Commit 12cac066e603de1f76be132a997b1ee18f4b2bfd

Authored by tom200e
Exists in master

Merge branch 'master' of

1   -fdfshsj
2   -htehtrjj
3   -getjryrl
4   -fjfsykiy8
5 1 \ No newline at end of file
  2 +###############################################################################################################################
  3 +
  4 +Since version 3.4.3, change log moved to:
  5 +
  6 +#### 3.4.2 ####################################################################################################################
  7 +
  8 +Bug fix: if pie slice had no label, the external method rollOverSlice(index) was not working
  9 +
  10 +Bug fix: x switch of the legend position adjusted
  11 +
  12 +Bug fix: when autoWrap for category axis was set to true, in some cases axis title was cut.
  13 +
  14 +markPeriodChange was set to true in CategoryAxesSettings.
  15 +
  16 +#### 3.4.1 ####################################################################################################################
  17 +
  18 +"patterns" theme added.
  19 +
  20 +themes were updated a bit.
  21 +
  22 +labels of angular gauge axis adjusted.
  23 +
  24 +when scrolling serial/stock charts with mousewheel (chart.mouseWheelScrollEnabled must be set to true), if user press shift
  25 +button, the chart will zoom-in or zoom-out;
  26 +
  27 +adjustment property added to ChartCursor. Default value is 0, if you set it to -1, the balloon will show near previous, if
  28 +you set it to 1 - near next data point.
  29 +
  30 +#### 3.4.0 ####################################################################################################################
  31 +
  32 +Link to site in a free version was made less noticable - it uses chart's font color and font size and you can
  33 +adjust it's position using creditsPosition property of AmChart. Possible values are: top-left, top-right, bottom-right and
  34 +bottom-left. This will help you to achieve better layout of a chart.
  35 +
  36 +We fixed typo in chart cursors property - it was showNextAvalable and now is showNextAvailable. The old one won't work.
  37 +
  38 +Since now you can scroll serial and stock charts with mouse wheel. To enable this, set chart.mouseWheelScrollEnabled = true
  39 +(default is false)
  40 +
  41 +moved event added to chart cursor. It is dispatched every time the mouse is moved. The event object has the following
  42 +properties: x, y (coordinates of the cursor), target (reference to cursor), chart, zooming.
  43 +
  44 +axisX and axisY properties added to AxisBase. They are read-only and returns x and y positions of the axis.
  45 +
  46 +unit and unitPosition (with possible values left and right) added to GaugeAxis class.
  47 +
  48 +autoWrap property added to CategoryAxis, with default value false. If you set it to true, the axis labels will be wrapped
  49 +if they won't fit in the allocated space.
  50 +
  51 +minHorizontalGap (default 75) and minVerticalGap (35) properties added to AxisBase. They are used to calculate the number of
  52 +gridLines when autoGridCount is true. You can modify these values to have more or less grid lines.
  53 +
  54 +
  55 +#### 3.3.6 ####################################################################################################################
  56 +
  57 +# Bug fix - charts with legend could fail if there was a google analytics script in the page.
  58 +
  59 +# stepDirection property added to AmGraph. If you set it to "left", step line graph will draw the step to the left of the
  60 +date/category.
  61 +
  62 +#### 3.3.5 ####################################################################################################################
  63 +
  64 +# Bug fix - 3D pie chart was not rendered in IE8 and older (since 3.3.4 version only)
  65 +
  66 +# Candlestick graphs can display patterns
  67 +
  68 +# Old listeners are removed automatically if the same listener was added, this helps to avoid duplicate calls of event
  69 +handlers
  70 +
  71 +# \n in labelText of AmGraph is now properly displayed as new line.
  72 +
  73 +#### 3.3.4 ####################################################################################################################
  74 +
  75 +# export as image script fixed - bullets of charts with scrollbars were not exported.
  76 +
  77 +# dataContext property added to SerialDataItem. It holds reference to original data object and might be used when using
  78 +labelFunction to format custom balloon text and in some other cases.
  79 +
  80 +# XY chart can display bullets with patterns (if valueField is set).
  81 +
  82 +
  83 +#### 3.3.3 ####################################################################################################################
  84 +
  85 +# hideBalloonTime property added to AmChart class, default value is 150 (milliseconds). It sets time after which balloon is
  86 +hidden if user rolls-out of the object. Increasing the time might help to prevent balloon flickering while moving the
  87 +mouse over the object.
  88 +
  89 +# useLineColorForBulletBorder property added to AmGraph. Might help in some situations, especially when using themes.
  90 +
  91 +# 3D charts now look a lot better with patterns.
  92 +
  93 +# endWidth property added to GaugeArrow (default 0). This will allow having more modern, rectangular arrows.
  94 +
  95 +# facePattern property added to AmAngularGauge. You can fill gauge's face with some pattern using it.
  96 +
  97 +# bug fix: new lines were ignored in balloons
  98 +
  99 +#### 3.3.2 ####################################################################################################################
  100 +
  101 +# You can now set theme for all the charts on your page by setting:
  102 +AmCharts.theme = AmCharts.themes.light; // or some other theme
  103 +If you are creating charts using JavaScript API, not JSON, then this is quite a comfortable way, as you won't need to
  104 +pass theme to each object you create.
  105 +
  106 +# bug fix: rendered event was fired only on first render, now it is fired each time the chart is rendered after
  107 +chart.validateNow(); method is called. This bug caused the export buttons to dissapear after the validateNow() method.
  108 +
  109 +# chartCursror.showNextAvalable property added (default is false). If true, the graph will display balloon on next
  110 +available data point if currently hovered item doesn't have value for this graph.
  111 +
  112 +# graph.periodSpan property added (default is 1). This property can be used by step graphs - you can set how many periods
  113 +one horizontal line should span.
  114 +
  115 +# "end" option added to graph.pointPosition property.
  116 +
  117 +
  118 +#### 3.3.1 ####################################################################################################################
  119 +
  120 +# bug fix - \n was replaced with <br> in category axis and the tag was displayed
  121 +# bug fix - if lineColorField or dashLengthField or fillColorsField was set, the graph could loose the setting if zoomed.
  122 +
  123 +#### 3.3.0 ####################################################################################################################
  124 +
  125 +# Since this version amCharts and amMap support themes. This means that instead of seting every property for each graph
  126 +or axis or any other object, you can set new defaults in a theme file. This will make devs' life a lot easier.
  127 +
  128 +Currently you can find three themes in amcharts/themes folder - dark.js, light.js and chalk.js To set a theme for a chart,
  129 +simply set theme property to the name of the file: theme:"light". Note, this will work only if you are creating chart
  130 +using JSON config. If you do it in old way (JSON config is supported since v 3.2.0), you should pass theme object for
  131 +each new object you build, for example: var graph = new AmCharts.AmGraph(AmCharts.themes.light);
  132 +
  133 +We will be adding more themes soon. Check _usingThemes.html file in samples folder to see themes in action.
  134 +
  135 +# patterns property added to AmSlicedChart and AmCoordinateChart - instead of setting a pattern for a slice/graph, you can
  136 +pass array of patterns using this property.
  137 +
  138 +# you can now control zoom-out buttons with the following new properties of AmRectangularChart:
  139 +
  140 + zoomOutButtonImageSize
  141 + zoomOutButtonImage
  142 + zoomOutButtonColor
  143 + zoomOutButtonAlpha
  144 + zoomOutButtonRollOverAlpha
  145 + zoomOutButtonPadding
  146 +
  147 +# some minor bugs fixed
  148 +
  149 +#### 3.2.0 ####################################################################################################################
  150 +
  151 +
  152 +# AmCharts.makeChart(divID, chartConfig); method added. divID is id of a div where your chart should appear. chartConfig is
  153 +JSON object with chart configuration. Check examples with _JSON_ prefix in samples folder to see this in action.
  154 +
  155 +# type property added to AmChart class. It is required to specify type to one of the following, when creating charts from
  156 +JSON config: serial, xy, radar, pie, gauge, funnel, map, stock
  157 +
  158 +# a possibility to export charts as image/pdf/svg added for all modern browsers except IE9 (IE10 is supported). The
  159 +exporting doesn't require any server side software and is made using js libraries only. Check samples with
  160 +_exporting_ prefix to see this in action. Exporting to SVG doesn't work very properly with stock chart or charts with
  161 +legend (will offer saving multiple files).
  162 +
  163 +# You can set any legend items via property, for example:
  164 = [{title:"first", color:"#CC0000", value:50}, {title:"second", color:"#00CC00", value:100}];
  165 +This allows creating any legend items you want. Call chart.legend.validateNow(); if you change legend's data at run time.
  166 +
  167 +# AmAngularGauge supports legend now
  168 +
  169 +# bug fix - if a chart with scrollbar was rotated after the chart is created, the scrollbar's graph was shifted to a wrong
  170 +position.
  171 +
  172 +# bug fix - column graph type wasn't displayed in chart scrollbar (since 3.1.0)
  173 +
  174 +# gridAboveGraphs property added to AmCoordinate chart. This allow to show grid lines above your graphs, as world-famous
  175 +data visualization guru Edward Tufte suggests. Note, this won't work properly with 3D charts.
  176 +
  177 +# negative axis labels rotation possible. You can use values from -90 to -1 for labelRotation property since now.
  178 +
  179 +# bug fix: step line with changing line color was rendered incorrectly if some values were missing.
  180 +
  181 +# bug fix: labelPosition "inside" and "middle" for bar charts fixed.
  182 +
  183 +# bug fix: AmAngularGauge chart wasn't firing "rendered" event.
  184 +
  185 +
  186 +#### 3.1.1 ####################################################################################################################
  187 +
  188 +# FireFox error messages about style declarations fixed
  189 +
  190 +# Bug fix: maxWidth property of AmBalloon was ignored
  191 +
  192 +# Some other minor bugs fixed
  193 +
  194 +
  195 +#### 3.1.0 ####################################################################################################################
  196 +
  197 +Great new features added - charts now support patterns (can fill bars, lines and slices with images) and can simulate
  198 +hand drawn charts - the lines will be a bit distorted and produce a nice effect. Check our new inspiring samples at
  199 + to see new possibilities in action.
  200 +
  201 +# patterns
  202 +Patterns can be set for entire graphs or for individual columns/slices. In case you want to set pattern for a graph, use
  203 +pattern property of AmGraph. If you want to set individual pattern for a column or slice, describe patterns in chart's
  204 +data and set patternField for a graph or pie/funnel chart. Value of pattern should be object with url, width, height of an
  205 +image, optionally it might have x, y, randomX and randomY values. For example:
  206 +
  207 +graph.pattern = {"url":"../amcharts/patterns/black/pattern1.png", "width":4, "height":4};
  208 +
  209 +check amcharts/patterns folder for some patterns. You can create your own patterns and use them.
  210 +
  211 +Note, x, y, randomX and randomY properties won't work with IE8 and older.
  212 +
  213 +Check handDrawnChart.html, pieWithPatterns.html or columnWithPatterns.html examples to see this in action.
  214 +
  215 +Note, 3D bar/Pie charts won't work properly with patterns.
  216 +
  217 +# hand-drawn style
  218 +if you set chart.handDrawn = true, the lines of a chart will be distorted and will produce hand-drawn effect.
  219 +You can also modify chart.handDrawScatter (default value is 2) and chart.handDrawThickness (default value 1) values for
  220 +more scattered view.
  221 +
  222 +# offsetY and offsetX properties added to AmBalloon. Specifies the distance from the mouse position to balloon's pointer.
  223 +You might want to increase distance when using hand drawn style.
  224 +
  225 +# Some minor problems fixed
  226 +
  227 +#### 3.0.1 ####################################################################################################################
  228 +
  229 +Some very minor bugs which usually pop right after big release fixed.
  230 +
  231 +#### 3.0.0 ####################################################################################################################
  232 +
  233 +**** Several files ****
  234 +
  235 +As not all users require all type of charts, we spilt the js file into several files - one main amcharts.js file, plus
  236 +a separate js file for each chart type. This means you can include only the charts you need. If you are worried about
  237 +number of requests, you can simply copy/paste the source of the charts you use to the main file.
  238 +
  239 +**** Upgrading / 100% backwards compatibility ****
  240 +
  241 +Although we changed some default values in order to improve usability of the charts, the only thing you should worry
  242 +about when upgrading from v2 to v3 is the feature mention above – you should include two or more js files in order your
  243 +charts to work. If you don’t like the changed defaults, you can always set them to the previous values in your chart
  244 +setup.
  245 +
  246 +**** New chart types ****
  247 +
  248 +# Funnel / Pyramid chart.
  249 +Check funnelChart.html and pyramidChart.html examples. As this chart type has a lot of in common
  250 +with pie chart, we created one base class for these chart types - AmSlicedChart. AmPieChart and AmFunnelChart now extend
  251 +this class. Visit our online class reference for properties and methods of AmFunnelChart.
  252 +
  253 +# Angular Gauge
  254 +Supports multiple axes and multiple arrows. Check the following examples: angularGauge.html,
  255 +angularGaugeWithTwoAxes.html, clock.html, clockWithTwoFaces.html. Visit our online class reference for properties and
  256 +methods of classes used by this chart type.
  257 +
  258 +*** New chart types made with new possibilities of Serial/XY charts ***
  259 +
  260 +We added lots of new features to our charts and with these features you can create new chart types, like:
  261 +
  262 +# Horizontal or vertical bullet chart - bulletChart.html
  263 +
  264 +# Waterfall chart - waterFallChart.html
  265 +
  266 +# Step chart without risers - lineStepNoRisers.html
  267 +
  268 +# Error chart (both Serial and XY) - errorChart.html
  269 +
  270 +*** Other new features ***
  271 +
  272 +# Possibility to show minor grid for both Category and Value axis. minorGridEnabled (default value false) and
  273 +minorGridAlpha (default 0.07) properties added to AxisBase class.
  274 +Example: lineWithScrollAndZoom.html
  275 +
  276 +
  277 +# Possibility to change line graphs' line/fill color on any data point to create highlighted sections of the graph.
  278 +To achieve this, you should set lineColorField and/or fillColorsField for your graph and have a field in your data
  279 +which would contain color values at a point where you want the graph to change it's color.
  280 +Example: lineWithChangingColor.html
  281 +
  282 +
  283 +# Possibility to switch line from solid to dashed. Columns can also have dashed outline. To achieve this, you should set
  284 +dashLengthField for your graph and have a field in your data which would contain dashLength value at a point where you
  285 +want the graph to change from solid to dashed or vice versa.
  286 +Example: lineWithDifferentBulletSizes.html and columnAndLineMix.html
  287 +
  288 +
  289 +# Date strings in data now supported. Even if your chart parses dates, you can pass them as strings in your data – all you
  290 +need to do is to set data date format and the chart will parse dates to date objects. This means that now data for
  291 +date-based chart can be in legit JSON format. dataDateFormat property added to AmSerialChart and AmStockChart.
  292 +Example: lineWithChangingColor.html, lineWithTrendLines.html and some more.
  293 +
  294 +
  295 +# When moving chart cursor over the chart, hovered bullets can change their size. If a graph has bullets and you added
  296 +ChartCursor to the chart, bullets will become bigger when char cursor is over them. graphBulletSize property with
  297 +default value 1.7 added to ChartCursor. If you want to disable this feature, set the value to 1.
  298 +Example: lineWithLogarithmicValueAxis.html, lineWithScrollAndZoom.html and some more.
  299 +
  300 +
  301 +# Legend can now display period value. When user is not hovering the chart, legend can show sum, average, open, close, low
  302 +or high values of selected period. periodValueText added to AmLegend and legendPeriodValueText added to AmGraph to
  303 +achieve this. The tags should be made out of two parts - the name of a field (value / open / close / high / low) and the
  304 +value of the period you want to be show - open / close / high / low / sum / average / count. For example: [[value.sum]]
  305 +means that sum of all data points of value field in the selected period will be displayed.
  306 +Example: area100PercentStacked.html and areaStacked.html
  307 +
  308 +To achieve the same with stock chart, we added periodValueTextRegular and periodValueTextComparing proprties to
  309 +StockLegend. To show percent period values, you should add "percent." prefix for your tag, for example:
  310 +[[percents.value.close]] means that last percent value of a period will be displayed.
  311 +Example: stockMultiplePanels.html and stockMultipleDataSets.html
  312 +
  313 +
  314 +# Legend markers can now mirror graph’s settings, displaying a line and a real bullet as in the graph itself.
  315 +useGraphSettings property with default value false was added to AmLegend. Note, we also removed "line" and "dashedLine"
  316 +marker types because of this - use the useGraphSettings feature in case you need lines as markers in the legend.
  317 +Example: lineWithDifferentBulletSizes.html and lineWithMultipleValueAxes.html
  318 +
  319 +
  320 +# Legend now supports custom markers (images). customMarker property was added to AmGraph. You should set path to the image
  321 +which should be displayed in the legend.
  322 +
  323 +
  324 +# Diamond bullet type added. Set graph.bullet = "diamond" to use it.
  325 +
  326 +
  327 +# Dynamic bullet size based on value axis / Error chart.
  328 +Error chart is a regular serial or XY chart with bullet type set to "errorX" or "errorY". The graph should know which axis
  329 +should be used to determine the size of this bullet - that's when graph.bulletAxis property should be set. Besides that,
  330 +you should also set graph.errorField. You can also use other bullet types with this feature too. For example, if you set
  331 +bulletAxis for XY chart, the size of a bullet will change as you zoom the chart.
  332 +Example: errorChart.html
  333 +
  334 +
  335 +# You can specify custom column width for each graph individually. columnWidth property added to AmGraph. Note, you set
  336 +relative width here (0 - 1), not width in pixels.
  337 +Example: bulletChart.html
  338 +
  339 +
  340 +# Columns can be overlaid on other columns, without making axis as stacked. clustered property added to AmGraph. In case you
  341 +want to place graph's columns in front of other columns, set it to false.
  342 +Example: bulletChart.html
  343 +
  344 +
  345 +# Resize grips were made bigger to make life easier for users on touch devices.
  346 +
  347 +
  348 +# Balloons can now display any HTML and CSS inside them. This means you can add images, format text or display just about
  349 +any HTML/CSS content. Because of this new feature, we removed textShadow property of AmBalloon in this version.
  350 +Example: areaStacked.html, barStacked.html and many other.
  351 +
  352 +
  353 +# Balloon now can animate from point to point and also fade out when user moves away from the chart. animationDuration and
  354 +fadeOutDuration properties added to AmBalloon, with default values 0.3. animationDuration property was also added to
  355 +ChartCursor, so that the cursor line would also animate to its position.
  356 +Example: any chart with balloon.
  357 +
  358 +
  359 +# Balloon now can display shadow. shadowColor (default #000000) and shadowAlpha (default 0.4) added to AmBalloon.
  360 +Example: any chart with balloon.
  361 +
  362 +
  363 +# Some default values of AmBalloon changed for a better usability - adjustBorderColor to true, cornerRadius to 0,
  364 +pointerWidth to 6, color to #000000.
  365 +Example: any chart with balloon.
  366 +
  367 +
  368 +# Stock chart can display scrollbar on top of the chart.
  369 +Example: stockIntradayData.html
  370 +
  371 +
  372 +
  373 +*******************************************************************************************************************************
  374 +*******************************************************************************************************************************
  375 +*******************************************************************************************************************************
  376 +
  377 +
  378 +
  379 +2.11.3
  380 +With IE8 and older, in some cases not all category axis labels were shown.
  381 +
  382 +2.11.2
  383 +"drawn" event added to AmChart. Fired every time chart is drawn - on zoom, hide graph, etc.
  384 +bug fixed - in some cases last grid items of category axis were not drawn.
  385 +
  386 +2.11.1
  387 +Bug fixed: if chart.usePrefixes was set to true, numbers near value axis grid could be rounded and duplicated.
  388 +This bug only occured in v 2.11.0.
  389 +
  390 +2.11.0
  391 +Bug fixed:
  392 +FireFox 3.6 failed to show all columns of a graph.
  393 +NumberFormatter was ignored if usePrefixes was set to true.
  394 +
  395 +Features added:
  396 +baloonFunction added to AmGraph. If you set some function, the graph will call it and pass graphDataItem and graph object to it
  397 +this function should return a string which will be displayed in a balloon.
  398 +
  399 +Custom fields now supported in labels/balloons/legend of Pie and Radar chart.
  400 +
  401 +Guide.above property added, the guide will be placed above the graphs if set to true (default is false).
  402 +
  403 +2.10.8
  404 +Bug with stacked step charts fixed.
  405 +categoryBalloonFunction property added to ChartCursor. It allows formatting any category balloon text you want.
  406 +The categoryBalloonFunction should return a string which will be displayed in a balloon. When categoryBalloonFunction
  407 +is called, category value (or date) is passed as an argument.
  408 +
  409 +2.10.7
  410 +Bugs related to new behavior of CategoryAxis fixed.
  411 +CategoryAxis.centerLabelOnFullPeriod property added, with default value true. This setting works only when
  412 +parseDates is set to true and equalSpacing is set to false. In case you set it to false,
  413 +labels will never be centered between grid lines.
  414 +
  415 +2.10.6
  416 +Some minor improvements.
  417 +
  418 +2.10.5
  419 +CategoryAxis labeling, when parseDates is true was improved.
  420 +CategoryAxis.markPeriodChange property added, with default value set to true. If you set it to false,
  421 +the start of longer periods won't use a different date format and won't be bold.
  422 +
  423 +
  424 +2.10.4
  425 +
  426 +charts can be rendered in "rtl" (right-to-left) mode. You have to set AmCharts.rtl = true in order this mode to be enabled.
  427 +categoryAxis.minPeriod now supports intervals like 15mm, 10ss (previously only equal intervals like ss, mm were supported).
  428 +some minor bugs fixed.
  429 +
  430 +2.10.3
  431 +
  432 +milliseconds problem with firefox & IE fixed
  433 +
  434 +2.10.2
  435 +
  436 +AmCharts.useUTC problems fixed.
  437 +
  438 +guide.color property added (changes text color of guide label).
  439 +
  440 +some other minor bugs fixed.
  441 +
  442 +
  443 +2.10.1
  444 +
  445 +showHandOnHover property added to AmGraph.
  446 +
  447 +totalTextColor property added to ValueAxis.
  448 +
  449 +minimum and maximum properties added to ChartScrollbar class. In case your scrollbar has a graph, you can set
  450 +minimum and maximum values of scrollbar's value axis.
  451 +
  452 +"rendered" event added to AmChart class. fired only once, when chart is first rendered.
  453 +
  454 +bug with graph.negativeBase and line graph fixed.
  455 +
  456 +columnSpacing3D added to AmSerialChart. Allows setting space between 3d stacked columns.
  457 +
  458 +2.10.0
  459 +******
  460 +categoryFunction property added to CategoryAxis. It specifies a method that returns the value that should be
  461 +used as categoryValue for current item. If this property is set, the return value of the custom data function
  462 +takes precedence over categoryField. When a chart calls this method, it passes category value, data item from
  463 +chart's data provider and reference to categoryAxis: categoryFunction(category, dataItem, categoryAxis);
  464 +This method can be used both when category axis parses dates and when it doesn't. If axis parses dates, your
  465 +categoryFunction should return Date object.
  466 +
  467 +******
  468 +labelFunction added to AxisBase. You can use it to format both Value and Category axis labels. If this function
  469 +is set for ValueAxis, it is called and these parameters are passed: labelFunction(value, valueText, valueAxis);
  470 +Where value is numeric value, valueText is formatted string and valueAxis is a reference to valueAxis object.
  471 +
  472 +If this function is set for CategoryAxis, then it is called with the following parameters passed:
  473 +
  474 +if dates are not parsed:
  475 +labelFunction(valueText, serialDataItem, categoryAxis)
  476 +
  477 +if dates are parsed:
  478 +labelFunction(valueText, date, categoryAxis)
  479 +
  480 +******
  481 +fontSize property added to Guide.
  482 +position property added to Guide.
  483 +
  484 +******
  485 +useMarkerColorForValues property added to AmLegend.
  486 +
  487 +******
  488 +rightClickSlice event added to AmPieChart.
  489 +
  490 +******
  491 +Some minor bugs fixed.
  492 +
  493 +**************************************************************************************************************
  494 +
  495 +2.9.2
  496 +
  497 +Problem with lines not visible on XP+IE8 fixed.
  498 +
  499 +2.9.1
  500 +
  501 +'selected' event of ChartCursor was added. It is fired when selectWithoutZooming is set to true and
  502 +user makes selection.
  503 +
  504 +Fixed XY chart external zoom (with valueAxis.zoomToValues() method)
  505 +
  506 +labelColorField added to AmGraph, it allows setting different color for individual data labels.
  507 +
  508 +forceShowField added to CategoryAxis. It allows setting which of the categories should
  509 +always be displayed. Works only when categoryAxis.parseDates = false
  510 +
  511 +rightClickGraphItem event added to AmCoordinateChart.
  512 +
  513 +"changed" event of chart cursor has a new property, called mostCloseGraph. It is
  514 +set if you are using chartCursor.oneBalloonOnly = true.
  515 +
  516 +Fix: IE used to hide legend of pie chart after validateNow() method was called.
  517 +
  518 +labelRadiusField property added to AmPieChart. It allows specifying the distance from pie
  519 +to data label manually. Note, if you set labelRadiusField, the chart won't try to
  520 +arrange labels so that they won't overlap.
  521 +
  522 +
  523 +2.9.0
  524 +
  525 +Since this version, when setting zooming date-based chart, you have to set
  526 +exact "to" date. For example, if you want the chart to display one day only,
  527 +set from date as 2012,1,1 (first of February) and the to date as
  528 +new Date(2012,1,2) or new Date(2012,1,1,23,59,59). Previously you could set the
  529 +same date for start and end dates and the chart used to select one "minPeriod"
  530 +automatically, however this caused a lot of problems for charts displaying
  531 +monthly or yearly data.
  532 +
  533 +AmCharts.clear method added. Call this method if you want completely to remove all charts from a page.
  534 +
  535 +Memory leak fixed.
  536 +
  537 +Last item was not displayed if minPeriod was bigger than day.
  538 +
  539 +Switch of legend marker was in wrong position when marker size was quite small.
  540 +
  541 +validateData() method caused error when fillToGraph property was set.
  542 +
  543 +if valueAxis.minimum was set and values were smaller than this minimum, columns were not displayed.
  544 +
  545 +align property wasn't working when using external container for the legend.
  546 +
  547 +some other minor bugs fixed.
  548 +
  549 +2.8.5
  550 +
  551 +above property added to Guide. If you set it to true, guides will be displayed above graphs.
  552 +Some minor bugs fixed.
  553 +
  554 +2.8.4
  555 +
  557 +you can set a customly created div element as a container of your legend. To do this,
  558 +you should pass id or reference of the div in this method:
  559 +
  560 +chart.addLegend(legend, divID);
  561 +
  562 +FIXES:
  563 +balloon could be wrongly positioned in marginTop style was added directly to <html> element.
  564 +chart.animateAgain(); worked only if validateNow() method was called after.
  565 +in some specific cases scrollbar could act icorrectly on IE8/IE7.
  566 +
  567 +
  568 +2.8.3
  569 +
  570 +When panEventsEnabled was set to true, balloons over bullets were not shown.
  571 +
  572 +Text in balloons was not properly vertically aligned if verticalSpacing was set
  573 +to some different than default value.
  574 +
  575 +Balloon wasn't positioned properly if chart was in a scrollable div.
  576 +
  577 +Init event wasn't fired by AmPieChart.
  578 +
  579 +2.8.2
  580 +
  581 +Step line's corners sometimes were not perfect (one extra pixel could be added
  582 +in the end of horizontal line)
  583 +
  584 +You couldn't change panEventsEnabled of AmChart class after the chart was
  585 +initialized.
  586 +
  587 +You couldn't chane legend's position after the chart was initialized.
  588 +
  589 +Step line chart was not correctly filled if Value axis was of some stacked type.
  590 +
  591 +Some other minor bugs fixed.
  592 +
  593 +2.8.1
  594 +
  595 +hideXScrollbar and hideYScrollbar properties added to AmXYChart. This will
  596 +allow you to show one scrollbar only.
  597 +
  598 +2.8.0
  599 +
  600 +New features:
  601 +you can pass dates as timestamps instead of date objects.
  602 +
  603 +ChartCursor.selectWithoutZooming property added which allows marking desired area
  604 +with chart cursor without zooming-in.
  605 +
  606 +graph.fillToGraph property added. This allows creating band or range graphs.
  607 +The area between graph and fillToGraph will be filled with a color if graph.fillAlphas
  608 +is set to > 0 value. Works with "line" graph type only.
  609 +
  610 +Bug fixes:
  611 +
  612 +Blurry lines on all browsers fixed
  613 +
  614 +right/bottom grid line was hidden if marginRight/marginBottom were set to 0
  615 +
  616 +category balloon was shifted a bit since last version
  617 +
  618 +background image was incorrectly sized
  619 +
  620 +2.7.10
  621 +Problem with balloon position in IE10 fixed.
  622 +
  623 +2.7.9
  624 +
  625 +FIX: If you used to add/remove some graphs for several times, some graphs could disappear.
  626 +
  627 +FIX: balloon could be positioned in a wrong place in some specific cases with IE.
  628 +
  629 +Some other minor bugs fixed.
  630 +
  631 +2.7.8
  632 +
  633 +url parameter added to chart.addLabel method
  634 +
  635 +Printing in IE8 fixed;
  636 +
  637 +Two typos in property names fixed:
  638 +
  639 +ValueAxis.minMaxMultiplier (instead of minMaxMultiplayer)
  640 +and
  641 +ValueAxis.synchronizationMultiplier (instead of synchronizationMultiplyer)
  642 +
  643 +We do not longer support old names with errors, so you should adjust names if you use
  644 +them in your scripts. Sorry for inconvenience.
  645 +
  646 +some other minor bugs fixed.
  647 +
  648 +2.7.7
  649 +
  650 +ValueAxis.minMaxMultiplier was ignored if min (or max) value was equal to 0.
  651 +In some cases, when legend position was set to "left", chart might be positioned
  652 +incorrectly.
  653 +
  654 +2.7.6
  655 +
  656 +chart.invalidateSize() method was fixed
  657 +charts used to ignore padding of a div.
  658 +chartCursor.showCursorAt(category) method added. It will make the cursor to
  659 +appear at specified cateogry or date.
  660 +
  661 +2.7.5
  662 +Bug with smoothed line in scrollbar fixed.
  663 +minMaxMultiplayer property added to ValueAxis. Default value is 1. You can increase
  664 +min/max range using this property. Useful for bubble charts - prevents from bubbles
  665 +being cut.
  666 +Some other minor bugs fixed.
  667 +
  668 +2.7.4
  669 +In case open and close values were equal, horizontal line wasn't drawn by candlestick chart.
  670 +
  671 +In case pie chart had one slice only, a tiny gap might be visible in IE8 and older.
  672 +
  673 +markerBorderColor of AmLegend was ignored.
  674 +
  675 +Ticks with no labels (when labelFrequency was > 1) were not hidden by categoryAxis.
  676 +
  677 +Balloons could overlap "show all" button preventing it from being clicked.
  678 +
  679 +
  680 +2.7.3
  681 +new line symbol \n was ignored in some browsers.
  682 +
  683 +smaller than 1 numbers were formatted incorrectly in some cases.
  684 +
  685 +2.7.2
  686 +Usabilty with touch devices improved - scrollbar's drag icons has a bigger hit area.
  687 +
  688 +Some bugs fixed.
  689 +
  690 +2.7.1
  691 +chart.removeLegend() was not working properly.
  692 +
  693 +chart.startDate wasn't returning value.
  694 +
  695 +lineColorField added to graph's properties.
  696 +
  697 +2.7.0
  698 +textAlign property added to AmBalloon. Possible values are left/middle/right,
  699 +default is "middle".
  700 +
  701 +behindColumns property added to AmGraph. If set to true, line graph will be
  702 +displayed behind column graphs.
  703 +
  704 +"init" event added to AmChart. Event is fired right after the chart is initialized
  705 +for the very first time.
  706 +
  707 +totalText property added to ValueAxis. Usage example:
  708 +valueAxis.totalText = "total: [[total]]"
  709 +It works only if the chart has column graphs and stackType is set to "regular" or "100%".
  710 +
  711 +showEntries property added to AmLegend. It might be used by StockChart - in case you want
  712 +legend as it displayes title of the chart but don't want legend entries to be visible.
  713 +
  714 +A bug with separate data provider set to graph fixed.
  715 +
  716 +2.6.13
  717 +FIXES:
  718 +When viewing a page with a chart from iOS browser, console logged some errors
  719 +
  720 +gradientOrientation was ignored by area charts
  721 +
  722 +plotAreaGradientAngle property added to AmRectangularChart, can accept 0, 90,
  723 +180 and 270 values.
  724 +
  725 +2.6.12
  726 +FIXES:
  727 +Pie chart data labels were hidden behind other slices if labelRadius < 0
  728 +
  729 +If chart was in a div with scrollbar, cursor was displayed in wrong position after
  730 +scrolling with FF.
  731 +
  732 +Some other minor bugs fixed.
  733 +
  734 +2.6.11
  735 +cursor and balloons were not shown on iPad when cursor.pan was set to true
  736 +
  737 +Labels near XY chart bullets were placed incorrectly (since last version only)
  738 +
  739 +some other minor bugs fixed
  740 +
  741 +2.6.10
  742 +AmCharts.baseHref property added. Set it to true if you are using base href in your
  743 +HTML. This will help so solve svg/base href bug (clip paths are not working and
  744 +gradient fills are displayed as balck).
  745 +
  746 +Text can be wrapped again. Add \n in places you need new line in text.
  747 +
  748 +Some other minor bugs fixed.
  749 +
  750 +2.6.9
  751 +AmCharts.useUTC property added, default value is false. Set it to true if you
  752 +create dates using timestamps, like new Date(1256953732) and wish dates to be
  753 +formatted usin UTC instead of local time.
  754 +
  755 +FIX:
  756 +If more than two colors were set for graph.fillColors, only two first colors
  757 +were used.
  758 +
  759 +FIX:
  760 +chartCursor.bulletsEnabled was ignored, even set to true.
  761 +
  762 +FIX: on IE8, if one slice was 100%, the circle wasn't displayed.
  763 +
  764 +FIX: custom fields in balloonText were not supported by XY chart.
  765 +
  766 +2.6.8
  767 +pieAlpha property was ignored.
  768 +plotAreaBorderAlpha was ignored if plotAreaAlphas was 0
  769 +column graph type was ignoring startEffect property.
  770 +chart property referencing to the chart object added to all event objects.
  771 +
  772 +2.6.7
  773 +Pie slices became invisible if startAlpha was < 1 on <= IE8 browsers (since 2.6.6 only)
  774 +Performance with IE6 increased.
  775 +
  776 +2.6.6
  777 +short year (YY) was incorrectly formatted in <= IE8 browsers
  778 +alphaField was ignored by column graph
  779 +chartScrollbar was not working properly when parseDates was set to false.
  780 +some other minor bugs fixed.
  781 +
  782 +2.6.5
  783 +some minor bugs fixed.
  784 +
  785 +2.6.4
  786 +minSelectedTime property added to AmSerialTime
  787 +
  788 +some minor bugs fixed.
  789 +
  790 +2.6.3
  791 +zoom-out button wasn't working on iPad (only since 2.6.0)
  792 +
  793 +2.6.2
  794 +Bug with paneEventsEnabled and older firefox (< 4) fixed
  795 +
  796 +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  797 +// IMPOTANT UPDATE ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  798 +// 2.6.0 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  799 +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  800 +
  801 +amCharts is no longer using raphael drawing library. New drawing engine is included
  802 +inside amcharts.js file. The charts got a lot faster, the file size reduced by 70Kb!
  803 +
  804 +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  805 +2.5.5
  806 +In new version of Chrome (17) a new bug was introduced - if touchEventsEnabled was set
  807 +to true, mouse events stopped working on normal browsers. Bug fixed in this version.
  808 +
  809 +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  810 +2.5.4
  811 +Some minor bugs fixed
  812 +
  813 +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  814 +2.5.3
  815 +Some minor bugs fixed
  816 +
  817 +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  818 +2.5.2
  819 +Some minor bugs fixed
  820 +
  821 +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  822 +2.5.1
  823 +
  824 +TrendLines are supported by XY chart from this version
  825 +
  826 +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  827 +// IMPORTANT UPDATE //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  828 +// 2.5.0 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  829 +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  830 +
  831 +Since v 2.5 we no longer distribute our old flash charts in this package, we hope this
  832 +will help to avoid a lot of misunderstandings. If you still want to use flash charts,
  833 +download them in a separate package from
  834 +
  835 +We added a lot of new examples, to the "samples" folder. They are better structured,
  836 +source code commented.
  837 +
  839 +
  840 +Automatic margins
  841 +margins of RectangularChart (Serial and XY charts) are calculated automatically now.
  842 +You can still work in old way by setting margins manually - set chart.autoMargins to
  843 +false.
  844 +
  845 +Axis titles
  846 +Previously you had to use addLabel method in order to give name to the axis. Since
  847 +this version we introduced title property for AxisBase, so you can name both Category
  848 +and Value Axes now much more easily.
  849 +
  850 +Chart title
  851 +Same as with axes titles - previously you had to use addLabel method to name a chart.
  852 +Now you can add any number of titles using
  853 +chart.addTitle(text, size, color, alpha, bold) method. Chart title is taken into account
  854 +when calculating margins, also position of pie/radar center.
  855 +
  856 +Trend lines
  857 +Chart can display Trend lines now.
  858 +
  859 +AmCharts.ready() method added so you don't need to use window.onload anymore. You can
  860 +use amCharts.ready as many times in one page as you want.
  861 +
  863 +
  864 +precision property added to ValueAxis.
  865 +
  866 +if chart.usePrefixes is set, prefixes will be used both in balloons and legend, not only
  867 +by valueAxis as before.
  868 +
  869 +
  871 +
  872 +default value of autoGridCount property of AxisBase changed to true
  873 +
  874 +default value of textClickEnabled of AmLegend changed to false
  875 +
  876 +default value of hideResizeGrips of ChartScrollbar changed to false
  877 +
  878 +All margins of RectangularChart changed to 20, as they can still be used for sides
  879 +without axes.
  880 +
  881 +
  882 +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  883 +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  884 +
  885 +2.4.7
  886 +FEATURE:
  887 +you can use custom tags like [[myCustomField]] in labelText / balloonText. If data item
  888 +from your data provider has such field, the tag will be replaced with this value.
  889 +
  890 +FIXES:
  891 +[[percents]] were not displayed in stacked chart labels.
  892 +labels on the 3D columns were positioned in wrong position in some cases.
  893 +
  894 +2.4.6
  895 +FIXES:
  896 +if chartCursor.pan was set to true, mouse pointer didn't change back when off the area.
  897 +
  898 +in some cases balloon flashed in a wrong position (IE only) for a second.
  899 +
  900 +amFallback used to fail on older IE with <visible_in_legend> set to false.
  901 +
  902 +Rollover balloons used to overlap when all of the datapoints were very near the top of
  903 +the plot area.
  904 +
  905 +Sometimes lines became blurry after window was resized.
  906 +
  907 +v16 of Chrome used to display warning about deprecated layerX and layerY properties
  908 +
  909 +guides on CategoryAxis with not date based values used not to work properly.
  910 +
  911 +Some other minor bugs fixed.
  912 +
  913 +FEATURES:
  914 +
  915 +boldPeriodBeginning property with default value true added to CoordinateAxis.
  916 +You can disable bolding of the beginning of a period (like year/month/etc) using
  917 +it.
  918 +
  919 +2.4.5
  920 +some bugs fixed
  921 +
  922 +2.4.4
  923 +some bugs fixed
  924 +
  925 +2.4.3
  926 +labels added using addLabel method weren't rotated (this bug was since v 2.4.0)
  927 +Raphael.js updated to 2.0.1, some related issues in amCharts fixed.
  928 +
  929 +2.4.2
  930 +equalWidths with default value true added to AmLegend. Allows to save space
  931 +in the legend. Won't look good if legend has more than one line.
  932 +
  933 +version property added to AmChart. Indicates current version of the chart script.
  934 +
  935 +FIXES:
  936 +If labelRotation was set to 90, some labels were hidden.
  937 +
  938 +It was impossible to drag chart scrollbar if the mouse was over text in scrollbar.
  939 +Chart cursor stayed visible sometimes even mouse wasn't over the chart.
  940 +
  941 +[[category]] metatag was ignored in legend value text.
  942 +
  943 +[[percents.value]] couldn't be displayed in value balloon.
  944 +
  945 +labelPosition was ignored with not stacked columns
  946 +
  947 +
  948 +2.4.1
  949 +raphael.js file was updated in order to fix conflicts with mootools.
  950 +
  951 +some minor bugs fixed.
  952 +
  953 +2.4.0
  954 +JavaScript version moved to newly released Raphael v.2 (raphael.js file was updated).
  955 +
  956 +some minor bugs fixed.
  957 +
  958 +2.3.0
  959 +Fixes in Flash version:
  960 +
  961 +Since the release of Flash Player 11, calling setSettings could cause browser
  962 +crash. This problem fixed in this version. You only need to overwrite swf files.
  963 +
  964 +Fixes in JavaScript version:
  965 +
  966 +Rollover balloon with cornerRadius set to 0 was distorted when it's close to the
  967 +plot area's top.
  968 +
  969 +amClickGraphItem event wasn't working for Radar Chart.
  970 +
  971 +graph.showBalloon = false was ignored.
  972 +
  973 +The last item in chart.colors array was ignored.
  974 +
  975 +3D stacked bar charts had layer order problems.
  976 +
  977 +New features in JavaScript version:
  978 +
  979 +minBulletSize property added to AmGraph. Might be useful for XY chart.
  980 +
  981 +animateAgain() method added to all charts. Will trigger animation.
  982 +
  983 +2.2.1
  984 +Changes were made in JavaScript version only.
  985 +
  986 +We used Google's Closure Compiler (
  987 +app to optimize the code and now size of amCharts is less by ~13 KB!
  988 +
  989 +oneBalloonOnly property added to ChartCursor. If true, only one value balloon
  990 +at a time will be displayed. Default value is false.
  991 +
  992 +Some minor bugs were fixed.
  993 +
  994 +2.2.0
  995 +JavaScript version of XY Chart is now available.
  996 +Code was optimized so even with this new chart the size of a file got smaller!
  997 +Some minor bugs fixed in JS version.
  998 +We decided to remove a possibility to have gradient fills of JS pie chart as this
  999 +might cause some unsolvable bugs.
  1000 +
  1001 +2.1.5
  1002 +Fix in JavaScript version:
  1003 +Some garbage used to appear on plot area while zooming candlestick chart.
  1004 +
  1005 +2.1.4
  1006 +Fix in JavaScript version:
  1007 +One i variable was't declared so it became global. This might cause some conflicts
  1008 +with other scripts on a page.
  1009 +
  1010 +2.1.3
  1011 +
  1012 +Fixes / tweaks in JavaScript version:
  1013 +
  1014 +If duration of ValueAxis is set, value balloons now also display duration.
  1015 +
  1016 +If a label was added with chart.addLabel method after the chart is created, these
  1017 +labels used to dissapear after validateNow() methos was called.
  1018 +
  1019 +Some issues with positive/negative graph masking fixed.
  1020 +
  1021 +If graph type was column, startDuration was > 0, and there were values equal to 0,
  1022 +an error used to happen with Chrome while animating.
  1023 +
  1024 +Legend marker type "bubble" wasn't working at all.
  1025 +
  1026 +Legend marker type "line" or "dashed line" wasn't registering clicks on the marker.
  1027 +
  1028 +2.1.0
  1029 +Radar/Polar chart added to JavaScript charts
  1030 +Some bug fixes/tweaks in both flash and JavaScript versions.
  1031 +
  1032 +
  1033 +2.0.7
  1034 +Memory leaks fixed and performance inproved for JavaScript version.
  1035 +
  1036 +
  1037 +2.0.6
  1038 +Changes in JavaScript version:
  1039 +We strongly recommend upgrading to this version, as it contains some important
  1040 +updates and fixes.
  1041 +
  1042 +One important change which might affect chart behavior on touch devices was made.
  1043 +As our charts have a possibility to zoom-in or scroll, we are capturing touch events
  1044 +and zoom or pan or scroll the chart if such event happens. This means that if a
  1045 +chart is on a page, and user is moving a page with a finger, the page won't move if
  1046 +he touches the chart first. Understanding that in most cases moving a page is a
  1047 +primary purpose of a user, we disabled our pan behaviors by default. If you think
  1048 +that selecting or or panning the chart is a primary purpose of your chart users,
  1049 +you should set:
  1050 +
  1051 +chart.panEventsEnabled = true;
  1052 +
  1053 +Another important fix - the charts were redrawing when browser was resized even
  1054 +if chart containers size didn't changed. This affected performance a lot.
  1055 +
  1056 +Some other minor fixes were made.
  1057 +
  1058 +
  1059 +2.0.5
  1060 +Changes in JavaScript version:
  1061 +Some minor bugs fixed.
  1062 +
  1063 +
  1064 +2.0.4
  1065 +Changes in JavaScript version:
  1066 +gridPosition property with possible values "start" and "middle" added to CategroryAxis;
  1067 +usePrefixes added to valueAxis;
  1068 +
  1069 +
  1070 +2.0.3
  1071 +Changes in JavaScript version:
  1072 +Mouse and text related problems which appeared in newly released IE9 were fixed.
6 1073 \ No newline at end of file
... ...
... ... @@ -13,6 +13,4 @@ This software is provided without warranty.
13 13 *********************************************************************************
14 14 A commercial version (without link) is available at amCharts's website:
15 15
16   -*********************************************************************************
17   -aaa
18   -bbb
19 16 \ No newline at end of file
  17 +*********************************************************************************
20 18 \ No newline at end of file
... ...
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
  1 +*********************************************************************************
  2 +Third party software used:
  3 +
  4 + Jason S. Kerchner base class (
  5 + Licensed under BSD license:
  6 +
  7 + David Knape & Patrick Mineault Bezier curves drawing logic.
  8 +
  9 + Code optimization made using Closure Compiling service:
  10 +
  11 +
  12 +Libraries used for exporting charts as image/pdf/svg:
  13 +
  14 + canvg.js - Javascript SVG parser and renderer on Canvas
  15 + MIT Licensed
  16 + Gabe Lerner (
  17 +
  18 +
  19 + rgbcolor.js
  20 + A class to parse color values
  21 + author Stoyan Stefanov,
  22 +
  23 + license Use it if you like it
  24 +
  25 + FileSaver.js
  26 + A saveAs() FileSaver implementation.
  27 + By Eli Grey,
  28 + License: X11/MIT
  29 +
  30 + jsPDF.js
  31 + By James Hall
  32 + License: MIT
  33 +
  34 +*********************************************************************************
0 35 \ No newline at end of file
... ...