Commit 5c8f10d65c5cf9c086b2b4a97027bd1b5e492398

Authored by Tom Huang
0 parents
Exists in master


Signed-off-by: Tom Huang <>
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
  1 +;
  2 +root = true
  3 +
  4 +[*]
  5 +end_of_line = lf
  6 +charset = utf-8
  7 +trim_trailing_whitespace = true
  8 +insert_final_newline = true
  9 +
  10 +[*.{js,css}]
  11 +indent_style = space
  12 +indent_size = 4
  13 +
  14 +[*.md]
  15 +trim_trailing_whitespace = false
0 16 \ No newline at end of file
... ...
... ... @@ -0,0 +1 @@
  1 +* text=auto
... ...
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
  1 +node_modules
  2 +.c9revisions
... ...
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
  1 +{
  2 + "node": true,
  3 + "browser": true,
  4 + "esnext": true,
  5 + "bitwise": true,
  6 + "camelcase": true,
  7 + "eqeqeq": true,
  8 + "immed": true,
  9 + "indent": 4,
  10 + "latedef": true,
  11 + "newcap": true,
  12 + "noarg": true,
  13 + "quotmark": "single",
  14 + "regexp": true,
  15 + "undef": true,
  16 + "unused": true,
  17 + "strict": true,
  18 + "trailing": true,
  19 + "smarttabs": true,
  20 + "expr": true,
  21 + "globals": {
  22 + "define": false,
  23 + /* MOCHA */
  24 + "describe" : false,
  25 + "it" : false,
  26 + "before" : false,
  27 + "beforeEach" : false,
  28 + "after" : false,
  29 + "afterEach" : false
  30 + }
  31 +}
... ...
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
  1 +# Changelog
  2 +
  3 +## 1.4.0 - TBA
  4 +
  5 +## 1.3.3 - 2015-02-17
  6 +
  7 +- Add theme class support, see #260
  8 +- Fix on iOS, see #101, #121
  9 +- Add date range example, see #337
  10 +- Fix dates used in examples, see #329
  11 +
  12 +## 1.3.2 - 2015-02-17
  13 +
  14 +- Add options to disable days, see #171
  15 +- Add SCSS file, see #130
  16 +
  17 +## 1.3.1 - 2015-02-04
  18 +
  19 +- Fix for bug introduced in #166; fixes #224, #230
  20 +
  21 +## 1.3.0 - 2015-01-09
  22 +
  23 +- Fix #79 moving through months can cause calendar to "bounce around"
  24 +- Add configurable number of shown months
  25 +- #51 Add unit tests with ci: [testling](
  26 +- Fix #94 blur input field after date selection
  27 +- Add configuable container to render calendar into
  28 +- Add option to show week numbers, see #147
  29 +- Positioning is now optional, see #192
  30 +
  31 +## 1.2.0 - 2014-01-28
  32 +
  33 +- Fix #8 Automatically adjust datepicker position
  34 +- Merge #45 Adjusting position
  35 +- Merge #11 Allow using a different element to open and bind the datepicker to
  36 +- Use new Bower package filename: bower.json
  37 +- Merge #90 Configuration options for the title, useful for Asian languages.
  38 +- Merge #96 Use proper UMD-wrapper
  39 +- Merge #92 Export as CommonJS module
  40 +- Merge #119 Use a px text-indent on .pika-prev/next to prevent Firefox bug
  41 +- Merge #60 Add customizable position option
  42 +- Add Component package definition
  43 +
  44 +## 1.1.0 - 2013-03-29
  45 +
  46 +- Add Ruby on Rails [gem](
  47 +- Add project configuration files. (jshint and editorconfig)
  48 +- Add AMD support to pikaday and pikaday.jquery
  49 +
  50 +- Fix #52 check if date is valid when moment.js is available
  51 +- Fix #54 add CSS support for IE8
  52 +
  53 +Notes:
  54 +
  55 +- jQuery plugin needs pikaday.js loaded first
  56 +- See the examples/ dir:
  57 + - amd.html module loading example
  58 + - jquery-amd.html module loading the jQuery plugin example
  59 + - jquery.html jQuery plugin example
  60 + - moment.html moment.js library example
  61 +
  62 +## 1.0.0 - 2013-03-15
  63 +
  64 +- Fix issue #41 (minDate does not include the specified date)
  65 +- Add Bower package definition
  66 +
  67 +## 0.0.2 - 2012-10-10
  68 +
  69 +- jQuery plugin version
  70 +
  71 +## 0.0.1 - 2012-10-08
  72 +
  73 +- Basic documentation written
  74 +- GitHub repository is ready to goโ€ฆ
... ...
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
  1 +Copyright (c) 2014 David Bushell BSD & MIT license
  2 +
  3 +The MIT License (MIT)
  4 +
  5 +Copyright (c) 2014 David Bushell
  6 +
  7 +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
  8 +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
  9 +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
  10 +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
  11 +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
  12 +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
  13 +
  14 +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
  15 +all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
  16 +
  24 +
  25 +The BSD License
  26 +
  27 +Copyright (c) 2014 David Bushell
  28 +All rights reserved.
  29 +
  30 +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
  31 +
  32 +1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  33 +
  34 +2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
  35 +
0 37 \ No newline at end of file
... ...
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
  1 +Pikaday
  2 +========
  3 +
  4 +### A refreshing JavaScript Datepicker
  5 +
  6 +* Lightweight (less than 5kb minified and gzipped)
  7 +* No dependencies (but plays well with [Moment.js][moment])
  8 +* Modular CSS classes for easy styling
  9 +
  10 +[**Try Pikaday Demo โ†’**][Pikaday]
  11 +
  12 +![Pikaday Screenshot][screenshot]
  13 +
  14 +**Production ready?** Since version 1.0.0 Pikaday is stable and used in production. If you do however find bugs or have feature requests please submit them to the [GitHub issue tracker][issues].
  15 +Also see the [changelog](
  16 +
  17 +
  18 +## Usage
  19 +
  20 +**Pikaday** can be bound to an input field:
  21 +
  22 +```html
  23 +<input type="text" id="datepicker">
  24 +```
  25 +
  26 +Add the JavaScript to the end of your document:
  27 +
  28 +```html
  29 +<script src="pikaday.js"></script>
  30 +<script>
  31 + var picker = new Pikaday({ field: document.getElementById('datepicker') });
  32 +</script>
  33 +```
  34 +
  35 +If you're using **jQuery** make sure to pass only the first element:
  36 +
  37 +```javascript
  38 +var picker = new Pikaday({ field: $('#datepicker')[0] });
  39 +```
  40 +
  41 +If the Pikaday instance is not bound to a field you can append the element anywhere:
  42 +
  43 +```javascript
  44 +var field = document.getElementById('datepicker');
  45 +var picker = new Pikaday({
  46 + onSelect: function(date) {
  47 + field.value = picker.toString();
  48 + }
  49 +});
  50 +field.parentNode.insertBefore(picker.el, field.nextSibling);
  51 +```
  52 +
  53 +For advanced formatting load [Moment.js][moment] prior to Pikaday:
  54 +See the [moment.js example][] for a full version.
  55 +
  56 +```html
  57 +<input type="text" id="datepicker" value="9 Oct 2014">
  58 +
  59 +<script src="moment.js"></script>
  60 +<script src="pikaday.js"></script>
  61 +<script>
  62 + var picker = new Pikaday({
  63 + field: document.getElementById('datepicker'),
  64 + format: 'D MMM YYYY',
  65 + onSelect: function() {
  66 + console.log(this.getMoment().format('Do MMMM YYYY'));
  67 + }
  68 + });
  69 +</script>
  70 +```
  71 +
  72 +### Configuration
  73 +
  74 +As the examples demonstrate above
  75 +Pikaday has many useful options:
  76 +
  77 +* `field` bind the datepicker to a form field
  78 +* `trigger` use a different element to trigger opening the datepicker, see [trigger example][] (default to `field`)
  79 +* `bound` automatically show/hide the datepicker on `field` focus (default `true` if `field` is set)
  80 +* `position` preferred position of the datepicker relative to the form field, e.g.: `top right`, `bottom right` **Note:** automatic adjustment may occur to avoid datepicker from being displayed outside the viewport, see [positions example][] (default to 'bottom left')
  81 +* `reposition` can be set to false to not reposition datepicker within the viewport, forcing it to take the configured `position` (default: true)
  82 +* `container` DOM node to render calendar into, see [container example][] (default: undefined)
  83 +* `format` the default output format for `.toString()` and `field` value (requires [Moment.js][moment] for custom formatting)
  84 +* `defaultDate` the initial date to view when first opened
  85 +* `setDefaultDate` make the `defaultDate` the initial selected value
  86 +* `firstDay` first day of the week (0: Sunday, 1: Monday, etc)
  87 +* `minDate` the minimum/earliest date that can be selected (this should be a native Date object - e.g. `new Date()` or `moment().toDate()`)
  88 +* `maxDate` the maximum/latest date that can be selected (this should be a native Date object - e.g. `new Date()` or `moment().toDate()`)
  89 +* `disableWeekends` disallow selection of Saturdays or Sundays
  90 +* `disableDayFn` callback function that gets passed a Date object for each day in view. Should return true to disable selection of that day.
  91 +* `yearRange` number of years either side (e.g. `10`) or array of upper/lower range (e.g. `[1900,2015]`)
  92 +* `showWeekNumber` show the ISO week number at the head of the row (default `false`)
  93 +* `isRTL` reverse the calendar for right-to-left languages
  94 +* `i18n` language defaults for month and weekday names (see internationalization below)
  95 +* `yearSuffix` additional text to append to the year in the title
  96 +* `showMonthAfterYear` render the month after year in the title (default `false`)
  97 +* `numberOfMonths` number of visible calendars
  98 +* `mainCalendar` when `numberOfMonths` is used, this will help you to choose where the main calendar will be (default `left`, can be set to `right`). Only used for the first display or when a selected date is not already visible
  99 +* `theme` define a classname that can be used as a hook for styling different themes, see [theme example][] (default `null`)
  100 +* `onSelect` callback function for when a date is selected
  101 +* `onOpen` callback function for when the picker becomes visible
  102 +* `onClose` callback function for when the picker is hidden
  103 +* `onDraw` callback function for when the picker draws a new month
  104 +
  105 +## jQuery Plugin
  106 +
  107 +The normal version of Pikaday does not require jQuery, however there is a jQuery plugin if that floats your boat (see `plugins/pikaday.jquery.js` in the repository). This version requires jQuery, naturally, and can be used like other plugins:
  108 +See the [jQuery example][] for a full version.
  109 +
  110 +```html
  111 +<script src="//"></script>
  112 +<script src="pikaday.js"></script>
  113 +<script src="plugins/pikaday.jquery.js"></script>
  114 +<script>
  115 +
  116 +// activate datepickers for all elements with a class of `datepicker`
  117 +$('.datepicker').pikaday({ firstDay: 1 });
  118 +
  119 +// chain a few methods for the first datepicker, jQuery style!
  120 +$('.datepicker').eq(0).pikaday('show').pikaday('gotoYear', 2042);
  121 +
  122 +</script>
  123 +```
  124 +
  125 +## AMD support
  126 +
  127 +If you use a modular script loader than Pikaday is not bound to the global object and will fit nicely in your build process. You can require Pikaday just like any other module.
  128 +See the [AMD example][] for a full version.
  129 +
  130 +```javascript
  131 +require(['pikaday'], function(Pikaday) {
  132 + var picker = new Pikaday({ field: document.getElementById('datepicker') });
  133 +});
  134 +```
  135 +The same applies for the jQuery plugin mentioned above.
  136 +See the [jQuery AMD example][] for a full version.
  137 +
  138 +```javascript
  139 +require(['jquery', 'pikaday.jquery'], function($) {
  140 + $('#datepicker').pikaday();
  141 +});
  142 +```
  143 +
  144 +## CommonJS module support
  145 +
  146 +If you use a CommonJS compatible environment you can use the require function to import Pikaday.
  147 +
  148 +
  149 +```javascript
  150 +var pikaday = require('pikaday');
  151 +```
  152 +
  153 +When you bundle all your required modules with [Browserify][browserify] and you don't use [Moment.js][moment] specify the ignore option:
  154 +
  155 +`browserify main.js -o bundle.js -i moment`
  156 +
  157 +## Ruby on Rails
  158 +
  159 +If you're using **Ruby on Rails**, make sure to check out the [Pikaday gem][gem].
  160 +
  161 +## Methods
  162 +
  163 +You can control the date picker after creation:
  164 +
  165 +```javascript
  166 +var picker = new Pikaday({ field: document.getElementById('datepicker') });
  167 +```
  168 +
  169 +### Get and set date
  170 +
  171 +`picker.toString('YYYY-MM-DD')`
  172 +
  173 +Returns the selected date in a string format. If [Moment.js][moment] exists (recommended) then Pikaday can return any format that Moment understands, otherwise you're stuck with JavaScript's default.
  174 +
  175 +`picker.getDate()`
  176 +
  177 +Returns a basic JavaScript `Date` object of the selected day, or `null` if no selection.
  178 +
  179 +`picker.setDate('2015-01-01')`
  180 +
  181 +Set the current selection. This will be restricted within the bounds of `minDate` and `maxDate` options if they're specified. You can optionally pass a boolean as the second parameter to prevent triggering of the onSelect callback (true), allowing the date to be set silently.
  182 +
  183 +`picker.getMoment()`
  184 +
  185 +Returns a [Moment.js][moment] object for the selected date (Moment must be loaded before Pikaday).
  186 +
  187 +`picker.setMoment(moment('14th February 2014', 'DDo MMMM YYYY'))`
  188 +
  189 +Set the current selection with a [Moment.js][moment] object (see `setDate` for details).
  190 +
  191 +### Change current view
  192 +
  193 +`picker.gotoDate(new Date(2014, 1))`
  194 +
  195 +Change the current view to see a specific date. This example will jump to February 2014 ([month is a zero-based index][mdn_date]).
  196 +
  197 +`picker.gotoToday()`
  198 +
  199 +Shortcut for `picker.gotoDate(new Date())`
  200 +
  201 +`picker.gotoMonth(2)`
  202 +
  203 +Change the current view by month (0: January, 1: Februrary, etc).
  204 +
  205 +`picker.nextMonth()`
  206 +`picker.prevMonth()`
  207 +
  208 +Go to the next or previous month (this will change year if necessary).
  209 +
  210 +`picker.gotoYear()`
  211 +
  212 +Change the year being viewed.
  213 +
  214 +`picker.setMinDate()`
  215 +
  216 +Update the minimum/earliest date that can be selected.
  217 +
  218 +`picker.setMaxDate()`
  219 +
  220 +Update the maximum/latest date that can be selected.
  221 +
  222 +`picker.setStartRange()`
  223 +
  224 +Update the range start date. For using two Pikaday instances to select a date range.
  225 +
  226 +`picker.setEndRange()`
  227 +
  228 +Update the range end date. For using two Pikaday instances to select a date range.
  229 +
  230 +### Show and hide datepicker
  231 +
  232 +`picker.isVisible()`
  233 +
  234 +Returns `true` or `false`.
  235 +
  236 +``
  237 +
  238 +Make the picker visible.
  239 +
  240 +`picker.adjustPosition()`
  241 +
  242 +Recalculate and change the position of the picker.
  243 +
  244 +`picker.hide()`
  245 +
  246 +Hide the picker making it invisible.
  247 +
  248 +`picker.destroy()`
  249 +
  250 +Hide the picker and remove all event listeners โ€” no going back!
  251 +
  252 +### Internationalization
  253 +
  254 +The default `i18n` configuration format looks like this:
  255 +
  256 +```javascript
  257 +i18n: {
  258 + previousMonth : 'Previous Month',
  259 + nextMonth : 'Next Month',
  260 + months : ['January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December'],
  261 + weekdays : ['Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday'],
  262 + weekdaysShort : ['Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat']
  263 +}
  264 +```
  265 +
  266 +You must provide 12 months and 7 weekdays (with abbreviations). Always specify weekdays in this order with Sunday first. You can change the `firstDay` option to reorder if necessary (0: Sunday, 1: Monday, etc). You can also set `isRTL` to `true` for languages that are read right-to-left.
  267 +
  268 +
  269 +## Extensions
  270 +
  271 +### Timepicker
  272 +
  273 +Pikaday is a pure datepicker. It will not support picking a time of day. However, there have been efforts to add time support to Pikaday.
  274 +See [#1][issue1] and [#18][issue18]. These reside in their own fork.
  275 +
  276 +You can use the work [@owenmead][owenmead] did most recently at [owenmead/Pikaday][owen Pika]
  277 +A more simple time selection approach done by [@xeeali][xeeali] at [xeeali/Pikaday][xeeali Pika] is based on version 1.2.0.
  278 +Also [@stas][stas] has a fork [stas/Pikaday][stas Pika], but is now quite old
  279 +
  280 +
  281 +## Browser Compatibility
  282 +
  283 +* IE 7+
  284 +* Chrome 8+
  285 +* Firefox 3.5+
  286 +* Safari 3+
  287 +* Opera 10.6+
  288 +
  289 +[![browser compatibility](
  290 +](
  291 +
  292 +
  293 +* * *
  294 +
  295 +## Authors
  296 +
  297 +* David Bushell [][Bushell] [@dbushell][Bushell Twitter]
  298 +* Ramiro Rikkert [GitHub][Rikkert] [@RamRik][Rikkert Twitter]
  299 +
  300 +Thanks to [@shoogledesigns][shoogledesigns] for the name.
  301 +
  302 +Copyright ยฉ 2014 David Bushell | BSD & MIT license
  303 +
  304 + [Pikaday]: "Pikaday"
  305 + [moment]: "moment.js"
  306 + [browserify]: "browserify"
  307 + [screenshot]: "Screenshot"
  308 + [issues]: "Issue tracker"
  309 + [gem]: "RoR gem"
  310 + [mdn_date]: "Date"
  311 + [Bushell]: ""
  312 + [Bushell Twitter]: "@dbushell"
  313 + [Rikkert]: "Rikkert GitHub"
  314 + [Rikkert Twitter]: "@ramrik"
  315 + [shoogledesigns]: "@shoogledesigns"
  316 + [issue1]: "Issue 1"
  317 + [issue18]: "Issue 18"
  318 + [stas]: "@stas"
  319 + [stas Pika]: "Pikaday"
  320 + [owenmead]: "@owenmead"
  321 + [owen Pika]: "Pikaday"
  322 + [xeeali]: "@xeeali"
  323 + [xeeali Pika]: "Pikaday"
  324 + [moment.js example]: "Pikaday w/ moment.js"
  325 + [jQuery example]: "Pikaday w/ jQuery"
  326 + [AMD example]: "Pikaday w/ AMD"
  327 + [jQuery AMD example]: "Pikaday w/ jQuery + AMD"
  328 + [trigger example]: "Pikaday using custom trigger"
  329 + [positions example]: "Pikaday using different position options"
  330 + [container example]: "Pikaday using custom calendar container"
  331 + [theme example]: "Pikaday using multiple themes"
... ...
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
  1 +{
  2 + "name": "pikaday",
  3 + "description": "A refreshing JavaScript Datepicker โ€” lightweight, no dependencies, modular CSS",
  4 + "keywords": [
  5 + "datepicker",
  6 + "calendar",
  7 + "date"
  8 + ],
  9 + "main": [
  10 + "./pikaday.js",
  11 + "./css/pikaday.css"
  12 + ],
  13 + "dependencies": {},
  14 + "ignore": [
  15 + "**/.*",
  16 + "node_modules",
  17 + "components"
  18 + ],
  19 + "license" : [
  20 + "BSD",
  21 + "MIT"
  22 + ],
  23 + "homepage": "",
  24 + "repository": {
  25 + "type": "git",
  26 + "url": ""
  27 + }
  28 +}
... ...
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
  1 +{
  2 + "name": "pikaday",
  3 + "repo": "dbushell/Pikaday",
  4 + "description": "A refreshing JavaScript Datepicker โ€” lightweight, no dependencies, modular CSS",
  5 + "version": "1.3.3",
  6 + "keywords": [
  7 + "datepicker",
  8 + "calendar",
  9 + "date"
  10 + ],
  11 + "main": "pikaday.js",
  12 + "scripts": ["pikaday.js"],
  13 + "styles": ["css/pikaday.css"],
  14 + "dependencies": {},
  15 + "demo": "",
  16 + "license": "MIT"
  17 +}
... ...
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
  1 +@charset "UTF-8";
  2 +
  3 +/*!
  4 + * Pikaday
  5 + * Copyright ยฉ 2014 David Bushell | BSD & MIT license |
  6 + */
  7 +
  8 +.pika-single {
  9 + z-index: 9999;
  10 + display: block;
  11 + position: relative;
  12 + color: #333;
  13 + background: #fff;
  14 + border: 1px solid #ccc;
  15 + border-bottom-color: #bbb;
  16 + font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
  17 +}
  18 +
  19 +/*
  20 +clear child float (pika-lendar), using the famous micro clearfix hack
  21 +
  22 +*/
  23 +.pika-single:before,
  24 +.pika-single:after {
  25 + content: " ";
  26 + display: table;
  27 +}
  28 +.pika-single:after { clear: both }
  29 +.pika-single { *zoom: 1 }
  30 +
  31 {
  32 + display: none;
  33 +}
  34 +
  35 {
  36 + position: absolute;
  37 + box-shadow: 0 5px 15px -5px rgba(0,0,0,.5);
  38 +}
  39 +
  40 +.pika-lendar {
  41 + float: left;
  42 + width: 240px;
  43 + margin: 8px;
  44 +}
  45 +
  46 +.pika-title {
  47 + position: relative;
  48 + text-align: center;
  49 +}
  50 +
  51 +.pika-label {
  52 + display: inline-block;
  53 + *display: inline;
  54 + position: relative;
  55 + z-index: 9999;
  56 + overflow: hidden;
  57 + margin: 0;
  58 + padding: 5px 3px;
  59 + font-size: 14px;
  60 + line-height: 20px;
  61 + font-weight: bold;
  62 + background-color: #fff;
  63 +}
  64 +.pika-title select {
  65 + cursor: pointer;
  66 + position: absolute;
  67 + z-index: 9998;
  68 + margin: 0;
  69 + left: 0;
  70 + top: 5px;
  71 + filter: alpha(opacity=0);
  72 + opacity: 0;
  73 + color: black;
  74 +}
  75 +
  76 +.pika-prev,
  77 +.pika-next {
  78 + display: block;
  79 + cursor: pointer;
  80 + position: relative;
  81 + outline: none;
  82 + border: 0;
  83 + padding: 0;
  84 + width: 20px;
  85 + height: 30px;
  86 + /* hide text using text-indent trick, using width value (it's enough) */
  87 + text-indent: 20px;
  88 + white-space: nowrap;
  89 + overflow: hidden;
  90 + background-color: transparent;
  91 + background-position: center center;
  92 + background-repeat: no-repeat;
  93 + background-size: 75% 75%;
  94 + opacity: .5;
  95 + *position: absolute;
  96 + *top: 0;
  97 +}
  98 +
  99 +.pika-prev:hover,
  100 +.pika-next:hover {
  101 + opacity: 1;
  102 +}
  103 +
  104 +.pika-prev,
  105 .pika-next {
  106 + float: left;
  107 + background-image: url('');
  108 + *left: 0;
  109 +}
  110 +
  111 +.pika-next,
  112 .pika-prev {
  113 + float: right;
  114 + background-image: url('');
  115 + *right: 0;
  116 +}
  117 +
  119 {
  120 + cursor: default;
  121 + opacity: .2;
  122 +}
  123 +
  124 +.pika-select {
  125 + display: inline-block;
  126 + *display: inline;
  127 +}
  128 +
  129 +.pika-table {
  130 + width: 100%;
  131 + border-collapse: collapse;
  132 + border-spacing: 0;
  133 + border: 0;
  134 +}
  135 +
  136 +.pika-table th,
  137 +.pika-table td {
  138 + width: 14.285714285714286%;
  139 + padding: 0;
  140 +}
  141 +
  142 +.pika-table th {
  143 + color: #999;
  144 + font-size: 12px;
  145 + line-height: 25px;
  146 + font-weight: bold;
  147 + text-align: center;
  148 +}
  149 +
  150 +.pika-button {
  151 + cursor: pointer;
  152 + display: block;
  153 + box-sizing: border-box;
  154 + -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
  155 + outline: none;
  156 + border: 0;
  157 + margin: 0;
  158 + width: 100%;
  159 + padding: 5px;
  160 + color: #666;
  161 + font-size: 12px;
  162 + line-height: 15px;
  163 + text-align: right;
  164 + background: #f5f5f5;
  165 +}
  166 +
  167 +.pika-week {
  168 + font-size: 11px;
  169 + color: #999;
  170 +}
  171 +
  172 .pika-button {
  173 + color: #33aaff;
  174 + font-weight: bold;
  175 +}
  176 +
  177 .pika-button {
  178 + color: #fff;
  179 + font-weight: bold;
  180 + background: #33aaff;
  181 + box-shadow: inset 0 1px 3px #178fe5;
  182 + border-radius: 3px;
  183 +}
  184 +
  185 .pika-button {
  186 + background: #D5E9F7;
  187 +}
  188 +
  189 .pika-button {
  190 + color: #fff;
  191 + background: #6CB31D;
  192 + box-shadow: none;
  193 + border-radius: 3px;
  194 +}
  195 +
  196 .pika-button {
  197 + color: #fff;
  198 + background: #33aaff;
  199 + box-shadow: none;
  200 + border-radius: 3px;
  201 +}
  202 +
  203 .pika-button {
  204 + pointer-events: none;
  205 + cursor: default;
  206 + color: #999;
  207 + opacity: .3;
  208 +}
  209 +
  210 +.pika-button:hover {
  211 + color: #fff;
  212 + background: #ff8000;
  213 + box-shadow: none;
  214 + border-radius: 3px;
  215 +}
  216 +
  217 +/* styling for abbr */
  218 +.pika-table abbr {
  219 + border-bottom: none;
  220 + cursor: help;
  221 +}
  222 +
... ...
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
  1 +html { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
  2 +body { font-size: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 1.75em; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, sans-serif; }
  3 +
  4 +h1 { font-size: 1.75em; margin: 0 0 0.6em 0; }
  5 +h2 { font-size: 1.25em; margin: 0 0 0.6em 0; }
  6 +
  7 +a { color: #2996cc; }
  8 +a:hover { text-decoration: none; }
  9 +
  10 +p { line-height: 1.5em; }
  11 +.small { color: #666; font-size: 0.875em; }
  12 +.large { font-size: 1.25em; }
  13 +
  14 +
  15 +label {
  16 + font-weight: bold;
  17 +}
  18 +
  19 +input[type="text"] {
  20 + margin: 0.5em 0 3em 0;
  21 + padding: 0.5em;
  22 +}
  23 +
  24 +button#datepicker-button {
  25 + margin-bottom: 3em;
  26 +}
  27 +
  28 +.flow-element {
  29 + display: inline-block;
  30 + margin-right: 3em;
  31 + vertical-align: top;
  32 +}
  33 +.flow-element:last-child {
  34 + margin-right: 0;
  35 +}
  36 +.flow-element input {
  37 + margin-top: 0;
  38 +}
  39 +
  40 +#container {
  41 + min-height: 15em;
  42 +}
0 43 \ No newline at end of file
... ...
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
  1 +/**
  2 + * This theme is an example to show how you can create your own.
  3 + */
  4 +.pika-single.dark-theme {
  5 + color: #fff;
  6 + background: #333;
  7 + border: 1px solid #666;
  8 + border-bottom-color: #999;
  9 +}
  10 +
  11 +.dark-theme .pika-label {
  12 + background-color: #333;
  13 +}
  14 +
  15 +.dark-theme .pika-prev,
  16 +.dark-theme .is-rtl .pika-next {
  17 + background-image: url('');
  18 +}
  19 +
  20 +.dark-theme .pika-next,
  21 +.dark-theme .is-rtl .pika-prev {
  22 + background-image: url('');
  23 +}
  24 +
  25 +.dark-theme .pika-table th {
  26 + color: #999;
  27 +}
  28 +
  29 +.dark-theme .pika-button {
  30 + color: #fff;
  31 + background: #222;
  32 +}
  33 +
  34 +.dark-theme .pika-week {
  35 + color: #999;
  36 +}
  37 +
  38 +.dark-theme .is-today .pika-button {
  39 + color: #33aaff;
  40 +}
  41 +
  42 +.dark-theme .is-selected .pika-button {
  43 + color: #fff;
  44 + background: #33aaff;
  45 + box-shadow: inset 0 1px 3px #178fe5;
  46 +}
  47 +
  48 +.dark-theme .is-disabled .pika-button {
  49 + color: #999;
  50 + opacity: .3;
  51 +}
  52 +
  53 +.dark-theme .pika-button:hover {
  54 + color: #fff !important;
  55 + background: #ff8000 !important;
  56 +}
... ...
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
  1 +<!DOCTYPE html>
  2 +<html>
  3 +<head>
  4 + <meta charset="utf-8">
  5 + <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1">
  6 + <title>Pikaday - AMD example</title>
  7 + <meta name="author" content="Ramiro Rikkert">
  8 + <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/pikaday.css">
  9 + <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/site.css">
  10 +</head>
  11 +<body>
  12 + <a href=""><img style="position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; border: 0;" src="" alt="Fork me on GitHub"></a>
  13 +
  14 + <h1>Pikaday - AMD example</h1>
  15 +
  16 + <p class="large">A refreshing JavaScript Datepicker โ€” lightweight, no dependencies, modular CSS.</p>
  17 +
  18 + <label for="datepicker">Date:</label>
  19 + <br>
  20 + <input type="text" id="datepicker">
  21 +
  22 + <h2>What is this?</h2>
  23 +
  24 + <p>Since version 1.0 Pikaday is a stable and battle tested date-picker. Feel free to use it however you like but please report any bugs or feature requests to the <a href="">GitHub issue tracker</a>, thanks!</p>
  25 +
  26 + <p class="small">Copyright ยฉ 2014 <a href="">David Bushell</a> | BSD &amp; MIT license | Example by <a href="">Ramiro Rikkert</a></p>
  27 +
  28 + <script src="//"></script>
  29 + <script>
  30 +
  31 + require.config({
  32 + baseUrl: '../',
  33 + // To get timely, correct error triggers in IE, force a define/shim exports check.
  34 + enforceDefine: true
  35 + });
  36 + require(['pikaday'], function(Pikaday)
  37 + {
  38 + var picker = new Pikaday(
  39 + {
  40 + field: document.getElementById('datepicker'),
  41 + firstDay: 1,
  42 + minDate: new Date(2000, 0, 1),
  43 + maxDate: new Date(2020, 12, 31),
  44 + yearRange: [2000,2020]
  45 + });
  46 + });
  47 +
  48 + </script>
  49 +</body>
  50 +</html>
0 51 \ No newline at end of file
... ...
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
  1 +<!DOCTYPE html>
  2 +<html>
  3 +<head>
  4 + <meta charset="utf-8">
  5 + <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1">
  6 + <title>Pikaday - Container example</title>
  7 + <meta name="author" content="Stuart McFarlane">
  8 + <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/pikaday.css">
  9 + <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/site.css">
  10 +</head>
  11 +<body>
  12 + <a href=""><img style="position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; border: 0;" src="" alt="Fork me on GitHub"></a>
  13 +
  14 + <h1>Pikaday - Container example</h1>
  15 +
  16 + <p class="large">A refreshing JavaScript Datepicker โ€” lightweight, no dependencies, modular CSS.</p>
  17 +
  18 + <div>
  19 + <div class="flow-element">
  20 + <label for="datepicker">Date:</label>
  21 + <input type="text" id="datepicker">
  22 + </div>
  23 + <div class="flow-element">
  24 + <div id="container"></div>
  25 + </div>
  26 + </div>
  27 +
  28 + <h2>What is this?</h2>
  29 +
  30 + <p>Since version 1.0 Pikaday is a stable and battle tested date-picker. Feel free to use it however you like but please report any bugs or feature requests to the <a href="">GitHub issue tracker</a>, thanks!</p>
  31 +
  32 + <p class="small">Copyright ยฉ 2014 <a href="">David Bushell</a> | BSD &amp; MIT license | Example by <a href="">Ramiro Rikkert</a></p>
  33 +
  34 +
  35 + <!-- First load pikaday.js and then the jQuery plugin -->
  36 + <script src="../pikaday.js"></script>
  37 + <script>
  38 +
  39 + var picker = new Pikaday(
  40 + {
  41 + field: document.getElementById('datepicker'),
  42 + firstDay: 1,
  43 + minDate: new Date(2000, 0, 1),
  44 + maxDate: new Date(2020, 12, 31),
  45 + yearRange: [2000, 2020],
  46 + bound: true,
  47 + container: document.getElementById('container'),
  48 + });
  49 +
  50 + </script>
  51 +</body>
  52 +</html>
0 53 \ No newline at end of file
... ...
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
  1 +<!DOCTYPE html>
  2 +<html>
  3 +<head>
  4 + <meta charset="utf-8">
  5 + <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1">
  6 + <title>Pikaday - ranges example</title>
  7 + <meta name="author" content="Maxime Thirouin">
  8 + <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/pikaday.css">
  9 + <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/site.css">
  10 +</head>
  11 +<body>
  12 + <a href=""><img style="position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; border: 0;" src="" alt="Fork me on GitHub"></a>
  13 +
  14 + <h1>Pikaday</h1>
  15 +
  16 + <p class="large">A refreshing JavaScript Datepicker โ€” lightweight, no dependencies, modular CSS.</p>
  17 +
  18 + <label for="datepicker">Date:</label>
  19 + <br />
  20 + 2 months <input type="text" id="datepicker-2months">
  21 + <br />
  22 + 3 months, main aligned to right <input type="text" id="datepicker-3months-right">
  23 +
  24 + <h2>What is this?</h2>
  25 +
  26 + <p>Since version 1.0 Pikaday is a stable and battle tested date-picker. Feel free to use it however you like but please report any bugs or feature requests to the <a href="">GitHub issue tracker</a>, thanks!</p>
  27 +
  28 + <p class="small">Copyright ยฉ 2013 <a href="">David Bushell</a> | BSD &amp; MIT license | Example by <a href="">MoOx</a></p>
  29 +
  30 +
  31 + <script src="../pikaday.js"></script>
  32 + <script>
  33 +
  34 + var picker2months = new Pikaday(
  35 + {
  36 + numberOfMonths: 2,
  37 + field: document.getElementById('datepicker-2months'),
  38 + firstDay: 1,
  39 + minDate: new Date(2000, 0, 1),
  40 + maxDate: new Date(2020, 12, 31),
  41 + yearRange: [2000, 2020]
  42 + });
  43 +
  44 + var picker3monthsRight = new Pikaday(
  45 + {
  46 + numberOfMonths: 3,
  47 + mainCalendar: 'right',
  48 + field: document.getElementById('datepicker-3months-right'),
  49 + firstDay: 1,
  50 + minDate: new Date(2000, 0, 1),
  51 + maxDate: new Date(2020, 12, 31),
  52 + yearRange: [2000, 2020]
  53 + });
  54 +
  55 + </script>
  56 +</body>
  57 +</html>
... ...
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
  1 +<!DOCTYPE html>
  2 +<html>
  3 +<head>
  4 + <meta charset="utf-8">
  5 + <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1">
  6 + <title>Pikaday - Container example</title>
  7 + <meta name="author" content="Stuart McFarlane">
  8 + <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/pikaday.css">
  9 + <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/site.css">
  10 +</head>
  11 +<body>
  12 + <a href=""><img style="position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; border: 0;" src="" alt="Fork me on GitHub"></a>
  13 +
  14 + <h1>Pikaday - Container example</h1>
  15 +
  16 + <p class="large">A refreshing JavaScript Datepicker โ€” lightweight, no dependencies, modular CSS.</p>
  17 +
  18 + <div>
  19 + <div class="flow-element">
  20 + <label for="datepicker">Date:</label>
  21 + <input type="text" id="datepicker">
  22 + </div>
  23 + <div class="flow-element">
  24 + <div id="container"></div>
  25 + </div>
  26 + </div>
  27 +
  28 + <h2>What is this?</h2>
  29 +
  30 + <p>Since version 1.0 Pikaday is a stable and battle tested date-picker. Feel free to use it however you like but please report any bugs or feature requests to the <a href="">GitHub issue tracker</a>, thanks!</p>
  31 +
  32 + <p class="small">Copyright ยฉ 2014 <a href="">David Bushell</a> | BSD &amp; MIT license | Example by <a href="">Ramiro Rikkert</a></p>
  33 +
  34 +
  35 + <!-- First load pikaday.js and then the jQuery plugin -->
  36 + <script src="../pikaday.js"></script>
  37 + <script>
  38 +
  39 + var picker = new Pikaday(
  40 + {
  41 + field: document.getElementById('datepicker'),
  42 + firstDay: 1,
  43 + minDate: new Date(2000, 0, 1),
  44 + maxDate: new Date(2020, 12, 31),
  45 + yearRange: [2000, 2020],
  46 + bound: false,
  47 + container: document.getElementById('container'),
  48 + });
  49 +
  50 + </script>
  51 +</body>
  52 +</html>
0 53 \ No newline at end of file
... ...
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
  1 +<!DOCTYPE html>
  2 +<html>
  3 +<head>
  4 + <meta charset="utf-8">
  5 + <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1">
  6 + <title>Pikaday - Date Range example</title>
  7 + <meta name="author" content="David Bushell">
  8 + <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/pikaday.css">
  9 + <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/site.css">
  10 +</head>
  11 +<body>
  12 + <h1>Pikaday - Date Range example</h1>
  13 +
  14 + <p class="large">A refreshing JavaScript Datepicker โ€” lightweight, no dependencies, modular CSS.</p>
  15 +
  16 + <p><a href=""><strong>Pikaday source on GitHub</strong></a></p>
  17 +
  18 + <div style="display: inline-block">
  19 + <label for="start">Start:</label>
  20 + <br>
  21 + <input type="text" id="start">
  22 + </div>
  23 +
  24 + <div style="display: inline-block">
  25 + <label for="end">End:</label>
  26 + <br>
  27 + <input type="text" id="end">
  28 + </div>
  29 +
  30 + <h2>What is this?</h2>
  31 +
  32 + <p>Since version 1.0 Pikaday is a stable and battle tested date-picker. Feel free to use it however you like but please report any bugs or feature requests to the <a href="">GitHub issue tracker</a>, thanks!</p>
  33 +
  34 + <p class="small">Copyright &copy; 2014 <a href="">David Bushell</a> | BSD &amp; MIT license</p>
  35 +
  36 +
  37 + <script src="../pikaday.js"></script>
  38 + <script>
  39 + var startDate,
  40 + endDate,
  41 + updateStartDate = function() {
  42 + startPicker.setStartRange(startDate);
  43 + endPicker.setStartRange(startDate);
  44 + endPicker.setMinDate(startDate);
  45 + },
  46 + updateEndDate = function() {
  47 + startPicker.setEndRange(endDate);
  48 + startPicker.setMaxDate(endDate);
  49 + endPicker.setEndRange(endDate);
  50 + },
  51 + startPicker = new Pikaday({
  52 + field: document.getElementById('start'),
  53 + minDate: new Date(),
  54 + maxDate: new Date(2020, 12, 31),
  55 + onSelect: function() {
  56 + startDate = this.getDate();
  57 + updateStartDate();
  58 + }
  59 + }),
  60 + endPicker = new Pikaday({
  61 + field: document.getElementById('end'),
  62 + minDate: new Date(),
  63 + maxDate: new Date(2020, 12, 31),
  64 + onSelect: function() {
  65 + endDate = this.getDate();
  66 + updateEndDate();
  67 + }
  68 + }),
  69 + _startDate = startPicker.getDate(),
  70 + _endDate = endPicker.getDate();
  71 +
  72 + if (_startDate) {
  73 + startDate = _startDate;
  74 + updateStartDate();
  75 + }
  76 +
  77 + if (_endDate) {
  78 + endDate = _endDate;
  79 + updateEndDate();
  80 + }
  81 + </script>
  82 +</body>
  83 +</html>
0 84 \ No newline at end of file
... ...
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
  1 +<!DOCTYPE html>
  2 +<html>
  3 +<head>
  4 + <meta charset="utf-8">
  5 + <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1">
  6 + <title>Pikaday - jQuery + AMD example</title>
  7 + <meta name="author" content="Ramiro Rikkert">
  8 + <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/pikaday.css">
  9 + <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/site.css">
  10 +</head>
  11 +<body>
  12 + <a href=""><img style="position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; border: 0;" src="" alt="Fork me on GitHub"></a>
  13 +
  14 + <h1>Pikaday - jQuery + AMD example</h1>
  15 +
  16 + <p class="large">A refreshing JavaScript Datepicker โ€” lightweight, no dependencies, modular CSS.</p>
  17 +
  18 + <label for="datepicker">Date:</label>
  19 + <br>
  20 + <input type="text" id="datepicker">
  21 +
  22 + <h2>What is this?</h2>
  23 +
  24 + <p>Since version 1.0 Pikaday is a stable and battle tested date-picker. Feel free to use it however you like but please report any bugs or feature requests to the <a href="">GitHub issue tracker</a>, thanks!</p>
  25 +
  26 + <p class="small">Copyright ยฉ 2014 <a href="">David Bushell</a> | BSD &amp; MIT license | Example by <a href="">Ramiro Rikkert</a></p>
  27 +
  28 +
  29 + <script src="//"></script>
  30 + <script>
  31 +
  32 + require.config({
  33 + baseUrl: '../',
  34 + // To get timely, correct error triggers in IE, force a define/shim exports check.
  35 + enforceDefine: true,
  36 + paths: {
  37 + jquery: '//'
  38 + }
  39 + });
  40 + require(['jquery', 'plugins/pikaday.jquery'], function($)
  41 + {
  42 + var $datepicker = $('#datepicker').pikaday({
  43 + firstDay: 1,
  44 + minDate: new Date(2000, 0, 1),
  45 + maxDate: new Date(2020, 12, 31),
  46 + yearRange: [2000,2020]
  47 + });
  48 + // chain a few methods for the first datepicker, jQuery style!
  49 + $datepicker.pikaday('show').pikaday('nextMonth');
  50 + });
  51 +
  52 + </script>
  53 +</body>
  54 +</html>
0 55 \ No newline at end of file
... ...
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
  1 +<!DOCTYPE html>
  2 +<html>
  3 +<head>
  4 + <meta charset="utf-8">
  5 + <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1">
  6 + <title>Pikaday - jQuery example</title>
  7 + <meta name="author" content="Ramiro Rikkert">
  8 + <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/pikaday.css">
  9 + <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/site.css">
  10 +</head>
  11 +<body>
  12 + <a href=""><img style="position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; border: 0;" src="" alt="Fork me on GitHub"></a>
  13 +
  14 + <h1>Pikaday - jQuery example</h1>
  15 +
  16 + <p class="large">A refreshing JavaScript Datepicker โ€” lightweight, no dependencies, modular CSS.</p>
  17 +
  18 + <label for="datepicker">Date:</label>
  19 + <br>
  20 + <input type="text" id="datepicker">
  21 +
  22 + <h2>What is this?</h2>
  23 +
  24 + <p>Since version 1.0 Pikaday is a stable and battle tested date-picker. Feel free to use it however you like but please report any bugs or feature requests to the <a href="">GitHub issue tracker</a>, thanks!</p>
  25 +
  26 + <p class="small">Copyright ยฉ 2014 <a href="">David Bushell</a> | BSD &amp; MIT license | Example by <a href="">Ramiro Rikkert</a></p>
  27 +
  28 +
  29 + <script src="//"></script>
  30 + <!-- First load pikaday.js and then the jQuery plugin -->
  31 + <script src="../pikaday.js"></script>
  32 + <script src="../plugins/pikaday.jquery.js"></script>
  33 + <script>
  34 +
  35 + var $datepicker = $('#datepicker').pikaday({
  36 + firstDay: 1,
  37 + minDate: new Date(2000, 0, 1),
  38 + maxDate: new Date(2020, 12, 31),
  39 + yearRange: [2000,2020]
  40 + });
  41 + // chain a few methods for the first datepicker, jQuery style!
  42 + $datepicker.pikaday('show').pikaday('nextMonth');
  43 +
  44 + </script>
  45 +</body>
  46 +</html>
0 47 \ No newline at end of file
... ...
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
  1 +<!DOCTYPE html>
  2 +<html>
  3 +<head>
  4 + <meta charset="utf-8">
  5 + <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1">
  6 + <title>Pikaday - moment.js example</title>
  7 + <meta name="author" content="Ramiro Rikkert">
  8 + <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/pikaday.css">
  9 + <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/site.css">
  10 +</head>
  11 +<body>
  12 + <a href=""><img style="position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; border: 0;" src="" alt="Fork me on GitHub"></a>
  13 +
  14 + <h1>Pikaday + moment.js</h1>
  15 +
  16 + <p class="large">A refreshing JavaScript Datepicker โ€” lightweight, no dependencies, modular CSS.</p>
  17 +
  18 + <label for="datepicker">Date:</label>
  19 + <br>
  20 + <input type="text" id="datepicker">
  21 + <div id="selected"></div>
  22 + <br>
  23 +
  24 + <h2>What is this?</h2>
  25 +
  26 + <p>Since version 1.0 Pikaday is a stable and battle tested date-picker. Feel free to use it however you like but please report any bugs or feature requests to the <a href="">GitHub issue tracker</a>, thanks!</p>
  27 +
  28 + <p class="small">Copyright ยฉ 2014 <a href="">David Bushell</a> | BSD &amp; MIT license | Example by <a href="">Ramiro Rikkert</a></p>
  29 +
  30 +
  31 + <script src="//"></script>
  32 + <script src="../pikaday.js"></script>
  33 + <script>
  34 +
  35 + // You can get and set dates with moment objects
  36 + var picker = new Pikaday(
  37 + {
  38 + field: document.getElementById('datepicker'),
  39 + firstDay: 1,
  40 + minDate: new Date(2000, 0, 1),
  41 + maxDate: new Date(2020, 12, 31),
  42 + yearRange: [2000,2020],
  43 + onSelect: function() {
  44 + var date = document.createTextNode(this.getMoment().format('Do MMMM YYYY') + ' ');
  45 + document.getElementById('selected').appendChild(date);
  46 + }
  47 + });
  48 +
  49 + picker.setMoment(moment().dayOfYear(366));
  50 +
  51 + </script>
  52 +</body>
  53 +</html>
0 54 \ No newline at end of file
... ...
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
  1 +<!DOCTYPE html>
  2 +<html>
  3 +<head>
  4 + <meta charset="utf-8">
  5 + <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1">
  6 + <title>Pikaday alignment example</title>
  7 + <meta name="author" content="Maxime Thirouin">
  8 + <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/pikaday.css">
  9 + <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/site.css">
  10 +</head>
  11 +<body>
  12 + <a href=""><img style="position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; border: 0;" src="" alt="Fork me on GitHub"></a>
  13 +
  14 + <h1>Pikaday alignement example</h1>
  15 +
  16 + <p class="large">A refreshing JavaScript Datepicker โ€” lightweight, no dependencies, modular CSS.</p>
  17 +
  18 + <label for="datepicker">Dates:</label>
  19 +
  20 + <br />
  21 + <input type="text" id="datepicker" value="Default (bottom left)">
  22 + <br />
  23 + <input type="text" id="datepicker-topleft" value="Top left (waat?)"> <b>not really (too close from top)</b>
  24 + <br />
  25 + <input type="text" id="datepicker-topleft-forreal" value="Top left"> for real this time (same code as above)
  26 + <br />
  27 + <input type="text" id="datepicker-topright" value="Top right (waat?)"> <b>not really (too close from right)</b>
  28 + <br />
  29 + Here is the top right position with content before (no automatic adjustment used, same code as above) <input type="text" id="datepicker-topright-forreal" value="Top right">
  30 + <br />
  31 + <input type="text" id="datepicker-bottomright" value="Bottom right (waat?)">
  32 + <br />
  33 + <input type="text" id="datepicker-bottomright-forced" value="forced to position outside viewport">
  34 + <br />
  35 + Here is the bottom right position with content before (no automatic adjustment used, , same code as above) <input type="text" id="datepicker-bottomright-forreal" value="Bottom right">
  36 +
  37 + <p><i>Also, take a look to the bottom right of this page to see an example with position automatically adjusted.</i></p>
  38 + <input type="text" id="datepicker-auto" style="position: absolute; bottom: 0; right: 0;" value="Automatic position">
  39 +
  40 + <h2>What is this?</h2>
  41 +
  42 + <p>Since version 1.0 Pikaday is a stable and battle tested date-picker. Feel free to use it however you like but please report any bugs or feature requests to the <a href="">GitHub issue tracker</a>, thanks!</p>
  43 +
  44 + <p class="small">Copyright ยฉ 2014 <a href="">David Bushell</a> | BSD &amp; MIT license | Example by <a href="">MoOx</a></p>
  45 +
  46 +
  47 + <script src="../pikaday.js"></script>
  48 + <script>
  49 +
  50 + // default: bottom left
  51 + new Pikaday(
  52 + {
  53 + field: document.getElementById('datepicker')
  54 + });
  55 +
  56 + new Pikaday(
  57 + {
  58 + field: document.getElementById('datepicker-topleft'),
  59 + position: 'top left'
  60 + });
  61 +
  62 + new Pikaday(
  63 + {
  64 + field: document.getElementById('datepicker-topleft-forreal'),
  65 + position: 'top left'
  66 + });
  67 +
  68 + new Pikaday(
  69 + {
  70 + field: document.getElementById('datepicker-topright'),
  71 + position: 'top right'
  72 + });
  73 +
  74 + new Pikaday(
  75 + {
  76 + field: document.getElementById('datepicker-topright-forreal'),
  77 + position: 'top right'
  78 + });
  79 +
  80 + new Pikaday(
  81 + {
  82 + field: document.getElementById('datepicker-bottomright'),
  83 + position: 'bottom right'
  84 + });
  85 +
  86 + new Pikaday(
  87 + {
  88 + field: document.getElementById('datepicker-bottomright-forced'),
  89 + position: 'bottom right',
  90 + reposition: false
  91 + });
  92 +
  93 + new Pikaday(
  94 + {
  95 + field: document.getElementById('datepicker-bottomright-forreal'),
  96 + position: 'bottom right'
  97 + });
  98 +
  99 + new Pikaday(
  100 + {
  101 + field: document.getElementById('datepicker-auto'),
  102 + });
  103 +
  104 + </script>
  105 +</body>
  106 +</html>
... ...
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
  1 +<!DOCTYPE html>
  2 +<html>
  3 +<head>
  4 + <meta charset="utf-8">
  5 + <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1">
  6 + <title>Pikaday - Theme example</title>
  7 + <meta name="author" content="Stuart McFarlane">
  8 + <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/pikaday.css">
  9 + <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/theme.css">
  10 +
  11 +</head>
  12 +<body>
  13 + <a href=""><img style="position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; border: 0;" src="" alt="Fork me on GitHub"></a>
  14 +
  15 + <h1>Pikaday - Theme example</h1>
  16 +
  17 + <p class="large">A refreshing JavaScript Datepicker โ€” lightweight, no dependencies, modular CSS.</p>
  18 +
  19 + <label for="datepicker">Date:</label>
  20 + <br>
  21 + No theme <input type="text" id="datepicker">
  22 + <br>
  23 + Custom theme <input type="text" id="datepicker-theme">
  24 +
  25 + <h2>What is this?</h2>
  26 +
  27 + <p>Since version 1.0 Pikaday is a stable and battle tested date-picker. Feel free to use it however you like but please report any bugs or feature requests to the <a href="">GitHub issue tracker</a>, thanks!</p>
  28 +
  29 + <p class="small">Copyright ยฉ 2014 <a href="">David Bushell</a> | BSD &amp; MIT license | Example by <a href="">Ramiro Rikkert</a></p>
  30 +
  31 +
  32 + <script src="//"></script>
  33 + <script src="../pikaday.js"></script>
  34 + <script>
  35 +
  36 + // You can use different themes with the `theme` option
  37 + var startDate,
  38 + endDate,
  39 + updateStartDate = function() {
  40 + startPicker.setStartRange(startDate);
  41 + endPicker.setStartRange(startDate);
  42 + endPicker.setMinDate(startDate);
  43 + },
  44 + updateEndDate = function() {
  45 + startPicker.setEndRange(endDate);
  46 + startPicker.setMaxDate(endDate);
  47 + endPicker.setEndRange(endDate);
  48 + },
  49 + startPicker = new Pikaday({
  50 + field: document.getElementById('datepicker-theme'),
  51 + theme: 'dark-theme',
  52 + minDate: new Date(),
  53 + maxDate: new Date(2020, 12, 31),
  54 + onSelect: function() {
  55 + startDate = this.getDate();
  56 + updateStartDate();
  57 + }
  58 + }),
  59 + endPicker = new Pikaday({
  60 + field: document.getElementById('datepicker-1'),
  61 + minDate: new Date(),
  62 + maxDate: new Date(2020, 12, 31),
  63 + onSelect: function() {
  64 + endDate = this.getDate();
  65 + updateEndDate();
  66 + }
  67 + }),
  68 + _startDate = startPicker.getDate(),
  69 + _endDate = endPicker.getDate();
  70 +
  71 + if (_startDate) {
  72 + startDate = _startDate;
  73 + updateStartDate();
  74 + }
  75 +
  76 + if (_endDate) {
  77 + endDate = _endDate;
  78 + updateEndDate();
  79 + }
  80 +
  81 + </script>
  82 +</body>
  83 +</html>
... ...
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
  1 +<!DOCTYPE html>
  2 +<html>
  3 +<head>
  4 + <meta charset="utf-8">
  5 + <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1">
  6 + <title>Pikaday - custom trigger element example</title>
  7 + <meta name="author" content="Ramiro Rikkert">
  8 + <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/pikaday.css">
  9 + <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/site.css">
  10 +</head>
  11 +<body>
  12 + <a href=""><img style="position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; border: 0;" src="" alt="Fork me on GitHub"></a>
  13 +
  14 + <h1>Pikaday - custom trigger example</h1>
  15 +
  16 + <p class="large">A refreshing JavaScript Datepicker โ€” lightweight, no dependencies, modular CSS.</p>
  17 +
  18 + <label for="datepicker">Date:</label>
  19 + <br>
  20 + <input type="text" disabled id="datepicker">
  21 + <br>
  22 + <button id="datepicker-button">Choose Date</button>
  23 +
  24 +
  25 + <h2>What is this?</h2>
  26 +
  27 + <p>Since version 1.0 Pikaday is a stable and battle tested date-picker. Feel free to use it however you like but please report any bugs or feature requests to the <a href="">GitHub issue tracker</a>, thanks!</p>
  28 +
  29 + <p class="small">Copyright ยฉ 2014 <a href="">David Bushell</a> | BSD &amp; MIT license | Example by <a href="">Ramiro Rikkert</a></p>
  30 +
  31 +
  32 + <script src="../pikaday.js"></script>
  33 + <script>
  34 +
  35 + new Pikaday(
  36 + {
  37 + field: document.getElementById('datepicker'),
  38 + trigger: document.getElementById('datepicker-button'),
  39 + minDate: new Date(2000, 0, 1),
  40 + maxDate: new Date(2020, 12, 31),
  41 + yearRange: [2010,2020]
  42 + });
  43 +
  44 + </script>
  45 +</body>
  46 +</html>
0 47 \ No newline at end of file
... ...
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
  1 +<!DOCTYPE html>
  2 +<html>
  3 +<head>
  4 + <meta charset="utf-8">
  5 + <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1">
  6 + <title>Pikaday - weeknumbers example</title>
  7 + <meta name="author" content="Maxime Thirouin">
  8 + <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/pikaday.css">
  9 + <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/site.css">
  10 +</head>
  11 +<body>
  12 + <a href=""><img style="position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; border: 0;" src="" alt="Fork me on GitHub"></a>
  13 +
  14 + <h1>Pikaday - showing weeknumbers</h1>
  15 +
  16 + <p class="large">A refreshing JavaScript Datepicker โ€” lightweight, no dependencies, modular CSS.</p>
  17 +
  18 + <label for="datepicker">Date:</label>
  19 + <input type="text" id="datepicker-week-numbers">
  20 +
  21 + <h2>What is this?</h2>
  22 +
  23 + <p>Since version 1.0 Pikaday is a stable and battle tested date-picker. Feel free to use it however you like but please report any bugs or feature requests to the <a href="">GitHub issue tracker</a>, thanks!</p>
  24 +
  25 + <p class="small">Copyright ยฉ 2014 <a href="">David Bushell</a> | BSD &amp; MIT license | Example by <a href="">Ramiro Rikkert</a></p>
  26 +
  27 + <script src="../pikaday.js"></script>
  28 + <script>
  29 +
  30 + var pickerWeekNums = new Pikaday({
  31 + showWeekNumber: true,
  32 + field: document.getElementById('datepicker-week-numbers'),
  33 + firstDay: 1,
  34 + minDate: new Date(2000, 0, 1),
  35 + maxDate: new Date(2020, 12, 31),
  36 + yearRange: [2000, 2020]
  37 + });
  38 +
  39 + </script>
  40 +</body>
  41 +</html>
... ...
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
  1 +<!DOCTYPE html>
  2 +<html>
  3 +<head>
  4 + <meta charset="utf-8">
  5 + <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1">
  6 + <title>Pikaday</title>
  7 + <meta name="author" content="David Bushell">
  8 + <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/pikaday.css">
  9 + <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/site.css">
  10 +</head>
  11 +<body>
  12 + <h1>Pikaday</h1>
  13 +
  14 + <p class="large">A refreshing JavaScript Datepicker โ€” lightweight, no dependencies, modular CSS.</p>
  15 +
  16 + <p><a href=""><strong>Pikaday source on GitHub</strong></a></p>
  17 +
  18 + <label for="datepicker">Date:</label>
  19 + <br>
  20 + <input type="text" id="datepicker">
  21 +
  22 + <h2>What is this?</h2>
  23 +
  24 + <p>Since version 1.0 Pikaday is a stable and battle tested date-picker. Feel free to use it however you like but please report any bugs or feature requests to the <a href="">GitHub issue tracker</a>, thanks!</p>
  25 +
  26 + <p class="small">Copyright ยฉ 2014 <a href="">David Bushell</a> | BSD &amp; MIT license</p>
  27 +
  28 +
  29 + <script src="pikaday.js"></script>
  30 + <script>
  31 +
  32 + var picker = new Pikaday(
  33 + {
  34 + field: document.getElementById('datepicker'),
  35 + firstDay: 1,
  36 + minDate: new Date(2000, 0, 1),
  37 + maxDate: new Date(2020, 12, 31),
  38 + yearRange: [2000,2020]
  39 + });
  40 +
  41 + </script>
  42 +</body>
  43 +</html>
0 44 \ No newline at end of file
... ...
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
  1 +{
  2 + "name": "pikaday",
  3 + "version": "1.3.3",
  4 + "description": "A refreshing JavaScript Datepicker โ€” lightweight, no dependencies, modular CSS",
  5 + "keywords": [
  6 + "datepicker",
  7 + "calendar",
  8 + "date"
  9 + ],
  10 + "homepage": "",
  11 + "bugs": "",
  12 + "licenses": [
  13 + {
  14 + "type": "BSD",
  15 + "url": ""
  16 + },
  17 + {
  18 + "type": "MIT",
  19 + "url": ""
  20 + }
  21 + ],
  22 + "main": "pikaday.js",
  23 + "repository": {
  24 + "type": "git",
  25 + "url": ""
  26 + },
  27 + "optionalDependencies": {
  28 + "moment": "2.x"
  29 + },
  30 + "devDependencies": {
  31 + "mocha": "~1.18.2",
  32 + "expect.js": "^0.3.1"
  33 + },
  34 + "testling": {
  35 + "harness": "mocha",
  36 + "files": "tests/*.js",
  37 + "browsers": [
  38 + "ie/7..latest",
  39 + "chrome/latest",
  40 + "firefox/3.6", "firefox/latest",
  41 + "safari/latest",
  42 + "opera/latest"
  43 + ]
  44 + }
  45 +}
... ...
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,1079 @@
  1 +/*!
  2 + * Pikaday
  3 + *
  4 + * Copyright ยฉ 2014 David Bushell | BSD & MIT license |
  5 + */
  6 +
  7 +(function (root, factory)
  8 +{
  9 + 'use strict';
  10 +
  11 + var moment;
  12 + if (typeof exports === 'object') {
  13 + // CommonJS module
  14 + // Load moment.js as an optional dependency
  15 + try { moment = require('moment'); } catch (e) {}
  16 + module.exports = factory(moment);
  17 + } else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
  18 + // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
  19 + define(function (req)
  20 + {
  21 + // Load moment.js as an optional dependency
  22 + var id = 'moment';
  23 + try { moment = req(id); } catch (e) {}
  24 + return factory(moment);
  25 + });
  26 + } else {
  27 + root.Pikaday = factory(root.moment);
  28 + }
  29 +}(this, function (moment)
  30 +{
  31 + 'use strict';
  32 +
  33 + /**
  34 + * feature detection and helper functions
  35 + */
  36 + var hasMoment = typeof moment === 'function',
  37 +
  38 + hasEventListeners = !!window.addEventListener,
  39 +
  40 + document = window.document,
  41 +
  42 + sto = window.setTimeout,
  43 +
  44 + addEvent = function(el, e, callback, capture)
  45 + {
  46 + if (hasEventListeners) {
  47 + el.addEventListener(e, callback, !!capture);
  48 + } else {
  49 + el.attachEvent('on' + e, callback);
  50 + }
  51 + },
  52 +
  53 + removeEvent = function(el, e, callback, capture)
  54 + {
  55 + if (hasEventListeners) {
  56 + el.removeEventListener(e, callback, !!capture);
  57 + } else {
  58 + el.detachEvent('on' + e, callback);
  59 + }
  60 + },
  61 +
  62 + fireEvent = function(el, eventName, data)
  63 + {
  64 + var ev;
  65 +
  66 + if (document.createEvent) {
  67 + ev = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
  68 + ev.initEvent(eventName, true, false);
  69 + ev = extend(ev, data);
  70 + el.dispatchEvent(ev);
  71 + } else if (document.createEventObject) {
  72 + ev = document.createEventObject();
  73 + ev = extend(ev, data);
  74 + el.fireEvent('on' + eventName, ev);
  75 + }
  76 + },
  77 +
  78 + trim = function(str)
  79 + {
  80 + return str.trim ? str.trim() : str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'');
  81 + },
  82 +
  83 + hasClass = function(el, cn)
  84 + {
  85 + return (' ' + el.className + ' ').indexOf(' ' + cn + ' ') !== -1;
  86 + },
  87 +
  88 + addClass = function(el, cn)
  89 + {
  90 + if (!hasClass(el, cn)) {
  91 + el.className = (el.className === '') ? cn : el.className + ' ' + cn;
  92 + }
  93 + },
  94 +
  95 + removeClass = function(el, cn)
  96 + {
  97 + el.className = trim((' ' + el.className + ' ').replace(' ' + cn + ' ', ' '));
  98 + },
  99 +
  100 + isArray = function(obj)
  101 + {
  102 + return (/Array/).test(;
  103 + },
  104 +
  105 + isDate = function(obj)
  106 + {
  107 + return (/Date/).test( && !isNaN(obj.getTime());
  108 + },
  109 +
  110 + isWeekend = function(date)
  111 + {
  112 + var day = date.getDay();
  113 + return day === 0 || day === 6;
  114 + },
  115 +
  116 + isLeapYear = function(year)
  117 + {
  118 + // solution by Matti Virkkunen:
  119 + return year % 4 === 0 && year % 100 !== 0 || year % 400 === 0;
  120 + },
  121 +
  122 + getDaysInMonth = function(year, month)
  123 + {
  124 + return [31, isLeapYear(year) ? 29 : 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31][month];
  125 + },
  126 +
  127 + setToStartOfDay = function(date)
  128 + {
  129 + if (isDate(date)) date.setHours(0,0,0,0);
  130 + },
  131 +
  132 + compareDates = function(a,b)
  133 + {
  134 + // weak date comparison (use setToStartOfDay(date) to ensure correct result)
  135 + return a.getTime() === b.getTime();
  136 + },
  137 +
  138 + extend = function(to, from, overwrite)
  139 + {
  140 + var prop, hasProp;
  141 + for (prop in from) {
  142 + hasProp = to[prop] !== undefined;
  143 + if (hasProp && typeof from[prop] === 'object' && from[prop] !== null && from[prop].nodeName === undefined) {
  144 + if (isDate(from[prop])) {
  145 + if (overwrite) {
  146 + to[prop] = new Date(from[prop].getTime());
  147 + }
  148 + }
  149 + else if (isArray(from[prop])) {
  150 + if (overwrite) {
  151 + to[prop] = from[prop].slice(0);
  152 + }
  153 + } else {
  154 + to[prop] = extend({}, from[prop], overwrite);
  155 + }
  156 + } else if (overwrite || !hasProp) {
  157 + to[prop] = from[prop];
  158 + }
  159 + }
  160 + return to;
  161 + },
  162 +
  163 + adjustCalendar = function(calendar) {
  164 + if (calendar.month < 0) {
  165 + calendar.year -= Math.ceil(Math.abs(calendar.month)/12);
  166 + calendar.month += 12;
  167 + }
  168 + if (calendar.month > 11) {
  169 + calendar.year += Math.floor(Math.abs(calendar.month)/12);
  170 + calendar.month -= 12;
  171 + }
  172 + return calendar;
  173 + },
  174 +
  175 + /**
  176 + * defaults and localisation
  177 + */
  178 + defaults = {
  179 +
  180 + // bind the picker to a form field
  181 + field: null,
  182 +
  183 + // automatically show/hide the picker on `field` focus (default `true` if `field` is set)
  184 + bound: undefined,
  185 +
  186 + // position of the datepicker, relative to the field (default to bottom & left)
  187 + // ('bottom' & 'left' keywords are not used, 'top' & 'right' are modifier on the bottom/left position)
  188 + position: 'bottom left',
  189 +
  190 + // automatically fit in the viewport even if it means repositioning from the position option
  191 + reposition: true,
  192 +
  193 + // the default output format for `.toString()` and `field` value
  194 + format: 'YYYY-MM-DD',
  195 +
  196 + // the initial date to view when first opened
  197 + defaultDate: null,
  198 +
  199 + // make the `defaultDate` the initial selected value
  200 + setDefaultDate: false,
  201 +
  202 + // first day of week (0: Sunday, 1: Monday etc)
  203 + firstDay: 0,
  204 +
  205 + // the minimum/earliest date that can be selected
  206 + minDate: null,
  207 + // the maximum/latest date that can be selected
  208 + maxDate: null,
  209 +
  210 + // number of years either side, or array of upper/lower range
  211 + yearRange: 100,
  212 +
  213 + // show week numbers at head of row
  214 + showWeekNumber: false,
  215 +
  216 + // used internally (don't config outside)
  217 + minYear: 0,
  218 + maxYear: 9999,
  219 + minMonth: undefined,
  220 + maxMonth: undefined,
  221 +
  222 + startRange: null,
  223 + endRange: null,
  224 +
  225 + isRTL: false,
  226 +
  227 + // Additional text to append to the year in the calendar title
  228 + yearSuffix: '',
  229 +
  230 + // Render the month after year in the calendar title
  231 + showMonthAfterYear: false,
  232 +
  233 + // how many months are visible
  234 + numberOfMonths: 1,
  235 +
  236 + // when numberOfMonths is used, this will help you to choose where the main calendar will be (default `left`, can be set to `right`)
  237 + // only used for the first display or when a selected date is not visible
  238 + mainCalendar: 'left',
  239 +
  240 + // Specify a DOM element to render the calendar in
  241 + container: undefined,
  242 +
  243 + // internationalization
  244 + i18n: {
  245 + previousMonth : 'Previous Month',
  246 + nextMonth : 'Next Month',
  247 + months : ['January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December'],
  248 + weekdays : ['Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday'],
  249 + weekdaysShort : ['Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat']
  250 + },
  251 +
  252 + // Theme Classname
  253 + theme: null,
  254 +
  255 + // callback function
  256 + onSelect: null,
  257 + onOpen: null,
  258 + onClose: null,
  259 + onDraw: null
  260 + },
  261 +
  262 +
  263 + /**
  264 + * templating functions to abstract HTML rendering
  265 + */
  266 + renderDayName = function(opts, day, abbr)
  267 + {
  268 + day += opts.firstDay;
  269 + while (day >= 7) {
  270 + day -= 7;
  271 + }
  272 + return abbr ? opts.i18n.weekdaysShort[day] : opts.i18n.weekdays[day];
  273 + },
  274 +
  275 + renderDay = function(opts)
  276 + {
  277 + if (opts.isEmpty) {
  278 + return '<td class="is-empty"></td>';
  279 + }
  280 + var arr = [];
  281 + if (opts.isDisabled) {
  282 + arr.push('is-disabled');
  283 + }
  284 + if (opts.isToday) {
  285 + arr.push('is-today');
  286 + }
  287 + if (opts.isSelected) {
  288 + arr.push('is-selected');
  289 + }
  290 + if (opts.isInRange) {
  291 + arr.push('is-inrange');
  292 + }
  293 + if (opts.isStartRange) {
  294 + arr.push('is-startrange');
  295 + }
  296 + if (opts.isEndRange) {
  297 + arr.push('is-endrange');
  298 + }
  299 + return '<td data-day="' + + '" class="' + arr.join(' ') + '">' +
  300 + '<button class="pika-button pika-day" type="button" ' +
  301 + 'data-pika-year="' + opts.year + '" data-pika-month="' + opts.month + '" data-pika-day="' + + '">' +
  302 + +
  303 + '</button>' +
  304 + '</td>';
  305 + },
  306 +
  307 + renderWeek = function (d, m, y) {
  308 + // Lifted from, lightly modified.
  309 + var onejan = new Date(y, 0, 1),
  310 + weekNum = Math.ceil((((new Date(y, m, d) - onejan) / 86400000) + onejan.getDay()+1)/7);
  311 + return '<td class="pika-week">' + weekNum + '</td>';
  312 + },
  313 +
  314 + renderRow = function(days, isRTL)
  315 + {
  316 + return '<tr>' + (isRTL ? days.reverse() : days).join('') + '</tr>';
  317 + },
  318 +
  319 + renderBody = function(rows)
  320 + {
  321 + return '<tbody>' + rows.join('') + '</tbody>';
  322 + },
  323 +
  324 + renderHead = function(opts)
  325 + {
  326 + var i, arr = [];
  327 + if (opts.showWeekNumber) {
  328 + arr.push('<th></th>');
  329 + }
  330 + for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
  331 + arr.push('<th scope="col"><abbr title="' + renderDayName(opts, i) + '">' + renderDayName(opts, i, true) + '</abbr></th>');
  332 + }
  333 + return '<thead>' + (opts.isRTL ? arr.reverse() : arr).join('') + '</thead>';
  334 + },
  335 +
  336 + renderTitle = function(instance, c, year, month, refYear)
  337 + {
  338 + var i, j, arr,
  339 + opts = instance._o,
  340 + isMinYear = year === opts.minYear,
  341 + isMaxYear = year === opts.maxYear,
  342 + html = '<div class="pika-title">',
  343 + monthHtml,
  344 + yearHtml,
  345 + prev = true,
  346 + next = true;
  347 +
  348 + for (arr = [], i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
  349 + arr.push('<option value="' + (year === refYear ? i - c : 12 + i - c) + '"' +
  350 + (i === month ? ' selected': '') +
  351 + ((isMinYear && i < opts.minMonth) || (isMaxYear && i > opts.maxMonth) ? 'disabled' : '') + '>' +
  352 + opts.i18n.months[i] + '</option>');
  353 + }
  354 + monthHtml = '<div class="pika-label">' + opts.i18n.months[month] + '<select class="pika-select pika-select-month" tabindex="-1">' + arr.join('') + '</select></div>';
  355 +
  356 + if (isArray(opts.yearRange)) {
  357 + i = opts.yearRange[0];
  358 + j = opts.yearRange[1] + 1;
  359 + } else {
  360 + i = year - opts.yearRange;
  361 + j = 1 + year + opts.yearRange;
  362 + }
  363 +
  364 + for (arr = []; i < j && i <= opts.maxYear; i++) {
  365 + if (i >= opts.minYear) {
  366 + arr.push('<option value="' + i + '"' + (i === year ? ' selected': '') + '>' + (i) + '</option>');
  367 + }
  368 + }
  369 + yearHtml = '<div class="pika-label">' + year + opts.yearSuffix + '<select class="pika-select pika-select-year" tabindex="-1">' + arr.join('') + '</select></div>';
  370 +
  371 + if (opts.showMonthAfterYear) {
  372 + html += yearHtml + monthHtml;
  373 + } else {
  374 + html += monthHtml + yearHtml;
  375 + }
  376 +
  377 + if (isMinYear && (month === 0 || opts.minMonth >= month)) {
  378 + prev = false;
  379 + }
  380 +
  381 + if (isMaxYear && (month === 11 || opts.maxMonth <= month)) {
  382 + next = false;
  383 + }
  384 +
  385 + if (c === 0) {
  386 + html += '<button class="pika-prev' + (prev ? '' : ' is-disabled') + '" type="button">' + opts.i18n.previousMonth + '</button>';
  387 + }
  388 + if (c === (instance._o.numberOfMonths - 1) ) {
  389 + html += '<button class="pika-next' + (next ? '' : ' is-disabled') + '" type="button">' + opts.i18n.nextMonth + '</button>';
  390 + }
  391 +
  392 + return html += '</div>';
  393 + },
  394 +
  395 + renderTable = function(opts, data)
  396 + {
  397 + return '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="pika-table">' + renderHead(opts) + renderBody(data) + '</table>';
  398 + },
  399 +
  400 +
  401 + /**
  402 + * Pikaday constructor
  403 + */
  404 + Pikaday = function(options)
  405 + {
  406 + var self = this,
  407 + opts = self.config(options);
  408 +
  409 + self._onMouseDown = function(e)
  410 + {
  411 + if (!self._v) {
  412 + return;
  413 + }
  414 + e = e || window.event;
  415 + var target = || e.srcElement;
  416 + if (!target) {
  417 + return;
  418 + }
  419 +
  420 + if (!hasClass(target.parentNode, 'is-disabled')) {
  421 + if (hasClass(target, 'pika-button') && !hasClass(target, 'is-empty')) {
  422 + self.setDate(new Date(target.getAttribute('data-pika-year'), target.getAttribute('data-pika-month'), target.getAttribute('data-pika-day')));
  423 + if (opts.bound) {
  424 + sto(function() {
  425 + self.hide();
  426 + if (opts.field) {
  427 + opts.field.blur();
  428 + }
  429 + }, 100);
  430 + }
  431 + return;
  432 + }
  433 + else if (hasClass(target, 'pika-prev')) {
  434 + self.prevMonth();
  435 + }
  436 + else if (hasClass(target, 'pika-next')) {
  437 + self.nextMonth();
  438 + }
  439 + }
  440 + if (!hasClass(target, 'pika-select')) {
  441 + if (e.preventDefault) {
  442 + e.preventDefault();
  443 + } else {
  444 + e.returnValue = false;
  445 + return false;
  446 + }
  447 + } else {
  448 + self._c = true;
  449 + }
  450 + };
  451 +
  452 + self._onChange = function(e)
  453 + {
  454 + e = e || window.event;
  455 + var target = || e.srcElement;
  456 + if (!target) {
  457 + return;
  458 + }
  459 + if (hasClass(target, 'pika-select-month')) {
  460 + self.gotoMonth(target.value);
  461 + }
  462 + else if (hasClass(target, 'pika-select-year')) {
  463 + self.gotoYear(target.value);
  464 + }
  465 + };
  466 +
  467 + self._onInputChange = function(e)
  468 + {
  469 + var date;
  470 +
  471 + if (e.firedBy === self) {
  472 + return;
  473 + }
  474 + if (hasMoment) {
  475 + date = moment(opts.field.value, opts.format);
  476 + date = (date && date.isValid()) ? date.toDate() : null;
  477 + }
  478 + else {
  479 + date = new Date(Date.parse(opts.field.value));
  480 + }
  481 + if (isDate(date)) {
  482 + self.setDate(date);
  483 + }
  484 + if (!self._v) {
  485 +;
  486 + }
  487 + };
  488 +
  489 + self._onInputFocus = function()
  490 + {
  491 +;
  492 + };
  493 +
  494 + self._onInputClick = function()
  495 + {
  496 +;
  497 + };
  498 +
  499 + self._onInputBlur = function()
  500 + {
  501 + // IE allows pika div to gain focus; catch blur the input field
  502 + var pEl = document.activeElement;
  503 + do {
  504 + if (hasClass(pEl, 'pika-single')) {
  505 + return;
  506 + }
  507 + }
  508 + while ((pEl = pEl.parentNode));
  509 +
  510 + if (!self._c) {
  511 + self._b = sto(function() {
  512 + self.hide();
  513 + }, 50);
  514 + }
  515 + self._c = false;
  516 + };
  517 +
  518 + self._onClick = function(e)
  519 + {
  520 + e = e || window.event;
  521 + var target = || e.srcElement,
  522 + pEl = target;
  523 + if (!target) {
  524 + return;
  525 + }
  526 + if (!hasEventListeners && hasClass(target, 'pika-select')) {
  527 + if (!target.onchange) {
  528 + target.setAttribute('onchange', 'return;');
  529 + addEvent(target, 'change', self._onChange);
  530 + }
  531 + }
  532 + do {
  533 + if (hasClass(pEl, 'pika-single') || pEl === opts.trigger) {
  534 + return;
  535 + }
  536 + }
  537 + while ((pEl = pEl.parentNode));
  538 + if (self._v && target !== opts.trigger && pEl !== opts.trigger) {
  539 + self.hide();
  540 + }
  541 + };
  542 +
  543 + self.el = document.createElement('div');
  544 + self.el.className = 'pika-single' + (opts.isRTL ? ' is-rtl' : '') + (opts.theme ? ' ' + opts.theme : '');
  545 +
  546 + addEvent(self.el, 'ontouchend' in document ? 'touchend' : 'mousedown', self._onMouseDown, true);
  547 + addEvent(self.el, 'change', self._onChange);
  548 +
  549 + if (opts.field) {
  550 + if (opts.container) {
  551 + opts.container.appendChild(self.el);
  552 + } else if (opts.bound) {
  553 + document.body.appendChild(self.el);
  554 + } else {
  555 + opts.field.parentNode.insertBefore(self.el, opts.field.nextSibling);
  556 + }
  557 + addEvent(opts.field, 'change', self._onInputChange);
  558 +
  559 + if (!opts.defaultDate) {
  560 + if (hasMoment && opts.field.value) {
  561 + opts.defaultDate = moment(opts.field.value, opts.format).toDate();
  562 + } else {
  563 + opts.defaultDate = new Date(Date.parse(opts.field.value));
  564 + }
  565 + opts.setDefaultDate = true;
  566 + }
  567 + }
  568 +
  569 + var defDate = opts.defaultDate;
  570 +
  571 + if (isDate(defDate)) {
  572 + if (opts.setDefaultDate) {
  573 + self.setDate(defDate, true);
  574 + } else {
  575 + self.gotoDate(defDate);
  576 + }
  577 + } else {
  578 + self.gotoDate(new Date());
  579 + }
  580 +
  581 + if (opts.bound) {
  582 + this.hide();
  583 + self.el.className += ' is-bound';
  584 + addEvent(opts.trigger, 'click', self._onInputClick);
  585 + addEvent(opts.trigger, 'focus', self._onInputFocus);
  586 + addEvent(opts.trigger, 'blur', self._onInputBlur);
  587 + } else {
  588 +;
  589 + }
  590 + };
  591 +
  592 +
  593 + /**
  594 + * public Pikaday API
  595 + */
  596 + Pikaday.prototype = {
  597 +
  598 +
  599 + /**
  600 + * configure functionality
  601 + */
  602 + config: function(options)
  603 + {
  604 + if (!this._o) {
  605 + this._o = extend({}, defaults, true);
  606 + }
  607 +
  608 + var opts = extend(this._o, options, true);
  609 +
  610 + opts.isRTL = !!opts.isRTL;
  611 +
  612 + opts.field = (opts.field && opts.field.nodeName) ? opts.field : null;
  613 +
  614 + opts.theme = (typeof opts.theme) === 'string' && opts.theme ? opts.theme : null;
  615 +
  616 + opts.bound = !!(opts.bound !== undefined ? opts.field && opts.bound : opts.field);
  617 +
  618 + opts.trigger = (opts.trigger && opts.trigger.nodeName) ? opts.trigger : opts.field;
  619 +
  620 + opts.disableWeekends = !!opts.disableWeekends;
  621 +
  622 + opts.disableDayFn = (typeof opts.disableDayFn) === 'function' ? opts.disableDayFn : null;
  623 +
  624 + var nom = parseInt(opts.numberOfMonths, 10) || 1;
  625 + opts.numberOfMonths = nom > 4 ? 4 : nom;
  626 +
  627 + if (!isDate(opts.minDate)) {
  628 + opts.minDate = false;
  629 + }
  630 + if (!isDate(opts.maxDate)) {
  631 + opts.maxDate = false;
  632 + }
  633 + if ((opts.minDate && opts.maxDate) && opts.maxDate < opts.minDate) {
  634 + opts.maxDate = opts.minDate = false;
  635 + }
  636 + if (opts.minDate) {
  637 + this.setMinDate(opts.minDate);
  638 + }
  639 + if (opts.maxDate) {
  640 + setToStartOfDay(opts.maxDate);
  641 + opts.maxYear = opts.maxDate.getFullYear();
  642 + opts.maxMonth = opts.maxDate.getMonth();
  643 + }
  644 +
  645 + if (isArray(opts.yearRange)) {
  646 + var fallback = new Date().getFullYear() - 10;
  647 + opts.yearRange[0] = parseInt(opts.yearRange[0], 10) || fallback;
  648 + opts.yearRange[1] = parseInt(opts.yearRange[1], 10) || fallback;
  649 + } else {
  650 + opts.yearRange = Math.abs(parseInt(opts.yearRange, 10)) || defaults.yearRange;
  651 + if (opts.yearRange > 100) {
  652 + opts.yearRange = 100;
  653 + }
  654 + }
  655 +
  656 + return opts;
  657 + },
  658 +
  659 + /**
  660 + * return a formatted string of the current selection (using Moment.js if available)
  661 + */
  662 + toString: function(format)
  663 + {
  664 + return !isDate(this._d) ? '' : hasMoment ? moment(this._d).format(format || this._o.format) : this._d.toDateString();
  665 + },
  666 +
  667 + /**
  668 + * return a Moment.js object of the current selection (if available)
  669 + */
  670 + getMoment: function()
  671 + {
  672 + return hasMoment ? moment(this._d) : null;
  673 + },
  674 +
  675 + /**
  676 + * set the current selection from a Moment.js object (if available)
  677 + */
  678 + setMoment: function(date, preventOnSelect)
  679 + {
  680 + if (hasMoment && moment.isMoment(date)) {
  681 + this.setDate(date.toDate(), preventOnSelect);
  682 + }
  683 + },
  684 +
  685 + /**
  686 + * return a Date object of the current selection
  687 + */
  688 + getDate: function()
  689 + {
  690 + return isDate(this._d) ? new Date(this._d.getTime()) : null;
  691 + },
  692 +
  693 + /**
  694 + * set the current selection
  695 + */
  696 + setDate: function(date, preventOnSelect)
  697 + {
  698 + if (!date) {
  699 + this._d = null;
  700 +
  701 + if (this._o.field) {
  702 + this._o.field.value = '';
  703 + fireEvent(this._o.field, 'change', { firedBy: this });
  704 + }
  705 +
  706 + return this.draw();
  707 + }
  708 + if (typeof date === 'string') {
  709 + date = new Date(Date.parse(date));
  710 + }
  711 + if (!isDate(date)) {
  712 + return;
  713 + }
  714 +
  715 + var min = this._o.minDate,
  716 + max = this._o.maxDate;
  717 +
  718 + if (isDate(min) && date < min) {
  719 + date = min;
  720 + } else if (isDate(max) && date > max) {
  721 + date = max;
  722 + }
  723 +
  724 + this._d = new Date(date.getTime());
  725 + setToStartOfDay(this._d);
  726 + this.gotoDate(this._d);
  727 +
  728 + if (this._o.field) {
  729 + this._o.field.value = this.toString();
  730 + fireEvent(this._o.field, 'change', { firedBy: this });
  731 + }
  732 + if (!preventOnSelect && typeof this._o.onSelect === 'function') {
  733 +, this.getDate());
  734 + }
  735 + },
  736 +
  737 + /**
  738 + * change view to a specific date
  739 + */
  740 + gotoDate: function(date)
  741 + {
  742 + var newCalendar = true;
  743 +
  744 + if (!isDate(date)) {
  745 + return;
  746 + }
  747 +
  748 + if (this.calendars) {
  749 + var firstVisibleDate = new Date(this.calendars[0].year, this.calendars[0].month, 1),
  750 + lastVisibleDate = new Date(this.calendars[this.calendars.length-1].year, this.calendars[this.calendars.length-1].month, 1),
  751 + visibleDate = date.getTime();
  752 + // get the end of the month
  753 + lastVisibleDate.setMonth(lastVisibleDate.getMonth()+1);
  754 + lastVisibleDate.setDate(lastVisibleDate.getDate()-1);
  755 + newCalendar = (visibleDate < firstVisibleDate.getTime() || lastVisibleDate.getTime() < visibleDate);
  756 + }
  757 +
  758 + if (newCalendar) {
  759 + this.calendars = [{
  760 + month: date.getMonth(),
  761 + year: date.getFullYear()
  762 + }];
  763 + if (this._o.mainCalendar === 'right') {
  764 + this.calendars[0].month += 1 - this._o.numberOfMonths;
  765 + }
  766 + }
  767 +
  768 + this.adjustCalendars();
  769 + },
  770 +
  771 + adjustCalendars: function() {
  772 + this.calendars[0] = adjustCalendar(this.calendars[0]);
  773 + for (var c = 1; c < this._o.numberOfMonths; c++) {
  774 + this.calendars[c] = adjustCalendar({
  775 + month: this.calendars[0].month + c,
  776 + year: this.calendars[0].year
  777 + });
  778 + }
  779 + this.draw();
  780 + },
  781 +
  782 + gotoToday: function()
  783 + {
  784 + this.gotoDate(new Date());
  785 + },
  786 +
  787 + /**
  788 + * change view to a specific month (zero-index, e.g. 0: January)
  789 + */
  790 + gotoMonth: function(month)
  791 + {
  792 + if (!isNaN(month)) {
  793 + this.calendars[0].month = parseInt(month, 10);
  794 + this.adjustCalendars();
  795 + }
  796 + },
  797 +
  798 + nextMonth: function()
  799 + {
  800 + this.calendars[0].month++;
  801 + this.adjustCalendars();
  802 + },
  803 +
  804 + prevMonth: function()
  805 + {
  806 + this.calendars[0].month--;
  807 + this.adjustCalendars();
  808 + },
  809 +
  810 + /**
  811 + * change view to a specific full year (e.g. "2012")
  812 + */
  813 + gotoYear: function(year)
  814 + {
  815 + if (!isNaN(year)) {
  816 + this.calendars[0].year = parseInt(year, 10);
  817 + this.adjustCalendars();
  818 + }
  819 + },
  820 +
  821 + /**
  822 + * change the minDate
  823 + */
  824 + setMinDate: function(value)
  825 + {
  826 + setToStartOfDay(value);
  827 + this._o.minDate = value;
  828 + this._o.minYear = value.getFullYear();
  829 + this._o.minMonth = value.getMonth();
  830 + },
  831 +
  832 + /**
  833 + * change the maxDate
  834 + */
  835 + setMaxDate: function(value)
  836 + {
  837 + this._o.maxDate = value;
  838 + },
  839 +
  840 + setStartRange: function(value)
  841 + {
  842 + this._o.startRange = value;
  843 + },
  844 +
  845 + setEndRange: function(value)
  846 + {
  847 + this._o.endRange = value;
  848 + },
  849 +
  850 + /**
  851 + * refresh the HTML
  852 + */
  853 + draw: function(force)
  854 + {
  855 + if (!this._v && !force) {
  856 + return;
  857 + }
  858 + var opts = this._o,
  859 + minYear = opts.minYear,
  860 + maxYear = opts.maxYear,
  861 + minMonth = opts.minMonth,
  862 + maxMonth = opts.maxMonth,
  863 + html = '';
  864 +
  865 + if (this._y <= minYear) {
  866 + this._y = minYear;
  867 + if (!isNaN(minMonth) && this._m < minMonth) {
  868 + this._m = minMonth;
  869 + }
  870 + }
  871 + if (this._y >= maxYear) {
  872 + this._y = maxYear;
  873 + if (!isNaN(maxMonth) && this._m > maxMonth) {
  874 + this._m = maxMonth;
  875 + }
  876 + }
  877 +
  878 + for (var c = 0; c < opts.numberOfMonths; c++) {
  879 + html += '<div class="pika-lendar">' + renderTitle(this, c, this.calendars[c].year, this.calendars[c].month, this.calendars[0].year) + this.render(this.calendars[c].year, this.calendars[c].month) + '</div>';
  880 + }
  881 +
  882 + this.el.innerHTML = html;
  883 +
  884 + if (opts.bound) {
  885 + if(opts.field.type !== 'hidden') {
  886 + sto(function() {
  887 + opts.trigger.focus();
  888 + }, 1);
  889 + }
  890 + }
  891 +
  892 + if (typeof this._o.onDraw === 'function') {
  893 + var self = this;
  894 + sto(function() {
  895 +;
  896 + }, 0);
  897 + }
  898 + },
  899 +
  900 + adjustPosition: function()
  901 + {
  902 + var field, pEl, width, height, viewportWidth, viewportHeight, scrollTop, left, top, clientRect;
  903 +
  904 + if (this._o.container) return;
  905 +
  906 + = 'absolute';
  907 +
  908 + field = this._o.trigger;
  909 + pEl = field;
  910 + width = this.el.offsetWidth;
  911 + height = this.el.offsetHeight;
  912 + viewportWidth = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth;
  913 + viewportHeight = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight;
  914 + scrollTop = window.pageYOffset || document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop;
  915 +
  916 + if (typeof field.getBoundingClientRect === 'function') {
  917 + clientRect = field.getBoundingClientRect();
  918 + left = clientRect.left + window.pageXOffset;
  919 + top = clientRect.bottom + window.pageYOffset;
  920 + } else {
  921 + left = pEl.offsetLeft;
  922 + top = pEl.offsetTop + pEl.offsetHeight;
  923 + while((pEl = pEl.offsetParent)) {
  924 + left += pEl.offsetLeft;
  925 + top += pEl.offsetTop;
  926 + }
  927 + }
  928 +
  929 + // default position is bottom & left
  930 + if ((this._o.reposition && left + width > viewportWidth) ||
  931 + (
  932 + this._o.position.indexOf('right') > -1 &&
  933 + left - width + field.offsetWidth > 0
  934 + )
  935 + ) {
  936 + left = left - width + field.offsetWidth;
  937 + }
  938 + if ((this._o.reposition && top + height > viewportHeight + scrollTop) ||
  939 + (
  940 + this._o.position.indexOf('top') > -1 &&
  941 + top - height - field.offsetHeight > 0
  942 + )
  943 + ) {
  944 + top = top - height - field.offsetHeight;
  945 + }
  946 +
  947 + = left + 'px';
  948 + = top + 'px';
  949 + },
  950 +
  951 + /**
  952 + * render HTML for a particular month
  953 + */
  954 + render: function(year, month)
  955 + {
  956 + var opts = this._o,
  957 + now = new Date(),
  958 + days = getDaysInMonth(year, month),
  959 + before = new Date(year, month, 1).getDay(),
  960 + data = [],
  961 + row = [];
  962 + setToStartOfDay(now);
  963 + if (opts.firstDay > 0) {
  964 + before -= opts.firstDay;
  965 + if (before < 0) {
  966 + before += 7;
  967 + }
  968 + }
  969 + var cells = days + before,
  970 + after = cells;
  971 + while(after > 7) {
  972 + after -= 7;
  973 + }
  974 + cells += 7 - after;
  975 + for (var i = 0, r = 0; i < cells; i++)
  976 + {
  977 + var day = new Date(year, month, 1 + (i - before)),
  978 + isSelected = isDate(this._d) ? compareDates(day, this._d) : false,
  979 + isToday = compareDates(day, now),
  980 + isEmpty = i < before || i >= (days + before),
  981 + isStartRange = opts.startRange && compareDates(opts.startRange, day),
  982 + isEndRange = opts.endRange && compareDates(opts.endRange, day),
  983 + isInRange = opts.startRange && opts.endRange && opts.startRange < day && day < opts.endRange,
  984 + isDisabled = (opts.minDate && day < opts.minDate) ||
  985 + (opts.maxDate && day > opts.maxDate) ||
  986 + (opts.disableWeekends && isWeekend(day)) ||
  987 + (opts.disableDayFn && opts.disableDayFn(day)),
  988 + dayConfig = {
  989 + day: 1 + (i - before),
  990 + month: month,
  991 + year: year,
  992 + isSelected: isSelected,
  993 + isToday: isToday,
  994 + isDisabled: isDisabled,
  995 + isEmpty: isEmpty,
  996 + isStartRange: isStartRange,
  997 + isEndRange: isEndRange,
  998 + isInRange: isInRange
  999 + };
  1000 +
  1001 + row.push(renderDay(dayConfig));
  1002 +
  1003 + if (++r === 7) {
  1004 + if (opts.showWeekNumber) {
  1005 + row.unshift(renderWeek(i - before, month, year));
  1006 + }
  1007 + data.push(renderRow(row, opts.isRTL));
  1008 + row = [];
  1009 + r = 0;
  1010 + }
  1011 + }
  1012 + return renderTable(opts, data);
  1013 + },
  1014 +
  1015 + isVisible: function()
  1016 + {
  1017 + return this._v;
  1018 + },
  1019 +
  1020 + show: function()
  1021 + {
  1022 + if (!this._v) {
  1023 + removeClass(this.el, 'is-hidden');
  1024 + this._v = true;
  1025 + this.draw();
  1026 + if (this._o.bound) {
  1027 + addEvent(document, 'click', this._onClick);
  1028 + this.adjustPosition();
  1029 + }
  1030 + if (typeof this._o.onOpen === 'function') {
  1031 +;
  1032 + }
  1033 + }
  1034 + },
  1035 +
  1036 + hide: function()
  1037 + {
  1038 + var v = this._v;
  1039 + if (v !== false) {
  1040 + if (this._o.bound) {
  1041 + removeEvent(document, 'click', this._onClick);
  1042 + }
  1043 + = 'static'; // reset
  1044 + = 'auto';
  1045 + = 'auto';
  1046 + addClass(this.el, 'is-hidden');
  1047 + this._v = false;
  1048 + if (v !== undefined && typeof this._o.onClose === 'function') {
  1049 +;
  1050 + }
  1051 + }
  1052 + },
  1053 +
  1054 + /**
  1055 + * GAME OVER
  1056 + */
  1057 + destroy: function()
  1058 + {
  1059 + this.hide();
  1060 + removeEvent(this.el, 'mousedown', this._onMouseDown, true);
  1061 + removeEvent(this.el, 'change', this._onChange);
  1062 + if (this._o.field) {
  1063 + removeEvent(this._o.field, 'change', this._onInputChange);
  1064 + if (this._o.bound) {
  1065 + removeEvent(this._o.trigger, 'click', this._onInputClick);
  1066 + removeEvent(this._o.trigger, 'focus', this._onInputFocus);
  1067 + removeEvent(this._o.trigger, 'blur', this._onInputBlur);
  1068 + }
  1069 + }
  1070 + if (this.el.parentNode) {
  1071 + this.el.parentNode.removeChild(this.el);
  1072 + }
  1073 + }
  1074 +
  1075 + };
  1076 +
  1077 + return Pikaday;
  1078 +
  1079 +}));
... ...
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
  1 +/*!
  2 + * Pikaday jQuery plugin.
  3 + *
  4 + * Copyright ยฉ 2013 David Bushell | BSD & MIT license |
  5 + */
  6 +
  7 +(function (root, factory)
  8 +{
  9 + 'use strict';
  10 +
  11 + if (typeof exports === 'object') {
  12 + // CommonJS module
  13 + factory(require('jquery'), require('../pikaday'));
  14 + } else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
  15 + // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
  16 + define(['jquery', 'pikaday'], factory);
  17 + } else {
  18 + // Browser globals
  19 + factory(root.jQuery, root.Pikaday);
  20 + }
  21 +}(this, function ($, Pikaday)
  22 +{
  23 + 'use strict';
  24 +
  25 + $.fn.pikaday = function()
  26 + {
  27 + var args = arguments;
  28 +
  29 + if (!args || !args.length) {
  30 + args = [{ }];
  31 + }
  32 +
  33 + return this.each(function()
  34 + {
  35 + var self = $(this),
  36 + plugin ='pikaday');
  37 +
  38 + if (!(plugin instanceof Pikaday)) {
  39 + if (typeof args[0] === 'object') {
  40 + var options = $.extend({}, args[0]);
  41 + options.field = self[0];
  42 +'pikaday', new Pikaday(options));
  43 + }
  44 + } else {
  45 + if (typeof args[0] === 'string' && typeof plugin[args[0]] === 'function') {
  46 + plugin[args[0]].apply(plugin,,1));
  47 + }
  48 + }
  49 + });
  50 + };
  51 +
  52 +}));
... ...
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
  1 +/*!
  2 + * Pikaday
  3 + * Copyright ยฉ 2014 David Bushell | BSD & MIT license |
  4 + */
  5 +
  6 +.pika-single {
  7 + z-index: 9999;
  8 + display: block;
  9 + position: relative;
  10 + color: #333;
  11 + background: #fff;
  12 + border: 1px solid #ccc;
  13 + border-bottom-color: #bbb;
  14 + font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
  15 +
  16 + &.is-hidden {
  17 + display: none;
  18 + }
  19 +
  20 + &.is-bound {
  21 + position: absolute;
  22 + box-shadow: 0 5px 15px -5px rgba(0,0,0,.5);
  23 + }
  24 +}
  25 +
  26 +// clear child float (pika-lendar), using the famous micro clearfix hack
  27 +//
  28 +.pika-single {
  29 + *zoom: 1;
  30 +
  31 + &:before,
  32 + &:after {
  33 + content: " ";
  34 + display: table;
  35 + }
  36 +
  37 + &:after { clear: both }
  38 +}
  39 +
  40 +.pika-lendar {
  41 + float: left;
  42 + width: 240px;
  43 + margin: 8px;
  44 +}
  45 +
  46 +.pika-title {
  47 + position: relative;
  48 + text-align: center;
  49 +
  50 + select {
  51 + cursor: pointer;
  52 + position: absolute;
  53 + z-index: 9998;
  54 + margin: 0;
  55 + left: 0;
  56 + top: 5px;
  57 + filter: alpha(opacity=0);
  58 + opacity: 0;
  59 + }
  60 +}
  61 +
  62 +.pika-label {
  63 + display: inline-block;
  64 + *display: inline;
  65 + position: relative;
  66 + z-index: 9999;
  67 + overflow: hidden;
  68 + margin: 0;
  69 + padding: 5px 3px;
  70 + font-size: 14px;
  71 + line-height: 20px;
  72 + font-weight: bold;
  73 + background-color: #fff;
  74 +}
  75 +
  76 +.pika-prev,
  77 +.pika-next {
  78 + display: block;
  79 + cursor: pointer;
  80 + position: relative;
  81 + outline: none;
  82 + border: 0;
  83 + padding: 0;
  84 + width: 20px;
  85 + height: 30px;
  86 + text-indent: 20px; // hide text using text-indent trick, using width value (it's enough)
  87 + white-space: nowrap;
  88 + overflow: hidden;
  89 + background-color: transparent;
  90 + background-position: center center;
  91 + background-repeat: no-repeat;
  92 + background-size: 75% 75%;
  93 + opacity: .5;
  94 + *position: absolute;
  95 + *top: 0;
  96 +
  97 + &:hover {
  98 + opacity: 1;
  99 + }
  100 +
  101 + &.is-disabled {
  102 + cursor: default;
  103 + opacity: .2;
  104 + }
  105 +}
  106 +
  107 +.pika-prev,
  108 .pika-next {
  109 + float: left;
  110 + background-image: url('');
  111 + *left: 0;
  112 +}
  113 +
  114 +.pika-next,
  115 .pika-prev {
  116 + float: right;
  117 + background-image: url('');
  118 + *right: 0;
  119 +}
  120 +
  121 +.pika-select {
  122 + display: inline-block;
  123 + *display: inline;
  124 +}
  125 +
  126 +.pika-table {
  127 + width: 100%;
  128 + border-collapse: collapse;
  129 + border-spacing: 0;
  130 + border: 0;
  131 +
  132 + th,
  133 + td {
  134 + width: 14.285714285714286%;
  135 + padding: 0;
  136 + }
  137 +
  138 + th {
  139 + color: #999;
  140 + font-size: 12px;
  141 + line-height: 25px;
  142 + font-weight: bold;
  143 + text-align: center;
  144 + }
  145 +
  146 + abbr {
  147 + border-bottom: none;
  148 + cursor: help;
  149 + }
  150 +}
  151 +
  152 +.pika-button {
  153 + cursor: pointer;
  154 + display: block;
  155 + -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
  156 + box-sizing: border-box;
  157 + outline: none;
  158 + border: 0;
  159 + margin: 0;
  160 + width: 100%;
  161 + padding: 5px;
  162 + color: #666;
  163 + font-size: 12px;
  164 + line-height: 15px;
  165 + text-align: right;
  166 + background: #f5f5f5;
  167 +
  168 + .is-today & {
  169 + color: #33aaff;
  170 + font-weight: bold;
  171 + }
  172 +
  173 + .is-selected & {
  174 + color: #fff;
  175 + font-weight: bold;
  176 + background: #33aaff;
  177 + box-shadow: inset 0 1px 3px #178fe5;
  178 + border-radius: 3px;
  179 + }
  180 +
  181 + .is-disabled & {
  182 + pointer-events: none;
  183 + cursor: default;
  184 + color: #999;
  185 + opacity: .3;
  186 + }
  187 +
  188 + &:hover {
  189 + color: #fff;
  190 + background: #ff8000;
  191 + box-shadow: none;
  192 + border-radius: 3px;
  193 + }
  194 +}
  195 +
  196 +.pika-week {
  197 + font-size: 11px;
  198 + color: #999;
  199 +}
  200 +
  201 .pika-button {
  202 + background: #D5E9F7;
  203 +}
  204 +
  205 .pika-button {
  206 + color: #fff;
  207 + background: #6CB31D;
  208 + box-shadow: none;
  209 + border-radius: 3px;
  210 +}
  211 +
  212 .pika-button {
  213 + color: #fff;
  214 + background: #33aaff;
  215 + box-shadow: none;
  216 + border-radius: 3px;
  217 +}
... ...
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
  1 +var Pikaday = require('../'),
  2 + expect = require('expect.js');
  3 +
  4 +describe('Pikaday public method', function ()
  5 +{
  6 + 'use strict';
  7 +
  8 + describe('#toString()', function ()
  9 + {
  10 + it('should return empty string when date not set', function ()
  11 + {
  12 + var pikaday = new Pikaday();
  13 + expect(pikaday.toString());
  14 + });
  15 +
  16 + it('should return date string, formatted by moment, when date is set', function() {
  17 + var date = new Date(2014, 3, 25),
  18 + pikaday = new Pikaday({
  19 + format: 'DD-MM-YY'
  20 + });
  21 +
  22 + pikaday.setDate(date);
  23 + expect(pikaday.toString()).to.eql('25-04-14');
  24 + });
  25 + });
  26 +
  27 + describe('When specifying minDate option in Constructor', function () {
  28 + it('Should remove the time portion (flattening to midnight)', function () {
  29 + var date = new Date(2015, 1, 17, 22, 10, 5),
  30 + expected = new Date(2015, 1, 17, 0, 0, 0),
  31 + pikaday = new Pikaday({ minDate: date });
  32 +
  33 + expect(pikaday._o.minDate).to.eql(expected);
  34 + });
  35 + });
  36 +
  37 + describe('#setMinDate()', function () {
  38 + it('should flatten date to midnight ignoring time portion (consistent with minDate option in ctor)', function () {
  39 + var date = new Date(2015, 1, 17, 22, 10, 5),
  40 + expected = new Date(2015, 1, 17, 0, 0, 0),
  41 + pikaday = new Pikaday();
  42 +
  43 + pikaday.setMinDate(date);
  44 + expect(pikaday._o.minDate).to.eql(expected);
  45 + });
  46 + });
  47 +});
... ...
... ... @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
  1 +var Pikaday = require('../'),
  2 + expect = require('expect.js');
  3 +
  4 +describe('Pikaday', function ()
  5 +{
  6 + 'use strict';
  7 +
  8 + it('should expose as a CommonJS module', function ()
  9 + {
  10 + expect(Pikaday)'function');
  11 + });
  12 +
  13 + it('should NOT leak to the global object', function ()
  14 + {
  15 + expect(window)'Pikaday');
  16 + });
  17 +
  18 + it('should be possible to create a new instance', function ()
  19 + {
  20 + expect(function () {
  21 + new Pikaday();
  22 + }).to.not.throwException();
  23 + });
  24 +});
0 25 \ No newline at end of file
... ...