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        <title>amCharts examples</title>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css">
        <script src="../amcharts/amcharts.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
        <script src="../amcharts/serial.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            // note, we have townName field with a name specified for each datapoint and townName2 with only some of the names specified.
            // we use townName2 to display town names next to the bullet. And as these names would overlap if displayed next to each bullet,
            // we created this townName2 field and set only some of the names for this purpse. 
            var chartData = [
                    "date": "2012-01-01",
                    "distance": 227,
                    "townName": "New York",
                    "townName2": "New York",
                    "townSize": 25,
                    "latitude": 40.71,
                    "duration": 408
                    "date": "2012-01-02",
                    "distance": 371,
                    "townName": "Washington",
                    "townSize": 14,
                    "latitude": 38.89,
                    "duration": 482
                    "date": "2012-01-03",
                    "distance": 433,
                    "townName": "Wilmington",
                    "townSize": 6,
                    "latitude": 34.22,
                    "duration": 562
                    "date": "2012-01-04",
                    "distance": 345,
                    "townName": "Jacksonville",
                    "townSize": 7,
                    "latitude": 30.35,
                    "duration": 379
                    "date": "2012-01-05",
                    "distance": 480,
                    "townName": "Miami",
                    "townName2": "Miami",
                    "townSize": 10,
                    "latitude": 25.83,
                    "duration": 501
                    "date": "2012-01-06",
                    "distance": 386,
                    "townName": "Tallahassee",
                    "townSize": 7,
                    "latitude": 30.46,
                    "duration": 443
                    "date": "2012-01-07",
                    "distance": 348,
                    "townName": "New Orleans",
                    "townSize": 10,
                    "latitude": 29.94,
                    "duration": 405
                    "date": "2012-01-08",
                    "distance": 238,
                    "townName": "Houston",
                    "townName2": "Houston",
                    "townSize": 16,
                    "latitude": 29.76,
                    "duration": 309
                    "date": "2012-01-09",
                    "distance": 218,
                    "townName": "Dalas",
                    "townSize": 17,
                    "latitude": 32.8,
                    "duration": 287
                    "date": "2012-01-10",
                    "distance": 349,
                    "townName": "Oklahoma City",
                    "townSize": 11,
                    "latitude": 35.49,
                    "duration": 485
                    "date": "2012-01-11",
                    "distance": 603,
                    "townName": "Kansas City",
                    "townSize": 10,
                    "latitude": 39.1,
                    "duration": 890
                    "date": "2012-01-12",
                    "distance": 534,
                    "townName": "Denver",
                    "townName2": "Denver",
                    "townSize": 18,
                    "latitude": 39.74,
                    "duration": 810
                    "date": "2012-01-13",
                    "townName": "Salt Lake City",
                    "townSize": 12,
                    "distance": 425,
                    "duration": 670,
                    "latitude": 40.75,
                    "dashLength": 8,
                    "date": "2012-01-14",                                        
                    "latitude": 36.1,
                    "duration": 470,                    
                    "townName": "Las Vegas",
                    "townName2": "Las Vegas"
                    "date": "2012-01-15"
                    "date": "2012-01-16"
                    "date": "2012-01-17"
                    "date": "2012-01-18"
                    "date": "2012-01-19"
            var chart;

            AmCharts.ready(function () {
                // SERIAL CHART
                chart = new AmCharts.AmSerialChart();
                chart.dataProvider = chartData;
                chart.categoryField = "date";
                chart.dataDateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD";
                chart.color = "#FFFFFF";
                chart.marginLeft = 0;

                // AXES
                // category
                var categoryAxis = chart.categoryAxis;
                categoryAxis.parseDates = true; // as our data is date-based, we set parseDates to true
                categoryAxis.minPeriod = "DD"; // our data is daily, so we set minPeriod to DD
                categoryAxis.autoGridCount = false;
                categoryAxis.gridCount = 50;
                categoryAxis.gridAlpha = 0.1;
                categoryAxis.gridColor = "#FFFFFF";
                categoryAxis.axisColor = "#555555";
                // we want custom date formatting, so we change it in next line
                categoryAxis.dateFormats = [{
                    period: 'DD',
                    format: 'DD'
                }, {
                    period: 'WW',
                    format: 'MMM DD'
                }, {
                    period: 'MM',
                    format: 'MMM'
                }, {
                    period: 'YYYY',
                    format: 'YYYY'

                // as we have data of different units, we create three different value axes
                // Distance value axis
                var distanceAxis = new AmCharts.ValueAxis();
                distanceAxis.title = "distance";
                distanceAxis.gridAlpha = 0;
                distanceAxis.axisAlpha = 0;

                // latitude value axis
                var latitudeAxis = new AmCharts.ValueAxis();
                latitudeAxis.gridAlpha = 0;
                latitudeAxis.axisAlpha = 0;
                latitudeAxis.labelsEnabled = false;
                latitudeAxis.position = "right";

                // duration value axis
                var durationAxis = new AmCharts.ValueAxis();
                durationAxis.title = "duration";
                // the following line makes this value axis to convert values to duration
                // it tells the axis what duration unit it should use. mm - minute, hh - hour...
                durationAxis.duration = "mm";
                durationAxis.durationUnits = {
                    DD: "d. ",
                    hh: "h ",
                    mm: "min",
                    ss: ""
                durationAxis.gridAlpha = 0;
                durationAxis.axisAlpha = 0;
                durationAxis.inside = true;
                durationAxis.position = "right";

                // GRAPHS
                // distance graph
                var distanceGraph = new AmCharts.AmGraph();
                distanceGraph.valueField = "distance";
                distanceGraph.title = "distance";
                distanceGraph.type = "column";
                distanceGraph.fillAlphas = 0.9;
                distanceGraph.valueAxis = distanceAxis; // indicate which axis should be used
                distanceGraph.balloonText = "[[value]] miles";
                distanceGraph.legendValueText = "[[value]] mi";
                distanceGraph.legendPeriodValueText = "total: [[value.sum]] mi";
                distanceGraph.lineColor = "#263138";
                distanceGraph.dashLengthField = "dashLength";
                distanceGraph.alphaField = "alpha";

                // latitude graph                                               
                var latitudeGraph = new AmCharts.AmGraph();
                latitudeGraph.valueField = "latitude";
                latitudeGraph.title = "latitude/city";
                latitudeGraph.type = "line";
                latitudeGraph.valueAxis = latitudeAxis; // indicate which axis should be used 
                latitudeGraph.lineColor = "#786c56";
                latitudeGraph.lineThickness = 1;
                latitudeGraph.legendValueText = "[[description]]/[[value]]";
                latitudeGraph.descriptionField = "townName";
                latitudeGraph.bullet = "round";
                latitudeGraph.bulletSizeField = "townSize"; // indicate which field should be used for bullet size
                latitudeGraph.bulletBorderColor = "#786c56";
                latitudeGraph.bulletBorderAlpha = 1;
                latitudeGraph.bulletBorderThickness = 2;
                latitudeGraph.bulletColor = "#000000";
                latitudeGraph.labelText = "[[townName2]]"; // not all data points has townName2 specified, that's why labels are displayed only near some of the bullets.  
                latitudeGraph.labelPosition = "right";
                latitudeGraph.balloonText = "latitude:[[value]]";
                latitudeGraph.showBalloon = true;
                latitudeGraph.dashLengthField = "dashLength";

                // duration graph
                var durationGraph = new AmCharts.AmGraph();
                durationGraph.title = "duration";
                durationGraph.valueField = "duration";
                durationGraph.type = "line";
                durationGraph.valueAxis = durationAxis; // indicate which axis should be used
                durationGraph.lineColor = "#ff5755";
                durationGraph.balloonText = "[[value]]";
                durationGraph.lineThickness = 1;
                durationGraph.legendValueText = "[[value]]";
                durationGraph.bullet = "square";
                durationGraph.bulletBorderColor = "#ff5755";
                durationGraph.bulletBorderThickness = 1;
                durationGraph.bulletBorderAlpha = 1;
                durationGraph.dashLengthField = "dashLength";

                // CURSOR                                
                var chartCursor = new AmCharts.ChartCursor();
                chartCursor.zoomable = false;
                chartCursor.categoryBalloonDateFormat = "DD";
                chartCursor.cursorAlpha = 0;
                chartCursor.valueBalloonsEnabled = false;

                // LEGEND
                var legend = new AmCharts.AmLegend();
                legend.bulletType = "round";
                legend.equalWidths = false;
                legend.valueWidth = 120;
                legend.useGraphSettings = true;
                legend.color = "#FFFFFF";

                // WRITE
    <body style="background-color:#161616">
        <div id="chartdiv" style="width:100%; height:400px;"></div>
