********************************************************************************* Third party software used: Jason S. Kerchner base class (http://livingmachines.net) Licensed under BSD license: http://livingmachines.net/license/ David Knape & Patrick Mineault Bezier curves drawing logic. Code optimization made using Closure Compiling service: http://closure-compiler.appspot.com/home Libraries used for exporting charts as image/pdf/svg: canvg.js - Javascript SVG parser and renderer on Canvas MIT Licensed Gabe Lerner (gabelerner@gmail.com) http://code.google.com/p/canvg/ rgbcolor.js A class to parse color values author Stoyan Stefanov, sstoo@gmail.com http://www.phpied.com/rgb-color-parser-in-javascript/ license Use it if you like it FileSaver.js A saveAs() FileSaver implementation. By Eli Grey, http://eligrey.com License: X11/MIT jsPDF.js By James Hall License: MIT *********************************************************************************