var centp = new svg.Point( | |
1432 | + (curr.x + cp.x) / 2.0 + Math.cos(xAxisRotation) * cpp.x - Math.sin(xAxisRotation) * cpp.y, | |
1433 | + (curr.y + cp.y) / 2.0 + Math.sin(xAxisRotation) * cpp.x + Math.cos(xAxisRotation) * cpp.y | |
1434 | + ); | |
1435 | + // vector magnitude | |
1436 | + var m = function(v) { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(v[0],2) + Math.pow(v[1],2)); } | |
1437 | + // ratio between two vectors | |
1438 | + var r = function(u, v) { return (u[0]*v[0]+u[1]*v[1]) / (m(u)*m(v)) } | |
1439 | + // angle between two vectors | |
1440 | + var a = function(u, v) { return (u[0]*v[1] < u[1]*v[0] ? -1 : 1) * Math.acos(r(u,v)); } | |
1441 | + // initial angle | |
1442 | + var a1 = a([1,0], [(currp.x-cpp.x)/rx,(currp.y-cpp.y)/ry]); | |
1443 | + // angle delta | |
1444 | + var u = [(currp.x-cpp.x)/rx,(currp.y-cpp.y)/ry]; | |
1445 | + var v = [(-currp.x-cpp.x)/rx,(-currp.y-cpp.y)/ry]; | |
1446 | + var ad = a(u, v); | |
1447 | + if (r(u,v) <= -1) ad = Math.PI; | |
1448 | + if (r(u,v) >= 1) ad = 0; | |
1449 | + | |
1450 | + // for markers | |
1451 | + var dir = 1 - sweepFlag ? 1.0 : -1.0; | |
1452 | + var ah = a1 + dir * (ad / 2.0); | |
1453 | + var halfWay = new svg.Point( | |
1454 | + centp.x + rx * Math.cos(ah), | |
1455 | + centp.y + ry * Math.sin(ah) | |
1456 | + ); | |
1457 | + pp.addMarkerAngle(halfWay, ah - dir * Math.PI / 2); | |
1458 | + pp.addMarkerAngle(cp, ah - dir * Math.PI); | |
1459 | + | |
1460 | + bb.addPoint(cp.x, cp.y); // TODO: this is too naive, make it better | |
1461 | + if (ctx != null) { | |
1462 | + var r = rx > ry ? rx : ry; | |
1463 | + var sx = rx > ry ? 1 : rx / ry; | |
1464 | + var sy = rx > ry ? ry / rx : 1; | |
1465 | + | |
1466 | + ctx.translate(centp.x, centp.y); | |
1467 | + ctx.rotate(xAxisRotation); | |
1468 | + ctx.scale(sx, sy); | |
1469 | + ctx.arc(0, 0, r, a1, a1 + ad, 1 - sweepFlag); | |
1470 | + ctx.scale(1/sx, 1/sy); | |
1471 | + ctx.rotate(-xAxisRotation); | |
1472 | + ctx.translate(-centp.x, -centp.y); | |
1473 | + } | |
1474 | + } | |
1475 | + break; | |
1476 | + case 'Z': | |
1477 | + case 'z': | |
1478 | + if (ctx != null) ctx.closePath(); | |
1479 | + pp.current = pp.start; | |
1480 | + } | |
1481 | + } | |
1482 | + | |
1483 | + return bb; | |
1484 | + } | |
1485 | + | |
1486 | + this.getMarkers = function() { | |
1487 | + var points = this.PathParser.getMarkerPoints(); | |
1488 | + var angles = this.PathParser.getMarkerAngles(); | |
1489 | + | |
1490 | + var markers = []; | |
1491 | + for (var i=0; i<points.length; i++) { | |
1492 | + markers.push([points[i], angles[i]]); | |
1493 | + } | |
1494 | + return markers; | |
1495 | + } | |
1496 | + } | |
1497 | + svg.Element.path.prototype = new svg.Element.PathElementBase; | |
1498 | + | |
1499 | + // pattern element | |
1500 | + svg.Element.pattern = function(node) { | |
1501 | + this.base = svg.Element.ElementBase; | |
1502 | + this.base(node); | |
1503 | + | |
1504 | + this.createPattern = function(ctx, element) { | |
1505 | + var width = this.attribute('width').toPixels('x', true); | |
1506 | + var height = this.attribute('height').toPixels('y', true); | |
1507 | + | |
1508 | + // render me using a temporary svg element | |
1509 | + var tempSvg = new svg.Element.svg(); | |
1510 | + tempSvg.attributes['viewBox'] = new svg.Property('viewBox', this.attribute('viewBox').value); | |
1511 | + tempSvg.attributes['width'] = new svg.Property('width', width + 'px'); | |
1512 | + tempSvg.attributes['height'] = new svg.Property('height', height + 'px'); | |
1513 | + tempSvg.attributes['transform'] = new svg.Property('transform', this.attribute('patternTransform').value); | |
1514 | + tempSvg.children = this.children; | |
1515 | + | |
1516 | + var c = document.createElement('canvas'); | |
1517 | + c.width = width; | |
1518 | + c.height = height; | |
1519 | + var cctx = c.getContext('2d'); | |
1520 | + if (this.attribute('x').hasValue() && this.attribute('y').hasValue()) { | |
1521 | + cctx.translate(this.attribute('x').toPixels('x', true), this.attribute('y').toPixels('y', true)); | |
1522 | + } | |
1523 | + // render 3x3 grid so when we transform there's no white space on edges | |
1524 | + for (var x=-1; x<=1; x++) { | |
1525 | + for (var y=-1; y<=1; y++) { | |
1526 | +; | |
1527 | + cctx.translate(x * c.width, y * c.height); | |
1528 | + tempSvg.render(cctx); | |
1529 | + cctx.restore(); | |
1530 | + } | |
1531 | + } | |
1532 | + var pattern = ctx.createPattern(c, 'repeat'); | |
1533 | + return pattern; | |
1534 | + } | |
1535 | + } | |
1536 | + svg.Element.pattern.prototype = new svg.Element.ElementBase; | |
1537 | + | |
1538 | + // marker element | |
1539 | + svg.Element.marker = function(node) { | |
1540 | + this.base = svg.Element.ElementBase; | |
1541 | + this.base(node); | |
1542 | + | |
1543 | + this.baseRender = this.render; | |
1544 | + this.render = function(ctx, point, angle) { | |
1545 | + ctx.translate(point.x, point.y); | |
1546 | + if (this.attribute('orient').valueOrDefault('auto') == 'auto') ctx.rotate(angle); | |
1547 | + if (this.attribute('markerUnits').valueOrDefault('strokeWidth') == 'strokeWidth') ctx.scale(ctx.lineWidth, ctx.lineWidth); | |
1548 | +; | |
1549 | + | |
1550 | + // render me using a temporary svg element | |
1551 | + var tempSvg = new svg.Element.svg(); | |
1552 | + tempSvg.attributes['viewBox'] = new svg.Property('viewBox', this.attribute('viewBox').value); | |
1553 | + tempSvg.attributes['refX'] = new svg.Property('refX', this.attribute('refX').value); | |
1554 | + tempSvg.attributes['refY'] = new svg.Property('refY', this.attribute('refY').value); | |
1555 | + tempSvg.attributes['width'] = new svg.Property('width', this.attribute('markerWidth').value); | |
1556 | + tempSvg.attributes['height'] = new svg.Property('height', this.attribute('markerHeight').value); | |
1557 | + tempSvg.attributes['fill'] = new svg.Property('fill', this.attribute('fill').valueOrDefault('black')); | |
1558 | + tempSvg.attributes['stroke'] = new svg.Property('stroke', this.attribute('stroke').valueOrDefault('none')); | |
1559 | + tempSvg.children = this.children; | |
1560 | + tempSvg.render(ctx); | |
1561 | + | |
1562 | + ctx.restore(); | |
1563 | + if (this.attribute('markerUnits').valueOrDefault('strokeWidth') == 'strokeWidth') ctx.scale(1/ctx.lineWidth, 1/ctx.lineWidth); | |
1564 | + if (this.attribute('orient').valueOrDefault('auto') == 'auto') ctx.rotate(-angle); | |
1565 | + ctx.translate(-point.x, -point.y); | |
1566 | + } | |
1567 | + } | |
1568 | + svg.Element.marker.prototype = new svg.Element.ElementBase; | |
1569 | + | |
1570 | + // definitions element | |
1571 | + svg.Element.defs = function(node) { | |
1572 | + this.base = svg.Element.ElementBase; | |
1573 | + this.base(node); | |
1574 | + | |
1575 | + this.render = function(ctx) { | |
1576 | + // NOOP | |
1577 | + } | |
1578 | + } | |
1579 | + svg.Element.defs.prototype = new svg.Element.ElementBase; | |
1580 | + | |
1581 | + // base for gradients | |
1582 | + svg.Element.GradientBase = function(node) { | |
1583 | + this.base = svg.Element.ElementBase; | |
1584 | + this.base(node); | |
1585 | + | |
1586 | + this.gradientUnits = this.attribute('gradientUnits').valueOrDefault('objectBoundingBox'); | |
1587 | + | |
1588 | + this.stops = []; | |
1589 | + for (var i=0; i<this.children.length; i++) { | |
1590 | + var child = this.children[i]; | |
1591 | + if (child.type == 'stop') this.stops.push(child); | |
1592 | + } | |
1593 | + | |
1594 | + this.getGradient = function() { | |
1595 | + // OVERRIDE ME! | |
1596 | + } | |
1597 | + | |
1598 | + this.createGradient = function(ctx, element, parentOpacityProp) { | |
1599 | + var stopsContainer = this; | |
1600 | + if (this.getHrefAttribute().hasValue()) { | |
1601 | + stopsContainer = this.getHrefAttribute().getDefinition(); | |
1602 | + } | |
1603 | + | |
1604 | + var addParentOpacity = function (color) { | |
1605 | + if (parentOpacityProp.hasValue()) { | |
1606 | + var p = new svg.Property('color', color); | |
1607 | + return p.addOpacity(parentOpacityProp.value).value; | |
1608 | + } | |
1609 | + return color; | |
1610 | + }; | |
1611 | + | |
1612 | + var g = this.getGradient(ctx, element); | |
1613 | + if (g == null) return addParentOpacity(stopsContainer.stops[stopsContainer.stops.length - 1].color); | |
1614 | + for (var i=0; i<stopsContainer.stops.length; i++) { | |
1615 | + g.addColorStop(stopsContainer.stops[i].offset, addParentOpacity(stopsContainer.stops[i].color)); | |
1616 | + } | |
1617 | + | |
1618 | + if (this.attribute('gradientTransform').hasValue()) { | |
1619 | + // render as transformed pattern on temporary canvas | |
1620 | + var rootView = svg.ViewPort.viewPorts[0]; | |
1621 | + | |
1622 | + var rect = new svg.Element.rect(); | |
1623 | + rect.attributes['x'] = new svg.Property('x', -svg.MAX_VIRTUAL_PIXELS/3.0); | |
1624 | + rect.attributes['y'] = new svg.Property('y', -svg.MAX_VIRTUAL_PIXELS/3.0); | |
1625 | + rect.attributes['width'] = new svg.Property('width', svg.MAX_VIRTUAL_PIXELS); | |
1626 | + rect.attributes['height'] = new svg.Property('height', svg.MAX_VIRTUAL_PIXELS); | |
1627 | + | |
1628 | + var group = new svg.Element.g(); | |
1629 | + group.attributes['transform'] = new svg.Property('transform', this.attribute('gradientTransform').value); | |
1630 | + group.children = [ rect ]; | |
1631 | + | |
1632 | + var tempSvg = new svg.Element.svg(); | |
1633 | + tempSvg.attributes['x'] = new svg.Property('x', 0); | |
1634 | + tempSvg.attributes['y'] = new svg.Property('y', 0); | |
1635 | + tempSvg.attributes['width'] = new svg.Property('width', rootView.width); | |
1636 | + tempSvg.attributes['height'] = new svg.Property('height', rootView.height); | |
1637 | + tempSvg.children = [ group ]; | |
1638 | + | |
1639 | + var c = document.createElement('canvas'); | |
1640 | + c.width = rootView.width; | |
1641 | + c.height = rootView.height; | |
1642 | + var tempCtx = c.getContext('2d'); | |
1643 | + tempCtx.fillStyle = g; | |
1644 | + tempSvg.render(tempCtx); | |
1645 | + return tempCtx.createPattern(c, 'no-repeat'); | |
1646 | + } | |
1647 | + | |
1648 | + return g; | |
1649 | + } | |
1650 | + } | |
1651 | + svg.Element.GradientBase.prototype = new svg.Element.ElementBase; | |
1652 | + | |
1653 | + // linear gradient element | |
1654 | + svg.Element.linearGradient = function(node) { | |
1655 | + this.base = svg.Element.GradientBase; | |
1656 | + this.base(node); | |
1657 | + | |
1658 | + this.getGradient = function(ctx, element) { | |
1659 | + var bb = element.getBoundingBox(); | |
1660 | + | |
1661 | + if (!this.attribute('x1').hasValue() | |
1662 | + && !this.attribute('y1').hasValue() | |
1663 | + && !this.attribute('x2').hasValue() | |
1664 | + && !this.attribute('y2').hasValue()) { | |
1665 | + this.attribute('x1', true).value = 0; | |
1666 | + this.attribute('y1', true).value = 0; | |
1667 | + this.attribute('x2', true).value = 1; | |
1668 | + this.attribute('y2', true).value = 0; | |
1669 | + } | |
1670 | + | |
1671 | + var x1 = (this.gradientUnits == 'objectBoundingBox' | |
1672 | + ? bb.x() + bb.width() * this.attribute('x1').numValue() | |
1673 | + : this.attribute('x1').toPixels('x')); | |
1674 | + var y1 = (this.gradientUnits == 'objectBoundingBox' | |
1675 | + ? bb.y() + bb.height() * this.attribute('y1').numValue() | |
1676 | + : this.attribute('y1').toPixels('y')); | |
1677 | + var x2 = (this.gradientUnits == 'objectBoundingBox' | |
1678 | + ? bb.x() + bb.width() * this.attribute('x2').numValue() | |
1679 | + : this.attribute('x2').toPixels('x')); | |
1680 | + var y2 = (this.gradientUnits == 'objectBoundingBox' | |
1681 | + ? bb.y() + bb.height() * this.attribute('y2').numValue() | |
1682 | + : this.attribute('y2').toPixels('y')); | |
1683 | + | |
1684 | + if (x1 == x2 && y1 == y2) return null; | |
1685 | + return ctx.createLinearGradient(x1, y1, x2, y2); | |
1686 | + } | |
1687 | + } | |
1688 | + svg.Element.linearGradient.prototype = new svg.Element.GradientBase; | |
1689 | + | |
1690 | + // radial gradient element | |
1691 | + svg.Element.radialGradient = function(node) { | |
1692 | + this.base = svg.Element.GradientBase; | |
1693 | + this.base(node); | |
1694 | + | |
1695 | + this.getGradient = function(ctx, element) { | |
1696 | + var bb = element.getBoundingBox(); | |
1697 | + | |
1698 | + if (!this.attribute('cx').hasValue()) this.attribute('cx', true).value = '50%'; | |
1699 | + if (!this.attribute('cy').hasValue()) this.attribute('cy', true).value = '50%'; | |
1700 | + if (!this.attribute('r').hasValue()) this.attribute('r', true).value = '50%'; | |
1701 | + | |
1702 | + var cx = (this.gradientUnits == 'objectBoundingBox' | |
1703 | + ? bb.x() + bb.width() * this.attribute('cx').numValue() | |
1704 | + : this.attribute('cx').toPixels('x')); | |
1705 | + var cy = (this.gradientUnits == 'objectBoundingBox' | |
1706 | + ? bb.y() + bb.height() * this.attribute('cy').numValue() | |
1707 | + : this.attribute('cy').toPixels('y')); | |
1708 | + | |
1709 | + var fx = cx; | |
1710 | + var fy = cy; | |
1711 | + if (this.attribute('fx').hasValue()) { | |
1712 | + fx = (this.gradientUnits == 'objectBoundingBox' | |
1713 | + ? bb.x() + bb.width() * this.attribute('fx').numValue() | |
1714 | + : this.attribute('fx').toPixels('x')); | |
1715 | + } | |
1716 | + if (this.attribute('fy').hasValue()) { | |
1717 | + fy = (this.gradientUnits == 'objectBoundingBox' | |
1718 | + ? bb.y() + bb.height() * this.attribute('fy').numValue() | |
1719 | + : this.attribute('fy').toPixels('y')); | |
1720 | + } | |
1721 | + | |
1722 | + var r = (this.gradientUnits == 'objectBoundingBox' | |
1723 | + ? (bb.width() + bb.height()) / 2.0 * this.attribute('r').numValue() | |
1724 | + : this.attribute('r').toPixels()); | |
1725 | + | |
1726 | + return ctx.createRadialGradient(fx, fy, 0, cx, cy, r); | |
1727 | + } | |
1728 | + } | |
1729 | + svg.Element.radialGradient.prototype = new svg.Element.GradientBase; | |
1730 | + | |
1731 | + // gradient stop element | |
1732 | + svg.Element.stop = function(node) { | |
1733 | + this.base = svg.Element.ElementBase; | |
1734 | + this.base(node); | |
1735 | + | |
1736 | + this.offset = this.attribute('offset').numValue(); | |
1737 | + if (this.offset < 0) this.offset = 0; | |
1738 | + if (this.offset > 1) this.offset = 1; | |
1739 | + | |
1740 | + var stopColor ='stop-color'); | |
1741 | + if ('stop-opacity').hasValue()) stopColor = stopColor.addOpacity('stop-opacity').value); | |
1742 | + this.color = stopColor.value; | |
1743 | + } | |
1744 | + svg.Element.stop.prototype = new svg.Element.ElementBase; | |
1745 | + | |
1746 | + // animation base element | |
1747 | + svg.Element.AnimateBase = function(node) { | |
1748 | + this.base = svg.Element.ElementBase; | |
1749 | + this.base(node); | |
1750 | + | |
1751 | + svg.Animations.push(this); | |
1752 | + | |
1753 | + this.duration = 0.0; | |
1754 | + this.begin = this.attribute('begin').toMilliseconds(); | |
1755 | + this.maxDuration = this.begin + this.attribute('dur').toMilliseconds(); | |
1756 | + | |
1757 | + this.getProperty = function() { | |
1758 | + var attributeType = this.attribute('attributeType').value; | |
1759 | + var attributeName = this.attribute('attributeName').value; | |
1760 | + | |
1761 | + if (attributeType == 'CSS') { | |
1762 | + return, true); | |
1763 | + } | |
1764 | + return this.parent.attribute(attributeName, true); | |
1765 | + }; | |
1766 | + | |
1767 | + this.initialValue = null; | |
1768 | + this.initialUnits = ''; | |
1769 | + this.removed = false; | |
1770 | + | |
1771 | + this.calcValue = function() { | |
1772 | + // OVERRIDE ME! | |
1773 | + return ''; | |
1774 | + } | |
1775 | + | |
1776 | + this.update = function(delta) { | |
1777 | + // set initial value | |
1778 | + if (this.initialValue == null) { | |
1779 | + this.initialValue = this.getProperty().value; | |
1780 | + this.initialUnits = this.getProperty().getUnits(); | |
1781 | + } | |
1782 | + | |
1783 | + // if we're past the end time | |
1784 | + if (this.duration > this.maxDuration) { | |
1785 | + // loop for indefinitely repeating animations | |
1786 | + if (this.attribute('repeatCount').value == 'indefinite' | |
1787 | + || this.attribute('repeatDur').value == 'indefinite') { | |
1788 | + this.duration = 0.0 | |
1789 | + } | |
1790 | + else if (this.attribute('fill').valueOrDefault('remove') == 'remove' && !this.removed) { | |
1791 | + this.removed = true; | |
1792 | + this.getProperty().value = this.initialValue; | |
1793 | + return true; | |
1794 | + } | |
1795 | + else { | |
1796 | + return false; // no updates made | |
1797 | + } | |
1798 | + } | |
1799 | + this.duration = this.duration + delta; | |
1800 | + | |
1801 | + // if we're past the begin time | |
1802 | + var updated = false; | |
1803 | + if (this.begin < this.duration) { | |
1804 | + var newValue = this.calcValue(); // tween | |
1805 | + | |
1806 | + if (this.attribute('type').hasValue()) { | |
1807 | + // for transform, etc. | |
1808 | + var type = this.attribute('type').value; | |
1809 | + newValue = type + '(' + newValue + ')'; | |
1810 | + } | |
1811 | + | |
1812 | + this.getProperty().value = newValue; | |
1813 | + updated = true; | |
1814 | + } | |
1815 | + | |
1816 | + return updated; | |
1817 | + } | |
1818 | + | |
1819 | + this.from = this.attribute('from'); | |
1820 | + = this.attribute('to'); | |
1821 | + this.values = this.attribute('values'); | |
1822 | + if (this.values.hasValue()) this.values.value = this.values.value.split(';'); | |
1823 | + | |
1824 | + // fraction of duration we've covered | |
1825 | + this.progress = function() { | |
1826 | + var ret = { progress: (this.duration - this.begin) / (this.maxDuration - this.begin) }; | |
1827 | + if (this.values.hasValue()) { | |
1828 | + var p = ret.progress * (this.values.value.length - 1); | |
1829 | + var lb = Math.floor(p), ub = Math.ceil(p); | |
1830 | + ret.from = new svg.Property('from', parseFloat(this.values.value[lb])); | |
1831 | + = new svg.Property('to', parseFloat(this.values.value[ub])); | |
1832 | + ret.progress = (p - lb) / (ub - lb); | |
1833 | + } | |
1834 | + else { | |
1835 | + ret.from = this.from; | |
1836 | + =; | |
1837 | + } | |
1838 | + return ret; | |
1839 | + } | |
1840 | + } | |
1841 | + svg.Element.AnimateBase.prototype = new svg.Element.ElementBase; | |
1842 | + | |
1843 | + // animate element | |
1844 | + svg.Element.animate = function(node) { | |
1845 | + this.base = svg.Element.AnimateBase; | |
1846 | + this.base(node); | |
1847 | + | |
1848 | + this.calcValue = function() { | |
1849 | + var p = this.progress(); | |
1850 | + | |
1851 | + // tween value linearly | |
1852 | + var newValue = p.from.numValue() + ( - p.from.numValue()) * p.progress; | |
1853 | + return newValue + this.initialUnits; | |
1854 | + }; | |
1855 | + } | |
1856 | + svg.Element.animate.prototype = new svg.Element.AnimateBase; | |
1857 | + | |
1858 | + // animate color element | |
1859 | + svg.Element.animateColor = function(node) { | |
1860 | + this.base = svg.Element.AnimateBase; | |
1861 | + this.base(node); | |
1862 | + | |
1863 | + this.calcValue = function() { | |
1864 | + var p = this.progress(); | |
1865 | + var from = new RGBColor(p.from.value); | |
1866 | + var to = new RGBColor(; | |
1867 | + | |
1868 | + if (from.ok && to.ok) { | |
1869 | + // tween color linearly | |
1870 | + var r = from.r + (to.r - from.r) * p.progress; | |
1871 | + var g = from.g + (to.g - from.g) * p.progress; | |
1872 | + var b = from.b + (to.b - from.b) * p.progress; | |
1873 | + return 'rgb('+parseInt(r,10)+','+parseInt(g,10)+','+parseInt(b,10)+')'; | |
1874 | + } | |
1875 | + return this.attribute('from').value; | |
1876 | + }; | |
1877 | + } | |
1878 | + svg.Element.animateColor.prototype = new svg.Element.AnimateBase; | |
1879 | + | |
1880 | + // animate transform element | |
1881 | + svg.Element.animateTransform = function(node) { | |
1882 | + this.base = svg.Element.AnimateBase; | |
1883 | + this.base(node); | |
1884 | + | |
1885 | + this.calcValue = function() { | |
1886 | + var p = this.progress(); | |
1887 | + | |
1888 | + // tween value linearly | |
1889 | + var from = svg.ToNumberArray(p.from.value); | |
1890 | + var to = svg.ToNumberArray(; | |
1891 | + var newValue = ''; | |
1892 | + for (var i=0; i<from.length; i++) { | |
1893 | + newValue += from[i] + (to[i] - from[i]) * p.progress + ' '; | |
1894 | + } | |
1895 | + return newValue; | |
1896 | + }; | |
1897 | + } | |
1898 | + svg.Element.animateTransform.prototype = new svg.Element.animate; | |
1899 | + | |
1900 | + // font element | |
1901 | + svg.Element.font = function(node) { | |
1902 | + this.base = svg.Element.ElementBase; | |
1903 | + this.base(node); | |
1904 | + | |
1905 | + this.horizAdvX = this.attribute('horiz-adv-x').numValue(); | |
1906 | + | |
1907 | + this.isRTL = false; | |
1908 | + this.isArabic = false; | |
1909 | + this.fontFace = null; | |
1910 | + this.missingGlyph = null; | |
1911 | + this.glyphs = []; | |
1912 | + for (var i=0; i<this.children.length; i++) { | |
1913 | + var child = this.children[i]; | |
1914 | + if (child.type == 'font-face') { | |
1915 | + this.fontFace = child; | |
1916 | + if ('font-family').hasValue()) { | |
1917 | + svg.Definitions['font-family').value] = this; | |
1918 | + } | |
1919 | + } | |
1920 | + else if (child.type == 'missing-glyph') this.missingGlyph = child; | |
1921 | + else if (child.type == 'glyph') { | |
1922 | + if (child.arabicForm != '') { | |
1923 | + this.isRTL = true; | |
1924 | + this.isArabic = true; | |
1925 | + if (typeof(this.glyphs[child.unicode]) == 'undefined') this.glyphs[child.unicode] = []; | |
1926 | + this.glyphs[child.unicode][child.arabicForm] = child; | |
1927 | + } | |
1928 | + else { | |
1929 | + this.glyphs[child.unicode] = child; | |
1930 | + } | |
1931 | + } | |
1932 | + } | |
1933 | + } | |
1934 | + svg.Element.font.prototype = new svg.Element.ElementBase; | |
1935 | + | |
1936 | + // font-face element | |
1937 | + svg.Element.fontface = function(node) { | |
1938 | + this.base = svg.Element.ElementBase; | |
1939 | + this.base(node); | |
1940 | + | |
1941 | + this.ascent = this.attribute('ascent').value; | |
1942 | + this.descent = this.attribute('descent').value; | |
1943 | + this.unitsPerEm = this.attribute('units-per-em').numValue(); | |
1944 | + } | |
1945 | + svg.Element.fontface.prototype = new svg.Element.ElementBase; | |
1946 | + | |
1947 | + // missing-glyph element | |
1948 | + svg.Element.missingglyph = function(node) { | |
1949 | + this.base = svg.Element.path; | |
1950 | + this.base(node); | |
1951 | + | |
1952 | + this.horizAdvX = 0; | |
1953 | + } | |
1954 | + svg.Element.missingglyph.prototype = new svg.Element.path; | |
1955 | + | |
1956 | + // glyph element | |
1957 | + svg.Element.glyph = function(node) { | |
1958 | + this.base = svg.Element.path; | |
1959 | + this.base(node); | |
1960 | + | |
1961 | + this.horizAdvX = this.attribute('horiz-adv-x').numValue(); | |
1962 | + this.unicode = this.attribute('unicode').value; | |
1963 | + this.arabicForm = this.attribute('arabic-form').value; | |
1964 | + } | |
1965 | + svg.Element.glyph.prototype = new svg.Element.path; | |
1966 | + | |
1967 | + // text element | |
1968 | + svg.Element.text = function(node) { | |
1969 | + this.captureTextNodes = true; | |
1970 | + this.base = svg.Element.RenderedElementBase; | |
1971 | + this.base(node); | |
1972 | + | |
1973 | + this.baseSetContext = this.setContext; | |
1974 | + this.setContext = function(ctx) { | |
1975 | + this.baseSetContext(ctx); | |
1976 | + if ('dominant-baseline').hasValue()) ctx.textBaseline ='dominant-baseline').value; | |
1977 | + if ('alignment-baseline').hasValue()) ctx.textBaseline ='alignment-baseline').value; | |
1978 | + } | |
1979 | + | |
1980 | + this.getBoundingBox = function () { | |
1981 | + // TODO: implement | |
1982 | + return new svg.BoundingBox(this.attribute('x').toPixels('x'), this.attribute('y').toPixels('y'), 0, 0); | |
1983 | + } | |
1984 | + | |
1985 | + this.renderChildren = function(ctx) { | |
1986 | + this.x = this.attribute('x').toPixels('x'); | |
1987 | + this.y = this.attribute('y').toPixels('y'); | |
1988 | + this.x += this.getAnchorDelta(ctx, this, 0); | |
1989 | + for (var i=0; i<this.children.length; i++) { | |
1990 | + this.renderChild(ctx, this, i); | |
1991 | + } | |
1992 | + } | |
1993 | + | |
1994 | + this.getAnchorDelta = function (ctx, parent, startI) { | |
1995 | + var textAnchor ='text-anchor').valueOrDefault('start'); | |
1996 | + if (textAnchor != 'start') { | |
1997 | + var width = 0; | |
1998 | + for (var i=startI; i<parent.children.length; i++) { | |
1999 | + var child = parent.children[i]; | |
2000 | + if (i > startI && child.attribute('x').hasValue()) break; // new group | |
2001 | + width += child.measureTextRecursive(ctx); | |
2002 | + } | |
2003 | + return -1 * (textAnchor == 'end' ? width : width / 2.0); | |
2004 | + } | |
2005 | + return 0; | |
2006 | + } | |
2007 | + | |
2008 | + this.renderChild = function(ctx, parent, i) { | |
2009 | + var child = parent.children[i]; | |
2010 | + if (child.attribute('x').hasValue()) { | |
2011 | + child.x = child.attribute('x').toPixels('x') + this.getAnchorDelta(ctx, parent, i); | |
2012 | + } | |
2013 | + else { | |
2014 | + if (this.attribute('dx').hasValue()) this.x += this.attribute('dx').toPixels('x'); | |
2015 | + if (child.attribute('dx').hasValue()) this.x += child.attribute('dx').toPixels('x'); | |
2016 | + child.x = this.x; | |
2017 | + } | |
2018 | + this.x = child.x + child.measureText(ctx); | |
2019 | + | |
2020 | + if (child.attribute('y').hasValue()) { | |
2021 | + child.y = child.attribute('y').toPixels('y'); | |
2022 | + } | |
2023 | + else { | |
2024 | + if (this.attribute('dy').hasValue()) this.y += this.attribute('dy').toPixels('y'); | |
2025 | + if (child.attribute('dy').hasValue()) this.y += child.attribute('dy').toPixels('y'); | |
2026 | + child.y = this.y; | |
2027 | + } | |
2028 | + this.y = child.y; | |
2029 | + | |
2030 | + child.render(ctx); | |
2031 | + | |
2032 | + for (var i=0; i<child.children.length; i++) { | |
2033 | + this.renderChild(ctx, child, i); | |
2034 | + } | |
2035 | + } | |
2036 | + } | |
2037 | + svg.Element.text.prototype = new svg.Element.RenderedElementBase; | |
2038 | + | |
2039 | + // text base | |
2040 | + svg.Element.TextElementBase = function(node) { | |
2041 | + this.base = svg.Element.RenderedElementBase; | |
2042 | + this.base(node); | |
2043 | + | |
2044 | + this.getGlyph = function(font, text, i) { | |
2045 | + var c = text[i]; | |
2046 | + var glyph = null; | |
2047 | + if (font.isArabic) { | |
2048 | + var arabicForm = 'isolated'; | |
2049 | + if ((i==0 || text[i-1]==' ') && i<text.length-2 && text[i+1]!=' ') arabicForm = 'terminal'; | |
2050 | + if (i>0 && text[i-1]!=' ' && i<text.length-2 && text[i+1]!=' ') arabicForm = 'medial'; | |
2051 | + if (i>0 && text[i-1]!=' ' && (i == text.length-1 || text[i+1]==' ')) arabicForm = 'initial'; | |
2052 | + if (typeof(font.glyphs[c]) != 'undefined') { | |
2053 | + glyph = font.glyphs[c][arabicForm]; | |
2054 | + if (glyph == null && font.glyphs[c].type == 'glyph') glyph = font.glyphs[c]; | |
2055 | + } | |
2056 | + } | |
2057 | + else { | |
2058 | + glyph = font.glyphs[c]; | |
2059 | + } | |
2060 | + if (glyph == null) glyph = font.missingGlyph; | |
2061 | + return glyph; | |
2062 | + } | |
2063 | + | |
2064 | + this.renderChildren = function(ctx) { | |
2065 | + var customFont ='font-family').getDefinition(); | |
2066 | + if (customFont != null) { | |
2067 | + var fontSize ='font-size').numValueOrDefault(svg.Font.Parse(svg.ctx.font).fontSize); | |
2068 | + var fontStyle ='font-style').valueOrDefault(svg.Font.Parse(svg.ctx.font).fontStyle); | |
2069 | + var text = this.getText(); | |
2070 | + if (customFont.isRTL) text = text.split("").reverse().join(""); | |
2071 | + | |
2072 | + var dx = svg.ToNumberArray(this.parent.attribute('dx').value); | |
2073 | + for (var i=0; i<text.length; i++) { | |
2074 | + var glyph = this.getGlyph(customFont, text, i); | |
2075 | + var scale = fontSize / customFont.fontFace.unitsPerEm; | |
2076 | + ctx.translate(this.x, this.y); | |
2077 | + ctx.scale(scale, -scale); | |
2078 | + var lw = ctx.lineWidth; | |
2079 | + ctx.lineWidth = ctx.lineWidth * customFont.fontFace.unitsPerEm / fontSize; | |
2080 | + if (fontStyle == 'italic') ctx.transform(1, 0, .4, 1, 0, 0); | |
2081 | + glyph.render(ctx); | |
2082 | + if (fontStyle == 'italic') ctx.transform(1, 0, -.4, 1, 0, 0); | |
2083 | + ctx.lineWidth = lw; | |
2084 | + ctx.scale(1/scale, -1/scale); | |
2085 | + ctx.translate(-this.x, -this.y); | |
2086 | + | |
2087 | + this.x += fontSize * (glyph.horizAdvX || customFont.horizAdvX) / customFont.fontFace.unitsPerEm; | |
2088 | + if (typeof(dx[i]) != 'undefined' && !isNaN(dx[i])) { | |
2089 | + this.x += dx[i]; | |
2090 | + } | |
2091 | + } | |
2092 | + return; | |
2093 | + } | |
2094 | + | |
2095 | + if (ctx.fillStyle != '') ctx.fillText(svg.compressSpaces(this.getText()), this.x, this.y); | |
2096 | + if (ctx.strokeStyle != '') ctx.strokeText(svg.compressSpaces(this.getText()), this.x, this.y); | |
2097 | + } | |
2098 | + | |
2099 | + this.getText = function() { | |
2100 | + // OVERRIDE ME | |
2101 | + } | |
2102 | + | |
2103 | + this.measureTextRecursive = function(ctx) { | |
2104 | + var width = this.measureText(ctx); | |
2105 | + for (var i=0; i<this.children.length; i++) { | |
2106 | + width += this.children[i].measureTextRecursive(ctx); | |
2107 | + } | |
2108 | + return width; | |
2109 | + } | |
2110 | + | |
2111 | + this.measureText = function(ctx) { | |
2112 | + var customFont ='font-family').getDefinition(); | |
2113 | + if (customFont != null) { | |
2114 | + var fontSize ='font-size').numValueOrDefault(svg.Font.Parse(svg.ctx.font).fontSize); | |
2115 | + var measure = 0; | |
2116 | + var text = this.getText(); | |
2117 | + if (customFont.isRTL) text = text.split("").reverse().join(""); | |
2118 | + var dx = svg.ToNumberArray(this.parent.attribute('dx').value); | |
2119 | + for (var i=0; i<text.length; i++) { | |
2120 | + var glyph = this.getGlyph(customFont, text, i); | |
2121 | + measure += (glyph.horizAdvX || customFont.horizAdvX) * fontSize / customFont.fontFace.unitsPerEm; | |
2122 | + if (typeof(dx[i]) != 'undefined' && !isNaN(dx[i])) { | |
2123 | + measure += dx[i]; | |
2124 | + } | |
2125 | + } | |
2126 | + return measure; | |
2127 | + } | |
2128 | + | |
2129 | + var textToMeasure = svg.compressSpaces(this.getText()); | |
2130 | + if (!ctx.measureText) return textToMeasure.length * 10; | |
2131 | + | |
2132 | +; | |
2133 | + this.setContext(ctx); | |
2134 | + var width = ctx.measureText(textToMeasure).width; | |
2135 | + ctx.restore(); | |
2136 | + return width; | |
2137 | + } | |
2138 | + } | |
2139 | + svg.Element.TextElementBase.prototype = new svg.Element.RenderedElementBase; | |
2140 | + | |
2141 | + // tspan | |
2142 | + svg.Element.tspan = function(node) { | |
2143 | + this.captureTextNodes = true; | |
2144 | + this.base = svg.Element.TextElementBase; | |
2145 | + this.base(node); | |
2146 | + | |
2147 | + this.text = node.nodeValue || node.text || ''; | |
2148 | + this.getText = function() { | |
2149 | + return this.text; | |
2150 | + } | |
2151 | + } | |
2152 | + svg.Element.tspan.prototype = new svg.Element.TextElementBase; | |
2153 | + | |
2154 | + // tref | |
2155 | + svg.Element.tref = function(node) { | |
2156 | + this.base = svg.Element.TextElementBase; | |
2157 | + this.base(node); | |
2158 | + | |
2159 | + this.getText = function() { | |
2160 | + var element = this.getHrefAttribute().getDefinition(); | |
2161 | + if (element != null) return element.children[0].getText(); | |
2162 | + } | |
2163 | + } | |
2164 | + svg.Element.tref.prototype = new svg.Element.TextElementBase; | |
2165 | + | |
2166 | + // a element | |
2167 | + svg.Element.a = function(node) { | |
2168 | + this.base = svg.Element.TextElementBase; | |
2169 | + this.base(node); | |
2170 | + | |
2171 | + this.hasText = true; | |
2172 | + for (var i=0; i<node.childNodes.length; i++) { | |
2173 | + if (node.childNodes[i].nodeType != 3) this.hasText = false; | |
2174 | + } | |
2175 | + | |
2176 | + // this might contain text | |
2177 | + this.text = this.hasText ? node.childNodes[0].nodeValue : ''; | |
2178 | + this.getText = function() { | |
2179 | + return this.text; | |
2180 | + } | |
2181 | + | |
2182 | + this.baseRenderChildren = this.renderChildren; | |
2183 | + this.renderChildren = function(ctx) { | |
2184 | + if (this.hasText) { | |
2185 | + // render as text element | |
2186 | + this.baseRenderChildren(ctx); | |
2187 | + var fontSize = new svg.Property('fontSize', svg.Font.Parse(svg.ctx.font).fontSize); | |
2188 | + svg.Mouse.checkBoundingBox(this, new svg.BoundingBox(this.x, this.y - fontSize.toPixels('y'), this.x + this.measureText(ctx), this.y)); | |
2189 | + } | |
2190 | + else { | |
2191 | + // render as temporary group | |
2192 | + var g = new svg.Element.g(); | |
2193 | + g.children = this.children; | |
2194 | + g.parent = this; | |
2195 | + g.render(ctx); | |
2196 | + } | |
2197 | + } | |
2198 | + | |
2199 | + this.onclick = function() { | |
2200 | +; | |
2201 | + } | |
2202 | + | |
2203 | + this.onmousemove = function() { | |
2204 | + = 'pointer'; | |
2205 | + } | |
2206 | + } | |
2207 | + svg.Element.a.prototype = new svg.Element.TextElementBase; | |
2208 | + | |
2209 | + // image element | |
2210 | + svg.Element.image = function(node) { | |
2211 | + this.base = svg.Element.RenderedElementBase; | |
2212 | + this.base(node); | |
2213 | + | |
2214 | + var href = this.getHrefAttribute().value; | |
2215 | + var isSvg = href.match(/\.svg$/) | |
2216 | + | |
2217 | + svg.Images.push(this); | |
2218 | + this.loaded = false; | |
2219 | + if (!isSvg) { | |
2220 | + this.img = document.createElement('img'); | |
2221 | + var self = this; | |
2222 | + this.img.onload = function() { self.loaded = true; } | |
2223 | + this.img.onerror = function() { if (typeof(console) != 'undefined') { console.log('ERROR: image "' + href + '" not found'); self.loaded = true; } } | |
2224 | + this.img.src = href; | |
2225 | + } | |
2226 | + else { | |
2227 | + this.img = svg.ajax(href); | |
2228 | + this.loaded = true; | |
2229 | + } | |
2230 | + | |
2231 | + this.renderChildren = function(ctx) { | |
2232 | + var x = this.attribute('x').toPixels('x'); | |
2233 | + var y = this.attribute('y').toPixels('y'); | |
2234 | + | |
2235 | + var width = this.attribute('width').toPixels('x'); | |
2236 | + var height = this.attribute('height').toPixels('y'); | |
2237 | + if (width == 0 || height == 0) return; | |
2238 | + | |
2239 | +; | |
2240 | + if (isSvg) { | |
2241 | + ctx.drawSvg(this.img, x, y, width, height); | |
2242 | + } | |
2243 | + else { | |
2244 | + ctx.translate(x, y); | |
2245 | + svg.AspectRatio(ctx, | |
2246 | + this.attribute('preserveAspectRatio').value, | |
2247 | + width, | |
2248 | + this.img.width, | |
2249 | + height, | |
2250 | + this.img.height, | |
2251 | + 0, | |
2252 | + 0); | |
2253 | + ctx.drawImage(this.img, 0, 0); | |
2254 | + } | |
2255 | + ctx.restore(); | |
2256 | + } | |
2257 | + | |
2258 | + this.getBoundingBox = function() { | |
2259 | + var x = this.attribute('x').toPixels('x'); | |
2260 | + var y = this.attribute('y').toPixels('y'); | |
2261 | + var width = this.attribute('width').toPixels('x'); | |
2262 | + var height = this.attribute('height').toPixels('y'); | |
2263 | + return new svg.BoundingBox(x, y, x + width, y + height); | |
2264 | + } | |
2265 | + } | |
2266 | + svg.Element.image.prototype = new svg.Element.RenderedElementBase; | |
2267 | + | |
2268 | + // group element | |
2269 | + svg.Element.g = function(node) { | |
2270 | + this.base = svg.Element.RenderedElementBase; | |
2271 | + this.base(node); | |
2272 | + | |
2273 | + this.getBoundingBox = function() { | |
2274 | + var bb = new svg.BoundingBox(); | |
2275 | + for (var i=0; i<this.children.length; i++) { | |
2276 | + bb.addBoundingBox(this.children[i].getBoundingBox()); | |
2277 | + } | |
2278 | + return bb; | |
2279 | + }; | |
2280 | + } | |
2281 | + svg.Element.g.prototype = new svg.Element.RenderedElementBase; | |
2282 | + | |
2283 | + // symbol element | |
2284 | + svg.Element.symbol = function(node) { | |
2285 | + this.base = svg.Element.RenderedElementBase; | |
2286 | + this.base(node); | |
2287 | + | |
2288 | + this.baseSetContext = this.setContext; | |
2289 | + this.setContext = function(ctx) { | |
2290 | + this.baseSetContext(ctx); | |
2291 | + | |
2292 | + // viewbox | |
2293 | + if (this.attribute('viewBox').hasValue()) { | |
2294 | + var viewBox = svg.ToNumberArray(this.attribute('viewBox').value); | |
2295 | + var minX = viewBox[0]; | |
2296 | + var minY = viewBox[1]; | |
2297 | + width = viewBox[2]; | |
2298 | + height = viewBox[3]; | |
2299 | + | |
2300 | + svg.AspectRatio(ctx, | |
2301 | + this.attribute('preserveAspectRatio').value, | |
2302 | + this.attribute('width').toPixels('x'), | |
2303 | + width, | |
2304 | + this.attribute('height').toPixels('y'), | |
2305 | + height, | |
2306 | + minX, | |
2307 | + minY); | |
2308 | + | |
2309 | + svg.ViewPort.SetCurrent(viewBox[2], viewBox[3]); | |
2310 | + } | |
2311 | + } | |
2312 | + } | |
2313 | + svg.Element.symbol.prototype = new svg.Element.RenderedElementBase; | |
2314 | + | |
2315 | + // style element | |
2316 | + = function(node) { | |
2317 | + this.base = svg.Element.ElementBase; | |
2318 | + this.base(node); | |
2319 | + | |
2320 | + // text, or spaces then CDATA | |
2321 | + var css = '' | |
2322 | + for (var i=0; i<node.childNodes.length; i++) { | |
2323 | + css += node.childNodes[i].nodeValue; | |
2324 | + } | |
2325 | + css = css.replace(/(\/\*([^*]|[\r\n]|(\*+([^*\/]|[\r\n])))*\*+\/)|(^[\s]*\/\/.*)/gm, ''); // remove comments | |
2326 | + css = svg.compressSpaces(css); // replace whitespace | |
2327 | + var cssDefs = css.split('}'); | |
2328 | + for (var i=0; i<cssDefs.length; i++) { | |
2329 | + if (svg.trim(cssDefs[i]) != '') { | |
2330 | + var cssDef = cssDefs[i].split('{'); | |
2331 | + var cssClasses = cssDef[0].split(','); | |
2332 | + var cssProps = cssDef[1].split(';'); | |
2333 | + for (var j=0; j<cssClasses.length; j++) { | |
2334 | + var cssClass = svg.trim(cssClasses[j]); | |
2335 | + if (cssClass != '') { | |
2336 | + var props = {}; | |
2337 | + for (var k=0; k<cssProps.length; k++) { | |
2338 | + var prop = cssProps[k].indexOf(':'); | |
2339 | + var name = cssProps[k].substr(0, prop); | |
2340 | + var value = cssProps[k].substr(prop + 1, cssProps[k].length - prop); | |
2341 | + if (name != null && value != null) { | |
2342 | + props[svg.trim(name)] = new svg.Property(svg.trim(name), svg.trim(value)); | |
2343 | + } | |
2344 | + } | |
2345 | + svg.Styles[cssClass] = props; | |
2346 | + if (cssClass == '@font-face') { | |
2347 | + var fontFamily = props['font-family'].value.replace(/"/g,''); | |
2348 | + var srcs = props['src'].value.split(','); | |
2349 | + for (var s=0; s<srcs.length; s++) { | |
2350 | + if (srcs[s].indexOf('format("svg")') > 0) { | |
2351 | + var urlStart = srcs[s].indexOf('url'); | |
2352 | + var urlEnd = srcs[s].indexOf(')', urlStart); | |
2353 | + var url = srcs[s].substr(urlStart + 5, urlEnd - urlStart - 6); | |
2354 | + var doc = svg.parseXml(svg.ajax(url)); | |
2355 | + var fonts = doc.getElementsByTagName('font'); | |
2356 | + for (var f=0; f<fonts.length; f++) { | |
2357 | + var font = svg.CreateElement(fonts[f]); | |
2358 | + svg.Definitions[fontFamily] = font; | |
2359 | + } | |
2360 | + } | |
2361 | + } | |
2362 | + } | |
2363 | + } | |
2364 | + } | |
2365 | + } | |
2366 | + } | |
2367 | + } | |
2368 | + = new svg.Element.ElementBase; | |
2369 | + | |
2370 | + // use element | |
2371 | + svg.Element.use = function(node) { | |
2372 | + this.base = svg.Element.RenderedElementBase; | |
2373 | + this.base(node); | |
2374 | + | |
2375 | + this.baseSetContext = this.setContext; | |
2376 | + this.setContext = function(ctx) { | |
2377 | + this.baseSetContext(ctx); | |
2378 | + if (this.attribute('x').hasValue()) ctx.translate(this.attribute('x').toPixels('x'), 0); | |
2379 | + if (this.attribute('y').hasValue()) ctx.translate(0, this.attribute('y').toPixels('y')); | |
2380 | + } | |
2381 | + | |
2382 | + this.getDefinition = function() { | |
2383 | + var element = this.getHrefAttribute().getDefinition(); | |
2384 | + if (this.attribute('width').hasValue()) element.attribute('width', true).value = this.attribute('width').value; | |
2385 | + if (this.attribute('height').hasValue()) element.attribute('height', true).value = this.attribute('height').value; | |
2386 | + return element; | |
2387 | + } | |
2388 | + | |
2389 | + this.path = function(ctx) { | |
2390 | + var element = this.getDefinition(); | |
2391 | + if (element != null) element.path(ctx); | |
2392 | + } | |
2393 | + | |
2394 | + this.getBoundingBox = function() { | |
2395 | + var element = this.getDefinition(); | |
2396 | + if (element != null) return element.getBoundingBox(); | |
2397 | + } | |
2398 | + | |
2399 | + this.renderChildren = function(ctx) { | |
2400 | + var element = this.getDefinition(); | |
2401 | + if (element != null) { | |
2402 | + // temporarily detach from parent and render | |
2403 | + var oldParent = element.parent; | |
2404 | + element.parent = null; | |
2405 | + element.render(ctx); | |
2406 | + element.parent = oldParent; | |
2407 | + } | |
2408 | + } | |
2409 | + } | |
2410 | + svg.Element.use.prototype = new svg.Element.RenderedElementBase; | |
2411 | + | |
2412 | + // mask element | |
2413 | + svg.Element.mask = function(node) { | |
2414 | + this.base = svg.Element.ElementBase; | |
2415 | + this.base(node); | |
2416 | + | |
2417 | + this.apply = function(ctx, element) { | |
2418 | + // render as temp svg | |
2419 | + var x = this.attribute('x').toPixels('x'); | |
2420 | + var y = this.attribute('y').toPixels('y'); | |
2421 | + var width = this.attribute('width').toPixels('x'); | |
2422 | + var height = this.attribute('height').toPixels('y'); | |
2423 | + | |
2424 | + if (width == 0 && height == 0) { | |
2425 | + var bb = new svg.BoundingBox(); | |
2426 | + for (var i=0; i<this.children.length; i++) { | |
2427 | + bb.addBoundingBox(this.children[i].getBoundingBox()); | |
2428 | + } | |
2429 | + var x = Math.floor(bb.x1); | |
2430 | + var y = Math.floor(bb.y1); | |
2431 | + var width = Math.floor(bb.width()); | |
2432 | + var height = Math.floor(bb.height()); | |
2433 | + } | |
2434 | + | |
2435 | + // temporarily remove mask to avoid recursion | |
2436 | + var mask = element.attribute('mask').value; | |
2437 | + element.attribute('mask').value = ''; | |
2438 | + | |
2439 | + var cMask = document.createElement('canvas'); | |
2440 | + cMask.width = x + width; | |
2441 | + cMask.height = y + height; | |
2442 | + var maskCtx = cMask.getContext('2d'); | |
2443 | + this.renderChildren(maskCtx); | |
2444 | + | |
2445 | + var c = document.createElement('canvas'); | |
2446 | + c.width = x + width; | |
2447 | + c.height = y + height; | |
2448 | + var tempCtx = c.getContext('2d'); | |
2449 | + element.render(tempCtx); | |
2450 | + tempCtx.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-in'; | |
2451 | + tempCtx.fillStyle = maskCtx.createPattern(cMask, 'no-repeat'); | |
2452 | + tempCtx.fillRect(0, 0, x + width, y + height); | |
2453 | + | |
2454 | + ctx.fillStyle = tempCtx.createPattern(c, 'no-repeat'); | |
2455 | + ctx.fillRect(0, 0, x + width, y + height); | |
2456 | + | |
2457 | + // reassign mask | |
2458 | + element.attribute('mask').value = mask; | |
2459 | + } | |
2460 | + | |
2461 | + this.render = function(ctx) { | |
2462 | + // NO RENDER | |
2463 | + } | |
2464 | + } | |
2465 | + svg.Element.mask.prototype = new svg.Element.ElementBase; | |
2466 | + | |
2467 | + // clip element | |
2468 | + svg.Element.clipPath = function(node) { | |
2469 | + this.base = svg.Element.ElementBase; | |
2470 | + this.base(node); | |
2471 | + | |
2472 | + this.apply = function(ctx) { | |
2473 | + for (var i=0; i<this.children.length; i++) { | |
2474 | + var child = this.children[i]; | |
2475 | + if (typeof(child.path) != 'undefined') { | |
2476 | + var transform = null; | |
2477 | + if (child.attribute('transform').hasValue()) { | |
2478 | + transform = new svg.Transform(child.attribute('transform').value); | |
2479 | + transform.apply(ctx); | |
2480 | + } | |
2481 | + child.path(ctx); | |
2482 | + ctx.clip(); | |
2483 | + if (transform) { transform.unapply(ctx); } | |
2484 | + } | |
2485 | + } | |
2486 | + } | |
2487 | + | |
2488 | + this.render = function(ctx) { | |
2489 | + // NO RENDER | |
2490 | + } | |
2491 | + } | |
2492 | + svg.Element.clipPath.prototype = new svg.Element.ElementBase; | |
2493 | + | |
2494 | + // filters | |
2495 | + svg.Element.filter = function(node) { | |
2496 | + this.base = svg.Element.ElementBase; | |
2497 | + this.base(node); | |
2498 | + | |
2499 | + this.apply = function(ctx, element) { | |
2500 | + // render as temp svg | |
2501 | + var bb = element.getBoundingBox(); | |
2502 | + var x = Math.floor(bb.x1); | |
2503 | + var y = Math.floor(bb.y1); | |
2504 | + var width = Math.floor(bb.width()); | |
2505 | + var height = Math.floor(bb.height()); | |
2506 | + | |
2507 | + // temporarily remove filter to avoid recursion | |
2508 | + var filter ='filter').value; | |
2509 | +'filter').value = ''; | |
2510 | + | |
2511 | + var px = 0, py = 0; | |
2512 | + for (var i=0; i<this.children.length; i++) { | |
2513 | + var efd = this.children[i].extraFilterDistance || 0; | |
2514 | + px = Math.max(px, efd); | |
2515 | + py = Math.max(py, efd); | |
2516 | + } | |
2517 | + | |
2518 | + var c = document.createElement('canvas'); | |
2519 | + c.width = width + 2*px; | |
2520 | + c.height = height + 2*py; | |
2521 | + var tempCtx = c.getContext('2d'); | |
2522 | + tempCtx.translate(-x + px, -y + py); | |
2523 | + element.render(tempCtx); | |
2524 | + | |
2525 | + // apply filters | |
2526 | + for (var i=0; i<this.children.length; i++) { | |
2527 | + this.children[i].apply(tempCtx, 0, 0, width + 2*px, height + 2*py); | |
2528 | + } | |
2529 | + | |
2530 | + // render on me | |
2531 | + ctx.drawImage(c, 0, 0, width + 2*px, height + 2*py, x - px, y - py, width + 2*px, height + 2*py); | |
2532 | + | |
2533 | + // reassign filter | |
2534 | +'filter', true).value = filter; | |
2535 | + } | |
2536 | + | |
2537 | + this.render = function(ctx) { | |
2538 | + // NO RENDER | |
2539 | + } | |
2540 | + } | |
2541 | + svg.Element.filter.prototype = new svg.Element.ElementBase; | |
2542 | + | |
2543 | + svg.Element.feMorphology = function(node) { | |
2544 | + this.base = svg.Element.ElementBase; | |
2545 | + this.base(node); | |
2546 | + | |
2547 | + this.apply = function(ctx, x, y, width, height) { | |
2548 | + // TODO: implement | |
2549 | + } | |
2550 | + } | |
2551 | + svg.Element.feMorphology.prototype = new svg.Element.ElementBase; | |
2552 | + | |
2553 | + svg.Element.feColorMatrix = function(node) { | |
2554 | + this.base = svg.Element.ElementBase; | |
2555 | + this.base(node); | |
2556 | + | |
2557 | + function imGet(img, x, y, width, height, rgba) { | |
2558 | + return img[y*width*4 + x*4 + rgba]; | |
2559 | + } | |
2560 | + | |
2561 | + function imSet(img, x, y, width, height, rgba, val) { | |
2562 | + img[y*width*4 + x*4 + rgba] = val; | |
2563 | + } | |
2564 | + | |
2565 | + this.apply = function(ctx, x, y, width, height) { | |
2566 | + // only supporting grayscale for now per Issue 195, need to extend to all matrix | |
2567 | + // assuming x==0 && y==0 for now | |
2568 | + var srcData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, width, height); | |
2569 | + for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) { | |
2570 | + for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) { | |
2571 | + var r = imGet(, x, y, width, height, 0); | |
2572 | + var g = imGet(, x, y, width, height, 1); | |
2573 | + var b = imGet(, x, y, width, height, 2); | |
2574 | + var gray = (r + g + b) / 3; | |
2575 | + imSet(, x, y, width, height, 0, gray); | |
2576 | + imSet(, x, y, width, height, 1, gray); | |
2577 | + imSet(, x, y, width, height, 2, gray); | |
2578 | + } | |
2579 | + } | |
2580 | + ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); | |
2581 | + ctx.putImageData(srcData, 0, 0); | |
2582 | + } | |
2583 | + } | |
2584 | + svg.Element.feColorMatrix.prototype = new svg.Element.ElementBase; | |
2585 | + | |
2586 | + svg.Element.feGaussianBlur = function(node) { | |
2587 | + this.base = svg.Element.ElementBase; | |
2588 | + this.base(node); | |
2589 | + | |
2590 | + this.blurRadius = Math.floor(this.attribute('stdDeviation').numValue()); | |
2591 | + this.extraFilterDistance = this.blurRadius; | |
2592 | + | |
2593 | + this.apply = function(ctx, x, y, width, height) { | |
2594 | + if (typeof(stackBlurCanvasRGBA) == 'undefined') { | |
2595 | + if (typeof(console) != 'undefined') { console.log('ERROR: StackBlur.js must be included for blur to work'); } | |
2596 | + return; | |
2597 | + } | |
2598 | + | |
2599 | + // StackBlur requires canvas be on document | |
2600 | + = svg.UniqueId(); | |
2601 | + = 'none'; | |
2602 | + document.body.appendChild(ctx.canvas); | |
2603 | + stackBlurCanvasRGBA(, x, y, width, height, this.blurRadius); | |
2604 | + document.body.removeChild(ctx.canvas); | |
2605 | + } | |
2606 | + } | |
2607 | + svg.Element.feGaussianBlur.prototype = new svg.Element.ElementBase; | |
2608 | + | |
2609 | + // title element, do nothing | |
2610 | + svg.Element.title = function(node) { | |
2611 | + } | |
2612 | + svg.Element.title.prototype = new svg.Element.ElementBase; | |
2613 | + | |
2614 | + // desc element, do nothing | |
2615 | + svg.Element.desc = function(node) { | |
2616 | + } | |
2617 | + svg.Element.desc.prototype = new svg.Element.ElementBase; | |
2618 | + | |
2619 | + svg.Element.MISSING = function(node) { | |
2620 | + if (typeof(console) != 'undefined') { console.log('ERROR: Element \'' + node.nodeName + '\' not yet implemented.'); } | |
2621 | + } | |
2622 | + svg.Element.MISSING.prototype = new svg.Element.ElementBase; | |
2623 | + | |
2624 | + // element factory | |
2625 | + svg.CreateElement = function(node) { | |
2626 | + var className = node.nodeName.replace(/^[^:]+:/,''); // remove namespace | |
2627 | + className = className.replace(/\-/g,''); // remove dashes | |
2628 | + var e = null; | |
2629 | + if (typeof(svg.Element[className]) != 'undefined') { | |
2630 | + e = new svg.Element[className](node); | |
2631 | + } | |
2632 | + else { | |
2633 | + e = new svg.Element.MISSING(node); | |
2634 | + } | |
2635 | + | |
2636 | + e.type = node.nodeName; | |
2637 | + return e; | |
2638 | + } | |
2639 | + | |
2640 | + // load from url | |
2641 | + svg.load = function(ctx, url) { | |
2642 | + svg.loadXml(ctx, svg.ajax(url)); | |
2643 | + } | |
2644 | + | |
2645 | + // load from xml | |
2646 | + svg.loadXml = function(ctx, xml) { | |
2647 | + svg.loadXmlDoc(ctx, svg.parseXml(xml)); | |
2648 | + } | |
2649 | + | |
2650 | + svg.loadXmlDoc = function(ctx, dom) { | |
2651 | + svg.init(ctx); | |
2652 | + | |
2653 | + var mapXY = function(p) { | |
2654 | + var e = ctx.canvas; | |
2655 | + while (e) { | |
2656 | + p.x -= e.offsetLeft; | |
2657 | + p.y -= e.offsetTop; | |
2658 | + e = e.offsetParent; | |
2659 | + } | |
2660 | + if (window.scrollX) p.x += window.scrollX; | |
2661 | + if (window.scrollY) p.y += window.scrollY; | |
2662 | + return p; | |
2663 | + } | |
2664 | + | |
2665 | + // bind mouse | |
2666 | + if (svg.opts['ignoreMouse'] != true) { | |
2667 | + ctx.canvas.onclick = function(e) { | |
2668 | + var p = mapXY(new svg.Point(e != null ? e.clientX : event.clientX, e != null ? e.clientY : event.clientY)); | |
2669 | + svg.Mouse.onclick(p.x, p.y); | |
2670 | + }; | |
2671 | + ctx.canvas.onmousemove = function(e) { | |
2672 | + var p = mapXY(new svg.Point(e != null ? e.clientX : event.clientX, e != null ? e.clientY : event.clientY)); | |
2673 | + svg.Mouse.onmousemove(p.x, p.y); | |
2674 | + }; | |
2675 | + } | |
2676 | + | |
2677 | + var e = svg.CreateElement(dom.documentElement); | |
2678 | + e.root = true; | |
2679 | + | |
2680 | + // render loop | |
2681 | + var isFirstRender = true; | |
2682 | + var draw = function() { | |
2683 | + svg.ViewPort.Clear(); | |
2684 | + if (ctx.canvas.parentNode) svg.ViewPort.SetCurrent(ctx.canvas.parentNode.clientWidth, ctx.canvas.parentNode.clientHeight); | |
2685 | + | |
2686 | + if (svg.opts['ignoreDimensions'] != true) { | |
2687 | + // set canvas size | |
2688 | + if ('width').hasValue()) { | |
2689 | + ctx.canvas.width ='width').toPixels('x'); | |
2690 | + = ctx.canvas.width + 'px'; | |
2691 | + } | |
2692 | + if ('height').hasValue()) { | |
2693 | + ctx.canvas.height ='height').toPixels('y'); | |
2694 | + = ctx.canvas.height + 'px'; | |
2695 | + } | |
2696 | + } | |
2697 | + var cWidth = ctx.canvas.clientWidth || ctx.canvas.width; | |
2698 | + var cHeight = ctx.canvas.clientHeight || ctx.canvas.height; | |
2699 | + if (svg.opts['ignoreDimensions'] == true &&'width').hasValue() &&'height').hasValue()) { | |
2700 | + cWidth ='width').toPixels('x'); | |
2701 | + cHeight ='height').toPixels('y'); | |
2702 | + } | |
2703 | + svg.ViewPort.SetCurrent(cWidth, cHeight); | |
2704 | + | |
2705 | + if (svg.opts['offsetX'] != null) e.attribute('x', true).value = svg.opts['offsetX']; | |
2706 | + if (svg.opts['offsetY'] != null) e.attribute('y', true).value = svg.opts['offsetY']; | |
2707 | + if (svg.opts['scaleWidth'] != null && svg.opts['scaleHeight'] != null) { | |
2708 | + var xRatio = 1, yRatio = 1, viewBox = svg.ToNumberArray(e.attribute('viewBox').value); | |
2709 | + if (e.attribute('width').hasValue()) xRatio = e.attribute('width').toPixels('x') / svg.opts['scaleWidth']; | |
2710 | + else if (!isNaN(viewBox[2])) xRatio = viewBox[2] / svg.opts['scaleWidth']; | |
2711 | + if (e.attribute('height').hasValue()) yRatio = e.attribute('height').toPixels('y') / svg.opts['scaleHeight']; | |
2712 | + else if (!isNaN(viewBox[3])) yRatio = viewBox[3] / svg.opts['scaleHeight']; | |
2713 | + | |
2714 | + e.attribute('width', true).value = svg.opts['scaleWidth']; | |
2715 | + e.attribute('height', true).value = svg.opts['scaleHeight']; | |
2716 | + e.attribute('viewBox', true).value = '0 0 ' + (cWidth * xRatio) + ' ' + (cHeight * yRatio); | |
2717 | + e.attribute('preserveAspectRatio', true).value = 'none'; | |
2718 | + } | |
2719 | + | |
2720 | + // clear and render | |
2721 | + if (svg.opts['ignoreClear'] != true) { | |
2722 | + ctx.clearRect(0, 0, cWidth, cHeight); | |
2723 | + } | |
2724 | + e.render(ctx); | |
2725 | + if (isFirstRender) { | |
2726 | + isFirstRender = false; | |
2727 | + if (typeof(svg.opts['renderCallback']) == 'function') svg.opts['renderCallback'](dom); | |
2728 | + } | |
2729 | + } | |
2730 | + | |
2731 | + var waitingForImages = true; | |
2732 | + if (svg.ImagesLoaded()) { | |
2733 | + waitingForImages = false; | |
2734 | + draw(); | |
2735 | + } | |
2736 | + svg.intervalID = setInterval(function() { | |
2737 | + var needUpdate = false; | |
2738 | + | |
2739 | + if (waitingForImages && svg.ImagesLoaded()) { | |
2740 | + waitingForImages = false; | |
2741 | + needUpdate = true; | |
2742 | + } | |
2743 | + | |
2744 | + // need update from mouse events? | |
2745 | + if (svg.opts['ignoreMouse'] != true) { | |
2746 | + needUpdate = needUpdate | svg.Mouse.hasEvents(); | |
2747 | + } | |
2748 | + | |
2749 | + // need update from animations? | |
2750 | + if (svg.opts['ignoreAnimation'] != true) { | |
2751 | + for (var i=0; i<svg.Animations.length; i++) { | |
2752 | + needUpdate = needUpdate | svg.Animations[i].update(1000 / svg.FRAMERATE); | |
2753 | + } | |
2754 | + } | |
2755 | + | |
2756 | + // need update from redraw? | |
2757 | + if (typeof(svg.opts['forceRedraw']) == 'function') { | |
2758 | + if (svg.opts['forceRedraw']() == true) needUpdate = true; | |
2759 | + } | |
2760 | + | |
2761 | + // render if needed | |
2762 | + if (needUpdate) { | |
2763 | + draw(); | |
2764 | + svg.Mouse.runEvents(); // run and clear our events | |
2765 | + } | |
2766 | + }, 1000 / svg.FRAMERATE); | |
2767 | + } | |
2768 | + | |
2769 | + svg.stop = function() { | |
2770 | + if (svg.intervalID) { | |
2771 | + clearInterval(svg.intervalID); | |
2772 | + } | |
2773 | + } | |
2774 | + | |
2775 | + svg.Mouse = new (function() { | |
2776 | + = []; | |
2777 | + this.hasEvents = function() { return != 0; } | |
2778 | + | |
2779 | + this.onclick = function(x, y) { | |
2780 | +{ type: 'onclick', x: x, y: y, | |
2781 | + run: function(e) { if (e.onclick) e.onclick(); } | |
2782 | + }); | |
2783 | + } | |
2784 | + | |
2785 | + this.onmousemove = function(x, y) { | |
2786 | +{ type: 'onmousemove', x: x, y: y, | |
2787 | + run: function(e) { if (e.onmousemove) e.onmousemove(); } | |
2788 | + }); | |
2789 | + } | |
2790 | + | |
2791 | + this.eventElements = []; | |
2792 | + | |
2793 | + this.checkPath = function(element, ctx) { | |
2794 | + for (var i=0; i<; i++) { | |
2795 | + var e =[i]; | |
2796 | + if (ctx.isPointInPath && ctx.isPointInPath(e.x, e.y)) this.eventElements[i] = element; | |
2797 | + } | |
2798 | + } | |
2799 | + | |
2800 | + this.checkBoundingBox = function(element, bb) { | |
2801 | + for (var i=0; i<; i++) { | |
2802 | + var e =[i]; | |
2803 | + if (bb.isPointInBox(e.x, e.y)) this.eventElements[i] = element; | |
2804 | + } | |
2805 | + } | |
2806 | + | |
2807 | + this.runEvents = function() { | |
2808 | + = ''; | |
2809 | + | |
2810 | + for (var i=0; i<; i++) { | |
2811 | + var e =[i]; | |
2812 | + var element = this.eventElements[i]; | |
2813 | + while (element) { | |
2814 | +; | |
2815 | + element = element.parent; | |
2816 | + } | |
2817 | + } | |
2818 | + | |
2819 | + // done running, clear | |
2820 | + = []; | |
2821 | + this.eventElements = []; | |
2822 | + } | |
2823 | + }); | |
2824 | + | |
2825 | + return svg; | |
2826 | + } | |
2827 | +})(); | |
2828 | + | |
2829 | +if (typeof(CanvasRenderingContext2D) != 'undefined') { | |
2830 | + CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.drawSvg = function(s, dx, dy, dw, dh) { | |
2831 | + canvg(this.canvas, s, { | |
2832 | + ignoreMouse: true, | |
2833 | + ignoreAnimation: true, | |
2834 | + ignoreDimensions: true, | |
2835 | + ignoreClear: true, | |
2836 | + offsetX: dx, | |
2837 | + offsetY: dy, | |
2838 | + scaleWidth: dw, | |
2839 | + scaleHeight: dh | |
2840 | + }); | |
2841 | + } | |
2842 | +} | |
0 | 2843 | \ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -0,0 +1,233 @@ |
1 | +/* FileSaver.js | |
2 | + * A saveAs() FileSaver implementation. | |
3 | + * 2013-10-21 | |
4 | + * | |
5 | + * By Eli Grey, | |
6 | + * License: X11/MIT | |
7 | + * See | |
8 | + */ | |
9 | + | |
10 | +/*global self */ | |
11 | +/*jslint bitwise: true, regexp: true, confusion: true, es5: true, vars: true, white: true, | |
12 | + plusplus: true */ | |
13 | + | |
14 | +/*! @source */ | |
15 | +if(AmCharts.isModern){ /// added by AmCharts to avoid old IE problems if this file is included | |
16 | +var saveAs = saveAs | |
17 | + || (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob && navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob.bind(navigator)) | |
18 | + || (function(view) { | |
19 | + "use strict"; | |
20 | + var | |
21 | + doc = view.document | |
22 | + // only get URL when necessary in case BlobBuilder.js hasn't overridden it yet | |
23 | + , get_URL = function() { | |
24 | + return view.URL || view.webkitURL || view; | |
25 | + } | |
26 | + , URL = view.URL || view.webkitURL || view | |
27 | + , save_link = doc.createElementNS("", "a") | |
28 | + , can_use_save_link = !view.externalHost && "download" in save_link | |
29 | + , click = function(node) { | |
30 | + var event = doc.createEvent("MouseEvents"); | |
31 | + event.initMouseEvent( | |
32 | + "click", true, false, view, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 | |
33 | + , false, false, false, false, 0, null | |
34 | + ); | |
35 | + node.dispatchEvent(event); | |
36 | + } | |
37 | + , webkit_req_fs = view.webkitRequestFileSystem | |
38 | + , req_fs = view.requestFileSystem || webkit_req_fs || view.mozRequestFileSystem | |
39 | + , throw_outside = function (ex) { | |
40 | + (view.setImmediate || view.setTimeout)(function() { | |
41 | + throw ex; | |
42 | + }, 0); | |
43 | + } | |
44 | + , force_saveable_type = "application/octet-stream" | |
45 | + , fs_min_size = 0 | |
46 | + , deletion_queue = [] | |
47 | + , process_deletion_queue = function() { | |
48 | + var i = deletion_queue.length; | |
49 | + while (i--) { | |
50 | + var file = deletion_queue[i]; | |
51 | + if (typeof file === "string") { // file is an object URL | |
52 | + URL.revokeObjectURL(file); | |
53 | + } else { // file is a File | |
54 | + file.remove(); | |
55 | + } | |
56 | + } | |
57 | + deletion_queue.length = 0; // clear queue | |
58 | + } | |
59 | + , dispatch = function(filesaver, event_types, event) { | |
60 | + event_types = [].concat(event_types); | |
61 | + var i = event_types.length; | |
62 | + while (i--) { | |
63 | + var listener = filesaver["on" + event_types[i]]; | |
64 | + if (typeof listener === "function") { | |
65 | + try { | |
66 | +, event || filesaver); | |
67 | + } catch (ex) { | |
68 | + throw_outside(ex); | |
69 | + } | |
70 | + } | |
71 | + } | |
72 | + } | |
73 | + , FileSaver = function(blob, name) { | |
74 | + // First try, then web filesystem, then object URLs | |
75 | + var | |
76 | + filesaver = this | |
77 | + , type = blob.type | |
78 | + , blob_changed = false | |
79 | + , object_url | |
80 | + , target_view | |
81 | + , get_object_url = function() { | |
82 | + var object_url = get_URL().createObjectURL(blob); | |
83 | + deletion_queue.push(object_url); | |
84 | + return object_url; | |
85 | + } | |
86 | + , dispatch_all = function() { | |
87 | + dispatch(filesaver, "writestart progress write writeend".split(" ")); | |
88 | + } | |
89 | + // on any filesys errors revert to saving with object URLs | |
90 | + , fs_error = function() { | |
91 | + // don't create more object URLs than needed | |
92 | + if (blob_changed || !object_url) { | |
93 | + object_url = get_object_url(blob); | |
94 | + } | |
95 | + if (target_view) { | |
96 | + target_view.location.href = object_url; | |
97 | + } else { | |
98 | +, "_blank"); | |
99 | + } | |
100 | + filesaver.readyState = filesaver.DONE; | |
101 | + dispatch_all(); | |
102 | + } | |
103 | + , abortable = function(func) { | |
104 | + return function() { | |
105 | + if (filesaver.readyState !== filesaver.DONE) { | |
106 | + return func.apply(this, arguments); | |
107 | + } | |
108 | + }; | |
109 | + } | |
110 | + , create_if_not_found = {create: true, exclusive: false} | |
111 | + , slice | |
112 | + ; | |
113 | + filesaver.readyState = filesaver.INIT; | |
114 | + if (!name) { | |
115 | + name = "download"; | |
116 | + } | |
117 | + if (can_use_save_link) { | |
118 | + object_url = get_object_url(blob); | |
119 | + // FF for Android has a nasty garbage collection mechanism | |
120 | + // that turns all objects that are not pure javascript into 'deadObject' | |
121 | + // this means `doc` and `save_link` are unusable and need to be recreated | |
122 | + // `view` is usable though: | |
123 | + doc = view.document; | |
124 | + save_link = doc.createElementNS("", "a"); | |
125 | + save_link.href = object_url; | |
126 | + = name; | |
127 | + var event = doc.createEvent("MouseEvents"); | |
128 | + event.initMouseEvent( | |
129 | + "click", true, false, view, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 | |
130 | + , false, false, false, false, 0, null | |
131 | + ); | |
132 | + save_link.dispatchEvent(event); | |
133 | + filesaver.readyState = filesaver.DONE; | |
134 | + dispatch_all(); | |
135 | + return; | |
136 | + } | |
137 | + // Object and web filesystem URLs have a problem saving in Google Chrome when | |
138 | + // viewed in a tab, so I force save with application/octet-stream | |
139 | + // | |
140 | + if ( && type && type !== force_saveable_type) { | |
141 | + slice = blob.slice || blob.webkitSlice; | |
142 | + blob =, 0, blob.size, force_saveable_type); | |
143 | + blob_changed = true; | |
144 | + } | |
145 | + // Since I can't be sure that the guessed media type will trigger a download | |
146 | + // in WebKit, I append .download to the filename. | |
147 | + // | |
148 | + if (webkit_req_fs && name !== "download") { | |
149 | + name += ".download"; | |
150 | + } | |
151 | + if (type === force_saveable_type || webkit_req_fs) { | |
152 | + target_view = view; | |
153 | + } | |
154 | + if (!req_fs) { | |
155 | + fs_error(); | |
156 | + return; | |
157 | + } | |
158 | + fs_min_size += blob.size; | |
159 | + req_fs(view.TEMPORARY, fs_min_size, abortable(function(fs) { | |
160 | + fs.root.getDirectory("saved", create_if_not_found, abortable(function(dir) { | |
161 | + var save = function() { | |
162 | + dir.getFile(name, create_if_not_found, abortable(function(file) { | |
163 | + file.createWriter(abortable(function(writer) { | |
164 | + writer.onwriteend = function(event) { | |
165 | + target_view.location.href = file.toURL(); | |
166 | + deletion_queue.push(file); | |
167 | + filesaver.readyState = filesaver.DONE; | |
168 | + dispatch(filesaver, "writeend", event); | |
169 | + }; | |
170 | + writer.onerror = function() { | |
171 | + var error = writer.error; | |
172 | + if (error.code !== error.ABORT_ERR) { | |
173 | + fs_error(); | |
174 | + } | |
175 | + }; | |
176 | + "writestart progress write abort".split(" ").forEach(function(event) { | |
177 | + writer["on" + event] = filesaver["on" + event]; | |
178 | + }); | |
179 | + writer.write(blob); | |
180 | + filesaver.abort = function() { | |
181 | + writer.abort(); | |
182 | + filesaver.readyState = filesaver.DONE; | |
183 | + }; | |
184 | + filesaver.readyState = filesaver.WRITING; | |
185 | + }), fs_error); | |
186 | + }), fs_error); | |
187 | + }; | |
188 | + dir.getFile(name, {create: false}, abortable(function(file) { | |
189 | + // delete file if it already exists | |
190 | + file.remove(); | |
191 | + save(); | |
192 | + }), abortable(function(ex) { | |
193 | + if (ex.code === ex.NOT_FOUND_ERR) { | |
194 | + save(); | |
195 | + } else { | |
196 | + fs_error(); | |
197 | + } | |
198 | + })); | |
199 | + }), fs_error); | |
200 | + }), fs_error); | |
201 | + } | |
202 | + , FS_proto = FileSaver.prototype | |
203 | + , saveAs = function(blob, name) { | |
204 | + return new FileSaver(blob, name); | |
205 | + } | |
206 | + ; | |
207 | + FS_proto.abort = function() { | |
208 | + var filesaver = this; | |
209 | + filesaver.readyState = filesaver.DONE; | |
210 | + dispatch(filesaver, "abort"); | |
211 | + }; | |
212 | + FS_proto.readyState = FS_proto.INIT = 0; | |
213 | + FS_proto.WRITING = 1; | |
214 | + FS_proto.DONE = 2; | |
215 | + | |
216 | + FS_proto.error = | |
217 | + FS_proto.onwritestart = | |
218 | + FS_proto.onprogress = | |
219 | + FS_proto.onwrite = | |
220 | + FS_proto.onabort = | |
221 | + FS_proto.onerror = | |
222 | + FS_proto.onwriteend = | |
223 | + null; | |
224 | + | |
225 | + view.addEventListener("unload", process_deletion_queue, false); | |
226 | + return saveAs; | |
227 | +}(this.self || this.window || this.content)); | |
228 | +// `self` is undefined in Firefox for Android content script context | |
229 | +// while `this` is nsIContentFrameMessageManager | |
230 | +// with an attribute `content` that corresponds to the window | |
231 | + | |
232 | +if (typeof module !== 'undefined') module.exports = saveAs; | |
233 | +}/// added by AmCharts to avoid old IE problems if this file is included | |
0 | 234 | \ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -0,0 +1,1943 @@ |
1 | +/** @preserve jsPDF 0.9.0rc2 ( ${buildDate} ${commitID} ) | |
2 | +Copyright (c) 2010-2012 James Hall,, | |
3 | +Copyright (c) 2012 Willow Systems Corporation, | |
4 | +MIT license. | |
5 | +*/ | |
6 | + | |
7 | +/* | |
8 | + * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining | |
9 | + * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the | |
10 | + * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including | |
11 | + * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, | |
12 | + * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to | |
13 | + * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to | |
14 | + * the following conditions: | |
15 | + * | |
16 | + * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be | |
17 | + * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. | |
18 | + * | |
26 | + * ==================================================================== | |
27 | + */ | |
28 | + | |
29 | + | |
30 | +/** | |
31 | +Creates new jsPDF document object instance | |
32 | +@class | |
33 | +@param orientation One of "portrait" or "landscape" (or shortcuts "p" (Default), "l") | |
34 | +@param unit Measurement unit to be used when coordinates are specified. One of "pt" (points), "mm" (Default), "cm", "in" | |
35 | +@param format One of 'a0', 'a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a4' (Default) etc to 'a10', 'b0' to 'b10', 'c0' to 'c10', 'letter', 'government-letter', 'legal', 'junior-legal', 'ledger' or 'tabloid' | |
36 | +@returns {jsPDF} | |
37 | +@name jsPDF | |
38 | +*/ | |
39 | +var jsPDF = (function () { | |
40 | + 'use strict'; | |
41 | + /*jslint browser:true, plusplus: true, bitwise: true, nomen: true */ | |
42 | + /*global document: false, btoa, atob, zpipe, Uint8Array, ArrayBuffer, Blob, saveAs, adler32cs, Deflater */ | |
43 | + | |
44 | +// this will run on <=IE9, possibly some niche browsers | |
45 | +// new webkit-based, FireFox, IE10 already have native version of this. | |
46 | + if (typeof btoa === 'undefined') { | |
47 | + window.btoa = function (data) { | |
49 | + | |
50 | + // UTF8 encoding encodes bytes over char code 128 | |
51 | + // and, essentially, turns an 8-bit binary streams | |
52 | + // (that base64 can deal with) into 7-bit binary streams. | |
53 | + // (by default server does not know that and does not recode the data back to 8bit) | |
54 | + // You destroy your data. | |
55 | + | |
56 | + // binary streams like jpeg image data etc, while stored in JavaScript strings, | |
57 | + // (which are 16bit arrays) are in 8bit format already. | |
58 | + // You do NOT need to char-encode that before base64 encoding. | |
59 | + | |
60 | + // if you, by act of fate | |
61 | + // have string which has individual characters with code | |
62 | + // above 255 (pure unicode chars), encode that BEFORE you base64 here. | |
63 | + // you can use absolutely any approch there, as long as in the end, | |
64 | + // base64 gets an 8bit (char codes 0 - 255) stream. | |
65 | + // when you get it on the server after un-base64, you must | |
66 | + // UNencode it too, to get back to 16, 32bit or whatever original bin stream. | |
67 | + | |
68 | + // Note, Yes, JavaScript strings are, in most cases UCS-2 - | |
69 | + // 16-bit character arrays. This does not mean, however, | |
70 | + // that you always have to UTF8 it before base64. | |
71 | + // it means that if you have actual characters anywhere in | |
72 | + // that string that have char code above 255, you need to | |
73 | + // recode *entire* string from 16-bit (or 32bit) to 8-bit array. | |
74 | + // You can do binary split to UTF16 (BE or LE) | |
75 | + // you can do utf8, you can split the thing by hand and prepend BOM to it, | |
76 | + // but whatever you do, make sure you mirror the opposite on | |
77 | + // the server. If server does not expect to post-process un-base64 | |
78 | + // 8-bit binary stream, think very very hard about messing around with encoding. | |
79 | + | |
80 | + // so, long story short: | |
82 | + | |
83 | + /* @preserve | |
84 | + ==================================================================== | |
85 | + base64 encoder | |
86 | + MIT, GPL | |
87 | + | |
88 | + version: 1109.2015 | |
89 | + discuss at: | |
90 | + + original by: Tyler Akins ( | |
91 | + + improved by: Bayron Guevara | |
92 | + + improved by: Thunder.m | |
93 | + + improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld ( | |
94 | + + bugfixed by: Pellentesque Malesuada | |
95 | + + improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld ( | |
96 | + + improved by: Rafal Kukawski ( | |
97 | + + Daniel Dotsenko, Willow Systems Corp, | |
98 | + ==================================================================== | |
99 | + */ | |
100 | + | |
101 | + var b64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=", | |
102 | + b64a = b64.split(''), | |
103 | + o1, | |
104 | + o2, | |
105 | + o3, | |
106 | + h1, | |
107 | + h2, | |
108 | + h3, | |
109 | + h4, | |
110 | + bits, | |
111 | + i = 0, | |
112 | + ac = 0, | |
113 | + enc = "", | |
114 | + tmp_arr = [], | |
115 | + r; | |
116 | + | |
117 | + do { // pack three octets into four hexets | |
118 | + o1 = data.charCodeAt(i++); | |
119 | + o2 = data.charCodeAt(i++); | |
120 | + o3 = data.charCodeAt(i++); | |
121 | + | |
122 | + bits = o1 << 16 | o2 << 8 | o3; | |
123 | + | |
124 | + h1 = bits >> 18 & 0x3f; | |
125 | + h2 = bits >> 12 & 0x3f; | |
126 | + h3 = bits >> 6 & 0x3f; | |
127 | + h4 = bits & 0x3f; | |
128 | + | |
129 | + // use hexets to index into b64, and append result to encoded string | |
130 | + tmp_arr[ac++] = b64a[h1] + b64a[h2] + b64a[h3] + b64a[h4]; | |
131 | + } while (i < data.length); | |
132 | + | |
133 | + enc = tmp_arr.join(''); | |
134 | + r = data.length % 3; | |
135 | + return (r ? enc.slice(0, r - 3) : enc) + '==='.slice(r || 3); | |
136 | + // end of base64 encoder MIT, GPL | |
137 | + }; | |
138 | + } | |
139 | + | |
140 | + if (typeof atob === 'undefined') { | |
141 | + window.atob = function (data) { | |
142 | + // | |
143 | + // + original by: Tyler Akins ( | |
144 | + // + improved by: Thunder.m | |
145 | + // + input by: Aman Gupta | |
146 | + // + improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld ( | |
147 | + // + bugfixed by: Onno Marsman | |
148 | + // + bugfixed by: Pellentesque Malesuada | |
149 | + // + improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld ( | |
150 | + // + input by: Brett Zamir ( | |
151 | + // + bugfixed by: Kevin van Zonneveld ( | |
152 | + // * example 1: base64_decode('S2V2aW4gdmFuIFpvbm5ldmVsZA=='); | |
153 | + // * returns 1: 'Kevin van Zonneveld' | |
154 | + // mozilla has this native | |
155 | + // - but breaks in! | |
156 | + //if (typeof this.window['atob'] == 'function') { | |
157 | + // return atob(data); | |
158 | + //} | |
159 | + var b64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=", | |
160 | + o1, | |
161 | + o2, | |
162 | + o3, | |
163 | + h1, | |
164 | + h2, | |
165 | + h3, | |
166 | + h4, | |
167 | + bits, | |
168 | + i = 0, | |
169 | + ac = 0, | |
170 | + dec = "", | |
171 | + tmp_arr = []; | |
172 | + | |
173 | + if (!data) { | |
174 | + return data; | |
175 | + } | |
176 | + | |
177 | + data += ''; | |
178 | + | |
179 | + do { // unpack four hexets into three octets using index points in b64 | |
180 | + h1 = b64.indexOf(data.charAt(i++)); | |
181 | + h2 = b64.indexOf(data.charAt(i++)); | |
182 | + h3 = b64.indexOf(data.charAt(i++)); | |
183 | + h4 = b64.indexOf(data.charAt(i++)); | |
184 | + | |
185 | + bits = h1 << 18 | h2 << 12 | h3 << 6 | h4; | |
186 | + | |
187 | + o1 = bits >> 16 & 0xff; | |
188 | + o2 = bits >> 8 & 0xff; | |
189 | + o3 = bits & 0xff; | |
190 | + | |
191 | + if (h3 === 64) { | |
192 | + tmp_arr[ac++] = String.fromCharCode(o1); | |
193 | + } else if (h4 === 64) { | |
194 | + tmp_arr[ac++] = String.fromCharCode(o1, o2); | |
195 | + } else { | |
196 | + tmp_arr[ac++] = String.fromCharCode(o1, o2, o3); | |
197 | + } | |
198 | + } while (i < data.length); | |
199 | + dec = tmp_arr.join(''); | |
200 | + return dec; | |
201 | + }; | |
202 | + } | |
203 | + | |
204 | + var getObjectLength = typeof Object.keys === 'function' ? | |
205 | + function (object) { | |
206 | + return Object.keys(object).length; | |
207 | + } : | |
208 | + function (object) { | |
209 | + var i = 0, e; | |
210 | + for (e in object) { | |
211 | + if (object.hasOwnProperty(e)) { | |
212 | + i++; | |
213 | + } | |
214 | + } | |
215 | + return i; | |
216 | + }, | |
217 | + | |
218 | +/** | |
219 | +PubSub implementation | |
220 | + | |
221 | +@class | |
222 | +@name PubSub | |
223 | +*/ | |
224 | + PubSub = function (context) { | |
225 | + /** @preserve | |
226 | + ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
227 | + JavaScript PubSub library | |
228 | + 2012 (c) | |
229 | + based on Peter Higgins ( | |
230 | + Loosely based on Dojo publish/subscribe API, limited in scope. Rewritten blindly. | |
231 | + Original is (c) Dojo Foundation 2004-2010. Released under either AFL or new BSD, see: | |
232 | + for more information. | |
233 | + ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
234 | + */ | |
235 | + /** | |
236 | + @private | |
237 | + @fieldOf PubSub | |
238 | + */ | |
239 | + this.topics = {}; | |
240 | + /** | |
241 | + Stores what will be `this` within the callback functions. | |
242 | + | |
243 | + @private | |
244 | + @fieldOf PubSub# | |
245 | + */ | |
246 | + this.context = context; | |
247 | + /** | |
248 | + Allows caller to emit an event and pass arguments to event listeners. | |
249 | + @public | |
250 | + @function | |
251 | + @param topic {String} Name of the channel on which to voice this event | |
252 | + @param args Any number of arguments you want to pass to the listeners of this event. | |
253 | + @methodOf PubSub# | |
254 | + @name publish | |
255 | + */ | |
256 | + this.publish = function (topic, args) { | |
257 | + if (this.topics[topic]) { | |
258 | + var currentTopic = this.topics[topic], | |
259 | + toremove = [], | |
260 | + fn, | |
261 | + i, | |
262 | + l, | |
263 | + pair, | |
264 | + emptyFunc = function () {}; | |
265 | + args =, 1); | |
266 | + for (i = 0, l = currentTopic.length; i < l; i++) { | |
267 | + pair = currentTopic[i]; // this is a [function, once_flag] array | |
268 | + fn = pair[0]; | |
269 | + if (pair[1]) { /* 'run once' flag set */ | |
270 | + pair[0] = emptyFunc; | |
271 | + toremove.push(i); | |
272 | + } | |
273 | + fn.apply(this.context, args); | |
274 | + } | |
275 | + for (i = 0, l = toremove.length; i < l; i++) { | |
276 | + currentTopic.splice(toremove[i], 1); | |
277 | + } | |
278 | + } | |
279 | + }; | |
280 | + /** | |
281 | + Allows listener code to subscribe to channel and be called when data is available | |
282 | + @public | |
283 | + @function | |
284 | + @param topic {String} Name of the channel on which to voice this event | |
285 | + @param callback {Function} Executable (function pointer) that will be ran when event is voiced on this channel. | |
286 | + @param once {Boolean} (optional. False by default) Flag indicating if the function is to be triggered only once. | |
287 | + @returns {Object} A token object that cen be used for unsubscribing. | |
288 | + @methodOf PubSub# | |
289 | + @name subscribe | |
290 | + */ | |
291 | + this.subscribe = function (topic, callback, once) { | |
292 | + if (!this.topics[topic]) { | |
293 | + this.topics[topic] = [[callback, once]]; | |
294 | + } else { | |
295 | + this.topics[topic].push([callback, once]); | |
296 | + } | |
297 | + return { | |
298 | + "topic": topic, | |
299 | + "callback": callback | |
300 | + }; | |
301 | + }; | |
302 | + /** | |
303 | + Allows listener code to unsubscribe from a channel | |
304 | + @public | |
305 | + @function | |
306 | + @param token {Object} A token object that was returned by `subscribe` method | |
307 | + @methodOf PubSub# | |
308 | + @name unsubscribe | |
309 | + */ | |
310 | + this.unsubscribe = function (token) { | |
311 | + if (this.topics[token.topic]) { | |
312 | + var currentTopic = this.topics[token.topic], i, l; | |
313 | + | |
314 | + for (i = 0, l = currentTopic.length; i < l; i++) { | |
315 | + if (currentTopic[i][0] === token.callback) { | |
316 | + currentTopic.splice(i, 1); | |
317 | + } | |
318 | + } | |
319 | + } | |
320 | + }; | |
321 | + }; | |
322 | + | |
323 | + | |
324 | +/** | |
325 | +@constructor | |
326 | +@private | |
327 | +*/ | |
328 | + function jsPDF(orientation, unit, format, compressPdf) { /** String orientation, String unit, String format, Boolean compressed */ | |
329 | + | |
330 | + // Default parameter values | |
331 | + if (typeof orientation === 'undefined') { | |
332 | + orientation = 'p'; | |
333 | + } else { | |
334 | + orientation = orientation.toString().toLowerCase(); | |
335 | + } | |
336 | + if (typeof unit === 'undefined') { unit = 'mm'; } | |
337 | + if (typeof format === 'undefined') { format = 'a4'; } | |
338 | + if (typeof compressPdf === 'undefined' && typeof zpipe === 'undefined') { compressPdf = false; } | |
339 | + | |
340 | + var format_as_string = format.toString().toLowerCase(), | |
341 | + version = '0.9.0rc2', | |
342 | + content = [], | |
343 | + content_length = 0, | |
344 | + compress = compressPdf, | |
345 | + pdfVersion = '1.3', // PDF Version | |
346 | + pageFormats = { // Size in pt of various paper formats | |
347 | + 'a0': [2383.94, 3370.39], | |
348 | + 'a1': [1683.78, 2383.94], | |
349 | + 'a2': [1190.55, 1683.78], | |
350 | + 'a3': [841.89, 1190.55], | |
351 | + 'a4': [595.28, 841.89], | |
352 | + 'a5': [419.53, 595.28], | |
353 | + 'a6': [297.64, 419.53], | |
354 | + 'a7': [209.76, 297.64], | |
355 | + 'a8': [147.4 , 209.76], | |
356 | + 'a9': [104.88, 147.4], | |
357 | + 'a10': [73.7, 104.88], | |
358 | + 'b0': [2834.65, 4008.19], | |
359 | + 'b1': [2004.09, 2834.65], | |
360 | + 'b2': [1417.32, 2004.09], | |
361 | + 'b3': [1000.63, 1417.32], | |
362 | + 'b4': [708.66, 1000.63], | |
363 | + 'b5': [498.9, 708.66], | |
364 | + 'b6': [354.33, 498.9], | |
365 | + 'b7': [249.45, 354.33], | |
366 | + 'b8': [175.75, 249.45], | |
367 | + 'b9': [124.72, 175.75], | |
368 | + 'b10': [87.87, 124.72], | |
369 | + 'c0': [2599.37, 3676.54], | |
370 | + 'c1': [1836.85, 2599.37], | |
371 | + 'c2': [1298.27, 1836.85], | |
372 | + 'c3': [918.43, 1298.27], | |
373 | + 'c4': [649.13, 918.43], | |
374 | + 'c5': [459.21, 649.13], | |
375 | + 'c6': [323.15, 459.21], | |
376 | + 'c7': [229.61, 323.15], | |
377 | + 'c8': [161.57, 229.61], | |
378 | + 'c9': [113.39, 161.57], | |
379 | + 'c10': [79.37, 113.39], | |
380 | + 'letter': [612, 792], | |
381 | + 'government-letter': [576, 756], | |
382 | + 'legal': [612, 1008], | |
383 | + 'junior-legal': [576, 360], | |
384 | + 'ledger': [1224, 792], | |
385 | + 'tabloid': [792, 1224] | |
386 | + }, | |
387 | + textColor = '0 g', | |
388 | + drawColor = '0 G', | |
389 | + page = 0, | |
390 | + pages = [], | |
391 | + objectNumber = 2, // 'n' Current object number | |
392 | + outToPages = false, // switches where out() prints. outToPages true = push to pages obj. outToPages false = doc builder content | |
393 | + offsets = [], // List of offsets. Activated and reset by buildDocument(). Pupulated by various calls buildDocument makes. | |
394 | + fonts = {}, // collection of font objects, where key is fontKey - a dynamically created label for a given font. | |
395 | + fontmap = {}, // mapping structure fontName > fontStyle > font key - performance layer. See addFont() | |
396 | + activeFontSize = 16, | |
397 | + activeFontKey, // will be string representing the KEY of the font as combination of fontName + fontStyle | |
398 | + lineWidth = 0.200025, // 2mm | |
399 | + lineHeightProportion = 1.15, | |
400 | + pageHeight, | |
401 | + pageWidth, | |
402 | + k, // Scale factor | |
403 | + documentProperties = {'title': '', 'subject': '', 'author': '', 'keywords': '', 'creator': ''}, | |
404 | + lineCapID = 0, | |
405 | + lineJoinID = 0, | |
406 | + API = {}, | |
407 | + events = new PubSub(API), | |
408 | + tmp, | |
409 | + plugin, | |
410 | + ///////////////////// | |
411 | + // Private functions | |
412 | + ///////////////////// | |
413 | + // simplified (speedier) replacement for sprintf's %.2f conversion | |
414 | + f2 = function (number) { | |
415 | + return number.toFixed(2); | |
416 | + }, | |
417 | + // simplified (speedier) replacement for sprintf's %.3f conversion | |
418 | + f3 = function (number) { | |
419 | + return number.toFixed(3); | |
420 | + }, | |
421 | + // simplified (speedier) replacement for sprintf's %02d | |
422 | + padd2 = function (number) { | |
423 | + var n = (number).toFixed(0); | |
424 | + if (number < 10) { | |
425 | + return '0' + n; | |
426 | + } else { | |
427 | + return n; | |
428 | + } | |
429 | + }, | |
430 | + // simplified (speedier) replacement for sprintf's %02d | |
431 | + padd10 = function (number) { | |
432 | + var n = (number).toFixed(0); | |
433 | + if (n.length < 10) { | |
434 | + return new Array( 11 - n.length ).join('0') + n; | |
435 | + } else { | |
436 | + return n; | |
437 | + } | |
438 | + }, | |
439 | + out = function (string) { | |
440 | + if (outToPages) { /* set by beginPage */ | |
441 | + pages[page].push(string); | |
442 | + } else { | |
443 | + content.push(string); | |
444 | + content_length += string.length + 1; // +1 is for '\n' that will be used to join contents of content | |
445 | + } | |
446 | + }, | |
447 | + newObject = function () { | |
448 | + // Begin a new object | |
449 | + objectNumber++; | |
450 | + offsets[objectNumber] = content_length; | |
451 | + out(objectNumber + ' 0 obj'); | |
452 | + return objectNumber; | |
453 | + }, | |
454 | + putStream = function (str) { | |
455 | + out('stream'); | |
456 | + out(str); | |
457 | + out('endstream'); | |
458 | + }, | |
459 | + wPt, | |
460 | + hPt, | |
461 | + kids, | |
462 | + i, | |
463 | + putPages = function () { | |
464 | + wPt = pageWidth * k; | |
465 | + hPt = pageHeight * k; | |
466 | + | |
467 | + // outToPages = false as set in endDocument(). out() writes to content. | |
468 | + | |
469 | + var n, p, arr, uint, i, deflater, adler32; | |
470 | + for (n = 1; n <= page; n++) { | |
471 | + newObject(); | |
472 | + out('<</Type /Page'); | |
473 | + out('/Parent 1 0 R'); | |
474 | + out('/Resources 2 0 R'); | |
475 | + out('/Contents ' + (objectNumber + 1) + ' 0 R>>'); | |
476 | + out('endobj'); | |
477 | + | |
478 | + // Page content | |
479 | + p = pages[n].join('\n'); | |
480 | + newObject(); | |
481 | + if (compress) { | |
482 | + arr = []; | |
483 | + for (i = 0; i < p.length; ++i) { | |
484 | + arr[i] = p.charCodeAt(i); | |
485 | + } | |
486 | + adler32 = adler32cs.from(p); | |
487 | + deflater = new Deflater(6); | |
488 | + deflater.append(new Uint8Array(arr)); | |
489 | + p = deflater.flush(); | |
490 | + arr = [new Uint8Array([120, 156]), new Uint8Array(p), | |
491 | + new Uint8Array([adler32 & 0xFF, (adler32 >> 8) & 0xFF, (adler32 >> 16) & 0xFF, (adler32 >> 24) & 0xFF])]; | |
492 | + p = ''; | |
493 | + for (i in arr) { | |
494 | + if (arr.hasOwnProperty(i)) { | |
495 | + p += String.fromCharCode.apply(null, arr[i]); | |
496 | + } | |
497 | + } | |
498 | + out('<</Length ' + p.length + ' /Filter [/FlateDecode]>>'); | |
499 | + } else { | |
500 | + out('<</Length ' + p.length + '>>'); | |
501 | + } | |
502 | + putStream(p); | |
503 | + out('endobj'); | |
504 | + } | |
505 | + offsets[1] = content_length; | |
506 | + out('1 0 obj'); | |
507 | + out('<</Type /Pages'); | |
508 | + kids = '/Kids ['; | |
509 | + for (i = 0; i < page; i++) { | |
510 | + kids += (3 + 2 * i) + ' 0 R '; | |
511 | + } | |
512 | + out(kids + ']'); | |
513 | + out('/Count ' + page); | |
514 | + out('/MediaBox [0 0 ' + f2(wPt) + ' ' + f2(hPt) + ']'); | |
515 | + out('>>'); | |
516 | + out('endobj'); | |
517 | + }, | |
518 | + putFont = function (font) { | |
519 | + font.objectNumber = newObject(); | |
520 | + out('<</BaseFont/' + font.PostScriptName + '/Type/Font'); | |
521 | + if (typeof font.encoding === 'string') { | |
522 | + out('/Encoding/' + font.encoding); | |
523 | + } | |
524 | + out('/Subtype/Type1>>'); | |
525 | + out('endobj'); | |
526 | + }, | |
527 | + putFonts = function () { | |
528 | + var fontKey; | |
529 | + for (fontKey in fonts) { | |
530 | + if (fonts.hasOwnProperty(fontKey)) { | |
531 | + putFont(fonts[fontKey]); | |
532 | + } | |
533 | + } | |
534 | + }, | |
535 | + putXobjectDict = function () { | |
536 | + // Loop through images, or other data objects | |
537 | + events.publish('putXobjectDict'); | |
538 | + }, | |
539 | + putResourceDictionary = function () { | |
540 | + out('/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]'); | |
541 | + out('/Font <<'); | |
542 | + // Do this for each font, the '1' bit is the index of the font | |
543 | + var fontKey; | |
544 | + for (fontKey in fonts) { | |
545 | + if (fonts.hasOwnProperty(fontKey)) { | |
546 | + out('/' + fontKey + ' ' + fonts[fontKey].objectNumber + ' 0 R'); | |
547 | + } | |
548 | + } | |
549 | + out('>>'); | |
550 | + out('/XObject <<'); | |
551 | + putXobjectDict(); | |
552 | + out('>>'); | |
553 | + }, | |
554 | + putResources = function () { | |
555 | + putFonts(); | |
556 | + events.publish('putResources'); | |
557 | + // Resource dictionary | |
558 | + offsets[2] = content_length; | |
559 | + out('2 0 obj'); | |
560 | + out('<<'); | |
561 | + putResourceDictionary(); | |
562 | + out('>>'); | |
563 | + out('endobj'); | |
564 | + events.publish('postPutResources'); | |
565 | + }, | |
566 | + addToFontDictionary = function (fontKey, fontName, fontStyle) { | |
567 | + // this is mapping structure for quick font key lookup. | |
568 | + // returns the KEY of the font (ex: "F1") for a given pair of font name and type (ex: "Arial". "Italic") | |
569 | + var undef; | |
570 | + if (fontmap[fontName] === undef) { | |
571 | + fontmap[fontName] = {}; // fontStyle is a var interpreted and converted to appropriate string. don't wrap in quotes. | |
572 | + } | |
573 | + fontmap[fontName][fontStyle] = fontKey; | |
574 | + }, | |
575 | + /** | |
576 | + FontObject describes a particular font as member of an instnace of jsPDF | |
577 | + | |
578 | + It's a collection of properties like 'id' (to be used in PDF stream), | |
579 | + 'fontName' (font's family name), 'fontStyle' (font's style variant label) | |
580 | + | |
581 | + @class | |
582 | + @public | |
583 | + @property id {String} PDF-document-instance-specific label assinged to the font. | |
584 | + @property PostScriptName {String} PDF specification full name for the font | |
585 | + @property encoding {Object} Encoding_name-to-Font_metrics_object mapping. | |
586 | + @name FontObject | |
587 | + */ | |
588 | + FontObject = {}, | |
589 | + addFont = function (PostScriptName, fontName, fontStyle, encoding) { | |
590 | + var fontKey = 'F' + (getObjectLength(fonts) + 1).toString(10), | |
591 | + // This is FontObject | |
592 | + font = fonts[fontKey] = { | |
593 | + 'id': fontKey, | |
594 | + // , 'objectNumber': will be set by putFont() | |
595 | + 'PostScriptName': PostScriptName, | |
596 | + 'fontName': fontName, | |
597 | + 'fontStyle': fontStyle, | |
598 | + 'encoding': encoding, | |
599 | + 'metadata': {} | |
600 | + }; | |
601 | + | |
602 | + addToFontDictionary(fontKey, fontName, fontStyle); | |
603 | + | |
604 | + events.publish('addFont', font); | |
605 | + | |
606 | + return fontKey; | |
607 | + }, | |
608 | + addFonts = function () { | |
609 | + | |
610 | + var HELVETICA = "helvetica", | |
611 | + TIMES = "times", | |
612 | + COURIER = "courier", | |
613 | + NORMAL = "normal", | |
614 | + BOLD = "bold", | |
615 | + ITALIC = "italic", | |
616 | + BOLD_ITALIC = "bolditalic", | |
617 | + encoding = 'StandardEncoding', | |
618 | + standardFonts = [ | |
619 | + ['Helvetica', HELVETICA, NORMAL], | |
620 | + ['Helvetica-Bold', HELVETICA, BOLD], | |
621 | + ['Helvetica-Oblique', HELVETICA, ITALIC], | |
622 | + ['Helvetica-BoldOblique', HELVETICA, BOLD_ITALIC], | |
623 | + ['Courier', COURIER, NORMAL], | |
624 | + ['Courier-Bold', COURIER, BOLD], | |
625 | + ['Courier-Oblique', COURIER, ITALIC], | |
626 | + ['Courier-BoldOblique', COURIER, BOLD_ITALIC], | |
627 | + ['Times-Roman', TIMES, NORMAL], | |
628 | + ['Times-Bold', TIMES, BOLD], | |
629 | + ['Times-Italic', TIMES, ITALIC], | |
630 | + ['Times-BoldItalic', TIMES, BOLD_ITALIC] | |
631 | + ], | |
632 | + i, | |
633 | + l, | |
634 | + fontKey, | |
635 | + parts; | |
636 | + for (i = 0, l = standardFonts.length; i < l; i++) { | |
637 | + fontKey = addFont( | |
638 | + standardFonts[i][0], | |
639 | + standardFonts[i][1], | |
640 | + standardFonts[i][2], | |
641 | + encoding | |
642 | + ); | |
643 | + | |
644 | + // adding aliases for standard fonts, this time matching the capitalization | |
645 | + parts = standardFonts[i][0].split('-'); | |
646 | + addToFontDictionary(fontKey, parts[0], parts[1] || ''); | |
647 | + } | |
648 | + | |
649 | + events.publish('addFonts', {'fonts': fonts, 'dictionary': fontmap}); | |
650 | + }, | |
651 | + /** | |
652 | + | |
653 | + @public | |
654 | + @function | |
655 | + @param text {String} | |
656 | + @param flags {Object} Encoding flags. | |
657 | + @returns {String} Encoded string | |
658 | + */ | |
659 | + to8bitStream = function (text, flags) { | |
660 | + /* PDF 1.3 spec: | |
661 | + "For text strings encoded in Unicode, the first two bytes must be 254 followed by | |
662 | + 255, representing the Unicode byte order marker, U+FEFF. (This sequence conflicts | |
663 | + with the PDFDocEncoding character sequence thorn ydieresis, which is unlikely | |
664 | + to be a meaningful beginning of a word or phrase.) The remainder of the | |
665 | + string consists of Unicode character codes, according to the UTF-16 encoding | |
666 | + specified in the Unicode standard, version 2.0. Commonly used Unicode values | |
667 | + are represented as 2 bytes per character, with the high-order byte appearing first | |
668 | + in the string." | |
669 | + | |
670 | + In other words, if there are chars in a string with char code above 255, we | |
671 | + recode the string to UCS2 BE - string doubles in length and BOM is prepended. | |
672 | + | |
673 | + HOWEVER! | |
674 | + Actual *content* (body) text (as opposed to strings used in document properties etc) | |
675 | + does NOT expect BOM. There, it is treated as a literal GID (Glyph ID) | |
676 | + | |
677 | + Because of Adobe's focus on "you subset your fonts!" you are not supposed to have | |
678 | + a font that maps directly Unicode (UCS2 / UTF16BE) code to font GID, but you could | |
679 | + fudge it with "Identity-H" encoding and custom CIDtoGID map that mimics Unicode | |
680 | + code page. There, however, all characters in the stream are treated as GIDs, | |
681 | + including BOM, which is the reason we need to skip BOM in content text (i.e. that | |
682 | + that is tied to a font). | |
683 | + | |
684 | + To signal this "special" PDFEscape / to8bitStream handling mode, | |
685 | + API.text() function sets (unless you overwrite it with manual values | |
686 | + given to API.text(.., flags) ) | |
687 | + flags.autoencode = true | |
688 | + flags.noBOM = true | |
689 | + | |
690 | + */ | |
691 | + | |
692 | + /* | |
693 | + `flags` properties relied upon: | |
694 | + .sourceEncoding = string with encoding label. | |
695 | + "Unicode" by default. = encoding of the incoming text. | |
696 | + pass some non-existing encoding name | |
697 | + (ex: 'Do not touch my strings! I know what I am doing.') | |
698 | + to make encoding code skip the encoding step. | |
699 | + .outputEncoding = Either valid PDF encoding name | |
700 | + (must be supported by jsPDF font metrics, otherwise no encoding) | |
701 | + or a JS object, where key = sourceCharCode, value = outputCharCode | |
702 | + missing keys will be treated as: sourceCharCode === outputCharCode | |
703 | + .noBOM | |
704 | + See comment higher above for explanation for why this is important | |
705 | + .autoencode | |
706 | + See comment higher above for explanation for why this is important | |
707 | + */ | |
708 | + | |
709 | + var i, l, undef, sourceEncoding, encodingBlock, outputEncoding, newtext, isUnicode, ch, bch; | |
710 | + | |
711 | + if (flags === undef) { | |
712 | + flags = {}; | |
713 | + } | |
714 | + | |
715 | + sourceEncoding = flags.sourceEncoding ? sourceEncoding : 'Unicode'; | |
716 | + | |
717 | + outputEncoding = flags.outputEncoding; | |
718 | + | |
719 | + // This 'encoding' section relies on font metrics format | |
720 | + // attached to font objects by, among others, | |
721 | + // "Willow Systems' standard_font_metrics plugin" | |
722 | + // see jspdf.plugin.standard_font_metrics.js for format | |
723 | + // of the font.metadata.encoding Object. | |
724 | + // It should be something like | |
725 | + // .encoding = {'codePages':['WinANSI....'], 'WinANSI...':{code:code, ...}} | |
726 | + // .widths = {0:width, code:width, ..., 'fof':divisor} | |
727 | + // .kerning = {code:{previous_char_code:shift, ..., 'fof':-divisor},...} | |
728 | + if ((flags.autoencode || outputEncoding) && | |
729 | + fonts[activeFontKey].metadata && | |
730 | + fonts[activeFontKey].metadata[sourceEncoding] && | |
731 | + fonts[activeFontKey].metadata[sourceEncoding].encoding | |
732 | + ) { | |
733 | + encodingBlock = fonts[activeFontKey].metadata[sourceEncoding].encoding; | |
734 | + | |
735 | + // each font has default encoding. Some have it clearly defined. | |
736 | + if (!outputEncoding && fonts[activeFontKey].encoding) { | |
737 | + outputEncoding = fonts[activeFontKey].encoding; | |
738 | + } | |
739 | + | |
740 | + // Hmmm, the above did not work? Let's try again, in different place. | |
741 | + if (!outputEncoding && encodingBlock.codePages) { | |
742 | + outputEncoding = encodingBlock.codePages[0]; // let's say, first one is the default | |
743 | + } | |
744 | + | |
745 | + if (typeof outputEncoding === 'string') { | |
746 | + outputEncoding = encodingBlock[outputEncoding]; | |
747 | + } | |
748 | + // we want output encoding to be a JS Object, where | |
749 | + // key = sourceEncoding's character code and | |
750 | + // value = outputEncoding's character code. | |
751 | + if (outputEncoding) { | |
752 | + isUnicode = false; | |
753 | + newtext = []; | |
754 | + for (i = 0, l = text.length; i < l; i++) { | |
755 | + ch = outputEncoding[text.charCodeAt(i)]; | |
756 | + if (ch) { | |
757 | + newtext.push( | |
758 | + String.fromCharCode(ch) | |
759 | + ); | |
760 | + } else { | |
761 | + newtext.push( | |
762 | + text[i] | |
763 | + ); | |
764 | + } | |
765 | + | |
766 | + // since we are looping over chars anyway, might as well | |
767 | + // check for residual unicodeness | |
768 | + if (newtext[i].charCodeAt(0) >> 8) { /* more than 255 */ | |
769 | + isUnicode = true; | |
770 | + } | |
771 | + } | |
772 | + text = newtext.join(''); | |
773 | + } | |
774 | + } | |
775 | + | |
776 | + i = text.length; | |
777 | + // isUnicode may be set to false above. Hence the triple-equal to undefined | |
778 | + while (isUnicode === undef && i !== 0) { | |
779 | + if (text.charCodeAt(i - 1) >> 8) { /* more than 255 */ | |
780 | + isUnicode = true; | |
781 | + } | |
782 | + i--; | |
783 | + } | |
784 | + if (!isUnicode) { | |
785 | + return text; | |
786 | + } else { | |
787 | + newtext = flags.noBOM ? [] : [254, 255]; | |
788 | + for (i = 0, l = text.length; i < l; i++) { | |
789 | + ch = text.charCodeAt(i); | |
790 | + bch = ch >> 8; // divide by 256 | |
791 | + if (bch >> 8) { /* something left after dividing by 256 second time */ | |
792 | + throw new Error("Character at position " + i.toString(10) + " of string '" + text + "' exceeds 16bits. Cannot be encoded into UCS-2 BE"); | |
793 | + } | |
794 | + newtext.push(bch); | |
795 | + newtext.push(ch - (bch << 8)); | |
796 | + } | |
797 | + return String.fromCharCode.apply(undef, newtext); | |
798 | + } | |
799 | + }, | |
800 | + // Replace '/', '(', and ')' with pdf-safe versions | |
801 | + pdfEscape = function (text, flags) { | |
802 | + // doing to8bitStream does NOT make this PDF display unicode text. For that | |
803 | + // we also need to reference a unicode font and embed it - royal pain in the rear. | |
804 | + | |
805 | + // There is still a benefit to to8bitStream - PDF simply cannot handle 16bit chars, | |
806 | + // which JavaScript Strings are happy to provide. So, while we still cannot display | |
807 | + // 2-byte characters property, at least CONDITIONALLY converting (entire string containing) | |
808 | + // 16bit chars to (USC-2-BE) 2-bytes per char + BOM streams we ensure that entire PDF | |
809 | + // is still parseable. | |
810 | + // This will allow immediate support for unicode in document properties strings. | |
811 | + return to8bitStream(text, flags).replace(/\\/g, '\\\\').replace(/\(/g, '\\(').replace(/\)/g, '\\)'); | |
812 | + }, | |
813 | + putInfo = function () { | |
814 | + out('/Producer (jsPDF ' + version + ')'); | |
815 | + if (documentProperties.title) { | |
816 | + out('/Title (' + pdfEscape(documentProperties.title) + ')'); | |
817 | + } | |
818 | + if (documentProperties.subject) { | |
819 | + out('/Subject (' + pdfEscape(documentProperties.subject) + ')'); | |
820 | + } | |
821 | + if ( { | |
822 | + out('/Author (' + pdfEscape( + ')'); | |
823 | + } | |
824 | + if (documentProperties.keywords) { | |
825 | + out('/Keywords (' + pdfEscape(documentProperties.keywords) + ')'); | |
826 | + } | |
827 | + if (documentProperties.creator) { | |
828 | + out('/Creator (' + pdfEscape(documentProperties.creator) + ')'); | |
829 | + } | |
830 | + var created = new Date(); | |
831 | + out('/CreationDate (D:' + | |
832 | + [ | |
833 | + created.getFullYear(), | |
834 | + padd2(created.getMonth() + 1), | |
835 | + padd2(created.getDate()), | |
836 | + padd2(created.getHours()), | |
837 | + padd2(created.getMinutes()), | |
838 | + padd2(created.getSeconds()) | |
839 | + ].join('') + | |
840 | + ')' | |
841 | + ); | |
842 | + }, | |
843 | + putCatalog = function () { | |
844 | + out('/Type /Catalog'); | |
845 | + out('/Pages 1 0 R'); | |
846 | + // @TODO: Add zoom and layout modes | |
847 | + out('/OpenAction [3 0 R /FitH null]'); | |
848 | + out('/PageLayout /OneColumn'); | |
849 | + events.publish('putCatalog'); | |
850 | + }, | |
851 | + putTrailer = function () { | |
852 | + out('/Size ' + (objectNumber + 1)); | |
853 | + out('/Root ' + objectNumber + ' 0 R'); | |
854 | + out('/Info ' + (objectNumber - 1) + ' 0 R'); | |
855 | + }, | |
856 | + beginPage = function () { | |
857 | + page++; | |
858 | + // Do dimension stuff | |
859 | + outToPages = true; | |
860 | + pages[page] = []; | |
861 | + }, | |
862 | + _addPage = function () { | |
863 | + beginPage(); | |
864 | + // Set line width | |
865 | + out(f2(lineWidth * k) + ' w'); | |
866 | + // Set draw color | |
867 | + out(drawColor); | |
868 | + // resurrecting non-default line caps, joins | |
869 | + if (lineCapID !== 0) { | |
870 | + out(lineCapID.toString(10) + ' J'); | |
871 | + } | |
872 | + if (lineJoinID !== 0) { | |
873 | + out(lineJoinID.toString(10) + ' j'); | |
874 | + } | |
875 | + events.publish('addPage', {'pageNumber': page}); | |
876 | + }, | |
877 | + /** | |
878 | + Returns a document-specific font key - a label assigned to a | |
879 | + font name + font type combination at the time the font was added | |
880 | + to the font inventory. | |
881 | + | |
882 | + Font key is used as label for the desired font for a block of text | |
883 | + to be added to the PDF document stream. | |
884 | + @private | |
885 | + @function | |
886 | + @param fontName {String} can be undefined on "falthy" to indicate "use current" | |
887 | + @param fontStyle {String} can be undefined on "falthy" to indicate "use current" | |
888 | + @returns {String} Font key. | |
889 | + */ | |
890 | + getFont = function (fontName, fontStyle) { | |
891 | + var key, undef; | |
892 | + | |
893 | + if (fontName === undef) { | |
894 | + fontName = fonts[activeFontKey].fontName; | |
895 | + } | |
896 | + if (fontStyle === undef) { | |
897 | + fontStyle = fonts[activeFontKey].fontStyle; | |
898 | + } | |
899 | + | |
900 | + try { | |
901 | + key = fontmap[fontName][fontStyle]; // returns a string like 'F3' - the KEY corresponding tot he font + type combination. | |
902 | + } catch (e) { | |
903 | + key = undef; | |
904 | + } | |
905 | + if (!key) { | |
906 | + throw new Error("Unable to look up font label for font '" + fontName + "', '" + fontStyle + "'. Refer to getFontList() for available fonts."); | |
907 | + } | |
908 | + | |
909 | + return key; | |
910 | + }, | |
911 | + buildDocument = function () { | |
912 | + | |
913 | + outToPages = false; // switches out() to content | |
914 | + content = []; | |
915 | + offsets = []; | |
916 | + | |
917 | + // putHeader() | |
918 | + out('%PDF-' + pdfVersion); | |
919 | + | |
920 | + putPages(); | |
921 | + | |
922 | + putResources(); | |
923 | + | |
924 | + // Info | |
925 | + newObject(); | |
926 | + out('<<'); | |
927 | + putInfo(); | |
928 | + out('>>'); | |
929 | + out('endobj'); | |
930 | + | |
931 | + // Catalog | |
932 | + newObject(); | |
933 | + out('<<'); | |
934 | + putCatalog(); | |
935 | + out('>>'); | |
936 | + out('endobj'); | |
937 | + | |
938 | + // Cross-ref | |
939 | + var o = content_length, i; | |
940 | + out('xref'); | |
941 | + out('0 ' + (objectNumber + 1)); | |
942 | + out('0000000000 65535 f '); | |
943 | + for (i = 1; i <= objectNumber; i++) { | |
944 | + out(padd10(offsets[i]) + ' 00000 n '); | |
945 | + } | |
946 | + // Trailer | |
947 | + out('trailer'); | |
948 | + out('<<'); | |
949 | + putTrailer(); | |
950 | + out('>>'); | |
951 | + out('startxref'); | |
952 | + out(o); | |
953 | + out('%%EOF'); | |
954 | + | |
955 | + outToPages = true; | |
956 | + | |
957 | + return content.join('\n'); | |
958 | + }, | |
959 | + getStyle = function (style) { | |
960 | + // see Path-Painting Operators of PDF spec | |
961 | + var op = 'S'; // stroke | |
962 | + if (style === 'F') { | |
963 | + op = 'f'; // fill | |
964 | + } else if (style === 'FD' || style === 'DF') { | |
965 | + op = 'B'; // both | |
966 | + } | |
967 | + return op; | |
968 | + }, | |
969 | + | |
970 | + /** | |
971 | + Generates the PDF document. | |
972 | + Possible values: | |
973 | + datauristring (alias dataurlstring) - Data-Url-formatted data returned as string. | |
974 | + datauri (alias datauri) - Data-Url-formatted data pushed into current window's location (effectively reloading the window with contents of the PDF). | |
975 | + | |
976 | + If `type` argument is undefined, output is raw body of resulting PDF returned as a string. | |
977 | + | |
978 | + @param {String} type A string identifying one of the possible output types. | |
979 | + @param {Object} options An object providing some additional signalling to PDF generator. | |
980 | + @function | |
981 | + @returns {jsPDF} | |
982 | + @methodOf jsPDF# | |
983 | + @name output | |
984 | + */ | |
985 | + output = function (type, options) { | |
986 | + var undef, data, length, array, i, blob; | |
987 | + switch (type) { | |
988 | + case undef: | |
989 | + return buildDocument(); | |
990 | + case 'save': | |
991 | + if (navigator.getUserMedia) { | |
992 | + if (window.URL === undefined) { | |
993 | + return API.output('dataurlnewwindow'); | |
994 | + } else if (window.URL.createObjectURL === undefined) { | |
995 | + return API.output('dataurlnewwindow'); | |
996 | + } | |
997 | + } | |
998 | + data = buildDocument(); | |
999 | + | |
1000 | + // Need to add the file to BlobBuilder as a Uint8Array | |
1001 | + length = data.length; | |
1002 | + array = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(length)); | |
1003 | + | |
1004 | + for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { | |
1005 | + array[i] = data.charCodeAt(i); | |
1006 | + } | |
1007 | + | |
1008 | + blob = new Blob([array], {type: "application/pdf"}); | |
1009 | + | |
1010 | + saveAs(blob, options); | |
1011 | + break; | |
1012 | + case 'datauristring': | |
1013 | + case 'dataurlstring': | |
1014 | + return 'data:application/pdf;base64,' + btoa(buildDocument()); | |
1015 | + case 'datauri': | |
1016 | + case 'dataurl': | |
1017 | + document.location.href = 'data:application/pdf;base64,' + btoa(buildDocument()); | |
1018 | + break; | |
1019 | + case 'dataurlnewwindow': | |
1020 | +'data:application/pdf;base64,' + btoa(buildDocument())); | |
1021 | + break; | |
1022 | + default: | |
1023 | + throw new Error('Output type "' + type + '" is not supported.'); | |
1024 | + } | |
1025 | + // @TODO: Add different output options | |
1026 | + }; | |
1027 | + | |
1028 | + if (unit === 'pt') { | |
1029 | + k = 1; | |
1030 | + } else if (unit === 'mm') { | |
1031 | + k = 72 / 25.4; | |
1032 | + } else if (unit === 'cm') { | |
1033 | + k = 72 / 2.54; | |
1034 | + } else if (unit === 'in') { | |
1035 | + k = 72; | |
1036 | + } else { | |
1037 | + throw ('Invalid unit: ' + unit); | |
1038 | + } | |
1039 | + | |
1040 | + // Dimensions are stored as user units and converted to points on output | |
1041 | + if (pageFormats.hasOwnProperty(format_as_string)) { | |
1042 | + pageHeight = pageFormats[format_as_string][1] / k; | |
1043 | + pageWidth = pageFormats[format_as_string][0] / k; | |
1044 | + } else { | |
1045 | + try { | |
1046 | + pageHeight = format[1]; | |
1047 | + pageWidth = format[0]; | |
1048 | + } catch (err) { | |
1049 | + throw ('Invalid format: ' + format); | |
1050 | + } | |
1051 | + } | |
1052 | + | |
1053 | + if (orientation === 'p' || orientation === 'portrait') { | |
1054 | + orientation = 'p'; | |
1055 | + if (pageWidth > pageHeight) { | |
1056 | + tmp = pageWidth; | |
1057 | + pageWidth = pageHeight; | |
1058 | + pageHeight = tmp; | |
1059 | + } | |
1060 | + } else if (orientation === 'l' || orientation === 'landscape') { | |
1061 | + orientation = 'l'; | |
1062 | + if (pageHeight > pageWidth) { | |
1063 | + tmp = pageWidth; | |
1064 | + pageWidth = pageHeight; | |
1065 | + pageHeight = tmp; | |
1066 | + } | |
1067 | + } else { | |
1068 | + throw ('Invalid orientation: ' + orientation); | |
1069 | + } | |
1070 | + | |
1071 | + | |
1072 | + | |
1073 | + //--------------------------------------- | |
1074 | + // Public API | |
1075 | + | |
1076 | + /* | |
1077 | + Object exposing internal API to plugins | |
1078 | + @public | |
1079 | + */ | |
1080 | + API.internal = { | |
1081 | + 'pdfEscape': pdfEscape, | |
1082 | + 'getStyle': getStyle, | |
1083 | + /** | |
1084 | + Returns {FontObject} describing a particular font. | |
1085 | + @public | |
1086 | + @function | |
1087 | + @param fontName {String} (Optional) Font's family name | |
1088 | + @param fontStyle {String} (Optional) Font's style variation name (Example:"Italic") | |
1089 | + @returns {FontObject} | |
1090 | + */ | |
1091 | + 'getFont': function () { return fonts[getFont.apply(API, arguments)]; }, | |
1092 | + 'getFontSize': function () { return activeFontSize; }, | |
1093 | + 'getLineHeight': function () { return activeFontSize * lineHeightProportion; }, | |
1094 | + 'btoa': btoa, | |
1095 | + 'write': function (string1, string2, string3, etc) { | |
1096 | + out( | |
1097 | + arguments.length === 1 ? string1 :, ' ') | |
1098 | + ); | |
1099 | + }, | |
1100 | + 'getCoordinateString': function (value) { | |
1101 | + return f2(value * k); | |
1102 | + }, | |
1103 | + 'getVerticalCoordinateString': function (value) { | |
1104 | + return f2((pageHeight - value) * k); | |
1105 | + }, | |
1106 | + 'collections': {}, | |
1107 | + 'newObject': newObject, | |
1108 | + 'putStream': putStream, | |
1109 | + 'events': events, | |
1110 | + // ratio that you use in multiplication of a given "size" number to arrive to 'point' | |
1111 | + // units of measurement. | |
1112 | + // scaleFactor is set at initialization of the document and calculated against the stated | |
1113 | + // default measurement units for the document. | |
1114 | + // If default is "mm", k is the number that will turn number in 'mm' into 'points' number. | |
1115 | + // through multiplication. | |
1116 | + 'scaleFactor': k, | |
1117 | + 'pageSize': {'width': pageWidth, 'height': pageHeight}, | |
1118 | + 'output': function (type, options) { | |
1119 | + return output(type, options); | |
1120 | + }, | |
1121 | + 'getNumberOfPages': function () {return pages.length - 1; }, | |
1122 | + 'pages': pages | |
1123 | + }; | |
1124 | + | |
1125 | + /** | |
1126 | + Adds (and transfers the focus to) new page to the PDF document. | |
1127 | + @function | |
1128 | + @returns {jsPDF} | |
1129 | + | |
1130 | + @methodOf jsPDF# | |
1131 | + @name addPage | |
1132 | + */ | |
1133 | + API.addPage = function () { | |
1134 | + _addPage(); | |
1135 | + return this; | |
1136 | + }; | |
1137 | + | |
1138 | + /** | |
1139 | + Adds text to page. Supports adding multiline text when 'text' argument is an Array of Strings. | |
1140 | + @function | |
1141 | + @param {String|Array} text String or array of strings to be added to the page. Each line is shifted one line down per font, spacing settings declared before this call. | |
1142 | + @param {Number} x Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against left edge of the page | |
1143 | + @param {Number} y Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against upper edge of the page | |
1144 | + @param {Object} flags Collection of settings signalling how the text must be encoded. Defaults are sane. If you think you want to pass some flags, you likely can read the source. | |
1145 | + @returns {jsPDF} | |
1146 | + @methodOf jsPDF# | |
1147 | + @name text | |
1148 | + */ | |
1149 | + API.text = function (text, x, y, flags) { | |
1150 | + /** | |
1151 | + * Inserts something like this into PDF | |
1152 | + BT | |
1153 | + /F1 16 Tf % Font name + size | |
1154 | + 16 TL % How many units down for next line in multiline text | |
1155 | + 0 g % color | |
1156 | + 28.35 813.54 Td % position | |
1157 | + (line one) Tj | |
1158 | + T* (line two) Tj | |
1159 | + T* (line three) Tj | |
1160 | + ET | |
1161 | + */ | |
1162 | + | |
1163 | + var undef, _first, _second, _third, newtext, str, i; | |
1164 | + // Pre-August-2012 the order of arguments was function(x, y, text, flags) | |
1165 | + // in effort to make all calls have similar signature like | |
1166 | + // function(data, coordinates... , miscellaneous) | |
1167 | + // this method had its args flipped. | |
1168 | + // code below allows backward compatibility with old arg order. | |
1169 | + if (typeof text === 'number') { | |
1170 | + _first = y; | |
1171 | + _second = text; | |
1172 | + _third = x; | |
1173 | + | |
1174 | + text = _first; | |
1175 | + x = _second; | |
1176 | + y = _third; | |
1177 | + } | |
1178 | + | |
1179 | + // If there are any newlines in text, we assume | |
1180 | + // the user wanted to print multiple lines, so break the | |
1181 | + // text up into an array. If the text is already an array, | |
1182 | + // we assume the user knows what they are doing. | |
1183 | + if (typeof text === 'string' && text.match(/[\n\r]/)) { | |
1184 | + text = text.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/g); | |
1185 | + } | |
1186 | + | |
1187 | + if (typeof flags === 'undefined') { | |
1188 | + flags = {'noBOM': true, 'autoencode': true}; | |
1189 | + } else { | |
1190 | + | |
1191 | + if (flags.noBOM === undef) { | |
1192 | + flags.noBOM = true; | |
1193 | + } | |
1194 | + | |
1195 | + if (flags.autoencode === undef) { | |
1196 | + flags.autoencode = true; | |
1197 | + } | |
1198 | + | |
1199 | + } | |
1200 | + | |
1201 | + if (typeof text === 'string') { | |
1202 | + str = pdfEscape(text, flags); | |
1203 | + } else if (text instanceof Array) { /* Array */ | |
1204 | + // we don't want to destroy original text array, so cloning it | |
1205 | + newtext = text.concat(); | |
1206 | + // we do array.join('text that must not be PDFescaped") | |
1207 | + // thus, pdfEscape each component separately | |
1208 | + for (i = newtext.length - 1; i !== -1; i--) { | |
1209 | + newtext[i] = pdfEscape(newtext[i], flags); | |
1210 | + } | |
1211 | + str = newtext.join(") Tj\nT* ("); | |
1212 | + } else { | |
1213 | + throw new Error('Type of text must be string or Array. "' + text + '" is not recognized.'); | |
1214 | + } | |
1215 | + // Using "'" ("go next line and render text" mark) would save space but would complicate our rendering code, templates | |
1216 | + | |
1217 | + // BT .. ET does NOT have default settings for Tf. You must state that explicitely every time for BT .. ET | |
1218 | + // if you want text transformation matrix (+ multiline) to work reliably (which reads sizes of things from font declarations) | |
1219 | + // Thus, there is NO useful, *reliable* concept of "default" font for a page. | |
1220 | + // The fact that "default" (reuse font used before) font worked before in basic cases is an accident | |
1221 | + // - readers dealing smartly with brokenness of jsPDF's markup. | |
1222 | + out( | |
1223 | + 'BT\n/' + | |
1224 | + activeFontKey + ' ' + activeFontSize + ' Tf\n' + // font face, style, size | |
1225 | + (activeFontSize * lineHeightProportion) + ' TL\n' + // line spacing | |
1226 | + textColor + | |
1227 | + '\n' + f2(x * k) + ' ' + f2((pageHeight - y) * k) + ' Td\n(' + | |
1228 | + str + | |
1229 | + ') Tj\nET' | |
1230 | + ); | |
1231 | + return this; | |
1232 | + }; | |
1233 | + | |
1234 | + API.line = function (x1, y1, x2, y2) { | |
1235 | + out( | |
1236 | + f2(x1 * k) + ' ' + f2((pageHeight - y1) * k) + ' m ' + | |
1237 | + f2(x2 * k) + ' ' + f2((pageHeight - y2) * k) + ' l S' | |
1238 | + ); | |
1239 | + return this; | |
1240 | + }; | |
1241 | + | |
1242 | + /** | |
1243 | + Adds series of curves (straight lines or cubic bezier curves) to canvas, starting at `x`, `y` coordinates. | |
1244 | + All data points in `lines` are relative to last line origin. | |
1245 | + `x`, `y` become x1,y1 for first line / curve in the set. | |
1246 | + For lines you only need to specify [x2, y2] - (ending point) vector against x1, y1 starting point. | |
1247 | + For bezier curves you need to specify [x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4] - vectors to control points 1, 2, ending point. All vectors are against the start of the curve - x1,y1. | |
1248 | + | |
1249 | + @example .lines([[2,2],[-2,2],[1,1,2,2,3,3],[2,1]], 212,110, 10) // line, line, bezier curve, line | |
1250 | + @param {Array} lines Array of *vector* shifts as pairs (lines) or sextets (cubic bezier curves). | |
1251 | + @param {Number} x Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against left edge of the page | |
1252 | + @param {Number} y Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against upper edge of the page | |
1253 | + @param {Number} scale (Defaults to [1.0,1.0]) x,y Scaling factor for all vectors. Elements can be any floating number Sub-one makes drawing smaller. Over-one grows the drawing. Negative flips the direction. | |
1254 | + @param {String} style One of 'S' (the default), 'F', 'FD' or 'DF'. 'S' draws just the curve. 'F' fills the region defined by the curves. 'DF' or 'FD' draws the curves and fills the region. | |
1255 | + @param {Boolean} closed If true, the path is closed with a straight line from the end of the last curve to the starting point. | |
1256 | + @function | |
1257 | + @returns {jsPDF} | |
1258 | + @methodOf jsPDF# | |
1259 | + @name lines | |
1260 | + */ | |
1261 | + API.lines = function (lines, x, y, scale, style, closed) { | |
1262 | + var undef, _first, _second, _third, scalex, scaley, i, l, leg, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4; | |
1263 | + | |
1264 | + // Pre-August-2012 the order of arguments was function(x, y, lines, scale, style) | |
1265 | + // in effort to make all calls have similar signature like | |
1266 | + // function(content, coordinateX, coordinateY , miscellaneous) | |
1267 | + // this method had its args flipped. | |
1268 | + // code below allows backward compatibility with old arg order. | |
1269 | + if (typeof lines === 'number') { | |
1270 | + _first = y; | |
1271 | + _second = lines; | |
1272 | + _third = x; | |
1273 | + | |
1274 | + lines = _first; | |
1275 | + x = _second; | |
1276 | + y = _third; | |
1277 | + } | |
1278 | + | |
1279 | + style = getStyle(style); | |
1280 | + scale = scale === undef ? [1, 1] : scale; | |
1281 | + | |
1282 | + // starting point | |
1283 | + out(f3(x * k) + ' ' + f3((pageHeight - y) * k) + ' m '); | |
1284 | + | |
1285 | + scalex = scale[0]; | |
1286 | + scaley = scale[1]; | |
1287 | + l = lines.length; | |
1288 | + //, x2, y2 // bezier only. In page default measurement "units", *after* scaling | |
1289 | + //, x3, y3 // bezier only. In page default measurement "units", *after* scaling | |
1290 | + // ending point for all, lines and bezier. . In page default measurement "units", *after* scaling | |
1291 | + x4 = x; // last / ending point = starting point for first item. | |
1292 | + y4 = y; // last / ending point = starting point for first item. | |
1293 | + | |
1294 | + for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { | |
1295 | + leg = lines[i]; | |
1296 | + if (leg.length === 2) { | |
1297 | + // simple line | |
1298 | + x4 = leg[0] * scalex + x4; // here last x4 was prior ending point | |
1299 | + y4 = leg[1] * scaley + y4; // here last y4 was prior ending point | |
1300 | + out(f3(x4 * k) + ' ' + f3((pageHeight - y4) * k) + ' l'); | |
1301 | + } else { | |
1302 | + // bezier curve | |
1303 | + x2 = leg[0] * scalex + x4; // here last x4 is prior ending point | |
1304 | + y2 = leg[1] * scaley + y4; // here last y4 is prior ending point | |
1305 | + x3 = leg[2] * scalex + x4; // here last x4 is prior ending point | |
1306 | + y3 = leg[3] * scaley + y4; // here last y4 is prior ending point | |
1307 | + x4 = leg[4] * scalex + x4; // here last x4 was prior ending point | |
1308 | + y4 = leg[5] * scaley + y4; // here last y4 was prior ending point | |
1309 | + out( | |
1310 | + f3(x2 * k) + ' ' + | |
1311 | + f3((pageHeight - y2) * k) + ' ' + | |
1312 | + f3(x3 * k) + ' ' + | |
1313 | + f3((pageHeight - y3) * k) + ' ' + | |
1314 | + f3(x4 * k) + ' ' + | |
1315 | + f3((pageHeight - y4) * k) + ' c' | |
1316 | + ); | |
1317 | + } | |
1318 | + } | |
1319 | + | |
1320 | + if (closed == true) { | |
1321 | + out(' h'); | |
1322 | + } | |
1323 | + | |
1324 | + // stroking / filling / both the path | |
1325 | + out(style); | |
1326 | + return this; | |
1327 | + }; | |
1328 | + | |
1329 | + /** | |
1330 | + Adds a rectangle to PDF | |
1331 | + | |
1332 | + @param {Number} x Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against left edge of the page | |
1333 | + @param {Number} y Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against upper edge of the page | |
1334 | + @param {Number} w Width (in units declared at inception of PDF document) | |
1335 | + @param {Number} h Height (in units declared at inception of PDF document) | |
1336 | + @param {String} style (Defaults to active fill/stroke style) A string signalling if stroke, fill or both are to be applied. | |
1337 | + @function | |
1338 | + @returns {jsPDF} | |
1339 | + @methodOf jsPDF# | |
1340 | + @name rect | |
1341 | + */ | |
1342 | + API.rect = function (x, y, w, h, style) { | |
1343 | + var op = getStyle(style); | |
1344 | + out([ | |
1345 | + f2(x * k), | |
1346 | + f2((pageHeight - y) * k), | |
1347 | + f2(w * k), | |
1348 | + f2(-h * k), | |
1349 | + 're', | |
1350 | + op | |
1351 | + ].join(' ')); | |
1352 | + return this; | |
1353 | + }; | |
1354 | + | |
1355 | + /** | |
1356 | + Adds a triangle to PDF | |
1357 | + | |
1358 | + @param {Number} x1 Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against left edge of the page | |
1359 | + @param {Number} y1 Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against upper edge of the page | |
1360 | + @param {Number} x2 Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against left edge of the page | |
1361 | + @param {Number} y2 Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against upper edge of the page | |
1362 | + @param {Number} x3 Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against left edge of the page | |
1363 | + @param {Number} y3 Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against upper edge of the page | |
1364 | + @param {String} style (Defaults to active fill/stroke style) A string signalling if stroke, fill or both are to be applied. | |
1365 | + @function | |
1366 | + @returns {jsPDF} | |
1367 | + @methodOf jsPDF# | |
1368 | + @name triangle | |
1369 | + */ | |
1370 | + API.triangle = function (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, style) { | |
1371 | + this.lines( | |
1372 | + [ | |
1373 | + [ x2 - x1, y2 - y1 ], // vector to point 2 | |
1374 | + [ x3 - x2, y3 - y2 ], // vector to point 3 | |
1375 | + [ x1 - x3, y1 - y3 ] // closing vector back to point 1 | |
1376 | + ], | |
1377 | + x1, | |
1378 | + y1, // start of path | |
1379 | + [1, 1], | |
1380 | + style, | |
1381 | + true | |
1382 | + ); | |
1383 | + return this; | |
1384 | + }; | |
1385 | + | |
1386 | + /** | |
1387 | + Adds a rectangle with rounded corners to PDF | |
1388 | + | |
1389 | + @param {Number} x Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against left edge of the page | |
1390 | + @param {Number} y Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against upper edge of the page | |
1391 | + @param {Number} w Width (in units declared at inception of PDF document) | |
1392 | + @param {Number} h Height (in units declared at inception of PDF document) | |
1393 | + @param {Number} rx Radius along x axis (in units declared at inception of PDF document) | |
1394 | + @param {Number} rx Radius along y axis (in units declared at inception of PDF document) | |
1395 | + @param {String} style (Defaults to active fill/stroke style) A string signalling if stroke, fill or both are to be applied. | |
1396 | + @function | |
1397 | + @returns {jsPDF} | |
1398 | + @methodOf jsPDF# | |
1399 | + @name roundedRect | |
1400 | + */ | |
1401 | + API.roundedRect = function (x, y, w, h, rx, ry, style) { | |
1402 | + var MyArc = 4 / 3 * (Math.SQRT2 - 1); | |
1403 | + this.lines( | |
1404 | + [ | |
1405 | + [ (w - 2 * rx), 0 ], | |
1406 | + [ (rx * MyArc), 0, rx, ry - (ry * MyArc), rx, ry ], | |
1407 | + [ 0, (h - 2 * ry) ], | |
1408 | + [ 0, (ry * MyArc), -(rx * MyArc), ry, -rx, ry], | |
1409 | + [ (-w + 2 * rx), 0], | |
1410 | + [ -(rx * MyArc), 0, -rx, -(ry * MyArc), -rx, -ry], | |
1411 | + [ 0, (-h + 2 * ry)], | |
1412 | + [ 0, -(ry * MyArc), (rx * MyArc), -ry, rx, -ry] | |
1413 | + ], | |
1414 | + x + rx, | |
1415 | + y, // start of path | |
1416 | + [1, 1], | |
1417 | + style | |
1418 | + ); | |
1419 | + return this; | |
1420 | + }; | |
1421 | + | |
1422 | + /** | |
1423 | + Adds an ellipse to PDF | |
1424 | + | |
1425 | + @param {Number} x Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against left edge of the page | |
1426 | + @param {Number} y Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against upper edge of the page | |
1427 | + @param {Number} rx Radius along x axis (in units declared at inception of PDF document) | |
1428 | + @param {Number} rx Radius along y axis (in units declared at inception of PDF document) | |
1429 | + @param {String} style (Defaults to active fill/stroke style) A string signalling if stroke, fill or both are to be applied. | |
1430 | + @function | |
1431 | + @returns {jsPDF} | |
1432 | + @methodOf jsPDF# | |
1433 | + @name ellipse | |
1434 | + */ | |
1435 | + API.ellipse = function (x, y, rx, ry, style) { | |
1436 | + var op = getStyle(style), | |
1437 | + lx = 4 / 3 * (Math.SQRT2 - 1) * rx, | |
1438 | + ly = 4 / 3 * (Math.SQRT2 - 1) * ry; | |
1439 | + | |
1440 | + out([ | |
1441 | + f2((x + rx) * k), | |
1442 | + f2((pageHeight - y) * k), | |
1443 | + 'm', | |
1444 | + f2((x + rx) * k), | |
1445 | + f2((pageHeight - (y - ly)) * k), | |
1446 | + f2((x + lx) * k), | |
1447 | + f2((pageHeight - (y - ry)) * k), | |
1448 | + f2(x * k), | |
1449 | + f2((pageHeight - (y - ry)) * k), | |
1450 | + 'c' | |
1451 | + ].join(' ')); | |
1452 | + out([ | |
1453 | + f2((x - lx) * k), | |
1454 | + f2((pageHeight - (y - ry)) * k), | |
1455 | + f2((x - rx) * k), | |
1456 | + f2((pageHeight - (y - ly)) * k), | |
1457 | + f2((x - rx) * k), | |
1458 | + f2((pageHeight - y) * k), | |
1459 | + 'c' | |
1460 | + ].join(' ')); | |
1461 | + out([ | |
1462 | + f2((x - rx) * k), | |
1463 | + f2((pageHeight - (y + ly)) * k), | |
1464 | + f2((x - lx) * k), | |
1465 | + f2((pageHeight - (y + ry)) * k), | |
1466 | + f2(x * k), | |
1467 | + f2((pageHeight - (y + ry)) * k), | |
1468 | + 'c' | |
1469 | + ].join(' ')); | |
1470 | + out([ | |
1471 | + f2((x + lx) * k), | |
1472 | + f2((pageHeight - (y + ry)) * k), | |
1473 | + f2((x + rx) * k), | |
1474 | + f2((pageHeight - (y + ly)) * k), | |
1475 | + f2((x + rx) * k), | |
1476 | + f2((pageHeight - y) * k), | |
1477 | + 'c', | |
1478 | + op | |
1479 | + ].join(' ')); | |
1480 | + return this; | |
1481 | + }; | |
1482 | + | |
1483 | + /** | |
1484 | + Adds an circle to PDF | |
1485 | + | |
1486 | + @param {Number} x Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against left edge of the page | |
1487 | + @param {Number} y Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against upper edge of the page | |
1488 | + @param {Number} r Radius (in units declared at inception of PDF document) | |
1489 | + @param {String} style (Defaults to active fill/stroke style) A string signalling if stroke, fill or both are to be applied. | |
1490 | + @function | |
1491 | + @returns {jsPDF} | |
1492 | + @methodOf jsPDF# | |
1493 | + @name circle | |
1494 | + */ | |
1495 | + = function (x, y, r, style) { | |
1496 | + return this.ellipse(x, y, r, r, style); | |
1497 | + }; | |
1498 | + | |
1499 | + /** | |
1500 | + Adds a properties to the PDF document | |
1501 | + | |
1502 | + @param {Object} A property_name-to-property_value object structure. | |
1503 | + @function | |
1504 | + @returns {jsPDF} | |
1505 | + @methodOf jsPDF# | |
1506 | + @name setProperties | |
1507 | + */ | |
1508 | + API.setProperties = function (properties) { | |
1509 | + // copying only those properties we can render. | |
1510 | + var property; | |
1511 | + for (property in documentProperties) { | |
1512 | + if (documentProperties.hasOwnProperty(property) && properties[property]) { | |
1513 | + documentProperties[property] = properties[property]; | |
1514 | + } | |
1515 | + } | |
1516 | + return this; | |
1517 | + }; | |
1518 | + | |
1519 | + /** | |
1520 | + Sets font size for upcoming text elements. | |
1521 | + | |
1522 | + @param {Number} size Font size in points. | |
1523 | + @function | |
1524 | + @returns {jsPDF} | |
1525 | + @methodOf jsPDF# | |
1526 | + @name setFontSize | |
1527 | + */ | |
1528 | + API.setFontSize = function (size) { | |
1529 | + activeFontSize = size; | |
1530 | + return this; | |
1531 | + }; | |
1532 | + | |
1533 | + /** | |
1534 | + Sets text font face, variant for upcoming text elements. | |
1535 | + See output of jsPDF.getFontList() for possible font names, styles. | |
1536 | + | |
1537 | + @param {String} fontName Font name or family. Example: "times" | |
1538 | + @param {String} fontStyle Font style or variant. Example: "italic" | |
1539 | + @function | |
1540 | + @returns {jsPDF} | |
1541 | + @methodOf jsPDF# | |
1542 | + @name setFont | |
1543 | + */ | |
1544 | + API.setFont = function (fontName, fontStyle) { | |
1545 | + activeFontKey = getFont(fontName, fontStyle); | |
1546 | + // if font is not found, the above line blows up and we never go further | |
1547 | + return this; | |
1548 | + }; | |
1549 | + | |
1550 | + /** | |
1551 | + Switches font style or variant for upcoming text elements, | |
1552 | + while keeping the font face or family same. | |
1553 | + See output of jsPDF.getFontList() for possible font names, styles. | |
1554 | + | |
1555 | + @param {String} style Font style or variant. Example: "italic" | |
1556 | + @function | |
1557 | + @returns {jsPDF} | |
1558 | + @methodOf jsPDF# | |
1559 | + @name setFontStyle | |
1560 | + */ | |
1561 | + API.setFontStyle = API.setFontType = function (style) { | |
1562 | + var undef; | |
1563 | + activeFontKey = getFont(undef, style); | |
1564 | + // if font is not found, the above line blows up and we never go further | |
1565 | + return this; | |
1566 | + }; | |
1567 | + | |
1568 | + /** | |
1569 | + Returns an object - a tree of fontName to fontStyle relationships available to | |
1570 | + active PDF document. | |
1571 | + | |
1572 | + @public | |
1573 | + @function | |
1574 | + @returns {Object} Like {'times':['normal', 'italic', ... ], 'arial':['normal', 'bold', ... ], ... } | |
1575 | + @methodOf jsPDF# | |
1576 | + @name getFontList | |
1577 | + */ | |
1578 | + API.getFontList = function () { | |
1579 | + // TODO: iterate over fonts array or return copy of fontmap instead in case more are ever added. | |
1580 | + var list = {}, | |
1581 | + fontName, | |
1582 | + fontStyle, | |
1583 | + tmp; | |
1584 | + | |
1585 | + for (fontName in fontmap) { | |
1586 | + if (fontmap.hasOwnProperty(fontName)) { | |
1587 | + list[fontName] = tmp = []; | |
1588 | + for (fontStyle in fontmap[fontName]) { | |
1589 | + if (fontmap[fontName].hasOwnProperty(fontStyle)) { | |
1590 | + tmp.push(fontStyle); | |
1591 | + } | |
1592 | + } | |
1593 | + } | |
1594 | + } | |
1595 | + | |
1596 | + return list; | |
1597 | + }; | |
1598 | + | |
1599 | + /** | |
1600 | + Sets line width for upcoming lines. | |
1601 | + | |
1602 | + @param {Number} width Line width (in units declared at inception of PDF document) | |
1603 | + @function | |
1604 | + @returns {jsPDF} | |
1605 | + @methodOf jsPDF# | |
1606 | + @name setLineWidth | |
1607 | + */ | |
1608 | + API.setLineWidth = function (width) { | |
1609 | + out((width * k).toFixed(2) + ' w'); | |
1610 | + return this; | |
1611 | + }; | |
1612 | + | |
1613 | + /** | |
1614 | + Sets the stroke color for upcoming elements. | |
1615 | + | |
1616 | + Depending on the number of arguments given, Gray, RGB, or CMYK | |
1617 | + color space is implied. | |
1618 | + | |
1619 | + When only ch1 is given, "Gray" color space is implied and it | |
1620 | + must be a value in the range from 0.00 (solid black) to to 1.00 (white) | |
1621 | + if values are communicated as String types, or in range from 0 (black) | |
1622 | + to 255 (white) if communicated as Number type. | |
1623 | + The RGB-like 0-255 range is provided for backward compatibility. | |
1624 | + | |
1625 | + When only ch1,ch2,ch3 are given, "RGB" color space is implied and each | |
1626 | + value must be in the range from 0.00 (minimum intensity) to to 1.00 | |
1627 | + (max intensity) if values are communicated as String types, or | |
1628 | + from 0 (min intensity) to to 255 (max intensity) if values are communicated | |
1629 | + as Number types. | |
1630 | + The RGB-like 0-255 range is provided for backward compatibility. | |
1631 | + | |
1632 | + When ch1,ch2,ch3,ch4 are given, "CMYK" color space is implied and each | |
1633 | + value must be a in the range from 0.00 (0% concentration) to to | |
1634 | + 1.00 (100% concentration) | |
1635 | + | |
1636 | + Because JavaScript treats fixed point numbers badly (rounds to | |
1637 | + floating point nearest to binary representation) it is highly advised to | |
1638 | + communicate the fractional numbers as String types, not JavaScript Number type. | |
1639 | + | |
1640 | + @param {Number|String} ch1 Color channel value | |
1641 | + @param {Number|String} ch2 Color channel value | |
1642 | + @param {Number|String} ch3 Color channel value | |
1643 | + @param {Number|String} ch4 Color channel value | |
1644 | + | |
1645 | + @function | |
1646 | + @returns {jsPDF} | |
1647 | + @methodOf jsPDF# | |
1648 | + @name setDrawColor | |
1649 | + */ | |
1650 | + API.setDrawColor = function (ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4) { | |
1651 | + var color; | |
1652 | + if (ch2 === undefined || (ch4 === undefined && ch1 === ch2 === ch3)) { | |
1653 | + // Gray color space. | |
1654 | + if (typeof ch1 === 'string') { | |
1655 | + color = ch1 + ' G'; | |
1656 | + } else { | |
1657 | + color = f2(ch1 / 255) + ' G'; | |
1658 | + } | |
1659 | + } else if (ch4 === undefined) { | |
1660 | + // RGB | |
1661 | + if (typeof ch1 === 'string') { | |
1662 | + color = [ch1, ch2, ch3, 'RG'].join(' '); | |
1663 | + } else { | |
1664 | + color = [f2(ch1 / 255), f2(ch2 / 255), f2(ch3 / 255), 'RG'].join(' '); | |
1665 | + } | |
1666 | + } else { | |
1667 | + // CMYK | |
1668 | + if (typeof ch1 === 'string') { | |
1669 | + color = [ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4, 'K'].join(' '); | |
1670 | + } else { | |
1671 | + color = [f2(ch1), f2(ch2), f2(ch3), f2(ch4), 'K'].join(' '); | |
1672 | + } | |
1673 | + } | |
1674 | + | |
1675 | + out(color); | |
1676 | + return this; | |
1677 | + }; | |
1678 | + | |
1679 | + /** | |
1680 | + Sets the fill color for upcoming elements. | |
1681 | + | |
1682 | + Depending on the number of arguments given, Gray, RGB, or CMYK | |
1683 | + color space is implied. | |
1684 | + | |
1685 | + When only ch1 is given, "Gray" color space is implied and it | |
1686 | + must be a value in the range from 0.00 (solid black) to to 1.00 (white) | |
1687 | + if values are communicated as String types, or in range from 0 (black) | |
1688 | + to 255 (white) if communicated as Number type. | |
1689 | + The RGB-like 0-255 range is provided for backward compatibility. | |
1690 | + | |
1691 | + When only ch1,ch2,ch3 are given, "RGB" color space is implied and each | |
1692 | + value must be in the range from 0.00 (minimum intensity) to to 1.00 | |
1693 | + (max intensity) if values are communicated as String types, or | |
1694 | + from 0 (min intensity) to to 255 (max intensity) if values are communicated | |
1695 | + as Number types. | |
1696 | + The RGB-like 0-255 range is provided for backward compatibility. | |
1697 | + | |
1698 | + When ch1,ch2,ch3,ch4 are given, "CMYK" color space is implied and each | |
1699 | + value must be a in the range from 0.00 (0% concentration) to to | |
1700 | + 1.00 (100% concentration) | |
1701 | + | |
1702 | + Because JavaScript treats fixed point numbers badly (rounds to | |
1703 | + floating point nearest to binary representation) it is highly advised to | |
1704 | + communicate the fractional numbers as String types, not JavaScript Number type. | |
1705 | + | |
1706 | + @param {Number|String} ch1 Color channel value | |
1707 | + @param {Number|String} ch2 Color channel value | |
1708 | + @param {Number|String} ch3 Color channel value | |
1709 | + @param {Number|String} ch4 Color channel value | |
1710 | + | |
1711 | + @function | |
1712 | + @returns {jsPDF} | |
1713 | + @methodOf jsPDF# | |
1714 | + @name setFillColor | |
1715 | + */ | |
1716 | + API.setFillColor = function (ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4) { | |
1717 | + var color; | |
1718 | + | |
1719 | + if (ch2 === undefined || (ch4 === undefined && ch1 === ch2 === ch3)) { | |
1720 | + // Gray color space. | |
1721 | + if (typeof ch1 === 'string') { | |
1722 | + color = ch1 + ' g'; | |
1723 | + } else { | |
1724 | + color = f2(ch1 / 255) + ' g'; | |
1725 | + } | |
1726 | + } else if (ch4 === undefined) { | |
1727 | + // RGB | |
1728 | + if (typeof ch1 === 'string') { | |
1729 | + color = [ch1, ch2, ch3, 'rg'].join(' '); | |
1730 | + } else { | |
1731 | + color = [f2(ch1 / 255), f2(ch2 / 255), f2(ch3 / 255), 'rg'].join(' '); | |
1732 | + } | |
1733 | + } else { | |
1734 | + // CMYK | |
1735 | + if (typeof ch1 === 'string') { | |
1736 | + color = [ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4, 'k'].join(' '); | |
1737 | + } else { | |
1738 | + color = [f2(ch1), f2(ch2), f2(ch3), f2(ch4), 'k'].join(' '); | |
1739 | + } | |
1740 | + } | |
1741 | + | |
1742 | + out(color); | |
1743 | + return this; | |
1744 | + }; | |
1745 | + | |
1746 | + /** | |
1747 | + Sets the text color for upcoming elements. | |
1748 | + If only one, first argument is given, | |
1749 | + treats the value as gray-scale color value. | |
1750 | + | |
1751 | + @param {Number} r Red channel color value in range 0-255 or {String} r color value in hexadecimal, example: '#FFFFFF' | |
1752 | + @param {Number} g Green channel color value in range 0-255 | |
1753 | + @param {Number} b Blue channel color value in range 0-255 | |
1754 | + @function | |
1755 | + @returns {jsPDF} | |
1756 | + @methodOf jsPDF# | |
1757 | + @name setTextColor | |
1758 | + */ | |
1759 | + API.setTextColor = function (r, g, b) { | |
1760 | + var patt = /#[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}/; | |
1761 | + if ((typeof r == 'string') && patt.test(r)) { | |
1762 | + var hex = r.replace('#',''); | |
1763 | + var bigint = parseInt(hex, 16); | |
1764 | + r = (bigint >> 16) & 255; | |
1765 | + g = (bigint >> 8) & 255; | |
1766 | + b = bigint & 255; | |
1767 | + } | |
1768 | + | |
1769 | + if ((r === 0 && g === 0 && b === 0) || (typeof g === 'undefined')) { | |
1770 | + textColor = f3(r / 255) + ' g'; | |
1771 | + } else { | |
1772 | + textColor = [f3(r / 255), f3(g / 255), f3(b / 255), 'rg'].join(' '); | |
1773 | + } | |
1774 | + return this; | |
1775 | + }; | |
1776 | + | |
1777 | + /** | |
1778 | + Is an Object providing a mapping from human-readable to | |
1779 | + integer flag values designating the varieties of line cap | |
1780 | + and join styles. | |
1781 | + | |
1782 | + @returns {Object} | |
1783 | + @fieldOf jsPDF# | |
1784 | + @name CapJoinStyles | |
1785 | + */ | |
1786 | + API.CapJoinStyles = { | |
1787 | + 0: 0, | |
1788 | + 'butt': 0, | |
1789 | + 'but': 0, | |
1790 | + 'miter': 0, | |
1791 | + 1: 1, | |
1792 | + 'round': 1, | |
1793 | + 'rounded': 1, | |
1794 | + 'circle': 1, | |
1795 | + 2: 2, | |
1796 | + 'projecting': 2, | |
1797 | + 'project': 2, | |
1798 | + 'square': 2, | |
1799 | + 'bevel': 2 | |
1800 | + }; | |
1801 | + | |
1802 | + /** | |
1803 | + Sets the line cap styles | |
1804 | + See {jsPDF.CapJoinStyles} for variants | |
1805 | + | |
1806 | + @param {String|Number} style A string or number identifying the type of line cap | |
1807 | + @function | |
1808 | + @returns {jsPDF} | |
1809 | + @methodOf jsPDF# | |
1810 | + @name setLineCap | |
1811 | + */ | |
1812 | + API.setLineCap = function (style) { | |
1813 | + var id = this.CapJoinStyles[style]; | |
1814 | + if (id === undefined) { | |
1815 | + throw new Error("Line cap style of '" + style + "' is not recognized. See or extend .CapJoinStyles property for valid styles"); | |
1816 | + } | |
1817 | + lineCapID = id; | |
1818 | + out(id.toString(10) + ' J'); | |
1819 | + | |
1820 | + return this; | |
1821 | + }; | |
1822 | + | |
1823 | + /** | |
1824 | + Sets the line join styles | |
1825 | + See {jsPDF.CapJoinStyles} for variants | |
1826 | + | |
1827 | + @param {String|Number} style A string or number identifying the type of line join | |
1828 | + @function | |
1829 | + @returns {jsPDF} | |
1830 | + @methodOf jsPDF# | |
1831 | + @name setLineJoin | |
1832 | + */ | |
1833 | + API.setLineJoin = function (style) { | |
1834 | + var id = this.CapJoinStyles[style]; | |
1835 | + if (id === undefined) { | |
1836 | + throw new Error("Line join style of '" + style + "' is not recognized. See or extend .CapJoinStyles property for valid styles"); | |
1837 | + } | |
1838 | + lineJoinID = id; | |
1839 | + out(id.toString(10) + ' j'); | |
1840 | + | |
1841 | + return this; | |
1842 | + }; | |
1843 | + | |
1844 | + // Output is both an internal (for plugins) and external function | |
1845 | + API.output = output; | |
1846 | + | |
1847 | + /** | |
1848 | + * Saves as PDF document. An alias of jsPDF.output('save', 'filename.pdf') | |
1849 | + * @param {String} filename The filename including extension. | |
1850 | + * | |
1851 | + * @function | |
1852 | + * @returns {jsPDF} | |
1853 | + * @methodOf jsPDF# | |
1854 | + * @name save | |
1855 | + */ | |
1856 | + = function (filename) { | |
1857 | + API.output('save', filename); | |
1858 | + }; | |
1859 | + | |
1860 | + // applying plugins (more methods) ON TOP of built-in API. | |
1861 | + // this is intentional as we allow plugins to override | |
1862 | + // built-ins | |
1863 | + for (plugin in jsPDF.API) { | |
1864 | + if (jsPDF.API.hasOwnProperty(plugin)) { | |
1865 | + if (plugin === 'events' && { | |
1866 | + (function (events, newEvents) { | |
1867 | + | |
1868 | + // is a JS Array of Arrays | |
1869 | + // where each Array is a pair of event name, handler | |
1870 | + // Events were added by plugins to the jsPDF instantiator. | |
1871 | + // These are always added to the new instance and some ran | |
1872 | + // during instantiation. | |
1873 | + | |
1874 | + var eventname, handler_and_args, i; | |
1875 | + | |
1876 | + for (i = newEvents.length - 1; i !== -1; i--) { | |
1877 | + // subscribe takes 3 args: 'topic', function, runonce_flag | |
1878 | + // if undefined, runonce is false. | |
1879 | + // users can attach callback directly, | |
1880 | + // or they can attach an array with [callback, runonce_flag] | |
1881 | + // that's what the "apply" magic is for below. | |
1882 | + eventname = newEvents[i][0]; | |
1883 | + handler_and_args = newEvents[i][1]; | |
1884 | + events.subscribe.apply( | |
1885 | + events, | |
1886 | + [eventname].concat( | |
1887 | + typeof handler_and_args === 'function' ? | |
1888 | + [ handler_and_args ] : | |
1889 | + handler_and_args | |
1890 | + ) | |
1891 | + ); | |
1892 | + } | |
1893 | + }(events,; | |
1894 | + } else { | |
1895 | + API[plugin] = jsPDF.API[plugin]; | |
1896 | + } | |
1897 | + } | |
1898 | + } | |
1899 | + | |
1900 | + ///////////////////////////////////////// | |
1901 | + // continuing initilisation of jsPDF Document object | |
1902 | + ///////////////////////////////////////// | |
1903 | + | |
1904 | + | |
1905 | + // Add the first page automatically | |
1906 | + addFonts(); | |
1907 | + activeFontKey = 'F1'; | |
1908 | + _addPage(); | |
1909 | + | |
1910 | + events.publish('initialized'); | |
1911 | + | |
1912 | + return API; | |
1913 | + } | |
1914 | + | |
1915 | +/** | |
1916 | +jsPDF.API is a STATIC property of jsPDF class. | |
1917 | +jsPDF.API is an object you can add methods and properties to. | |
1918 | +The methods / properties you add will show up in new jsPDF objects. | |
1919 | + | |
1920 | +One property is prepopulated. It is the 'events' Object. Plugin authors can add topics, callbacks to this object. These will be reassigned to all new instances of jsPDF. | |
1921 | +Examples: | |
1922 | +['initialized'] = function(){ 'this' is API object } | |
1923 | +['addFont'] = function(added_font_object){ 'this' is API object } | |
1924 | + | |
1925 | +@static | |
1926 | +@public | |
1927 | +@memberOf jsPDF | |
1928 | +@name API | |
1929 | + | |
1930 | +@example | |
1931 | + jsPDF.API.mymethod = function(){ | |
1932 | + // 'this' will be ref to internal API object. see jsPDF source | |
1933 | + // , so you can refer to built-in methods like so: | |
1934 | + // this.line(....) | |
1935 | + // this.text(....) | |
1936 | + } | |
1937 | + var pdfdoc = new jsPDF() | |
1938 | + pdfdoc.mymethod() // <- !!!!!! | |
1939 | +*/ | |
1940 | + jsPDF.API = {'events': []}; | |
1941 | + | |
1942 | + return jsPDF; | |
1943 | +}()); | |
0 | 1944 | \ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -0,0 +1,230 @@ |
1 | +/** @preserve | |
2 | +jsPDF addImage plugin (JPEG only at this time) | |
3 | +Copyright (c) 2012 | |
4 | +*/ | |
5 | + | |
6 | +/** | |
7 | + * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining | |
8 | + * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the | |
9 | + * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including | |
10 | + * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, | |
11 | + * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to | |
12 | + * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to | |
13 | + * the following conditions: | |
14 | + * | |
15 | + * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be | |
16 | + * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. | |
17 | + * | |
25 | + * ==================================================================== | |
26 | + */ | |
27 | + | |
28 | +;(function(jsPDFAPI) { | |
29 | +'use strict' | |
30 | + | |
31 | +var namespace = 'addImage_' | |
32 | + | |
33 | +// takes a string imgData containing the raw bytes of | |
34 | +// a jpeg image and returns [width, height] | |
35 | +// Algorithm from: | |
36 | +var getJpegSize = function(imgData) { | |
37 | + 'use strict' | |
38 | + var width, height; | |
39 | + // Verify we have a valid jpeg header 0xff,0xd8,0xff,0xe0,?,?,'J','F','I','F',0x00 | |
40 | + if (!imgData.charCodeAt(0) === 0xff || | |
41 | + !imgData.charCodeAt(1) === 0xd8 || | |
42 | + !imgData.charCodeAt(2) === 0xff || | |
43 | + !imgData.charCodeAt(3) === 0xe0 || | |
44 | + !imgData.charCodeAt(6) === 'J'.charCodeAt(0) || | |
45 | + !imgData.charCodeAt(7) === 'F'.charCodeAt(0) || | |
46 | + !imgData.charCodeAt(8) === 'I'.charCodeAt(0) || | |
47 | + !imgData.charCodeAt(9) === 'F'.charCodeAt(0) || | |
48 | + !imgData.charCodeAt(10) === 0x00) { | |
49 | + throw new Error('getJpegSize requires a binary jpeg file') | |
50 | + } | |
51 | + var blockLength = imgData.charCodeAt(4)*256 + imgData.charCodeAt(5); | |
52 | + var i = 4, len = imgData.length; | |
53 | + while ( i < len ) { | |
54 | + i += blockLength; | |
55 | + if (imgData.charCodeAt(i) !== 0xff) { | |
56 | + throw new Error('getJpegSize could not find the size of the image'); | |
57 | + } | |
58 | + if (imgData.charCodeAt(i+1) === 0xc0 || //(SOF) Huffman - Baseline DCT | |
59 | + imgData.charCodeAt(i+1) === 0xc1 || //(SOF) Huffman - Extended sequential DCT | |
60 | + imgData.charCodeAt(i+1) === 0xc2 || // Progressive DCT (SOF2) | |
61 | + imgData.charCodeAt(i+1) === 0xc3 || // Spatial (sequential) lossless (SOF3) | |
62 | + imgData.charCodeAt(i+1) === 0xc4 || // Differential sequential DCT (SOF5) | |
63 | + imgData.charCodeAt(i+1) === 0xc5 || // Differential progressive DCT (SOF6) | |
64 | + imgData.charCodeAt(i+1) === 0xc6 || // Differential spatial (SOF7) | |
65 | + imgData.charCodeAt(i+1) === 0xc7) { | |
66 | + height = imgData.charCodeAt(i+5)*256 + imgData.charCodeAt(i+6); | |
67 | + width = imgData.charCodeAt(i+7)*256 + imgData.charCodeAt(i+8); | |
68 | + return [width, height]; | |
69 | + } else { | |
70 | + i += 2; | |
71 | + blockLength = imgData.charCodeAt(i)*256 + imgData.charCodeAt(i+1) | |
72 | + } | |
73 | + } | |
74 | +} | |
75 | +// Image functionality ported from pdf.js | |
76 | +, putImage = function(img) { | |
77 | + var objectNumber = this.internal.newObject() | |
78 | + , out = this.internal.write | |
79 | + , putStream = this.internal.putStream | |
80 | + | |
81 | + img['n'] = objectNumber | |
82 | + | |
83 | + out('<</Type /XObject') | |
84 | + out('/Subtype /Image') | |
85 | + out('/Width ' + img['w']) | |
86 | + out('/Height ' + img['h']) | |
87 | + if (img['cs'] === 'Indexed') { | |
88 | + out('/ColorSpace [/Indexed /DeviceRGB ' | |
89 | + + (img['pal'].length / 3 - 1) + ' ' + (objectNumber + 1) | |
90 | + + ' 0 R]'); | |
91 | + } else { | |
92 | + out('/ColorSpace /' + img['cs']); | |
93 | + if (img['cs'] === 'DeviceCMYK') { | |
94 | + out('/Decode [1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0]'); | |
95 | + } | |
96 | + } | |
97 | + out('/BitsPerComponent ' + img['bpc']); | |
98 | + if ('f' in img) { | |
99 | + out('/Filter /' + img['f']); | |
100 | + } | |
101 | + if ('dp' in img) { | |
102 | + out('/DecodeParms <<' + img['dp'] + '>>'); | |
103 | + } | |
104 | + if ('trns' in img && img['trns'].constructor == Array) { | |
105 | + var trns = ''; | |
106 | + for ( var i = 0; i < img['trns'].length; i++) { | |
107 | + trns += (img[trns][i] + ' ' + img['trns'][i] + ' '); | |
108 | + out('/Mask [' + trns + ']'); | |
109 | + } | |
110 | + } | |
111 | + if ('smask' in img) { | |
112 | + out('/SMask ' + (objectNumber + 1) + ' 0 R'); | |
113 | + } | |
114 | + out('/Length ' + img['data'].length + '>>'); | |
115 | + | |
116 | + putStream(img['data']); | |
117 | + | |
118 | + out('endobj'); | |
119 | +} | |
120 | +, putResourcesCallback = function() { | |
121 | + var images = this.internal.collections[namespace + 'images'] | |
122 | + for ( var i in images ) { | |
123 | +, images[i]) | |
124 | + } | |
125 | +} | |
126 | +, putXObjectsDictCallback = function(){ | |
127 | + var images = this.internal.collections[namespace + 'images'] | |
128 | + , out = this.internal.write | |
129 | + , image | |
130 | + for (var i in images) { | |
131 | + image = images[i] | |
132 | + out( | |
133 | + '/I' + image['i'] | |
134 | + , image['n'] | |
135 | + , '0' | |
136 | + , 'R' | |
137 | + ) | |
138 | + } | |
139 | +} | |
140 | + | |
141 | +jsPDFAPI.addImage = function(imageData, format, x, y, w, h) { | |
142 | + 'use strict' | |
143 | + if (typeof imageData === 'object' && imageData.nodeType === 1) { | |
144 | + var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); | |
145 | + canvas.width = imageData.clientWidth; | |
146 | + canvas.height = imageData.clientHeight; | |
147 | + | |
148 | + var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); | |
149 | + if (!ctx) { | |
150 | + throw ('addImage requires canvas to be supported by browser.'); | |
151 | + } | |
152 | + ctx.drawImage(imageData, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); | |
153 | + imageData = canvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg'); | |
154 | + format = "JPEG"; | |
155 | + } | |
156 | + if (format.toUpperCase() !== 'JPEG') { | |
157 | + throw new Error('addImage currently only supports format \'JPEG\', not \''+format+'\''); | |
158 | + } | |
159 | + | |
160 | + var imageIndex | |
161 | + , images = this.internal.collections[namespace + 'images'] | |
162 | + , coord = this.internal.getCoordinateString | |
163 | + , vcoord = this.internal.getVerticalCoordinateString; | |
164 | + | |
165 | + // Detect if the imageData is raw binary or Data URL | |
166 | + if (imageData.substring(0, 23) === 'data:image/jpeg;base64,') { | |
167 | + imageData = atob(imageData.replace('data:image/jpeg;base64,', '')); | |
168 | + } | |
169 | + | |
170 | + if (images){ | |
171 | + // this is NOT the first time this method is ran on this instance of jsPDF object. | |
172 | + imageIndex = Object.keys ? | |
173 | + Object.keys(images).length : | |
174 | + (function(o){ | |
175 | + var i = 0 | |
176 | + for (var e in o){if(o.hasOwnProperty(e)){ i++ }} | |
177 | + return i | |
178 | + })(images) | |
179 | + } else { | |
180 | + // this is the first time this method is ran on this instance of jsPDF object. | |
181 | + imageIndex = 0 | |
182 | + this.internal.collections[namespace + 'images'] = images = {} | |
183 | +'putResources', putResourcesCallback) | |
184 | +'putXobjectDict', putXObjectsDictCallback) | |
185 | + } | |
186 | + | |
187 | + var dims = getJpegSize(imageData); | |
188 | + var info = { | |
189 | + w : dims[0], | |
190 | + h : dims[1], | |
191 | + cs : 'DeviceRGB', | |
192 | + bpc : 8, | |
193 | + f : 'DCTDecode', | |
194 | + i : imageIndex, | |
195 | + data : imageData | |
196 | + // n: objectNumber will be added by putImage code | |
197 | + | |
198 | + }; | |
199 | + images[imageIndex] = info | |
200 | + if (!w && !h) { | |
201 | + w = -96; | |
202 | + h = -96; | |
203 | + } | |
204 | + if (w < 0) { | |
205 | + w = (-1) * info['w'] * 72 / w / this.internal.scaleFactor; | |
206 | + } | |
207 | + if (h < 0) { | |
208 | + h = (-1) * info['h'] * 72 / h / this.internal.scaleFactor; | |
209 | + } | |
210 | + if (w === 0) { | |
211 | + w = h * info['w'] / info['h']; | |
212 | + } | |
213 | + if (h === 0) { | |
214 | + h = w * info['h'] / info['w']; | |
215 | + } | |
216 | + | |
217 | + this.internal.write( | |
218 | + 'q' | |
219 | + , coord(w) | |
220 | + , '0 0' | |
221 | + , coord(h) // TODO: check if this should be shifted by vcoord | |
222 | + , coord(x) | |
223 | + , vcoord(y + h) | |
224 | + , 'cm /I'+info['i'] | |
225 | + , 'Do Q' | |
226 | + ) | |
227 | + | |
228 | + return this | |
229 | +} | |
230 | +})(jsPDF.API) | |
0 | 231 | \ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -0,0 +1,288 @@ |
1 | +/** | |
2 | + * A class to parse color values | |
3 | + * @author Stoyan Stefanov <> | |
4 | + * @link | |
5 | + * @license Use it if you like it | |
6 | + */ | |
7 | +function RGBColor(color_string) | |
8 | +{ | |
9 | + this.ok = false; | |
10 | + | |
11 | + // strip any leading # | |
12 | + if (color_string.charAt(0) == '#') { // remove # if any | |
13 | + color_string = color_string.substr(1,6); | |
14 | + } | |
15 | + | |
16 | + color_string = color_string.replace(/ /g,''); | |
17 | + color_string = color_string.toLowerCase(); | |
18 | + | |
19 | + // before getting into regexps, try simple matches | |
20 | + // and overwrite the input | |
21 | + var simple_colors = { | |
22 | + aliceblue: 'f0f8ff', | |
23 | + antiquewhite: 'faebd7', | |
24 | + aqua: '00ffff', | |
25 | + aquamarine: '7fffd4', | |
26 | + azure: 'f0ffff', | |
27 | + beige: 'f5f5dc', | |
28 | + bisque: 'ffe4c4', | |
29 | + black: '000000', | |
30 | + blanchedalmond: 'ffebcd', | |
31 | + blue: '0000ff', | |
32 | + blueviolet: '8a2be2', | |
33 | + brown: 'a52a2a', | |
34 | + burlywood: 'deb887', | |
35 | + cadetblue: '5f9ea0', | |
36 | + chartreuse: '7fff00', | |
37 | + chocolate: 'd2691e', | |
38 | + coral: 'ff7f50', | |
39 | + cornflowerblue: '6495ed', | |
40 | + cornsilk: 'fff8dc', | |
41 | + crimson: 'dc143c', | |
42 | + cyan: '00ffff', | |
43 | + darkblue: '00008b', | |
44 | + darkcyan: '008b8b', | |
45 | + darkgoldenrod: 'b8860b', | |
46 | + darkgray: 'a9a9a9', | |
47 | + darkgreen: '006400', | |
48 | + darkkhaki: 'bdb76b', | |
49 | + darkmagenta: '8b008b', | |
50 | + darkolivegreen: '556b2f', | |
51 | + darkorange: 'ff8c00', | |
52 | + darkorchid: '9932cc', | |
53 | + darkred: '8b0000', | |
54 | + darksalmon: 'e9967a', | |
55 | + darkseagreen: '8fbc8f', | |
56 | + darkslateblue: '483d8b', | |
57 | + darkslategray: '2f4f4f', | |
58 | + darkturquoise: '00ced1', | |
59 | + darkviolet: '9400d3', | |
60 | + deeppink: 'ff1493', | |
61 | + deepskyblue: '00bfff', | |
62 | + dimgray: '696969', | |
63 | + dodgerblue: '1e90ff', | |
64 | + feldspar: 'd19275', | |
65 | + firebrick: 'b22222', | |
66 | + floralwhite: 'fffaf0', | |
67 | + forestgreen: '228b22', | |
68 | + fuchsia: 'ff00ff', | |
69 | + gainsboro: 'dcdcdc', | |
70 | + ghostwhite: 'f8f8ff', | |
71 | + gold: 'ffd700', | |
72 | + goldenrod: 'daa520', | |
73 | + gray: '808080', | |
74 | + green: '008000', | |
75 | + greenyellow: 'adff2f', | |
76 | + honeydew: 'f0fff0', | |
77 | + hotpink: 'ff69b4', | |
78 | + indianred : 'cd5c5c', | |
79 | + indigo : '4b0082', | |
80 | + ivory: 'fffff0', | |
81 | + khaki: 'f0e68c', | |
82 | + lavender: 'e6e6fa', | |
83 | + lavenderblush: 'fff0f5', | |
84 | + lawngreen: '7cfc00', | |
85 | + lemonchiffon: 'fffacd', | |
86 | + lightblue: 'add8e6', | |
87 | + lightcoral: 'f08080', | |
88 | + lightcyan: 'e0ffff', | |
89 | + lightgoldenrodyellow: 'fafad2', | |
90 | + lightgrey: 'd3d3d3', | |
91 | + lightgreen: '90ee90', | |
92 | + lightpink: 'ffb6c1', | |
93 | + lightsalmon: 'ffa07a', | |
94 | + lightseagreen: '20b2aa', | |
95 | + lightskyblue: '87cefa', | |
96 | + lightslateblue: '8470ff', | |
97 | + lightslategray: '778899', | |
98 | + lightsteelblue: 'b0c4de', | |
99 | + lightyellow: 'ffffe0', | |
100 | + lime: '00ff00', | |
101 | + limegreen: '32cd32', | |
102 | + linen: 'faf0e6', | |
103 | + magenta: 'ff00ff', | |
104 | + maroon: '800000', | |
105 | + mediumaquamarine: '66cdaa', | |
106 | + mediumblue: '0000cd', | |
107 | + mediumorchid: 'ba55d3', | |
108 | + mediumpurple: '9370d8', | |
109 | + mediumseagreen: '3cb371', | |
110 | + mediumslateblue: '7b68ee', | |
111 | + mediumspringgreen: '00fa9a', | |
112 | + mediumturquoise: '48d1cc', | |
113 | + mediumvioletred: 'c71585', | |
114 | + midnightblue: '191970', | |
115 | + mintcream: 'f5fffa', | |
116 | + mistyrose: 'ffe4e1', | |
117 | + moccasin: 'ffe4b5', | |
118 | + navajowhite: 'ffdead', | |
119 | + navy: '000080', | |
120 | + oldlace: 'fdf5e6', | |
121 | + olive: '808000', | |
122 | + olivedrab: '6b8e23', | |
123 | + orange: 'ffa500', | |
124 | + orangered: 'ff4500', | |
125 | + orchid: 'da70d6', | |
126 | + palegoldenrod: 'eee8aa', | |
127 | + palegreen: '98fb98', | |
128 | + paleturquoise: 'afeeee', | |
129 | + palevioletred: 'd87093', | |
130 | + papayawhip: 'ffefd5', | |
131 | + peachpuff: 'ffdab9', | |
132 | + peru: 'cd853f', | |
133 | + pink: 'ffc0cb', | |
134 | + plum: 'dda0dd', | |
135 | + powderblue: 'b0e0e6', | |
136 | + purple: '800080', | |
137 | + red: 'ff0000', | |
138 | + rosybrown: 'bc8f8f', | |
139 | + royalblue: '4169e1', | |
140 | + saddlebrown: '8b4513', | |
141 | + salmon: 'fa8072', | |
142 | + sandybrown: 'f4a460', | |
143 | + seagreen: '2e8b57', | |
144 | + seashell: 'fff5ee', | |
145 | + sienna: 'a0522d', | |
146 | + silver: 'c0c0c0', | |
147 | + skyblue: '87ceeb', | |
148 | + slateblue: '6a5acd', | |
149 | + slategray: '708090', | |
150 | + snow: 'fffafa', | |
151 | + springgreen: '00ff7f', | |
152 | + steelblue: '4682b4', | |
153 | + tan: 'd2b48c', | |
154 | + teal: '008080', | |
155 | + thistle: 'd8bfd8', | |
156 | + tomato: 'ff6347', | |
157 | + turquoise: '40e0d0', | |
158 | + violet: 'ee82ee', | |
159 | + violetred: 'd02090', | |
160 | + wheat: 'f5deb3', | |
161 | + white: 'ffffff', | |
162 | + whitesmoke: 'f5f5f5', | |
163 | + yellow: 'ffff00', | |
164 | + yellowgreen: '9acd32' | |
165 | + }; | |
166 | + for (var key in simple_colors) { | |
167 | + if (color_string == key) { | |
168 | + color_string = simple_colors[key]; | |
169 | + } | |
170 | + } | |
171 | + // emd of simple type-in colors | |
172 | + | |
173 | + // array of color definition objects | |
174 | + var color_defs = [ | |
175 | + { | |
176 | + re: /^rgb\((\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3})\)$/, | |
177 | + example: ['rgb(123, 234, 45)', 'rgb(255,234,245)'], | |
178 | + process: function (bits){ | |
179 | + return [ | |
180 | + parseInt(bits[1]), | |
181 | + parseInt(bits[2]), | |
182 | + parseInt(bits[3]) | |
183 | + ]; | |
184 | + } | |
185 | + }, | |
186 | + { | |
187 | + re: /^(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})$/, | |
188 | + example: ['#00ff00', '336699'], | |
189 | + process: function (bits){ | |
190 | + return [ | |
191 | + parseInt(bits[1], 16), | |
192 | + parseInt(bits[2], 16), | |
193 | + parseInt(bits[3], 16) | |
194 | + ]; | |
195 | + } | |
196 | + }, | |
197 | + { | |
198 | + re: /^(\w{1})(\w{1})(\w{1})$/, | |
199 | + example: ['#fb0', 'f0f'], | |
200 | + process: function (bits){ | |
201 | + return [ | |
202 | + parseInt(bits[1] + bits[1], 16), | |
203 | + parseInt(bits[2] + bits[2], 16), | |
204 | + parseInt(bits[3] + bits[3], 16) | |
205 | + ]; | |
206 | + } | |
207 | + } | |
208 | + ]; | |
209 | + | |
210 | + // search through the definitions to find a match | |
211 | + for (var i = 0; i < color_defs.length; i++) { | |
212 | + var re = color_defs[i].re; | |
213 | + var processor = color_defs[i].process; | |
214 | + var bits = re.exec(color_string); | |
215 | + if (bits) { | |
216 | + channels = processor(bits); | |
217 | + this.r = channels[0]; | |
218 | + this.g = channels[1]; | |
219 | + this.b = channels[2]; | |
220 | + this.ok = true; | |
221 | + } | |
222 | + | |
223 | + } | |
224 | + | |
225 | + // validate/cleanup values | |
226 | + this.r = (this.r < 0 || isNaN(this.r)) ? 0 : ((this.r > 255) ? 255 : this.r); | |
227 | + this.g = (this.g < 0 || isNaN(this.g)) ? 0 : ((this.g > 255) ? 255 : this.g); | |
228 | + this.b = (this.b < 0 || isNaN(this.b)) ? 0 : ((this.b > 255) ? 255 : this.b); | |
229 | + | |
230 | + // some getters | |
231 | + this.toRGB = function () { | |
232 | + return 'rgb(' + this.r + ', ' + this.g + ', ' + this.b + ')'; | |
233 | + } | |
234 | + this.toHex = function () { | |
235 | + var r = this.r.toString(16); | |
236 | + var g = this.g.toString(16); | |
237 | + var b = this.b.toString(16); | |
238 | + if (r.length == 1) r = '0' + r; | |
239 | + if (g.length == 1) g = '0' + g; | |
240 | + if (b.length == 1) b = '0' + b; | |
241 | + return '#' + r + g + b; | |
242 | + } | |
243 | + | |
244 | + // help | |
245 | + this.getHelpXML = function () { | |
246 | + | |
247 | + var examples = new Array(); | |
248 | + // add regexps | |
249 | + for (var i = 0; i < color_defs.length; i++) { | |
250 | + var example = color_defs[i].example; | |
251 | + for (var j = 0; j < example.length; j++) { | |
252 | + examples[examples.length] = example[j]; | |
253 | + } | |
254 | + } | |
255 | + // add type-in colors | |
256 | + for (var sc in simple_colors) { | |
257 | + examples[examples.length] = sc; | |
258 | + } | |
259 | + | |
260 | + var xml = document.createElement('ul'); | |
261 | + xml.setAttribute('id', 'rgbcolor-examples'); | |
262 | + for (var i = 0; i < examples.length; i++) { | |
263 | + try { | |
264 | + var list_item = document.createElement('li'); | |
265 | + var list_color = new RGBColor(examples[i]); | |
266 | + var example_div = document.createElement('div'); | |
267 | + = | |
268 | + 'margin: 3px; ' | |
269 | + + 'border: 1px solid black; ' | |
270 | + + 'background:' + list_color.toHex() + '; ' | |
271 | + + 'color:' + list_color.toHex() | |
272 | + ; | |
273 | + example_div.appendChild(document.createTextNode('test')); | |
274 | + var list_item_value = document.createTextNode( | |
275 | + ' ' + examples[i] + ' -> ' + list_color.toRGB() + ' -> ' + list_color.toHex() | |
276 | + ); | |
277 | + list_item.appendChild(example_div); | |
278 | + list_item.appendChild(list_item_value); | |
279 | + xml.appendChild(list_item); | |
280 | + | |
281 | + } catch(e){} | |
282 | + } | |
283 | + return xml; | |
284 | + | |
285 | + } | |
286 | + | |
287 | +} | |
288 | + | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
1 | +AmCharts.AmFunnelChart=AmCharts.Class({inherits:AmCharts.AmSlicedChart,construct:function(u){this.type="funnel";,u);this.cname="AmFunnelChart";this.startX=this.startY=0;this.baseWidth="100%";this.neckHeight=this.neckWidth=0;this.rotate=!1;this.valueRepresents="height";this.pullDistance=30;this.labelPosition="center";this.labelText="[[title]]: [[value]]";this.balloonText="[[title]]: [[value]]\n[[description]]";AmCharts.applyTheme(this,u,this.cname)},drawChart:function(){; | |
2 | +var u=this.chartData;if(AmCharts.ifArray(u))if(0<this.realWidth&&0<this.realHeight){var t=this.container,D=this.startDuration,k=this.rotate,x=this.updateWidth();this.realWidth=x;var g=this.updateHeight();this.realHeight=g;var q=AmCharts.toCoordinate,A=q(this.marginLeft,x),v=q(this.marginRight,x),a=q(this.marginTop,g)+this.getTitleHeight(),q=q(this.marginBottom,g),v=x-A-v,y=AmCharts.toCoordinate(this.baseWidth,v),l=AmCharts.toCoordinate(this.neckWidth,v),z=g-q-a,w=AmCharts.toCoordinate(this.neckHeight, | |
3 | +z),r=a+z-w;k&&(a=g-q,r=a-z+w);this.firstSliceY=a;AmCharts.VML&&(this.startAlpha=1);for(var h=v/2+A,E=(z-w)/((y-l)/2),m=y/2,y=(z-w)*(y+l)/2+l*w,B=a,F=0,w=0;w<u.length;w++){var c=u[w],d;if(!0!==c.hidden){var n=[],e=[],b;if("height"==this.valueRepresents)b=z*c.percents/100;else{var p=-y*c.percents/100/2,C=m;d=-1/(2*E);b=Math.pow(C,2)-4*d*p;0>b&&(b=0);b=(Math.sqrt(b)-C)/(2*d);if(!k&&a>=r||k&&a<=r)b=2*-p/l;else if(!k&&a+b>r||k&&a-b<r)d=k?Math.round(b+(a-b-r)):Math.round(b-(a+b-r)),b=d/E,b=d+2*(-p-(C-b/ | |
4 | +2)*d)/l}p=m-b/E;C=!1;!k&&a+b>r||k&&a-b<r?(p=l/2,n.push(h-m,h+m,h+p,h+p,h-p,h-p),k?(d=b+(a-b-r),a<r&&(d=0),e.push(a,a,a-d,a-b,a-b,a-d,a)):(d=b-(a+b-r),a>r&&(d=0),e.push(a,a,a+d,a+b,a+b,a+d,a)),C=!0):(n.push(h-m,h+m,h+p,h-p),k?e.push(a,a,a-b,a-b):e.push(a,a,a+b,a+b));t.set();d=t.set();n=AmCharts.polygon(t,n,e,c.color,c.alpha,this.outlineThickness,this.outlineColor,this.outlineAlpha);d.push(n);this.graphsSet.push(d);c.wedge=d;c.index=w;if(e=this.gradientRatio){var s=[],f;for(f=0;f<e.length;f++)s.push(AmCharts.adjustLuminosity(c.color, | |
5 | +e[f]));0<s.length&&n.gradient("linearGradient",s);c.pattern&&n.pattern(c.pattern)}0<D&&(this.chartCreated||d.setAttr("opacity",this.startAlpha));this.addEventListeners(d,c);c.ty0=a-b/2;this.labelsEnabled&&this.labelText&&c.percents>=this.hideLabelsPercent&&(e=this.formatString(this.labelText,c),(n=this.labelFunction)&&(e=n(c,e)),s=c.labelColor,s||(s=this.color),n=this.labelPosition,f="left","center"==n&&(f="middle"),"left"==n&&(f="right"),e=AmCharts.wrappedText(t,e,s,this.fontFamily,this.fontSize, | |
6 | +f,!1,this.maxLabelWidth),"none",d.push(e),s=h,k?(f=a-b/2,c.ty0=f):(f=a+b/2,c.ty0=f,f<B+F+5&&(f=B+F+5),f>g-q&&(f=g-q)),"right"==n&&(s=v+10+A,c.tx0=h+(m-b/2/E),C&&(c.tx0=h+p)),"left"==n&&(c.tx0=h-(m-b/2/E),C&&(c.tx0=h-p),s=A),c.label=e,c.labelX=s,c.labelY=f,c.labelHeight=e.getBBox().height,e.translate(s,f),m=e.getBBox(),B=AmCharts.rect(t,m.width+5,m.height+5,"#ffffff",.005),B.translate(s+m.x,f+m.y),d.push(B),c.hitRect=B,F=e.getBBox().height,B=f);(0===c.alpha||0<D&&!this.chartCreated)&& | |
7 | +d.hide();a=k?a-b:a+b;m=p;c.startX=AmCharts.toCoordinate(this.startX,x);c.startY=AmCharts.toCoordinate(this.startY,g);c.pullX=AmCharts.toCoordinate(this.pullDistance,x);c.pullY=0;c.balloonX=h;c.balloonY=c.ty0}}this.arrangeLabels();this.initialStart();(u=this.legend)&&u.invalidateSize()}else this.cleanChart();this.dispDUpd();this.chartCreated=!0},arrangeLabels:function(){var u=this.rotate,t;t=u?0:this.realHeight;for(var D=0,k=this.chartData,x=k.length,g,q=0;q<x;q++){g=k[x-q-1];var A=g.label,v=g.labelY, | |
8 | +a=g.labelX,y=g.labelHeight,l=v;u?t+D+5>v&&(l=t+D+5):v+y+5>t&&(l=t-5-y);t=l;D=y;if(A){A.translate(a,l);var z=A.getBBox()}g.hitRect.translate(a+z.x,l+z.y);g.labelY=l;g.tx=a;g.ty=l;g.tx2=a}"center"!=this.labelPosition&&this.drawTicks()}}); | |
0 | 9 | \ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ |
1 | +AmCharts.GaugeAxis=AmCharts.Class({construct:function(a){this.cname="GaugeAxis";this.radius="95%";this.startAngle=-120;this.endAngle=120;this.startValue=0;this.endValue=200;this.gridCount=5;this.tickLength=10;this.minorTickLength=5;this.tickColor="#555555";this.labelFrequency=this.tickThickness=this.tickAlpha=1;this.inside=!0;this.labelOffset=10;this.showLastLabel=this.showFirstLabel=!0;this.axisThickness=1;this.axisColor="#000000";this.axisAlpha=1;this.gridInside=!0;this.topTextYOffset=0;this.topTextBold= | |
2 | +!0;this.bottomTextYOffset=0;this.bottomTextBold=!0;this.centerY=this.centerX="0%";this.bandOutlineAlpha=this.bandOutlineThickness=0;this.bandOutlineColor="#000000";this.bandAlpha=1;AmCharts.applyTheme(this,a,"GaugeAxis")},value2angle:function(a){return(a-this.startValue)/(this.endValue-this.startValue)*(this.endAngle-this.startAngle)+this.startAngle},setTopText:function(a){if(void 0!==a){this.topText=a;var b=this.chart;if(this.axisCreated){this.topTF&&this.topTF.remove();var c=this.topTextFontSize; | |
3 | +c||(c=b.fontSize);var d=this.topTextColor;d||(d=b.color);a=AmCharts.text(b.container,a,d,b.fontFamily,c,void 0,this.topTextBold);a.translate(this.centerXReal,this.centerYReal-this.radiusReal/2+this.topTextYOffset);this.chart.graphsSet.push(a);this.topTF=a}}},setBottomText:function(a){if(void 0!==a){this.bottomText=a;var b=this.chart;if(this.axisCreated){this.bottomTF&&this.bottomTF.remove();var c=this.bottomTextFontSize;c||(c=b.fontSize);var d=this.bottomTextColor;d||(d=b.color);a=AmCharts.text(b.container, | |
4 | +a,d,b.fontFamily,c,void 0,this.bottomTextBold);a.translate(this.centerXReal,this.centerYReal+this.radiusReal/2+this.bottomTextYOffset);this.bottomTF=a;this.chart.graphsSet.push(a)}}},draw:function(){var a=this.chart,b=a.graphsSet,c=this.startValue,d=this.endValue,f=this.valueInterval;isNaN(f)&&(f=(d-c)/this.gridCount);var m=this.minorTickInterval;isNaN(m)&&(m=f/5);var p=this.startAngle,k=this.endAngle,e=this.tickLength,l=(d-c)/f+1,g=(k-p)/(l-1);this.singleValueAngle=d=g/f;var h=a.container,q=this.tickColor, | |
5 | +u=this.tickAlpha,C=this.tickThickness,D=f/m,F=g/D,m=this.minorTickLength,I=this.labelFrequency,s=this.radiusReal;this.inside||(s-=15);var y=a.centerX+AmCharts.toCoordinate(this.centerX,a.realWidth),z=a.centerY+AmCharts.toCoordinate(this.centerY,a.realHeight);this.centerXReal=y;this.centerYReal=z;var J={fill:this.axisColor,"fill-opacity":this.axisAlpha,"stroke-width":0,"stroke-opacity":0},n,A;this.gridInside?A=n=s:(n=s-e,A=n+m);var r=this.axisThickness/2,k=AmCharts.wedge(h,y,z,p,k-p,n+r,n+r,n-r,0, | |
6 | +J);b.push(k);k=AmCharts.doNothing;AmCharts.isModern||(k=Math.round);J=AmCharts.getDecimals(f);for(n=0;n<l;n++){var w=c+n*f,r=p+n*g,v=k(y+s*Math.sin(r/180*Math.PI)),B=k(z-s*Math.cos(r/180*Math.PI)),x=k(y+(s-e)*Math.sin(r/180*Math.PI)),t=k(z-(s-e)*Math.cos(r/180*Math.PI)),v=AmCharts.line(h,[v,x],[B,t],q,u,C,0,!1,!1,!0);b.push(v);v=-1;x=this.labelOffset;this.inside||(x=-x-e,v=1);var B=Math.sin(r/180*Math.PI),t=Math.cos(r/180*Math.PI),B=y+(s-e-x)*B,x=z-(s-e-x)*t,E=this.fontSize;isNaN(E)&&(E=a.fontSize); | |
7 | +var t=Math.sin((r-90)/180*Math.PI),K=Math.cos((r-90)/180*Math.PI);if(0<I&&n/I==Math.round(n/I)&&(this.showLastLabel||n!=l-1)&&(this.showFirstLabel||0!==n)){var G=AmCharts.formatNumber(w,,J),H=this.unit;H&&(G="left"==this.unitPosition?H+G:G+H);(H=this.labelFunction)&&(G=H(w));w=AmCharts.text(h,G,a.color,a.fontFamily,E);E=w.getBBox();w.translate(B+v*E.width/2*K,x+v*E.height/2*t);b.push(w)}if(n<l-1)for(w=1;w<D;w++)t=r+F*w,v=k(y+A*Math.sin(t/180*Math.PI)),B=k(z-A*Math.cos(t/180*Math.PI)),x=k(y+(A- | |
8 | +m)*Math.sin(t/180*Math.PI)),t=k(z-(A-m)*Math.cos(t/180*Math.PI)),v=AmCharts.line(h,[v,x],[B,t],q,u,C,0,!1,!1,!0),b.push(v)}if(b=this.bands)for(c=0;c<b.length;c++)if(f=b[c])q=f.startValue,u=f.endValue,e=AmCharts.toCoordinate(f.radius,s),isNaN(e)&&(e=A),l=AmCharts.toCoordinate(f.innerRadius,s),isNaN(l)&&(l=e-m),g=p+d*(q-this.startValue),u=d*(u-q),C=f.outlineColor,void 0==C&&(C=this.bandOutlineColor),D=f.outlineThickness,isNaN(D)&&(D=this.bandOutlineThickness),F=f.outlineAlpha,isNaN(F)&&(F=this.bandOutlineAlpha), | |
9 | +q=f.alpha,isNaN(q)&&(q=this.bandAlpha),e=AmCharts.wedge(h,y,z,g,u,e,e,l,0,{fill:f.color,stroke:C,"stroke-width":D,"stroke-opacity":F}),e.setAttr("opacity",q),a.gridSet.push(e),this.addEventListeners(e,f);this.axisCreated=!0;this.setTopText(this.topText);this.setBottomText(this.bottomText);a=a.graphsSet.getBBox();this.width=a.width;this.height=a.height},addEventListeners:function(a,b){var c=this.chart;a.mouseover(function(a){c.showBalloon(b.balloonText,b.color,!0)}).mouseout(function(a){c.hideBalloon()})}});AmCharts.GaugeArrow=AmCharts.Class({construct:function(a){this.cname="GaugeArrow";this.color="#000000";this.nailAlpha=this.alpha=1;this.startWidth=this.nailRadius=8;this.endWidth=0;this.borderAlpha=1;this.radius="90%";this.nailBorderAlpha=this.innerRadius=0;this.nailBorderThickness=1;this.frame=0;AmCharts.applyTheme(this,a,"GaugeArrow")},setValue:function(a){var b=this.chart;b?b.setValue?b.setValue(this,a):this.previousValue=this.value=a:this.previousValue=this.value=a}}); | |
10 | +AmCharts.GaugeBand=AmCharts.Class({construct:function(){this.cname="GaugeBand"}});AmCharts.AmAngularGauge=AmCharts.Class({inherits:AmCharts.AmChart,construct:function(a){this.cname="AmAngularGauge";,a);this.theme=a;this.type="gauge";this.minRadius=this.marginRight=this.marginBottom=this.marginTop=this.marginLeft=10;this.faceColor="#FAFAFA";this.faceAlpha=0;this.faceBorderWidth=1;this.faceBorderColor="#555555";this.faceBorderAlpha=0;this.arrows=[];this.axes=[];this.startDuration=1;this.startEffect="easeOutSine";this.adjustSize=!0; | |
11 | +this.extraHeight=this.extraWidth=0;AmCharts.applyTheme(this,a,this.cname)},addAxis:function(a){this.axes.push(a)},formatString:function(a,b){return a=AmCharts.formatValue(a,b,["value"],,"",this.usePrefixes,this.prefixesOfSmallNumbers,this.prefixesOfBigNumbers)},initChart:function(){;var a;0===this.axes.length&&(a=new AmCharts.GaugeAxis(this.theme),this.addAxis(a));var b;for(b=0;b<this.axes.length;b++)a=this.axes[b],a=AmCharts.processObject(a, | |
12 | +AmCharts.GaugeAxis,this.theme),a.chart=this,this.axes[b]=a;var c=this.arrows;for(b=0;b<c.length;b++){a=c[b];a=AmCharts.processObject(a,AmCharts.GaugeArrow,this.theme);a.chart=this;c[b]=a;var d=a.axis;AmCharts.isString(d)&&(a.axis=AmCharts.getObjById(this.axes,d));a.axis||(a.axis=this.axes[0]);isNaN(a.value)&&a.setValue(a.axis.startValue);isNaN(a.previousValue)&&(a.previousValue=a.axis.startValue)}this.setLegendData(c);this.drawChart();this.totalFrames=1E3*this.startDuration/AmCharts.updateRate},drawChart:function(){; | |
13 | +var a=this.container,b=this.updateWidth();this.realWidth=b;var c=this.updateHeight();this.realHeight=c;var d=AmCharts.toCoordinate,f=d(this.marginLeft,b),m=d(this.marginRight,b),p=d(this.marginTop,c)+this.getTitleHeight(),k=d(this.marginBottom,c),e=d(this.radius,b,c),d=b-f-m,l=c-p-k+this.extraHeight;e||(e=Math.min(d,l)/2);e<this.minRadius&&(e=this.minRadius);this.radiusReal=e;this.centerX=(b-f-m)/2+f;this.centerY=(c-p-k)/2+p+this.extraHeight/2;isNaN(this.gaugeX)||(this.centerX=this.gaugeX);isNaN(this.gaugeY)|| | |
14 | +(this.centerY=this.gaugeY);var b=this.faceAlpha,c=this.faceBorderAlpha,g;if(0<b||0<c),e,this.faceColor,b,this.faceBorderWidth,this.faceBorderColor,c,!1),g.translate(this.centerX,this.centerY),g.toBack(),(a=this.facePattern)&&g.pattern(a);for(b=e=a=0;b<this.axes.length;b++){c=this.axes[b];f=c.radius;c.radiusReal=AmCharts.toCoordinate(f,this.radiusReal);c.draw();if(-1!==f.indexOf("%"))var h=1+(100-Number(f.substr(0,f.length-1)))/100;c.width*h>a&&(a=c.width*h);c.height*h>e&&(e=c.height* | |
15 | +h)}(h=this.legend)&&h.invalidateSize();if(this.adjustSize&&!this.chartCreated){g&&(g=g.getBBox(),g.width>a&&(a=g.width),g.height>e&&(e=g.height));g=0;if(l>e||d>a)g=Math.min(l-e,d-a);0<g&&(this.extraHeight=l-e,this.chartCreated=!0,this.validateNow())}this.dispDUpd();this.chartCreated=!0},validateSize:function(){this.extraHeight=this.extraWidth=0;this.chartCreated=!1;},addArrow:function(a){this.arrows.push(a)},removeArrow:function(a){AmCharts.removeFromArray(this.arrows, | |
16 | +a);this.validateNow()},removeAxis:function(a){AmCharts.removeFromArray(this.axes,a);this.validateNow()},drawArrow:function(a,b){a.set&&a.set.remove();var c=this.container;a.set=c.set();if(!a.hidden){var d=a.axis,f=d.radiusReal,m=d.centerXReal,p=d.centerYReal,k=a.startWidth,e=a.endWidth,l=AmCharts.toCoordinate(a.innerRadius,d.radiusReal),g=AmCharts.toCoordinate(a.radius,d.radiusReal);d.inside||(g-=15);var h=a.nailColor;h||(h=a.color);var q=a.nailColor;q||(q=a.color);,a.nailRadius, | |
17 | +h,a.nailAlpha,a.nailBorderThickness,h,a.nailBorderAlpha);a.set.push(h);h.translate(m,p);isNaN(g)&&(g=f-d.tickLength);var d=Math.sin(b/180*Math.PI),f=Math.cos(b/180*Math.PI),h=Math.sin((b+90)/180*Math.PI),u=Math.cos((b+90)/180*Math.PI),c=AmCharts.polygon(c,[m-k/2*h+l*d,m+g*d-e/2*h,m+g*d+e/2*h,m+k/2*h+l*d],[p+k/2*u-l*f,p-g*f+e/2*u,p-g*f-e/2*u,p-k/2*u-l*f],a.color,a.alpha,1,q,a.borderAlpha,void 0,!0);a.set.push(c);this.graphsSet.push(a.set)}},setValue:function(a,b){a.axis&&a.axis.value2angle&&(a.axis.value2angle(b), | |
18 | +a.frame=0,a.previousValue=a.value);a.value=b;var c=this.legend;c&&c.updateValues()},handleLegendEvent:function(a){var b=a.type;a=a.dataItem;if(!{case "hideItem":this.hideArrow(a);break;case "showItem":this.showArrow(a)}},hideArrow:function(a){a.set.hide();a.hidden=!0},showArrow:function(a){;a.hidden=!1},updateAnimations:function(){;for(var a=this.arrows.length,b,c=0;c<a;c++){b=this.arrows[c];var d;b.frame>= | |
19 | +this.totalFrames?d=b.value:(b.frame++,b.clockWiseOnly&&b.value<b.previousValue&&(d=b.axis,b.previousValue-=d.endValue-d.startValue),d=AmCharts.getEffect(this.startEffect),d=AmCharts[d](0,b.frame,b.previousValue,b.value-b.previousValue,this.totalFrames),isNaN(d)&&(d=b.value));d=b.axis.value2angle(d);this.drawArrow(b,d)}}}); | |
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122 Bytes
122 Bytes
111 Bytes
111 Bytes
216 Bytes
213 Bytes
257 Bytes
262 Bytes
... | ... | @@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
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0 | 2 | \ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
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0 | 2 | \ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ |
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... | ... | @@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
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0 | 2 | \ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
1 | = {"monthNames":["Januar","Februar","Mars","Apríl","Mai","Juni","Juli","August","September","Oktober","November","Desember"],"shortMonthNames":["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","Mai","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Okt","Nov","Des"],"dayNames":["Mánadagur","Týsdagur","Mikudagur","Hósdagur","Fríggjadagur","Leygardagur","Sunnudagur"],"shortDayNames":["Mán","Týs","Mik","Hós","Frí","Ley","Sun"],"zoomOutText":"Show all"} | |
0 | 2 | \ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
1 | = {"monthNames":["Janvier","Février","Mars","Avril","Mai","Juin","Juillet","Août","Septembre","Octobre","Novembre","Décembre"],"shortMonthNames":["Janv.","Févr.","Mars","Avril","Mai","Juin","Juil.","Août","Sept.","Oct.","Nov.","Déc."],"dayNames":["Lundi","Mardi","Mercredi","Jeudi","Vendredi","Samedi","Dimanche"],"shortDayNames":["Lun.","Mar.","Mer.","Jeu.","Ven.","Sam.","Dim."],"zoomOutText":"Voir tous"} | |
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1 | = {"monthNames":["Siječanj","Veljača","Ožujak","Travanj","Svibanj","Lipanj","Srpanj","Kolovoz","Rujan","Listopad","Studeni","Prosinac"],"shortMonthNames":["Sij","Vel","Ožu","Tra","Svi","Lip","Srp","Kol","Ruj","Lis","Stu","Pro"],"dayNames":["Ponedjeljak","Utorak","Srijeda","Četvrtak","Petak","Subota","Nedjelja"],"shortDayNames":["Pon","Uto","Sri","Čet","Pet","Sub","Ned"],"zoomOutText":"Prikaži sve"} | |
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... | ... | @@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
1 | = {"monthNames":["Január","Február","Március","Április","Május","Június","Július","Augusztus","Szeptember","Október","November","December"],"shortMonthNames":["Jan","Febr","Márc","Ápr","Máj","Jún","Júl","Aug","Szept","Okt","Nov","Dec"],"dayNames":["Hétfő","Kedd","Szerda","Csütörtök","Péntek","Szombat","Vasárnap"],"shortDayNames":["H","K","Sze","Cs","P","Szo","V"],"zoomOutText":"Összes"} | |
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... | ... | @@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
1 | = {"monthNames":["Januari","Pebruari","Maret","April","Mei","Juni","Juli","Agustus","September","Oktober","November","Desember"],"shortMonthNames":["Jan","Peb","Mar","Apr","Mei","Jun","Jul","Agu","Sep","Okt","Nov","Des"],"dayNames":["Senin","Selasa","Rabu","Kamis","Jumat","Sabtu","Minggu"],"shortDayNames":["Sen","Sel","Rab","Kam","Jum","Sab","Min"],"zoomOutText":"Tampilkan semua"} | |
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1 | = {"monthNames":["Janúar","Febrúar","Mars","Apríl","Maí","Júní","Júlí","Ágúst","September","Október","Nóvember","Desember"],"shortMonthNames":["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","Maí","Jún","Júl","Ágú","Sep","Okt","Nóv","Des"],"dayNames":["Mánudagur","Þriðjudagur","Miðvikudagur","Fimmtudagur","Föstudagur","Laugardagur","Sunnudagur"],"shortDayNames":["Mán","Þri","Mið","Fim","Fös","Lau","Sun"],"zoomOutText":"Sýna allt"} | |
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... | ... | @@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
1 | = {"monthNames":["Gennaio","Febbraio","Marzo","Aprile","Maggio","Giugno","Luglio","Agosto","Settembre","Ottobre","Novembre","Dicembre"],"shortMonthNames":["Gen","Feb","Mar","Apr","Mag","Giu","Lug","Ago","Set","Ott","Nov","Dic"],"dayNames":["Lunedì","Martedì","Mercoledì","Giovedì","Venerdì","Sabato","Domenica"],"shortDayNames":["Lun","Mar","Mer","Gio","Ven","Sab","Dom"],"zoomOutText":"Mostra tutti"} | |
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... | ... | @@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
1 | = {"monthNames":["Sausio","Vasario","Kovo","Balandžio","Gegužės","Birželio","Liepos","Rugpjūčio","Rugsėjo","Spalio","Lapkričio","Gruodžio"],"shortMonthNames":["Sau","Vas","Kov","Bal","Geg","Bir","Lie","Rgp","Rgs","Spa","Lap","Grd"],"dayNames":["Pirmadienis","Antradienis","Trečiadienis","Ketvirtadienis","Penktadienis","Šeštadienis","Sekmadienis"],"shortDayNames":["Pr","An","Tr","Kt","Pn","Št","Sk"],"zoomOutText":"Rodyti viską"} | |
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... | ... | @@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
1 | = {"monthNames":["Janvāris","Februāris","Marts","Aprīlis","Maijs","Jūnijs","Jūlijs","Augusts","Septembris","Oktobris","Novembris","Decembris"],"shortMonthNames":["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","Mai","Jūn","Jūl","Aug","Sep","Okt","Nov","Dec"],"dayNames":["Pirmdiena","Otrdiena","Trešdiena","Ceturtdiena","Piektdiena","Sestdiena","Svētdiena"],"shortDayNames":["P ","O ","T ","C ","Pk","S ","Sv"],"zoomOutText":"Parādīt visu"} | |
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1 | = {"monthNames":["Јануари","Февруари","Март","Април","Мај","Јуни","Јули","Август","Септември","Октомври","Ноември","Декември"],"shortMonthNames":["Јан","Фев","Мар","Апр","Мај","Јун","Јул","Авг","Сеп","Окт","Ное","Дек"],"dayNames":["Понеделник","Вторник","Среда","Четврток","Петок","Сабота","Недела"],"shortDayNames":["Пон","Вто","Сре","Чет","Пет","Саб","Нед"],"zoomOutText":"Прикажи ги сите"} | |
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... | ... | @@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
1 | = {"monthNames":["Jannar","Frar","Marzu","April","Mejju","Ġunju","Lulju","Awwissu","Settembru","Ottubru","Novembru","Diċembru "],"shortMonthNames":["Jan","Fra","Mar","Apr","Mej","Ġun","Lul","Aww","Set","Ott","Nov","Diċ"],"dayNames":["It-tnejn","It-tlieta","L-erbgħa","Il-ħamis","Il-ġimgħa","Is-sibt","Il-ħadd"],"shortDayNames":["Tne","Tli","Erb","Ħam","Ġim","Sib","Ħad"],"zoomOutText":"Turi kollha"} | |
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... | ... | @@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
1 | = {"monthNames":["Januari","Februari","Maart","April","Mei","Juni","Juli","Augustus","September","Oktober","November","December"],"shortMonthNames":["Jan","Feb","Mrt","Apr","Mei","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Okt","Nov","Dec"],"dayNames":["Maandag","Dinsdag","Woensdag","Donderdag","Vrijdag","Zaterdag","Zondag"],"shortDayNames":["Ma","Di","Wo","Do","Vr","Za","Zo"],"zoomOutText":"Alles weergeven"} | |
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... | ... | @@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
1 | = {"monthNames":["Januar","Februar","Mars","April","Mai","Juni","Juli","August","September","Oktober","November","Desember"],"shortMonthNames":["Jan.","Feb.","Mars","April","Mai","Juni","Juli","Aug.","Sep.","Okt.","Nov.","Des."],"dayNames":["Mandag","Tirsdag","Onsdag","Torsdag","Fredag","Lørdag","Søndag"],"shortDayNames":["Ma.","Ti.","On.","To.","Fr.","Lø.","Sø."],"zoomOutText":"Vis alle"} | |
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... | ... | @@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
1 | = {"monthNames":["Styczeń","Luty","Marzec","Kwiecień","Maj","Czerwiec","Lipiec","Sierpień","Wrzesień","Październik","Listopad","Grudzień"],"shortMonthNames":["Sty","Lut","Mar","Kwi","Maj","Cze","Lip","Sie","Wrz","Paź","Lis","Gru"],"dayNames":["Poniedziałek","Wtorek","Środa","Czwartek","Piątek","Sobota","Niedziela"],"shortDayNames":["Pon","Wto","Śro","Czw","Pią","Sob","Nie"],"zoomOutText":"Pokaż wszystko"} | |
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... | ... | @@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
1 | = {"monthNames":["Ianuarie","Februarie","Martie","Aprilie","Mai","Iunie","Iulie","August","Septembrie","Octombrie","Noiembrie","Decembrie"],"shortMonthNames":["Ian","Feb","Mar","Apr","Mai","Iun","Iul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"],"dayNames":["Luni","Marţi","Miercuri","Joi","Vineri","Sâmbătă","Duminică"],"shortDayNames":["Lu","Ma","Mi","Jo","Vi","Sb","Du"],"zoomOutText":"Arată tot"} | |
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... | ... | @@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
1 | = {"monthNames":["Mutarama","Gashyantare","Werurwe","Mata","Gicuransi","Kamena","Nyakanga","Kanama","Nzeli","Ukwakira","Ugushyingo","Ukuboza"],"shortMonthNames":["Mut","Gas","Wer","Mat","Gic","Kam","Nya","Kan","Nze","Ukw","Ugu","Uku"],"dayNames":["Kuwa mbere","Kuwa kabiri","Kuwa gatatu","Kuwa kane","Kuwa gatanu","Kuwa gatandatu","Ku cyumweru"],"shortDayNames":["Mbe","Kab","Gtu","Kan","Gnu","Gnd","Mwe"],"zoomOutText":"Show all"} | |
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... | ... | @@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
1 | = {"monthNames":["Január","Február","Marec","Apríl","Máj","Jún","Júl","August","September","Október","November","December"],"shortMonthNames":["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","Máj","Jún","Júl","Aug","Sep","Okt","Nov","Dec"],"dayNames":["Pondelok","Utorok","Streda","Štvrtok","Piatok","Sobota","Nedeľa"],"shortDayNames":["Po","Ut","St","Št","Pi","So","Ne"],"zoomOutText":"Zobraziť všetky"} | |
0 | 2 | \ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
1 | = {"monthNames":["Bisha koobaad","Bisha labaad","Bisha saddexaad","Bisha afraad","Bisha shanaad","Bisha lixaad","Bisha todobaad","Bisha sideedaad","Bisha sagaalaad","Bisha tobnaad","Bisha kow iyo tobnaad","Bisha laba iyo tobnaad"],"shortMonthNames":["Kob","Lab","Sad","Afr","Sha","Lix","Tod","Sid","Sag","Tob","Kit","Lit"],"dayNames":["Isniin","Salaaso","Arbaco","Khamiis","Jimco","Sabti","Axad"],"shortDayNames":["Isn","Sal","Arb","Kha","Jim","Sab","Axa"],"zoomOutText":"Tus dhammaan"} | |
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... | ... | @@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
1 | = {"monthNames":["มกราคม","กุมภาพันธ์","มีนาคม","เมษายน","พฤษภาคม","มิถุนายน","กรกฎาคม","สิงหาคม","กันยายน","ตุลาคม","พฤศจิกายน","ธันวาคม"],"shortMonthNames":["ม.ค.","ก.พ.","มี.ค.","เม.ย.","พ.ค.","มิ.ย.","ก.ค.","ส.ค.","ก.ย.","ต.ค.","พ.ย.","ธ.ค."],"dayNames":["จันทร์","อังคาร","พุธ","พฤหัสบดี","ศุกร์","เสาร์","อาทิตย์"],"shortDayNames":["จ.","อ.","พ.","พฤ.","ศ.","ส.","อา."],"zoomOutText":"แสดงทั้งหมด"} | |
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... | ... | @@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
1 | = {"monthNames":["Ocak","Şubat","Mart","Nisan","Mayıs","Haziran","Temmuz","Ağustos","Eylül","Ekim","Kasım","Aralık"],"shortMonthNames":["Oca","Şub","Mar","Nis","May","Haz","Tem","Ağu","Eyl","Eki","Kas","Ara"],"dayNames":["Pazartesi","Salı","Çarşamba","Perşembe","Cuma","Cumartesi","Pazar"],"shortDayNames":["Pzt","Sal","Çrş","Prş","Cum","Cts","Paz"],"zoomOutText":"Tümünü göster"} | |
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4 | +a=this.chartData;if(AmCharts.ifArray(a)){if(0<this.realWidth&&0<this.realHeight){a=a.length-1;d=this.valueAxes;for(c=0;c<d.length;c++)d[c].zoom(0,a);d=this.graphs;for(c=0;c<d.length;c++)d[c].zoom(0,a);(a=this.legend)&&a.invalidateSize()}}else this.cleanChart();this.dispDUpd();this.chartCreated=!0},formatString:function(a,b,c){var d=b.graph;-1!=a.indexOf("[[category]]")&&(a=a.replace(/\[\[category\]\]/g,String(b.serialDataItem.category)));d=d.numberFormatter;d||(;a=AmCharts.formatValue(a, | |
5 | +b.values,["value"],d,"",this.usePrefixes,this.prefixesOfSmallNumbers,this.prefixesOfBigNumbers);-1!=a.indexOf("[[")&&(a=AmCharts.formatDataContextValue(a,b.dataContext));return,a,b,c)},cleanChart:function(){AmCharts.callMethod("destroy",[this.valueAxes,this.graphs])}});AmCharts.RadAxis=AmCharts.Class({construct:function(a){var b=a.chart,c=a.axisThickness,d=a.axisColor,m=a.axisAlpha,p=a.x,e=a.y;this.set=b.container.set();b.axesSet.push(this.set);var f=a.axisTitleOffset,n=a.radarCategoriesEnabled,l=a.chart.fontFamily,g=a.fontSize;void 0===g&&(g=a.chart.fontSize);var r=a.color;void 0===r&&(r=a.chart.color);if(b){this.axisWidth=a.height;a=b.chartData;var w=a.length,t;for(t=0;t<w;t++){var k=180-360/w*t,h=p+this.axisWidth*Math.sin(k/180*Math.PI),q=e+this.axisWidth*Math.cos(k/ | |
6 | +180*Math.PI);0<m&&(h=AmCharts.line(b.container,[p,h],[e,q],d,m,c),this.set.push(h));if(n){var u="start",h=p+(this.axisWidth+f)*Math.sin(k/180*Math.PI),q=e+(this.axisWidth+f)*Math.cos(k/180*Math.PI);if(180==k||0===k)u="middle",h-=5;0>k&&(u="end",h-=10);180==k&&(q-=5);0===k&&(q+=5);k=AmCharts.text(b.container,a[t].category,r,l,g,u);k.translate(h+5,q);this.set.push(k);k.getBBox()}}}}});AmCharts.RadItem=AmCharts.Class({construct:function(a,b,c,d,m,p,e,f){void 0===c&&(c="");var n=a.chart.fontFamily,l=a.fontSize;void 0===l&&(l=a.chart.fontSize);var g=a.color;void 0===g&&(g=a.chart.color);var r=a.chart.container;this.set=d=r.set();var w=a.axisColor,t=a.axisAlpha,k=a.tickLength,h=a.gridAlpha,q=a.gridThickness,u=a.gridColor,A=a.dashLength,B=a.fillColor,y=a.fillAlpha,C=a.labelsEnabled;m=a.counter;var D=a.inside,E=a.gridType,s,H=a.labelOffset;b-=a.height;var x;p=a.x;var F=a.y;e?(C=!0,isNaN(e.tickLength)|| | |
7 | +(k=e.tickLength),void 0!=e.lineColor&&(u=e.lineColor),isNaN(e.lineAlpha)||(h=e.lineAlpha),isNaN(e.dashLength)||(A=e.dashLength),isNaN(e.lineThickness)||(q=e.lineThickness),!0===e.inside&&(D=!0),void 0!==e.boldLabel&&(f=e.boldLabel)):c||(h/=3,k/=2);var G="end",z=-1;D&&(G="start",z=1);var v;C&&(v=AmCharts.text(r,c,g,n,l,G,f),v.translate(p+(k+3+H)*z,b),d.push(v),this.label=v,x=AmCharts.line(r,[p,p+k*z],[b,b],w,t,q),d.push(x));b=Math.round(a.y-b);f=[];n=[];if(0<h){if("polygons"==E){;for(l= | |
8 | +0;l<s;l++)g=180-360/s*l,f.push(b*Math.sin(g/180*Math.PI)),n.push(b*Math.cos(g/180*Math.PI));f.push(f[0]);n.push(n[0]);h=AmCharts.line(r,f,n,u,h,q,A)}else,b,"#FFFFFF",0,q,u,h);h.translate(p,F);d.push(h)}if(1==m&&0<y&&!e&&""!==c){e=a.previousCoord;if("polygons"==E){for(l=s;0<=l;l--)g=180-360/s*l,f.push(e*Math.sin(g/180*Math.PI)),n.push(e*Math.cos(g/180*Math.PI));s=AmCharts.polygon(r,f,n,B,y)}else s=AmCharts.wedge(r,0,0,0,360,b,b,e,0,{fill:B,"fill-opacity":y,stroke:"#000","stroke-opacity":0, | |
9 | +"stroke-width":1});d.push(s);s.translate(p,F)}!1===a.visible&&(x&&x.hide(),v&&v.hide());""!==c&&(a.counter=0===m?1:0,a.previousCoord=b)},graphics:function(){return this.set},getLabel:function(){return this.label}});AmCharts.RadarFill=AmCharts.Class({construct:function(a,b,c,d){b-=a.axisWidth;c-=a.axisWidth;var m=Math.max(b,c);b=c=Math.min(b,c);c=a.chart.container;var p=d.fillAlpha,e=d.fillColor,m=Math.abs(m-a.y);b=Math.abs(b-a.y);var f=Math.max(m,b);b=Math.min(m,b);m=f;f=d.angle+90;d=d.toAngle+90;isNaN(f)&&(f=0);isNaN(d)&&(d=360);this.set=c.set();void 0===e&&(e="#000000");isNaN(p)&&(p=0);if("polygons"==a.gridType){d=[];var n=[],,g;for(g=0;g<l;g++)f=180-360/l*g,d.push(m*Math.sin(f/180*Math.PI)), | |
10 | +n.push(m*Math.cos(f/180*Math.PI));d.push(d[0]);n.push(n[0]);for(g=l;0<=g;g--)f=180-360/l*g,d.push(b*Math.sin(f/180*Math.PI)),n.push(b*Math.cos(f/180*Math.PI));this.fill=AmCharts.polygon(c,d,n,e,p)}else this.fill=AmCharts.wedge(c,0,0,f,d-f,m,m,b,0,{fill:e,"fill-opacity":p,stroke:"#000","stroke-opacity":0,"stroke-width":1});this.set.push(this.fill);this.fill.translate(a.x,a.y)},graphics:function(){return this.set},getLabel:function(){}}); | |
0 | 11 | \ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ |
1 | +AmCharts.AmSerialChart=AmCharts.Class({inherits:AmCharts.AmRectangularChart,construct:function(a){this.type="serial";,a);this.cname="AmSerialChart";this.theme=a;this.createEvents("changed");this.columnSpacing=5;this.columnSpacing3D=0;this.columnWidth=.8;this.updateScrollbar=!0;var b=new AmCharts.CategoryAxis(a);b.chart=this;this.categoryAxis=b;this.zoomOutOnDataUpdate=!0;this.mouseWheelZoomEnabled=this.mouseWheelScrollEnabled=this.rotate=this.skipZoom= | |
2 | +!1;this.minSelectedTime=0;AmCharts.applyTheme(this,a,this.cname)},initChart:function(){;this.updateCategoryAxis(this.categoryAxis,this.rotate,"categoryAxis");this.dataChanged&&(this.updateData(),this.dataChanged=!1,this.dispatchDataUpdated=!0);var a=this.chartCursor;a&&(a.updateData(),a.fullWidth&&(a.fullRectSet=this.cursorLineSet));var a=this.countColumns(),b=this.graphs,c;for(c=0;c<b.length;c++)b[c].columnCount=a;this.updateScrollbar=!0;this.drawChart(); | |
3 | +this.autoMargins&&!this.marginsUpdated&&(this.marginsUpdated=!0,this.measureMargins());(this.mouseWheelScrollEnabled||this.mouseWheelZoomEnabled)&&this.addMouseWheel()},handleWheelReal:function(a,b){if(!this.wheelBusy){var c=this.categoryAxis,d=c.parseDates,c=c.minDuration(),e=1;this.mouseWheelZoomEnabled?b||(e=-1):b&&(e=-1);0>a?d?(d=this.startTime+e*c,c=this.endTime+1*c,this.zoomToDates(new Date(d),new Date(c))):(d=this.start+e,c=this.end+1,this.zoomToIndexes(d,c)):d?(d=this.startTime-e*c,c=this.endTime- | |
4 | +1*c,this.zoomToDates(new Date(d),new Date(c))):(d=this.start-e,c=this.end-1,this.zoomToIndexes(d,c))}},validateData:function(a){this.marginsUpdated=!1;this.zoomOutOnDataUpdate&&!a&&(this.endTime=this.end=this.startTime=this.start=NaN);},drawChart:function(){;var a=this.chartData;if(AmCharts.ifArray(a)){var b=this.chartScrollbar;b&&b.draw();if(0<this.realWidth&&0<this.realHeight){var a=a.length-1,c,b= | |
5 | +this.categoryAxis;if(b.parseDates&&!b.equalSpacing){if(b=this.startTime,c=this.endTime,isNaN(b)||isNaN(c))b=this.firstTime,c=this.lastTime}else if(b=this.start,c=this.end,isNaN(b)||isNaN(c))b=0,c=a;this.endTime=this.startTime=this.end=this.start=void 0;this.zoom(b,c)}}else this.cleanChart();this.dispDUpd();this.chartCreated=!0},cleanChart:function(){AmCharts.callMethod("destroy",[this.valueAxes,this.graphs,this.categoryAxis,this.chartScrollbar,this.chartCursor])},updateCategoryAxis:function(a,b,c){a.chart= | |
6 | +this;;a.rotate=b;a.axisRenderer=AmCharts.RecAxis;a.guideFillRenderer=AmCharts.RecFill;a.axisItemRenderer=AmCharts.RecItem;a.setOrientation(!this.rotate);a.x=this.marginLeftReal;a.y=this.marginTopReal;a.dx=this.dx;a.dy=this.dy;a.width=this.plotAreaWidth-1;a.height=this.plotAreaHeight-1;a.viW=this.plotAreaWidth-1;a.viH=this.plotAreaHeight-1;a.viX=this.marginLeftReal;a.viY=this.marginTopReal;a.marginsChanged=!0},updateValueAxes:function(){; | |
7 | +var a=this.valueAxes,b;for(b=0;b<a.length;b++){var c=a[b],d=this.rotate;c.rotate=d;c.setOrientation(d);d=this.categoryAxis;if(!d.startOnAxis||d.parseDates)c.expandMinMax=!0}},updateData:function(){this.parseData();var a=this.graphs,b,c=this.chartData;for(b=0;b<a.length;b++)a[b].data=c;0<c.length&&(this.firstTime=this.getStartTime(c[0].time),this.lastTime=this.getEndTime(c[c.length-1].time))},getStartTime:function(a){var b=this.categoryAxis;return AmCharts.resetDateToMin(new Date(a),b.minPeriod,1, | |
8 | +b.firstDayOfWeek).getTime()},getEndTime:function(a){var b=AmCharts.extractPeriod(this.categoryAxis.minPeriod);return AmCharts.changeDate(new Date(a),b.period,b.count,!0).getTime()-1},updateMargins:function(){;var a=this.chartScrollbar;a&&(this.getScrollbarPosition(a,this.rotate,this.categoryAxis.position),this.adjustMargins(a,this.rotate))},updateScrollbars:function(){;this.updateChartScrollbar(this.chartScrollbar, | |
9 | +this.rotate)},zoom:function(a,b){var c=this.categoryAxis;c.parseDates&&!c.equalSpacing?this.timeZoom(a,b):this.indexZoom(a,b);this.updateLegendValues()},timeZoom:function(a,b){var c=this.maxSelectedTime;isNaN(c)||(b!=this.endTime&&b-a>c&&(a=b-c,this.updateScrollbar=!0),a!=this.startTime&&b-a>c&&(b=a+c,this.updateScrollbar=!0));var d=this.minSelectedTime;if(0<d&&b-a<d){var e=Math.round(a+(b-a)/2),d=Math.round(d/2);a=e-d;b=e+d}var f=this.chartData,e=this.categoryAxis;if(AmCharts.ifArray(f)&&(a!=this.startTime|| | |
10 | +b!=this.endTime)){var l=e.minDuration(),d=this.firstTime,n=this.lastTime;a||(a=d,isNaN(c)||(a=n-c));b||(b=n);a>n&&(a=n);b<d&&(b=d);a<d&&(a=d);b>n&&(b=n);b<a&&(b=a+l);b-a<l/5&&(b<n?b=a+l/5:a=b-l/5);this.startTime=a;this.endTime=b;c=f.length-1;l=this.getClosestIndex(f,"time",a,!0,0,c);f=this.getClosestIndex(f,"time",b,!1,l,c);e.timeZoom(a,b);e.zoom(l,f);this.start=AmCharts.fitToBounds(l,0,c);this.end=AmCharts.fitToBounds(f,0,c);this.zoomAxesAndGraphs();this.zoomScrollbar();a!=d||b!=n?this.showZB(!0): | |
11 | +this.showZB(!1);this.updateColumnsDepth();this.dispatchTimeZoomEvent()}},indexZoom:function(a,b){var c=this.maxSelectedSeries;isNaN(c)||(b!=this.end&&b-a>c&&(a=b-c,this.updateScrollbar=!0),a!=this.start&&b-a>c&&(b=a+c,this.updateScrollbar=!0));if(a!=this.start||b!=this.end){var d=this.chartData.length-1;isNaN(a)&&(a=0,isNaN(c)||(a=d-c));isNaN(b)&&(b=d);b<a&&(b=a);b>d&&(b=d);a>d&&(a=d-1);0>a&&(a=0);this.start=a;this.end=b;this.categoryAxis.zoom(a,b);this.zoomAxesAndGraphs();this.zoomScrollbar();0!== | |
12 | +a||b!=this.chartData.length-1?this.showZB(!0):this.showZB(!1);this.updateColumnsDepth();this.dispatchIndexZoomEvent()}},updateGraphs:function(){;var a=this.graphs,b;for(b=0;b<a.length;b++){var c=a[b];c.columnWidthReal=this.columnWidth;c.categoryAxis=this.categoryAxis;AmCharts.isString(c.fillToGraph)&&(c.fillToGraph=this.getGraphById(c.fillToGraph))}},updateColumnsDepth:function(){var a,b=this.graphs,c;AmCharts.remove(this.columnsSet);this.columnsArray= | |
13 | +[];for(a=0;a<b.length;a++){c=b[a];var d=c.columnsArray;if(d){var e;for(e=0;e<d.length;e++)this.columnsArray.push(d[e])}}this.columnsArray.sort(this.compareDepth);if(0<this.columnsArray.length){b=this.container.set();this.columnSet.push(b);for(a=0;a<this.columnsArray.length;a++)b.push(this.columnsArray[a].column.set);c&&b.translate(c.x,c.y);this.columnsSet=b}},compareDepth:function(a,b){return a.depth>b.depth?1:-1},zoomScrollbar:function(){var a=this.chartScrollbar,b=this.categoryAxis;a&&this.updateScrollbar&& | |
14 | +(b.parseDates&&!b.equalSpacing?a.timeZoom(this.startTime,this.endTime):a.zoom(this.start,this.end),this.updateScrollbar=!0)},updateTrendLines:function(){var a=this.trendLines,b;for(b=0;b<a.length;b++){var c=a[b],c=AmCharts.processObject(c,AmCharts.TrendLine,this.theme);a[b]=c;c.chart=this;AmCharts.isString(c.valueAxis)&&(c.valueAxis=this.getValueAxisById(c.valueAxis));c.valueAxis||(c.valueAxis=this.valueAxes[0]);c.categoryAxis=this.categoryAxis}},zoomAxesAndGraphs:function(){if(!this.scrollbarOnly){var a= | |
15 | +this.valueAxes,b;for(b=0;b<a.length;b++)a[b].zoom(this.start,this.end);a=this.graphs;for(b=0;b<a.length;b++)a[b].zoom(this.start,this.end);this.zoomTrendLines();(b=this.chartCursor)&&b.zoom(this.start,this.end,this.startTime,this.endTime)}},countColumns:function(){var a=0,b=this.valueAxes.length,c=this.graphs.length,d,e,f=!1,l,n;for(n=0;n<b;n++){e=this.valueAxes[n];var k=e.stackType;if("100%"==k||"regular"==k)for(f=!1,l=0;l<c;l++)d=this.graphs[l],d.tcc=1,d.valueAxis==e&&"column"==d.type&&(!f&&d.stackable&& | |
16 | +(a++,f=!0),(!d.stackable&&d.clustered||d.newStack)&&a++,d.columnIndex=a-1,d.clustered||(d.columnIndex=0));if("none"==k||"3d"==k)for(l=0;l<c;l++)d=this.graphs[l],d.valueAxis==e&&"column"==d.type&&d.clustered&&(d.tcc=1,d.newStack&&(a=0),d.hidden||(d.columnIndex=a,a++));if("3d"==k){e=1;for(n=0;n<c;n++)d=this.graphs[n],d.newStack&&e++,d.depthCount=e,d.tcc=a;a=e}}return a},parseData:function(){;this.parseSerialData()},getCategoryIndexByValue:function(a){var b= | |
17 | +this.chartData,c,d;for(d=0;d<b.length;d++)b[d].category==a&&(c=d);return c},handleCursorChange:function(a){this.updateLegendValues(a.index)},handleCursorZoom:function(a){this.updateScrollbar=!0;this.zoom(a.start,a.end)},handleScrollbarZoom:function(a){this.updateScrollbar=!1;this.zoom(a.start,a.end)},dispatchTimeZoomEvent:function(){if(this.prevStartTime!=this.startTime||this.prevEndTime!=this.endTime){var a={type:"zoomed"};a.startDate=new Date(this.startTime);a.endDate=new Date(this.endTime);a.startIndex= | |
18 | +this.start;a.endIndex=this.end;this.startIndex=this.start;this.endIndex=this.end;this.startDate=a.startDate;this.endDate=a.endDate;this.prevStartTime=this.startTime;this.prevEndTime=this.endTime;var b=this.categoryAxis,c=AmCharts.extractPeriod(b.minPeriod).period,b=b.dateFormatsObject[c];a.startValue=AmCharts.formatDate(a.startDate,b);a.endValue=AmCharts.formatDate(a.endDate,b);a.chart=this;;,a)}},dispatchIndexZoomEvent:function(){if(this.prevStartIndex!=this.start||this.prevEndIndex!= | |
19 | +this.end){this.startIndex=this.start;this.endIndex=this.end;var a=this.chartData;if(AmCharts.ifArray(a)&&!isNaN(this.start)&&!isNaN(this.end)){var b={chart:this,target:this,type:"zoomed"};b.startIndex=this.start;b.endIndex=this.end;b.startValue=a[this.start].category;b.endValue=a[this.end].category;this.categoryAxis.parseDates&&(this.startTime=a[this.start].time,this.endTime=a[this.end].time,b.startDate=new Date(this.startTime),b.endDate=new Date(this.endTime));this.prevStartIndex=this.start;this.prevEndIndex= | |
20 | +this.end;,b)}}},updateLegendValues:function(a){var b=this.graphs,c;for(c=0;c<b.length;c++){var d=b[c];isNaN(a)?d.currentDataItem=void 0:d.currentDataItem=this.chartData[a].axes[].graphs[]}this.legend&&this.legend.updateValues()},getClosestIndex:function(a,b,c,d,e,f){0>e&&(e=0);f>a.length-1&&(f=a.length-1);var l=e+Math.round((f-e)/2),n=a[l][b];if(1>=f-e){if(d)return e;d=a[f][b];return Math.abs(a[e][b]-c)<Math.abs(d-c)?e:f}return c==n?l:c<n?this.getClosestIndex(a,b, | |
21 | +c,d,e,l):this.getClosestIndex(a,b,c,d,l,f)},zoomToIndexes:function(a,b){this.updateScrollbar=!0;var c=this.chartData;if(c){var d=c.length;0<d&&(0>a&&(a=0),b>d-1&&(b=d-1),d=this.categoryAxis,d.parseDates&&!d.equalSpacing?this.zoom(c[a].time,this.getEndTime(c[b].time)):this.zoom(a,b))}},zoomToDates:function(a,b){this.updateScrollbar=!0;var c=this.chartData;if(this.categoryAxis.equalSpacing){var d=this.getClosestIndex(c,"time",a.getTime(),!0,0,c.length);b=AmCharts.resetDateToMin(b,this.categoryAxis.minPeriod, | |
22 | +1);c=this.getClosestIndex(c,"time",b.getTime(),!1,0,c.length);this.zoom(d,c)}else this.zoom(a.getTime(),b.getTime())},zoomToCategoryValues:function(a,b){this.updateScrollbar=!0;this.zoom(this.getCategoryIndexByValue(a),this.getCategoryIndexByValue(b))},formatPeriodString:function(a,b){if(b){var c=["value","open","low","high","close"],d="value open low high close average sum count".split(" "),e=b.valueAxis,f=this.chartData,l=b.numberFormatter;l||(;for(var n=0;n<c.length;n++){for(var k=c[n], | |
23 | +g=0,h=0,m,u,r,s,p,v=0,q=0,x,t,y,w,C,B=this.start;B<=this.end;B++){var z=f[B];if(z&&(z=z.axes[].graphs[])){if(z.values){var A=z.values[k];if(!isNaN(A)){isNaN(m)&&(m=A);u=A;if(isNaN(r)||r>A)r=A;if(isNaN(s)||s<A)s=A;p=AmCharts.getDecimals(g);var D=AmCharts.getDecimals(A),g=g+A,g=AmCharts.roundTo(g,Math.max(p,D));h++;p=g/h}}if(z.percents&&(z=z.percents[k],!isNaN(z))){isNaN(x)&&(x=z);t=z;if(isNaN(y)||y>z)y=z;if(isNaN(w)||w<z)w=z;C=AmCharts.getDecimals(v);A=AmCharts.getDecimals(z);v+=z;v=AmCharts.roundTo(v, | |
24 | +Math.max(C,A));q++;C=v/q}}}v={open:x,close:t,high:w,low:y,average:C,sum:v,count:q};a=AmCharts.formatValue(a,{open:m,close:u,high:s,low:r,average:p,sum:g,count:h},d,l,k+"\\.",this.usePrefixes,this.prefixesOfSmallNumbers,this.prefixesOfBigNumbers);a=AmCharts.formatValue(a,v,d,,"percents\\."+k+"\\.")}}return a},formatString:function(a,b,c){var d=b.graph;if(-1!=a.indexOf("[[category]]")){var e=b.serialDataItem.category;if(this.categoryAxis.parseDates){var f=this.balloonDateFormat,l=this.chartCursor; | |
25 | +l&&(f=l.categoryBalloonDateFormat);-1!=a.indexOf("[[category]]")&&(f=AmCharts.formatDate(e,f),-1!=f.indexOf("fff")&&(f=AmCharts.formatMilliseconds(f,e)),e=f)}a=a.replace(/\[\[category\]\]/g,String(e))}d=d.numberFormatter;d||(;e=b.graph.valueAxis;(f=e.duration)&&!isNaN(b.values.value)&&(e=AmCharts.formatDuration(b.values.value,f,"",e.durationUnits,e.maxInterval,d),a=a.replace(RegExp("\\[\\[value\\]\\]","g"),e));e="value open low high close total".split(" ");;a=AmCharts.formatValue(a, | |
26 | +b.percents,e,f,"percents\\.");a=AmCharts.formatValue(a,b.values,e,d,"",this.usePrefixes,this.prefixesOfSmallNumbers,this.prefixesOfBigNumbers);a=AmCharts.formatValue(a,b.values,["percents"],f);-1!=a.indexOf("[[")&&(a=AmCharts.formatDataContextValue(a,b.dataContext));return,a,b,c)},addChartScrollbar:function(a){AmCharts.callMethod("destroy",[this.chartScrollbar]);a&&(a.chart=this,this.listenTo(a,"zoomed",this.handleScrollbarZoom));this.rotate?void 0=== | |
27 | +a.width&&(a.width=a.scrollbarHeight):void 0===a.height&&(a.height=a.scrollbarHeight);this.chartScrollbar=a},removeChartScrollbar:function(){AmCharts.callMethod("destroy",[this.chartScrollbar]);this.chartScrollbar=null},handleReleaseOutside:function(a){,a);AmCharts.callMethod("handleReleaseOutside",[this.chartScrollbar])}});AmCharts.Cuboid=AmCharts.Class({construct:function(a,b,c,d,e,f,l,n,k,g,h,m,u,r,s){this.set=a.set();this.container=a;this.h=Math.round(c);this.w=Math.round(b);this.dx=d;this.dy=e;this.colors=f;this.alpha=l;this.bwidth=n;this.bcolor=k;this.balpha=g;this.colors=f;this.dashLength=r;this.pattern=s;u?0>b&&0===h&&(h=180):0>c&&270==h&&(h=90);this.gradientRotation=h;0===d&&0===e&&(this.cornerRadius=m);this.draw()},draw:function(){var a=this.set;a.clear();var b=this.container,c=this.w,d=this.h,e=this.dx,f= | |
28 | +this.dy,l=this.colors,n=this.alpha,k=this.bwidth,g=this.bcolor,h=this.balpha,m=this.gradientRotation,u=this.cornerRadius,r=this.dashLength,s=this.pattern,p=l,v=l;"object"==typeof l&&(p=l[0],v=l[l.length-1]);var q,x,t,y,w,C,B,z,A,D=n;s&&(n=0);if(0<e||0<f)B=v,v=AmCharts.adjustLuminosity(p,-.2),v=AmCharts.adjustLuminosity(p,-.2),q=AmCharts.polygon(b,[0,e,c+e,c,0],[0,f,f,0,0],v,n,1,g,0,m),0<h&&(A=AmCharts.line(b,[0,e,c+e],[0,f,f],g,h,k,r)),x=AmCharts.polygon(b,[0,0,c,c,0],[0,d,d,0,0],v,n,1,g,0,m),x.translate(e, | |
29 | +f),0<h&&(t=AmCharts.line(b,[e,e],[f,f+d],g,h,k,r)),y=AmCharts.polygon(b,[0,0,e,e,0],[0,d,d+f,f,0],v,n,1,g,0,m),w=AmCharts.polygon(b,[c,c,c+e,c+e,c],[0,d,d+f,f,0],v,n,1,g,0,m),0<h&&(C=AmCharts.line(b,[c,c+e,c+e,c],[0,f,d+f,d],g,h,k,r)),v=AmCharts.adjustLuminosity(B,.2),B=AmCharts.polygon(b,[0,e,c+e,c,0],[d,d+f,d+f,d,d],v,n,1,g,0,m),0<h&&(z=AmCharts.line(b,[0,e,c+e],[d,d+f,d+f],g,h,k,r));n=D;1>Math.abs(d)&&(d=0);1>Math.abs(c)&&(c=0);b=0===d?AmCharts.line(b,[0,c],[0,0],g,h,k,r):0===c?AmCharts.line(b, | |
30 | +[0,0],[0,d],g,h,k,r):0<u?AmCharts.rect(b,c,d,l,n,k,g,h,u,m,r):AmCharts.polygon(b,[0,0,c,c,0],[0,d,d,0,0],l,n,k,g,h,m,!1,r);d=0>d?[q,A,x,t,y,w,C,B,z,b]:[B,z,x,t,y,w,q,A,C,b];for(q=0;q<d.length;q++)(x=d[q])&&a.push(x);s&&b.pattern(s)},width:function(a){this.w=a;this.draw()},height:function(a){this.h=a;this.draw()},animateHeight:function(a,b){var c=this;c.easing=b;c.totalFrames=Math.round(1E3*a/AmCharts.updateRate);c.rh=c.h;c.frame=0;c.height(1);setTimeout(function(){},AmCharts.updateRate)}, | |
31 | +updateHeight:function(){var a=this;a.frame++;var b=a.totalFrames;a.frame<=b&&(b=a.easing(0,a.frame,1,a.rh-1,b),a.height(b),setTimeout(function(){},AmCharts.updateRate))},animateWidth:function(a,b){var c=this;c.easing=b;c.totalFrames=Math.round(1E3*a/AmCharts.updateRate);;c.frame=0;c.width(1);setTimeout(function(){},AmCharts.updateRate)},updateWidth:function(){var a=this;a.frame++;var b=a.totalFrames;a.frame<=b&&(b=a.easing(0,a.frame,1,,b),a.width(b), | |
32 | +setTimeout(function(){},AmCharts.updateRate))}});AmCharts.CategoryAxis=AmCharts.Class({inherits:AmCharts.AxisBase,construct:function(a){this.cname="CategoryAxis";,a);this.minPeriod="DD";this.equalSpacing=this.parseDates=!1;this.position="bottom";this.startOnAxis=!1;this.firstDayOfWeek=1;this.gridPosition="middle";this.markPeriodChange=this.boldPeriodBeginning=!0;this.safeDistance=30;this.centerLabelOnFullPeriod=!0;this.periods=[{period:"ss",count:1},{period:"ss",count:5},{period:"ss",count:10},{period:"ss", | |
33 | +count:30},{period:"mm",count:1},{period:"mm",count:5},{period:"mm",count:10},{period:"mm",count:30},{period:"hh",count:1},{period:"hh",count:3},{period:"hh",count:6},{period:"hh",count:12},{period:"DD",count:1},{period:"DD",count:2},{period:"DD",count:3},{period:"DD",count:4},{period:"DD",count:5},{period:"WW",count:1},{period:"MM",count:1},{period:"MM",count:2},{period:"MM",count:3},{period:"MM",count:6},{period:"YYYY",count:1},{period:"YYYY",count:2},{period:"YYYY",count:5},{period:"YYYY",count:10}, | |
34 | +{period:"YYYY",count:50},{period:"YYYY",count:100}];this.dateFormats=[{period:"fff",format:"JJ:NN:SS"},{period:"ss",format:"JJ:NN:SS"},{period:"mm",format:"JJ:NN"},{period:"hh",format:"JJ:NN"},{period:"DD",format:"MMM DD"},{period:"WW",format:"MMM DD"},{period:"MM",format:"MMM"},{period:"YYYY",format:"YYYY"}];this.nextPeriod={};this.nextPeriod.fff="ss";"mm";"hh";this.nextPeriod.hh="DD";this.nextPeriod.DD="MM";this.nextPeriod.MM="YYYY";AmCharts.applyTheme(this, | |
35 | +a,this.cname)},draw:function(){;this.generateDFObject();var a=this.chart.chartData;;if(AmCharts.ifArray(a)){var b,c=this.chart,d=this.start,e=this.labelFrequency,f=0;b=this.end-d+1;var l=this.gridCountR,n=this.showFirstLabel,k=this.showLastLabel,g,h="",m=AmCharts.extractPeriod(this.minPeriod);g=AmCharts.getPeriodDuration(m.period,m.count);var u,r,s,p,v,q;u=this.rotate;var x=this.firstDayOfWeek,t=this.boldPeriodBeginning,a=AmCharts.resetDateToMin(new Date(a[a.length- | |
36 | +1].time+1.05*g),this.minPeriod,1,x).getTime(),y;this.endTime>a&&(this.endTime=a);q=this.minorGridEnabled;var w,a=this.gridAlpha,C;if(this.parseDates&&!this.equalSpacing){this.timeDifference=this.endTime-this.startTime;d=this.choosePeriod(0);e=d.period;u=d.count;r=AmCharts.getPeriodDuration(e,u);r<g&&(e=m.period,u=m.count,r=g);s=e;"WW"==s&&(s="DD");this.stepWidth=this.getStepWidth(this.timeDifference);var l=Math.ceil(this.timeDifference/r)+5,B=h=AmCharts.resetDateToMin(new Date(this.startTime-r),e, | |
37 | +u,x).getTime();s==e&&1==u&&this.centerLabelOnFullPeriod&&(v=r*this.stepWidth);this.cellWidth=g*this.stepWidth;b=Math.round(h/r);d=-1;b/2==Math.round(b/2)&&(d=-2,h-=r);var z=c.firstTime,A=0;q&&1<u&&(w=this.chooseMinorFrequency(u),C=AmCharts.getPeriodDuration(e,w));if(0<this.gridCountR)for(b=d;b<=l;b++){m=z+r*(b+Math.floor((B-z)/r))-A;"DD"==e&&(m+=36E5);m=AmCharts.resetDateToMin(new Date(m),e,u,x).getTime();"MM"==e&&(q=(m-h)/r,1.5<=(m-h)/r&&(m=m-(q-1)*r+AmCharts.getPeriodDuration("DD",3),m=AmCharts.resetDateToMin(new Date(m), | |
38 | +e,1).getTime(),A+=r));g=(m-this.startTime)*this.stepWidth;q=!1;this.nextPeriod[s]&&(q=this.checkPeriodChange(this.nextPeriod[s],1,m,h,s));y=!1;q&&this.markPeriodChange?(q=this.dateFormatsObject[this.nextPeriod[s]],this.twoLineMode&&(q=this.dateFormatsObject[s]+"\n"+q,q=AmCharts.fixBrakes(q)),y=!0):q=this.dateFormatsObject[s];t||(y=!1);h=AmCharts.formatDate(new Date(m),q);if(b==d&&!n||b==l&&!k)h=" ";this.labelFunction&&(h=this.labelFunction(h,new Date(m),this,e,u,p).toString());this.boldLabels&&(y= | |
39 | +!0);p=new this.axisItemRenderer(this,g,h,!1,v,0,!1,y);this.pushAxisItem(p);p=h=m;if(!isNaN(w))for(g=1;g<u;g+=w)this.gridAlpha=this.minorGridAlpha,q=m+C*g,q=AmCharts.resetDateToMin(new Date(q),e,w,x).getTime(),q=new this.axisItemRenderer(this,(q-this.startTime)*this.stepWidth),this.pushAxisItem(q);this.gridAlpha=a}}else if(!this.parseDates){if(this.cellWidth=this.getStepWidth(b),b<l&&(l=b),f+=this.start,this.stepWidth=this.getStepWidth(b),0<l)for(t=Math.floor(b/l),w=this.chooseMinorFrequency(t),g= | |
40 | +f,g/2==Math.round(g/2)&&g--,0>g&&(g=0),l=0,this.end-g+1>=this.autoRotateCount&&(this.labelRotation=this.autoRotateAngle),b=g;b<=this.end+2;b++){p=!1;0<=b&&b<[b],h=s.category,p=s.forceShow):h="";if(q&&!isNaN(w))if(b/w==Math.round(b/w)||p)b/t==Math.round(b/t)||p||(this.gridAlpha=this.minorGridAlpha,h=void 0);else continue;else if(b/t!=Math.round(b/t)&&!p)continue;g=this.getCoordinate(b-f);p=0;"start"==this.gridPosition&&(g-=this.cellWidth/2,p=this.cellWidth/2);x=!0;tickShift= | |
41 | +p;"start"==this.tickPosition&&(tickShift=0,x=!1,p=0);if(b==d&&!n||b==this.end&&!k)h=void 0;Math.round(l/e)!=l/e&&(h=void 0);l++;B=this.cellWidth;u&&(B=NaN);this.labelFunction&&s&&(h=this.labelFunction(h,s,this));h=AmCharts.fixBrakes(h);y=!1;this.boldLabels&&(y=!0);b>this.end&&"start"==this.tickPosition&&(h=" ");p=new this.axisItemRenderer(this,g,h,x,B,p,void 0,y,tickShift,!1,s.labelColor);p.serialDataItem=s;this.pushAxisItem(p);this.gridAlpha=a}}else if(this.parseDates&&this.equalSpacing){f=this.start; | |
42 |[this.start].time;[this.end].time;this.timeDifference=this.endTime-this.startTime;d=this.choosePeriod(0);e=d.period;u=d.count;r=AmCharts.getPeriodDuration(e,u);r<g&&(e=m.period,u=m.count,r=g);s=e;"WW"==s&&(s="DD");this.stepWidth=this.getStepWidth(b);l=Math.ceil(this.timeDifference/r)+1;h=AmCharts.resetDateToMin(new Date(this.startTime-r),e,u,x).getTime();this.cellWidth=this.getStepWidth(b);b=Math.round(h/r);d=-1;b/2==Math.round(b/2)&&(d=-2,h-=r);g=this.start; | |
43 | +g/2==Math.round(g/2)&&g--;0>g&&(g=0);v=this.end+2;v>;C=!1;C=!n;this.previousPos=-1E3;20<this.labelRotation&&(this.safeDistance=5);r=g;if([g].time!=AmCharts.resetDateToMin(new Date([g].time),e,u,x).getTime())for(x=0,y=h,b=g;b<v;b++)[b].time,this.checkPeriodChange(e,u,m,y)&&(x++,2<=x&&(r=b,b=v),y=m);q&&1<u&&(w=this.chooseMinorFrequency(u),AmCharts.getPeriodDuration(e,w));if(0<this.gridCountR)for(b=g;b<v;b++)if([b].time,this.checkPeriodChange(e, | |
44 | +u,m,h)&&b>=r){g=this.getCoordinate(b-this.start);q=!1;this.nextPeriod[s]&&(q=this.checkPeriodChange(this.nextPeriod[s],1,m,h,s));y=!1;q&&this.markPeriodChange?(q=this.dateFormatsObject[this.nextPeriod[s]],y=!0):q=this.dateFormatsObject[s];h=AmCharts.formatDate(new Date(m),q);if(b==d&&!n||b==l&&!k)h=" ";C?C=!1:(t||(y=!1),g-this.previousPos>this.safeDistance*Math.cos(this.labelRotation*Math.PI/180)&&(this.labelFunction&&(h=this.labelFunction(h,new Date(m),this,e,u,p)),this.boldLabels&&(y=!0),p=new this.axisItemRenderer(this, | |
45 | +g,h,void 0,void 0,void 0,void 0,y),,this.pushAxisItem(p),p=x.getBBox().width,AmCharts.isModern||(p-=g),this.previousPos=g+p));p=h=m}else isNaN(w)||(this.checkPeriodChange(e,w,m,B)&&(this.gridAlpha=this.minorGridAlpha,g=this.getCoordinate(b-this.start),q=new this.axisItemRenderer(this,g),this.pushAxisItem(q),B=m),this.gridAlpha=a)}for(b=0;b<;b++)if([b])k=this.parseDates&&!this.equalSpacing?Math.round((n.time-this.startTime)*this.stepWidth+this.cellWidth/2): | |
46 | +this.getCoordinate(b-f),n.x[]=k;n=this.guides.length;for(b=0;b<n;b++)k=this.guides[b],t=t=t=a=d=NaN,w=k.above,k.toCategory&&(t=c.getCategoryIndexByValue(k.toCategory),isNaN(t)||(d=this.getCoordinate(t-f),k.expand&&(d+=this.cellWidth/2),p=new this.axisItemRenderer(this,d,"",!0,NaN,NaN,k),this.pushAxisItem(p,w))),k.category&&(t=c.getCategoryIndexByValue(k.category),isNaN(t)||(a=this.getCoordinate(t-f),k.expand&&(a-=this.cellWidth/2),t=(d-a)/2,p=new this.axisItemRenderer(this,a,k.label,!0,NaN, | |
47 | +t,k),this.pushAxisItem(p,w))),k.toDate&&(k.toDate instanceof Date||(k.toDate=AmCharts.stringToDate(k.toDate,c.dataDateFormat)),this.equalSpacing?(t=c.getClosestIndex(,"time",k.toDate.getTime(),!1,0,,isNaN(t)||(d=this.getCoordinate(t-f))):d=(k.toDate.getTime()-this.startTime)*this.stepWidth,p=new this.axisItemRenderer(this,d,"",!0,NaN,NaN,k),this.pushAxisItem(p,w)), instanceof Date||(,c.dataDateFormat)),this.equalSpacing? | |
48 | +(t=c.getClosestIndex(,"time",,!1,0,,isNaN(t)||(a=this.getCoordinate(t-f))):a=(*this.stepWidth,t=(d-a)/2,p="H"==this.orientation?new this.axisItemRenderer(this,a,k.label,!1,2*t,NaN,k):new this.axisItemRenderer(this,a,k.label,!1,NaN,t,k),this.pushAxisItem(p,w)),(0<d||0<a)&&(d<this.width||a<this.width)&&(d=new this.guideFillRenderer(this,a,d,k),,this.pushAxisItem(d,w),,a.index=b,k.balloonText&&this.addEventListeners(a, | |
49 | +k))}this.axisCreated=!0;c=this.x;f=this.y;this.set.translate(c,f);this.labelsSet.translate(c,f);this.positionTitle();(c=this.axisLine.set)&&c.toFront();c=this.getBBox().height;2<c-this.previousHeight&&this.autoWrap&&!this.parseDates&&(this.axisCreated=this.chart.marginsUpdated=!1);this.previousHeight=c},chooseMinorFrequency:function(a){for(var b=10;0<b;b--)if(a/b==Math.round(a/b))return a/b},choosePeriod:function(a){var b=AmCharts.getPeriodDuration(this.periods[a].period,this.periods[a].count),c= | |
50 | +Math.ceil(this.timeDifference/b),d=this.periods;return this.timeDifference<b&&0<a?d[a-1]:c<=this.gridCountR?d[a]:a+1<d.length?this.choosePeriod(a+1):d[a]},getStepWidth:function(a){var b;this.startOnAxis?(b=this.axisWidth/(a-1),1==a&&(b=this.axisWidth)):b=this.axisWidth/a;return b},getCoordinate:function(a){a*=this.stepWidth;this.startOnAxis||(a+=this.stepWidth/2);return Math.round(a)},timeZoom:function(a,b){this.startTime=a;this.endTime=b},minDuration:function(){var a=AmCharts.extractPeriod(this.minPeriod); | |
51 | +return AmCharts.getPeriodDuration(a.period,a.count)},checkPeriodChange:function(a,b,c,d,e){c=new Date(c);var f=new Date(d),l=this.firstDayOfWeek;d=b;"DD"==a&&(b=1);c=AmCharts.resetDateToMin(c,a,b,l).getTime();b=AmCharts.resetDateToMin(f,a,b,l).getTime();return"DD"==a&&"hh"!=e&&c-b<=AmCharts.getPeriodDuration(a,d)?!1:c!=b?!0:!1},generateDFObject:function(){this.dateFormatsObject={};var a;for(a=0;a<this.dateFormats.length;a++){var b=this.dateFormats[a];this.dateFormatsObject[b.period]=b.format}},xToIndex:function(a){var b= | |
52 |,c=this.chart,d=c.rotate,e=this.stepWidth;this.parseDates&&!this.equalSpacing?(a=this.startTime+Math.round(a/e)-this.minDuration()/2,c=c.getClosestIndex(b,"time",a,!1,this.start,this.end+1)):(this.startOnAxis||(a-=e/2),c=this.start+Math.round(a/e));var c=AmCharts.fitToBounds(c,0,b.length-1),f;b[c]&&(f=b[c].x[]);d?f>this.height+1&&c--:f>this.width+1&&c--;0>f&&c++;return c=AmCharts.fitToBounds(c,0,b.length-1)},dateToCoordinate:function(a){return this.parseDates&&!this.equalSpacing?(a.getTime()- | |
53 | +this.startTime)*this.stepWidth:this.parseDates&&this.equalSpacing?(a=this.chart.getClosestIndex(,"time",a.getTime(),!1,0,,this.getCoordinate(a-this.start)):NaN},categoryToCoordinate:function(a){return this.chart?(a=this.chart.getCategoryIndexByValue(a),this.getCoordinate(a-this.start)):NaN},coordinateToDate:function(a){return this.equalSpacing?(a=this.xToIndex(a),new Date([a].time)):new Date(this.startTime+a/this.stepWidth)}}); | |
0 | 54 | \ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
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102 | + outlineColor: "#000000", | |
103 | + outlineAlpha: 0.5, | |
104 | + outlineThickness: 0.5, | |
105 | + rollOverColor: "#3c5bdc", | |
106 | + rollOverOutlineColor: "#000000", | |
107 | + selectedOutlineColor: "#000000", | |
108 | + selectedColor: "#f15135", | |
109 | + unlistedAreasOutlineColor: "#000000", | |
110 | + unlistedAreasOutlineAlpha: 0.5 | |
111 | + }, | |
112 | + | |
113 | + LinesSettings: { | |
114 | + color: "#FFFFFF", | |
115 | + alpha: 0.8 | |
116 | + }, | |
117 | + | |
118 | + ImagesSettings: { | |
119 | + alpha: 0.8, | |
120 | + labelColor: "#FFFFFF", | |
121 | + color: "#FFFFFF", | |
122 | + labelRollOverColor: "#3c5bdc" | |
123 | + }, | |
124 | + | |
125 | + ZoomControl: { | |
126 | + buttonRollOverColor: "#3c5bdc", | |
127 | + buttonFillColor: "#738f58", | |
128 | + buttonBorderColor: "#738f58", | |
129 | + buttonFillAlpha: 0.8, | |
130 | + gridBackgroundColor: "#FFFFFF", | |
131 | + buttonBorderAlpha:0, | |
132 | + buttonCornerRadius:2, | |
133 | + gridAlpha:0.5, | |
134 | + gridBackgroundColor:"#FFFFFF", | |
135 | + homeIconFile:"homeIconWhite.gif", | |
136 | + buttonIconAlpha:0.6, | |
137 | + gridAlpha: 0.2, | |
138 | + buttonSize:20 | |
139 | + }, | |
140 | + | |
141 | + SmallMap: { | |
142 | + mapColor: "#FFFFFF", | |
143 | + rectangleColor: "#FFFFFF", | |
144 | + backgroundColor: "#000000", | |
145 | + backgroundAlpha: 0.7, | |
146 | + borderThickness: 1, | |
147 | + borderAlpha: 0.8 | |
148 | + }, | |
149 | + | |
150 | + // the defaults below are set using CSS syntax, you can use any existing css property | |
151 | + // if you don't use Stock chart, you can delete lines below | |
152 | + PeriodSelector: { | |
153 | + color: "#e7e7e7" | |
154 | + }, | |
155 | + | |
156 | + PeriodButton: { | |
157 | + color: "#e7e7e7", | |
158 | + background: "transparent", | |
159 | + opacity: 0.7, | |
160 | + border: "1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, .15)", | |
161 | + MozBorderRadius: "5px", | |
162 | + borderRadius: "5px", | |
163 | + margin: "1px", | |
164 | + outline: "none", | |
165 | + boxSizing: "border-box" | |
166 | + }, | |
167 | + | |
168 | + PeriodButtonSelected: { | |
169 | + color: "#e7e7e7", | |
170 | + backgroundColor: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)", | |
171 | + border: "1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, .3)", | |
172 | + MozBorderRadius: "5px", | |
173 | + borderRadius: "5px", | |
174 | + margin: "1px", | |
175 | + outline: "none", | |
176 | + opacity: 1, | |
177 | + boxSizing: "border-box" | |
178 | + }, | |
179 | + | |
180 | + PeriodInputField: { | |
181 | + color: "#e7e7e7", | |
182 | + background: "transparent", | |
183 | + border: "1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, .15)", | |
184 | + outline: "none" | |
185 | + }, | |
186 | + | |
187 | + DataSetSelector: { | |
188 | + color: "#e7e7e7", | |
189 | + selectedBackgroundColor: "rgba(255, 255, 255, .25)", | |
190 | + rollOverBackgroundColor: "rgba(255, 255, 255, .15)" | |
191 | + }, | |
192 | + | |
193 | + DataSetCompareList: { | |
194 | + color: "#e7e7e7", | |
195 | + lineHeight: "100%", | |
196 | + boxSizing: "initial", | |
197 | + webkitBoxSizing: "initial", | |
198 | + border: "1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, .15)" | |
199 | + }, | |
200 | + | |
201 | + DataSetSelect: { | |
202 | + border: "1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, .15)", | |
203 | + outline: "none" | |
204 | + } | |
205 | + | |
206 | +}; | |
0 | 207 | \ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -0,0 +1,217 @@ |
1 | +AmCharts.themes.chalk = { | |
2 | + | |
3 | + themeName: "chalk", | |
4 | + | |
5 | + AmChart: { | |
6 | + color: "#e7e7e7", | |
7 | + fontFamily: "Covered By Your Grace", | |
8 | + fontSize: 18, | |
9 | + handDrawn: true, | |
10 | + backgroundColor: "#282828" | |
11 | + }, | |
12 | + | |
13 | + AmCoordinateChart: { | |
14 | + colors: ["#FFFFFF", "#e384a6", "#f4d499", "#4d90d6", "#c7e38c", "#9986c8", "#edf28c", "#ffd1d4", "#5ee1dc", "#b0eead", "#fef85a", "#8badd2"] | |
15 | + }, | |
16 | + | |
17 | + AmSlicedChart: { | |
18 | + outlineAlpha: 1, | |
19 | + labelTickColor: "#FFFFFF", | |
20 | + labelTickAlpha: 0.3, | |
21 | + colors: ["#FFFFFF", "#e384a6", "#f4d499", "#4d90d6", "#c7e38c", "#9986c8", "#edf28c", "#ffd1d4", "#5ee1dc", "#b0eead", "#fef85a", "#8badd2"] | |
22 | + }, | |
23 | + | |
24 | + AmStockChart: { | |
25 | + colors: ["#FFFFFF", "#e384a6", "#f4d499", "#4d90d6", "#c7e38c", "#9986c8", "#edf28c", "#ffd1d4", "#5ee1dc", "#b0eead", "#fef85a", "#8badd2"] | |
26 | + }, | |
27 | + | |
28 | + AmRectangularChart: { | |
29 | + | |
30 | + zoomOutButtonColor: '#FFFFFF', | |
31 | + zoomOutButtonRollOverAlpha: 0.15, | |
32 | + zoomOutButtonImage: "lensWhite.png" | |
33 | + }, | |
34 | + | |
35 | + AxisBase: { | |
36 | + axisColor: "#FFFFFF", | |
37 | + gridColor: "#FFFFFF" | |
38 | + }, | |
39 | + | |
40 | + ChartScrollbar: { | |
41 | + backgroundColor: "#FFFFFF", | |
42 | + backgroundAlpha: 0.2, | |
43 | + graphFillAlpha: 0.5, | |
44 | + graphLineAlpha: 0, | |
45 | + selectedBackgroundColor: "#000000", | |
46 | + selectedBackgroundAlpha: 0.25, | |
47 | + fontSize: 15, | |
48 | + gridAlpha: 0.15 | |
49 | + }, | |
50 | + | |
51 | + ChartCursor: { | |
52 | + cursorColor: "#FFFFFF", | |
53 | + color: "#000000" | |
54 | + }, | |
55 | + | |
56 | + AmLegend: { | |
57 | + color: "#e7e7e7", | |
58 | + markerSize: 20 | |
59 | + }, | |
60 | + | |
61 | + AmGraph: { | |
62 | + lineAlpha: 0.8 | |
63 | + }, | |
64 | + | |
65 | + | |
66 | + GaugeArrow: { | |
67 | + color: "#FFFFFF", | |
68 | + alpha: 0.1, | |
69 | + nailAlpha: 0, | |
70 | + innerRadius: "40%", | |
71 | + nailRadius: 15, | |
72 | + startWidth: 15, | |
73 | + borderAlpha: 0.8, | |
74 | + nailBorderAlpha: 0 | |
75 | + }, | |
76 | + | |
77 | + GaugeAxis: { | |
78 | + tickColor: "#FFFFFF", | |
79 | + tickAlpha: 0.8, | |
80 | + tickLength: 15, | |
81 | + minorTickLength: 8, | |
82 | + axisThickness: 3, | |
83 | + axisColor: '#FFFFFF', | |
84 | + axisAlpha: 0.8, | |
85 | + bandAlpha: 0.4 | |
86 | + }, | |
87 | + | |
88 | + TrendLine: { | |
89 | + lineColor: "#c03246", | |
90 | + lineAlpha: 0.8 | |
91 | + }, | |
92 | + | |
93 | + // ammap | |
94 | + AmMap: { | |
95 | + handDrawn: false | |
96 | + }, | |
97 | + | |
98 | + AreasSettings: { | |
99 | + alpha: 0.8, | |
100 | + color: "#FFFFFF", | |
101 | + colorSolid: "#000000", | |
102 | + unlistedAreasAlpha: 0.4, | |
103 | + unlistedAreasColor: "#FFFFFF", | |
104 | + outlineColor: "#000000", | |
105 | + outlineAlpha: 0.5, | |
106 | + outlineThickness: 0.5, | |
107 | + rollOverColor: "#4d90d6", | |
108 | + rollOverOutlineColor: "#000000", | |
109 | + selectedOutlineColor: "#000000", | |
110 | + selectedColor: "#e384a6", | |
111 | + unlistedAreasOutlineColor: "#000000", | |
112 | + unlistedAreasOutlineAlpha: 0.5 | |
113 | + }, | |
114 | + | |
115 | + LinesSettings: { | |
116 | + color: "#FFFFFF", | |
117 | + alpha: 0.8 | |
118 | + }, | |
119 | + | |
120 | + ImagesSettings: { | |
121 | + alpha: 0.8, | |
122 | + labelFontSize: 16, | |
123 | + labelColor: "#FFFFFF", | |
124 | + color: "#FFFFFF", | |
125 | + labelRollOverColor: "#4d90d6" | |
126 | + }, | |
127 | + | |
128 | + ZoomControl: { | |
129 | + buttonRollOverColor: "#4d90d6", | |
130 | + buttonFillColor: "#e384a6", | |
131 | + buttonFillAlpha: 0.8, | |
132 | + buttonBorderColor: "#FFFFFF", | |
133 | + gridBackgroundColor: "#FFFFFF", | |
134 | + gridAlpha: 0.8 | |
135 | + }, | |
136 | + | |
137 | + SmallMap: { | |
138 | + mapColor: "#FFFFFF", | |
139 | + rectangleColor: "#FFFFFF", | |
140 | + backgroundColor: "#000000", | |
141 | + backgroundAlpha: 0.7, | |
142 | + borderThickness: 1, | |
143 | + borderAlpha: 0.8 | |
144 | + }, | |
145 | + | |
146 | + | |
147 | + // the defaults below are set using CSS syntax, you can use any existing css property | |
148 | + // if you don't use Stock chart, you can delete lines below | |
149 | + PeriodSelector: { | |
150 | + fontFamily: "Covered By Your Grace", | |
151 | + fontSize:"16px", | |
152 | + color: "#e7e7e7" | |
153 | + }, | |
154 | + | |
155 | + PeriodButton: { | |
156 | + fontFamily: "Covered By Your Grace", | |
157 | + fontSize:"16px", | |
158 | + color: "#e7e7e7", | |
159 | + background: "transparent", | |
160 | + opacity: 0.7, | |
161 | + border: "1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, .15)", | |
162 | + MozBorderRadius: "5px", | |
163 | + borderRadius: "5px", | |
164 | + margin: "1px", | |
165 | + outline: "none", | |
166 | + boxSizing: "border-box" | |
167 | + }, | |
168 | + | |
169 | + PeriodButtonSelected: { | |
170 | + fontFamily: "Covered By Your Grace", | |
171 | + fontSize:"16px", | |
172 | + color: "#e7e7e7", | |
173 | + backgroundColor: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)", | |
174 | + border: "1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, .3)", | |
175 | + MozBorderRadius: "5px", | |
176 | + borderRadius: "5px", | |
177 | + margin: "1px", | |
178 | + outline: "none", | |
179 | + opacity: 1, | |
180 | + boxSizing: "border-box" | |
181 | + }, | |
182 | + | |
183 | + PeriodInputField: { | |
184 | + fontFamily: "Covered By Your Grace", | |
185 | + fontSize:"16px", | |
186 | + color: "#e7e7e7", | |
187 | + background: "transparent", | |
188 | + border: "1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, .15)", | |
189 | + outline: "none" | |
190 | + }, | |
191 | + | |
192 | + DataSetSelector: { | |
193 | + fontFamily: "Covered By Your Grace", | |
194 | + fontSize:"16px", | |
195 | + color: "#e7e7e7", | |
196 | + selectedBackgroundColor: "rgba(255, 255, 255, .25)", | |
197 | + rollOverBackgroundColor: "rgba(255, 255, 255, .15)" | |
198 | + }, | |
199 | + | |
200 | + DataSetCompareList: { | |
201 | + fontFamily: "Covered By Your Grace", | |
202 | + fontSize:"16px", | |
203 | + color: "#e7e7e7", | |
204 | + lineHeight: "100%", | |
205 | + boxSizing: "initial", | |
206 | + webkitBoxSizing: "initial", | |
207 | + border: "1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, .15)" | |
208 | + }, | |
209 | + | |
210 | + DataSetSelect: { | |
211 | + fontFamily: "Covered By Your Grace", | |
212 | + fontSize:"16px", | |
213 | + border: "1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, .15)", | |
214 | + outline: "none" | |
215 | + } | |
216 | + | |
217 | +}; | |
0 | 218 | \ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |
... | ... | @@ -0,0 +1,205 @@ |
1 | +AmCharts.themes.dark = { | |
2 | + | |
3 | + themeName: "dark", | |
4 | + | |
5 | + AmChart: { | |
6 | + color: "#e7e7e7", backgroundColor: "#282828" | |
7 | + }, | |
8 | + | |
9 | + AmCoordinateChart: { | |
10 | + colors: ["#ae85c9", "#aab9f7", "#b6d2ff", "#c9e6f2", "#c9f0e1", "#e8d685", "#e0ad63", "#d48652", "#d27362", "#495fba", "#7a629b", "#8881cc"] | |
11 | + }, | |
12 | + | |
13 | + AmStockChart: { | |
14 | + colors: ["#639dbd", "#e8d685", "#ae85c9", "#c9f0e1", "#d48652", "#629b6d", "#719dc3", "#719dc3"] | |
15 | + }, | |
16 | + | |
17 | + AmSlicedChart: { | |
18 | + outlineAlpha: 1, | |
19 | + outlineThickness: 2, | |
20 | + labelTickColor: "#FFFFFF", | |
21 | + labelTickAlpha: 0.3, | |
22 | + colors: ["#495fba", "#e8d685", "#ae85c9", "#c9f0e1", "#d48652", "#629b6d", "#719dc3", "#719dc3"] | |
23 | + }, | |
24 | + | |
25 | + AmRectangularChart: { | |
26 | + zoomOutButtonColor: '#FFFFFF', | |
27 | + zoomOutButtonRollOverAlpha: 0.15, | |
28 | + zoomOutButtonImage: "lensWhite.png" | |
29 | + }, | |
30 | + | |
31 | + AxisBase: { | |
32 | + axisColor: "#FFFFFF", | |
33 | + axisAlpha: 0.3, | |
34 | + gridAlpha: 0.1, | |
35 | + gridColor: "#FFFFFF", | |
36 | + dashLength: 3 | |
37 | + }, | |
38 | + | |
39 | + ChartScrollbar: { | |
40 | + backgroundColor: "#000000", | |
41 | + backgroundAlpha: 0.2, | |
42 | + graphFillAlpha: 0.2, | |
43 | + graphLineAlpha: 0, | |
44 | + graphFillColor: "#FFFFFF", | |
45 | + selectedGraphFillColor: "#FFFFFF", | |
46 | + selectedGraphFillAlpha: 0.4, | |
47 | + selectedGraphLineColor: "#FFFFFF", | |
48 | + selectedBackgroundColor: "#FFFFFF", | |
49 | + selectedBackgroundAlpha: 0.09, | |
50 | + gridAlpha: 0.15 | |
51 | + }, | |
52 | + | |
53 | + ChartCursor: { | |
54 | + cursorColor: "#FFFFFF", | |
55 | + color: "#000000", | |
56 | + cursorAlpha: 0.5 | |
57 | + }, | |
58 | + | |
59 | + AmLegend: { | |
60 | + color: "#e7e7e7" | |
61 | + }, | |
62 | + | |
63 | + AmGraph: { | |
64 | + lineAlpha: 0.9 | |
65 | + }, | |
66 | + | |
67 | + | |
68 | + GaugeArrow: { | |
69 | + color: "#FFFFFF", | |
70 | + alpha: 0.8, | |
71 | + nailAlpha: 0, | |
72 | + innerRadius: "40%", | |
73 | + nailRadius: 15, | |
74 | + startWidth: 15, | |
75 | + borderAlpha: 0.8, | |
76 | + nailBorderAlpha: 0 | |
77 | + }, | |
78 | + | |
79 | + GaugeAxis: { | |
80 | + tickColor: "#FFFFFF", | |
81 | + tickAlpha: 1, | |
82 | + tickLength: 15, | |
83 | + minorTickLength: 8, | |
84 | + axisThickness: 3, | |
85 | + axisColor: '#FFFFFF', | |
86 | + axisAlpha: 1, | |
87 | + bandAlpha: 0.8 | |
88 | + }, | |
89 | + | |
90 | + TrendLine: { | |
91 | + lineColor: "#c03246", | |
92 | + lineAlpha: 0.8 | |
93 | + }, | |
94 | + | |
95 | + // ammap | |
96 | + AreasSettings: { | |
97 | + alpha: 0.8, | |
98 | + color: "#FFFFFF", | |
99 | + colorSolid: "#000000", | |
100 | + unlistedAreasAlpha: 0.4, | |
101 | + unlistedAreasColor: "#FFFFFF", | |
102 | + outlineColor: "#000000", | |
103 | + outlineAlpha: 0.5, | |
104 | + outlineThickness: 0.5, | |
105 | + rollOverColor: "#3c5bdc", | |
106 | + rollOverOutlineColor: "#000000", | |
107 | + selectedOutlineColor: "#000000", | |
108 | + selectedColor: "#f15135", | |
109 | + unlistedAreasOutlineColor: "#000000", | |
110 | + unlistedAreasOutlineAlpha: 0.5 | |
111 | + }, | |
112 | + | |
113 | + LinesSettings: { | |
114 | + color: "#FFFFFF", | |
115 | + alpha: 0.8 | |
116 | + }, | |
117 | + | |
118 | + ImagesSettings: { | |
119 | + alpha: 0.8, | |
120 | + labelColor: "#FFFFFF", | |
121 | + color: "#FFFFFF", | |
122 | + labelRollOverColor: "#3c5bdc" | |
123 | + }, | |
124 | + | |
125 | + ZoomControl: { | |
126 | + buttonRollOverColor: "#3c5bdc", | |
127 | + buttonFillColor: "#f15135", | |
128 | + buttonFillAlpha: 0.8, | |
129 | + gridBackgroundColor: "#FFFFFF", | |
130 | + buttonBorderAlpha:0, | |
131 | + buttonCornerRadius:2, | |
132 | + gridAlpha:0.5, | |
133 | + gridBackgroundColor:"#FFFFFF", | |
134 | + homeIconFile:"homeIconWhite.gif", | |
135 | + buttonIconAlpha:0.6, | |
136 | + gridAlpha: 0.2, | |
137 | + buttonSize:20 | |
138 | + }, | |
139 | + | |
140 | + SmallMap: { | |
141 | + mapColor: "#FFFFFF", | |
142 | + rectangleColor: "#FFFFFF", | |
143 | + backgroundColor: "#000000", | |
144 | + backgroundAlpha: 0.7, | |
145 | + borderThickness: 1, | |
146 | + borderAlpha: 0.8 | |
147 | + }, | |
148 | + | |
149 | + // the defaults below are set using CSS syntax, you can use any existing css property | |
150 | + // if you don't use Stock chart, you can delete lines below | |
151 | + PeriodSelector: { | |
152 | + color: "#e7e7e7" | |
153 | + }, | |
154 | + | |
155 | + PeriodButton: { | |
156 | + color: "#e7e7e7", | |
157 | + background: "transparent", | |
158 | + opacity: 0.7, | |
159 | + border: "1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, .15)", | |
160 | + MozBorderRadius: "5px", | |
161 | + borderRadius: "5px", | |
162 | + margin: "1px", | |
163 | + outline: "none", | |
164 | + boxSizing: "border-box" | |
165 | + }, | |
166 | + | |
167 | + PeriodButtonSelected: { | |
168 | + color: "#e7e7e7", | |
169 | + backgroundColor: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)", | |
170 | + border: "1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, .3)", | |
171 | + MozBorderRadius: "5px", | |
172 | + borderRadius: "5px", | |
173 | + margin: "1px", | |
174 | + outline: "none", | |
175 | + opacity: 1, | |
176 | + boxSizing: "border-box" | |
177 | + }, | |
178 | + | |
179 | + PeriodInputField: { | |
180 | + color: "#e7e7e7", | |
181 | + background: "transparent", | |
182 | + border: "1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, .15)", | |
183 | + outline: "none" | |
184 | + }, | |
185 | + | |
186 | + DataSetSelector: { | |
187 | + color: "#e7e7e7", | |
188 | + selectedBackgroundColor: "rgba(255, 255, 255, .25)", | |
189 | + rollOverBackgroundColor: "rgba(255, 255, 255, .15)" | |
190 | + }, | |
191 | + | |
192 | + DataSetCompareList: { | |
193 | + color: "#e7e7e7", | |
194 | + lineHeight: "100%", | |
195 | + boxSizing: "initial", | |
196 | + webkitBoxSizing: "initial", | |
197 | + border: "1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, .15)" | |
198 | + }, | |
199 | + | |
200 | + DataSetSelect: { | |
201 | + border: "1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, .15)", | |
202 | + outline: "none" | |
203 | + } | |
204 | + | |
205 | +}; | |
0 | 206 | \ No newline at end of file | ... | ... |